Python numpy.vstack() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def draw_flow(img, flow, step=16):
    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    y, x = np.mgrid[step/2:h:step, step/2:w:step].reshape(2,-1)
    fx, fy = flow[y,x].T
    m = np.bitwise_and(np.isfinite(fx), np.isfinite(fy))
    lines = np.vstack([x[m], y[m], x[m]+fx[m], y[m]+fy[m]]).T.reshape(-1, 2, 2)
    lines = np.int32(lines + 0.5)
    vis = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    cv2.polylines(vis, lines, 0, (0, 255, 0))
    for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in lines:, (x1, y1), 1, (0, 255, 0), -1)
    return vis 

Example 2

def visualize(self, vis, colored=True): 

            tids = set(self.ids)
            return vis

        for hid, hbox in izip(self.ids, self.bboxes): 
            cv2.rectangle(vis, (hbox[0], hbox[1]), (hbox[2], hbox[3]), (0,255,0), 1)

        vis = super(BoundingBoxKLT, self).viz(vis, colored=colored)

        # for tid, pts in self.tm_.tracks.iteritems(): 
        #     if tid not in tids: continue
        #     cv2.polylines(vis, [np.vstack(pts.items).astype(np.int32)[-4:]], False, 
        #                   (0,255,0), thickness=1)
        #     tl, br = np.int32(pts.latest_item)-2, np.int32(pts.latest_item)+2
        #     cv2.rectangle(vis, (tl[0], tl[1]), (br[0], br[1]), (0,255,0), -1)

        # OpenCVKLT.draw_tracks(self, vis, colored=colored, max_track_length=10)
        return vis 

Example 3

def compute_nystrom(ds_name, use_node_labels, embedding_dim, community_detection_method, kernels):
	if ds_name=="SYNTHETIC":
		graphs, labels = generate_synthetic()
		graphs, labels = load_data(ds_name, use_node_labels)
	communities, subgraphs = compute_communities(graphs, use_node_labels, community_detection_method)

	print("Number of communities: ", len(communities))
	lens = []
	for community in communities:

	print("Average size: %.2f" % np.mean(lens))
	for idx, k in enumerate(kernels):
		model = Nystrom(k, n_components=embedding_dim)
		Q_t = model.transform(communities)
		Q_t = np.vstack([np.zeros(embedding_dim), Q_t])

	return Q, subgraphs, labels, Q_t.shape 

Example 4

def grid_data(source, grid=32, crop=16, expand=12):
    gridsize = grid + 2 * expand
    stacksize = source.shape[0]
    height = source.shape[3]  # should be 224 for our data
    width = source.shape[4]
    gridheight = (height - 2 * crop) // grid  # should be 6 for our data
    gridwidth = (width - 2 * crop) // grid
    cells = []
    for j in range(gridheight):
        for i in range (gridwidth):
            cell = source[:,:,:, crop+j*grid-expand:crop+(j+1)*grid+expand, crop+i*grid-expand:crop+(i+1)*grid+expand]
    cells = np.vstack (cells)

    return cells, gridwidth, gridheight 

Example 5

def calculate_beta(self):

        .. math::

            \\beta_a = \\frac{\mathrm{Cov}(r_a,r_p)}{\mathrm{Var}(r_p)}
        # it doesn't make much sense to calculate beta for less than two
        # values, so return none.
        if len(self.algorithm_returns) < 2:
            return 0.0

        returns_matrix = np.vstack([self.algorithm_returns,
        C = np.cov(returns_matrix, ddof=1)
        algorithm_covariance = C[0][1]
        benchmark_variance = C[1][1]
        beta = algorithm_covariance / benchmark_variance

        return beta 

Example 6

def KeyGen(**kwargs):
	Appendix B of BLISS paper
	m_bar = m + n

	A: Public Key n x m' numpy array
	S: Secret Key m'x n numpy array
	q, n, m, alpha = kwargs['q'], kwargs['n'], kwargs['m'], kwargs['alpha']
	Aq_bar = util.crypt_secure_matrix(-(q-1)/2, (q-1)/2, n, m)
	S_bar = util.crypt_secure_matrix(-(2)**alpha, (2)**alpha, m, n) # alpha is small enough, we need not reduce (modq)
	S = np.vstack((S_bar, np.eye(n, dtype = int))) # dimension is m_bar x n, Elements are in Z mod(2q)
	A = np.hstack((2*Aq_bar, q * np.eye(n, dtype = int) - 2*np.matmul(Aq_bar,S_bar))) # dimension is n x m_bar , Elements are in Z mod(2q)
	#return util.matrix_to_Zq(A, 2*q), S, Aq_bar, S_bar
	return util.matrix_to_Zq(A, 2*q), S 

Example 7

def main():
    fish = loadmat('./data/fish.mat')

    X1 = np.zeros((fish['X'].shape[0], fish['X'].shape[1] + 1))
    X1[:,:-1] = fish['X']
    X2 = np.ones((fish['X'].shape[0], fish['X'].shape[1] + 1))
    X2[:,:-1] = fish['X']
    X = np.vstack((X1, X2))

    Y1 = np.zeros((fish['Y'].shape[0], fish['Y'].shape[1] + 1))
    Y1[:,:-1] = fish['Y']
    Y2 = np.ones((fish['Y'].shape[0], fish['Y'].shape[1] + 1))
    Y2[:,:-1] = fish['Y']
    Y = np.vstack((Y1, Y2))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    callback = partial(visualize, ax=ax)

    reg = affine_registration(X, Y)

Example 8

def volume_to_point_cloud(vol):
    """ vol is occupancy grid (value = 0 or 1) of size vsize*vsize*vsize
        return Nx3 numpy array.
    vsize = vol.shape[0]
    assert(vol.shape[1] == vsize and vol.shape[1] == vsize)
    points = []
    for a in range(vsize):
        for b in range(vsize):
            for c in range(vsize):
                if vol[a,b,c] == 1:
    if len(points) == 0:
        return np.zeros((0,3))
    points = np.vstack(points)
    return points

# ----------------------------------------
# Point cloud IO
# ---------------------------------------- 

Example 9

def standard_case(self):
        """Create standard testcase from Thetas defined in this Testcase. The following
        metrics can be calculated by hand and should match the computations:

        precisions: [1, 1, 0, 2/3, 1]
        recalls: [1, 1, 0, 1, 0.5]
        f1s: [1, 1, 0, 0.8, 2/3]
        tps: 1 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5
        fps: 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 2
        fns: 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 = 3
        tns: 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 5
        Theta_true = np.vstack([
            np.repeat(self.Theta_true1[nx, :, :], 2, axis=0),
            np.repeat(self.Theta_true2[nx, :, :], 3, axis=0)
        Theta_pred = np.vstack([
            np.repeat(self.Theta_pred1[nx, :, :], 3, axis=0),
            self.Theta_pred2[nx, :, :],
            self.Theta_pred3[nx, :, :]
        return Theta_true, Theta_pred 

Example 10

def generate_anchors_pre(height, width, feat_stride, anchor_scales=(8,16,32), anchor_ratios=(0.5,1,2)):
  """ A wrapper function to generate anchors given different scales
    Also return the number of anchors in variable 'length'
  anchors = generate_anchors(ratios=np.array(anchor_ratios), scales=np.array(anchor_scales))
  A = anchors.shape[0]
  shift_x = np.arange(0, width) * feat_stride
  shift_y = np.arange(0, height) * feat_stride
  shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
  shifts = np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(), shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose()
  K = shifts.shape[0]
  # width changes faster, so here it is H, W, C
  anchors = anchors.reshape((1, A, 4)) + shifts.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2))
  anchors = anchors.reshape((K * A, 4)).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
  length = np.int32(anchors.shape[0])

  return anchors, length 

Example 11

def draw_laser_frustum(pose, zmin=0.0, zmax=10, fov=np.deg2rad(60)): 

    N = 30
    curve = np.vstack([(
        RigidTransform.from_rpyxyz(0, 0, rad, 0, 0, 0) * np.array([[zmax, 0, 0]])) 
             for rad in np.linspace(-fov/2, fov/2, N)])
    curve_w = pose * curve

    faces, edges = [], []
    for cpt1, cpt2 in zip(curve_w[:-1], curve_w[1:]): 
        faces.extend([pose.translation, cpt1, cpt2])
        edges.extend([cpt1, cpt2])

    # Connect the last pt in the curve w/ the current pose, 
    # then connect the the first pt in the curve w/ the curr. pose
    edges.extend([edges[-1], pose.translation])
    edges.extend([edges[0], pose.translation])

    faces = np.vstack(faces)
    edges = np.vstack(edges)
    return (faces, edges) 

Example 12

def __init__(self, target, instance, files): 
   = target 
            self.instance = instance
            mask_files = natural_sort(filter(lambda fn: '_maskcrop.png' in fn, files))
            depth_files = natural_sort(filter(lambda  fn: '_depthcrop.png' in fn, files))
            rgb_files = natural_sort(list(set(files) - set(mask_files) - set(depth_files)))
            loc_files = natural_sort(map(lambda fn: fn.replace('_crop.png', '_loc.txt'), rgb_files))

            # Ensure all have equal number of files (Hack! doesn't ensure filename consistency)
            nfiles = np.min([len(loc_files), len(mask_files), len(depth_files), len(rgb_files)])
            mask_files, depth_files, rgb_files, loc_files = mask_files[:nfiles], depth_files[:nfiles], \
                                                            rgb_files[:nfiles], loc_files[:nfiles]

            # print target, instance, len(loc_files), len(mask_files), len(depth_files), len(rgb_files)
            assert(len(mask_files) == len(depth_files) == len(rgb_files) == len(loc_files))

            # Read images
            self.rgb = ImageDatasetReader.from_filenames(rgb_files)
            self.depth = ImageDatasetReader.from_filenames(depth_files)
            self.mask = ImageDatasetReader.from_filenames(mask_files)

            # Read top-left locations of bounding box
            self.locations = np.vstack([np.loadtxt(loc, delimiter=',', dtype=np.int32) 
                                        for loc in loc_files]) 

Example 13

def __init__(self, frame=None): 
        Load annotation from json
        self.annotations_ = []

        # Retrieve polygons
            polygons = frame['polygon']

        # For each polygon
        for poly in polygons: 

            # Get coordinates
            xy = np.vstack([np.float32(poly['x']), 

            # Object ID (from local annotation file)
            object_id = poly['object']
            self.add(poly['object'], xy) 

Example 14

def im_detect_and_describe(img, mask=None, detector='dense', descriptor='SIFT', colorspace='gray',
                           step=4, levels=7, scale=np.sqrt(2)): 
    Describe image using dense sampling / specific detector-descriptor combination. 
    detector = get_detector(detector=detector, step=step, levels=levels, scale=scale)
    extractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create(descriptor)

        kpts = detector.detect(img, mask=mask)
        kpts, desc = extractor.compute(img, kpts)
        if descriptor == 'SIFT': 
            kpts, desc = root_sift(kpts, desc)

        pts = np.vstack([ for kp in kpts]).astype(np.int32)
        return pts, desc

    except Exception as e: 
        print 'im_detect_and_describe', e
        return None, None 

Example 15

def im_describe(*args, **kwargs): 
    Describe image using dense sampling / specific detector-descriptor combination. 
    Sugar for description-only call. 
    kpts, desc = im_detect_and_describe(*args, **kwargs)
    return desc

# def color_codes(img, kpts): 
#     # Extract color information (Lab)
#     pts = np.vstack([ for kp in kpts]).astype(np.int32)
#     imgc = median_blur(img, size=5) 
#     cdesc = img[pts[:,1], pts[:,0]]
#     return kpts, np.hstack([desc, cdesc])

# =====================================================================
# General-purpose object recognition interfaces, and functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 16

def points_and_normals(self): 
        Returns the point/normals parametrization for planes, 
        including clipped zmin and zmax frustums

        Note: points need to be in CCW

        nv1, fv1 = self._front_back_vertices
        nv2 = np.roll(nv1, -1, axis=0)
        fv2 = np.roll(fv1, -1, axis=0)

        vx = np.vstack([fv1-nv1, nv2[0]-nv1[0], fv1[2]-fv1[1]])
        vy = np.vstack([fv2-fv1, nv2[1]-nv2[0], fv1[1]-fv1[0]])
        pts = np.vstack([fv1, nv1[0], fv1[1]])

        # vx += 1e-12
        # vy += 1e-12

        vx /= np.linalg.norm(vx, axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
        vy /= np.linalg.norm(vy, axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
        normals = np.cross(vx, vy)
        normals /= np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
        return pts, normals 

Example 17

def draw_bboxes(vis, bboxes, texts=None, ellipse=False, colored=True):
    if not len(bboxes): 
        return vis

    if not colored: 
        cols = np.tile([240,240,240], [len(bboxes), 1])
        N = 20
        cwheel = colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, N))
        cols = np.vstack([cwheel[idx % N] for idx, _ in enumerate(bboxes)])            

    texts = [None] * len(bboxes) if texts is None else texts
    for col, b, t in zip(cols, bboxes, texts): 
        if ellipse: 
            cv2.ellipse(vis, ((b[0]+b[2])/2, (b[1]+b[3])/2), ((b[2]-b[0])/2, (b[3]-b[1])/2), 0, 0, 360, 
                        color=tuple(col), thickness=1)
            cv2.rectangle(vis, (b[0], b[1]), (b[2], b[3]), tuple(col), 2)
        if t: 
            annotate_bbox(vis, b, title=t)
    return vis 

Example 18

def plotTimeMultiHistogram(parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes, filename): # times in ms
    bins = np.linspace(0, 5000, 50)
    data = np.vstack([parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes]).T
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.hist(data, bins, alpha=0.7, label=['parsing', 'hashing', 'compiling'], color=[parseColor, hashColor, compileColor])
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    boxplot_data = [[i/1000 for i in parseTimes], [i/1000 for i in hashTimes], [i/1000 for i in compileTimes]] # times to s
    plt.boxplot(boxplot_data, 0, 'rs', 0, [5, 95])
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')
    plt.yticks([1, 2, 3], ['parsing', 'hashing', 'compiling'])
    #lgd = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # legend on the right
    fig.savefig(filename[:-4] + '_boxplots' + GRAPH_EXTENSION) 

Example 19

def take_product(do_dict):
    this function takes some dictionary like:
        {key1:1, key2:[a,b], key3:[c,d]}
    and returns the dictionary:
        {key1:[1,1,1], key2[a,a,b,b,],key3[c,d,c,d]}
    computing the product of values
    for v in do_dict.values():
        if hasattr(v,'__iter__'):
            values.append([v])#allows scalar to be passed

    return {k:np.array(v) for k,v in zip(do_dict.keys(),zip(*prod_values))} 

Example 20

def get_interv_table(model,intrv=True):

    for name in
        for d_val in d_vals:
            do_dict={[name].label_logit : d_val*np.ones((model.batch_size,1))}




    return table

#dT=pd.DataFrame(index=p_names, data=T, columns=do_names)

Example 21

def __loadChnTimeWave(self,f,selectChan):
        times = list()
        waveforms = list()
        spk_startswith = "spike_{0}".format(selectChan)
        for chn_unit in f["spikes"].keys():
            if chn_unit.startswith(spk_startswith):
                time = f["spikes"][chn_unit]["times"].value
                waveform = f["spikes"][chn_unit]["waveforms"].value
        if times:
            times = np.hstack(times)
            waveforms = np.vstack(waveforms)
            sort_index = np.argsort(times)
            waveforms = waveforms[sort_index]
            times = times[sort_index]
            return times,waveforms
            return None,None 

Example 22

def __load_waveforms(self,selectChan,file_name):
        spk_startswith = "spike_{0}".format(selectChan)
        with hp.File(file_name,"r") as f:
            times = list()
            waveforms = list()
            for chn_unit in f["spikes"].keys():
                if chn_unit.startswith(spk_startswith):
                    tep_time = f["spikes"][chn_unit]["times"].value
                    waveform = f["spikes"][chn_unit]["waveforms"].value
            if times:
                times = np.hstack(times)
                waveforms = np.vstack(waveforms)
                sort_index = np.argsort(times)
                waveforms = waveforms[sort_index]
                return waveforms
                return None 

Example 23

def _extract_signals(self, data, metadata, lazy):

        signal = None
        if lazy and data.size > 0:
            signal = AnalogSignal([],
            signal.lazy_shape = None
            arr = numpy.vstack(self._extract_array(data, channel_index)
                               for channel_index in range(metadata['first_index'], metadata['last_index'] + 1))
            if len(arr) > 0:
                signal = AnalogSignal(arr.T,
        if signal is not None:
        return signal 

Example 24

def __load_waveforms(self,selectChan,file_name):
        spk_startswith = "spike_{0}".format(selectChan)
        with hp.File(file_name,"r") as f:
            times = list()
            waveforms = list()
            for chn_unit in f["spikes"].keys():
                if chn_unit.startswith(spk_startswith):
                    tep_time = f["spikes"][chn_unit]["times"].value
                    waveform = f["spikes"][chn_unit]["waveforms"].value
            if times:
                times = np.hstack(times)
                waveforms = np.vstack(waveforms)
                sort_index = np.argsort(times)
                waveforms = waveforms[sort_index]
                return waveforms
                return None 

Example 25

def _extract_signals(self, data, metadata, lazy):

        signal = None
        if lazy and data.size > 0:
            signal = AnalogSignal([],
            signal.lazy_shape = None
            arr = numpy.vstack(self._extract_array(data, channel_index)
                               for channel_index in range(metadata['first_index'], metadata['last_index'] + 1))
            if len(arr) > 0:
                signal = AnalogSignal(arr.T,
        if signal is not None:
        return signal 

Example 26

def predict_proba(self, X): 
    X1 = self.build_matrix(X)
    if  self.k_models!=None and len(self.k_models)<2:
        predictions = self.bst.predict(X1)
    else :
        dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X)
        predictions= None
        for gbdt in self.k_models:
            predsnew = gbdt.predict(dtest, ntree_limit=(gbdt.best_iteration+1)*self.num_parallel_tree)  
            if predictions==None:
                for g in range (0, predsnew.shape[0]):
        for g in range (0, len(predictions)):
    if self.objective == 'multi:softprob': return predictions.reshape( rows, self.num_class)
    return np.vstack([1 - predictions, predictions]).T 

Example 27

def parse_audio_files(parent_dir,sub_dirs,file_ext='*.wav'):
    ignored = 0
    features, labels, name = np.empty((0,161)), np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
    for label, sub_dir in enumerate(sub_dirs):
        print sub_dir
        for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(parent_dir, sub_dir, file_ext)):
                mfccs, chroma, mel, contrast, tonnetz = extract_features(fn)
                ext_features = np.hstack([mfccs, chroma, mel, contrast, tonnetz])
                features = np.vstack([features,ext_features])
                l = [fn.split('-')[1]] * (mfccs.shape[0])
                labels = np.append(labels, l)
	    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                ignored += 1
    print "Ignored files: ", ignored
    return np.array(features), np.array(labels, dtype = 

Example 28

def _get_image_blob(roidb, scale_inds):
    """Builds an input blob from the images in the roidb at the specified
    num_images = len(roidb)
    processed_ims = []
    im_scales = []
    im_shapes = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in xrange(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(roidb[i]['image'])
        if roidb[i]['flipped']:
            im = im[:, ::-1, :]
        target_size = cfg.TRAIN.SCALES[scale_inds[i]]
        im, im_scale, im_shape = prep_im_for_blob(im, cfg.PIXEL_MEANS, target_size)
        im_shapes = np.vstack((im_shapes, im_shape))

    # Create a blob to hold the input images
    blob = im_list_to_blob(processed_ims)

    return blob, im_scales, im_shapes 

Example 29

def _block2df(block,obstypes,svnames,svnum):
    input: block of text corresponding to one time increment INTERVAL of RINEX file
    output: 2-D array of float64 data from block. Future: consider whether best to use Numpy, Pandas, or Xray.
    nobs = len(obstypes)

    strio = BytesIO(block.encode())
    barr = np.genfromtxt(strio, delimiter=(14,1,1)*5).reshape((svnum,-1), order='C')

    data = barr[:,0:nobs*stride:stride]
    lli  = barr[:,1:nobs*stride:stride]
    ssi  = barr[:,2:nobs*stride:stride]

    data = np.vstack(([data.T],[lli.T],[ssi.T])).T

    return data 

Example 30

def _block2df(block,obstypes,svnames,svnum):
    input: block of text corresponding to one time increment INTERVAL of RINEX file
    output: 2-D array of float64 data from block. Future: consider whether best to use Numpy, Pandas, or Xray.
    nobs = len(obstypes)

    strio = BytesIO(block.encode())
    barr = np.genfromtxt(strio, delimiter=(14,1,1)*5).reshape((svnum,-1), order='C')

    data = barr[:,0:nobs*stride:stride]
    lli  = barr[:,1:nobs*stride:stride]
    ssi  = barr[:,2:nobs*stride:stride]

    data = np.vstack(([data.T],[lli.T],[ssi.T])).T

    return data 

Example 31

def _block2df(block,obstypes,svnames,svnum):
    input: block of text corresponding to one time increment INTERVAL of RINEX file
    output: 2-D array of float64 data from block.
    nobs = len(obstypes)

    strio = BytesIO(block.encode())
    barr = np.genfromtxt(strio, delimiter=(14,1,1)*5).reshape((svnum,-1), order='C')

    data = barr[:,0:nobs*stride:stride]
    lli  = barr[:,1:nobs*stride:stride]
    ssi  = barr[:,2:nobs*stride:stride]

    data = np.vstack(([data],[lli],[ssi])).T #4D numpy array

    return data 

Example 32

def get_score_bounds_from_range(Z_min, Z_max, rho_lb, rho_ub, L0_max = None):
    "global variables: L0_reg_ind"
    edge_values = np.vstack([Z_min * rho_lb,
                             Z_max * rho_lb,
                             Z_min * rho_ub,
                             Z_max * rho_ub])

    if L0_max is None or L0_max == Z_min.shape[0]:
        s_min = np.sum(np.min(edge_values, axis = 0))
        s_max = np.sum(np.max(edge_values, axis = 0))
        min_values = np.min(edge_values, axis = 0)
        s_min_reg = np.sum(np.sort(min_values[L0_reg_ind])[0:L0_max])
        s_min_no_reg = np.sum(min_values[~L0_reg_ind])
        s_min = s_min_reg + s_min_no_reg

        max_values = np.max(edge_values, axis = 0)
        s_max_reg = np.sum(-np.sort(-max_values[L0_reg_ind])[0:L0_max])
        s_max_no_reg = np.sum(max_values[~L0_reg_ind])
        s_max = s_max_reg + s_max_no_reg

    return s_min, s_max

#setup weights 

Example 33

def get_score_bounds(Z_min, Z_max, rho_lb, rho_ub, L0_reg_ind = None, L0_max = None):
    edge_values = np.vstack([Z_min * rho_lb,
                             Z_max * rho_lb,
                             Z_min * rho_ub,
                             Z_max * rho_ub])

    if (L0_max is None) or (L0_reg_ind is None) or (L0_max == Z_min.shape[0]):
        s_min = np.sum(np.min(edge_values, axis=0))
        s_max = np.sum(np.max(edge_values, axis=0))
        min_values = np.min(edge_values, axis=0)
        s_min_reg = np.sum(np.sort(min_values[L0_reg_ind])[0:L0_max])
        s_min_no_reg = np.sum(min_values[~L0_reg_ind])
        s_min = s_min_reg + s_min_no_reg

        max_values = np.max(edge_values, axis=0)
        s_max_reg = np.sum(-np.sort(-max_values[L0_reg_ind])[0:L0_max])
        s_max_no_reg = np.sum(max_values[~L0_reg_ind])
        s_max = s_max_reg + s_max_no_reg

    return s_min, s_max 

Example 34

def _makeflat(self, start=None, end=None, groups = False):     
        eeg = list()
        for sub in[start:end]:
            if len(sub) % self.chunk_len == 0:
                eeg.append(sub.reshape([-1, self.chunk_len,3]))
                print('ERROR: Please choose a chunk length that is a factor of {}. Current len = {}'.format(self.samples_per_epoch, len(sub)))
                return [0,0]
        hypno = list()
        group = list()
        hypno_repeat = self.samples_per_epoch / self.chunk_len
        idx = 0
        for sub in self.hypno[start:end]:
            hypno.append(np.repeat(sub, hypno_repeat))
            group.append(np.repeat(idx, len(hypno[-1])))
            idx += 1
        if groups:
            return np.vstack(eeg), np.hstack(hypno), np.hstack(group)
            return np.vstack(eeg), np.hstack(hypno) 

Example 35

def natural_key(string_):
    return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', string_)]   


#val_acc = [y[0] for y in [x for x in l]]
#val_f1 = [y[1] for y in [x for x in l]]
#test_acc = [y[2] for y in [x for x in l]]
#test_f1 = [y[3] for y in [x for x in l]]
#val = np.vstack([val_acc, val_f1]).T
#test = np.vstack([test_acc, test_f1]).T

#a   = pickle.load(open('./results_dataset_feat_edfx','rb')) 

Example 36

def enroll(self, enroll_features):
    """enroll(enroll_features) -> model

    Enrolls the model by storing all given input vectors.


    enroll_features : [1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`]
      The list of projected features to enroll the model from.


    model : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
      The enrolled model.
    assert len(enroll_features)
    [self._check_feature(feature, True) for feature in enroll_features]
    # just store all the features
    return numpy.vstack(enroll_features) 

Example 37

def enroll(self, enroll_features):
    """enroll(enroll_features) -> model

    Enrolls the model by storing all given input vectors.


    ``enroll_features`` : [:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`]
      The list of projected features to enroll the model from.


    ``model`` : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
      The enrolled model.
    assert len(enroll_features)
    [self._check_feature(feature) for feature in enroll_features]
    # just store all the features
    return numpy.vstack(f.flatten() for f in enroll_features) 

Example 38

def train_projector(self, training_features, projector_file):
    """Generates the PCA covariance matrix and writes it into the given projector_file.


    training_features : [1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`]
      A list of 1D training arrays (vectors) to train the PCA projection matrix with.

    projector_file : str
      A writable file, into which the PCA projection matrix (as a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine`) and the eigenvalues will be written.
    # Assure that all data are 1D
    [self._check_feature(feature) for feature in training_features]

    # Initializes the data
    data = numpy.vstack(training_features)"  -> Training LinearMachine using PCA")
    t = bob.learn.linear.PCATrainer()
    self.machine, self.variances = t.train(data)
    # For re-shaping, we need to copy...
    self.variances = self.variances.copy()

    # compute variance percentage, if desired
    if isinstance(self.subspace_dim, float):
      cummulated = numpy.cumsum(self.variances) / numpy.sum(self.variances)
      for index in range(len(cummulated)):
        if cummulated[index] > self.subspace_dim:
          self.subspace_dim = index
      self.subspace_dim = index"    ... Keeping %d PCA dimensions", self.subspace_dim)
    # re-shape machine
    self.machine.resize(self.machine.shape[0], self.subspace_dim)

    f =, "w")
    f.set("Eigenvalues", self.variances)

Example 39

def enroll(self, enroll_features):
    """enroll(enroll_features) -> model

    Enrolls the model by storing all given input vectors.


    enroll_features : [1D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`]
      The list of projected features to enroll the model from.


    model : 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
      The enrolled model.
    assert len(enroll_features)
    [self._check_feature(feature, True) for feature in enroll_features]
    # just store all the features
    return numpy.vstack(enroll_features) 

Example 40

def _scores_d_normalize(t_model_ids, group):
  """Compute normalized D scores for the given T-model ids"""
  # the file selector object
  fs = FileSelector.instance()

  # initialize D and D_same_value matrices
  d_for_all = None
  d_same_value = None
  for t_model_id in t_model_ids:
    tmp =, group))
    tmp2 =, group))
    if d_for_all is None and d_same_value is None:
      d_for_all = tmp
      d_same_value = tmp2
      d_for_all = numpy.vstack((d_for_all, tmp))
      d_same_value = numpy.vstack((d_same_value, tmp2))

  # Saves to files, fs.d_matrix_file(group)), fs.d_same_value_matrix_file(group)) 

Example 41

def x_frame2D(X, plot_limits=None, resolution=None):
    Internal helper function for making plots, returns a set of input values to plot as well as lower and upper limits

    assert X.shape[1] == 2, \
        'x_frame2D is defined for two-dimensional inputs'
    if plot_limits is None:
        (xmin, xmax) = (X.min(0), X.max(0))
        (xmin, xmax) = (xmin - 0.2 * (xmax - xmin), xmax + 0.2 * (xmax
                        - xmin))
    elif len(plot_limits) == 2:
        (xmin, xmax) = plot_limits
        raise ValueError, 'Bad limits for plotting'

    resolution = resolution or 50
    (xx, yy) = np.mgrid[xmin[0]:xmax[0]:1j * resolution, xmin[1]:
                        xmax[1]:1j * resolution]
    Xnew = np.vstack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())).T
    return (Xnew, xx, yy, xmin, xmax) 

Example 42

def loadX(fname):
    Read data records into a data matrix.
    Also return vocabulary.

    events = []
    words_keys = set()
    for e in load(fname):
        words_keys = words_keys | set(e[5].keys())
    words_keys = sorted(list(words_keys))
    for (eidx, e) in enumerate(events):
        events[eidx] = list(e[:5]) + [e[5].get(word_key, 0)
                for word_key in words_keys]
    X = np.vstack(events)
    return (X, words_keys) 

Example 43

def get_document_batch(self, doc_id):
        """builds batch of all mention pairs in one document

            doc_id: id of document

            feature representation of mentions and labels
        mentions = self.dl.get_all_mentions_from_doc(doc_id)
        if len(mentions) == 0:
            return None, None
        A, B = [], []
        for a in mentions:
            for b in mentions:
        A_f = [self._mention_to_features(m) for m in A]
        B_f = [self._mention_to_features(m) for m in B]
        AB_f = self._pair_features(A, B)
        A = [self.dl.mention_features[m] for m in A]
        B = [self.dl.mention_features[m] for m in B]
        return np.vstack(A), np.stack(A_f), np.vstack(B), np.stack(B_f), np.stack(AB_f) 

Example 44

def log(p):
	q = p.rot
	t = p.trans
	r = quat.log(q)
	D = quat.dlog(r)
	return np.vstack((r, D * t)) 

Example 45

def plotFields(layer,fieldShape=None,channel=None,figOffset=1,cmap=None,padding=0.01):
	# Receptive Fields Summary
		W = layer.W
		W = layer
	wp = W.eval().transpose();
	if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4:		# Fully connected layer, has no shape
		fields = np.reshape(wp,list(wp.shape[0:-1])+fieldShape)	
	else:			# Convolutional layer already has shape
		features, channels, iy, ix = np.shape(wp)
		if channel is not None:
			fields = wp[:,channel,:,:]
			fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix])

	perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fields.shape[0])))
	perColumn = int(math.ceil(fields.shape[0]/float(perRow)))

	fig = mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf()
	# Using image grid
	from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
	grid = ImageGrid(fig,111,nrows_ncols=(perRow,perColumn),axes_pad=padding,cbar_mode='single')
	for i in range(0,np.shape(fields)[0]):
		im = grid[i].imshow(fields[i],cmap=cmap); 

	mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' %
	# old way
	# fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))])
	# tiled = []
	# for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn):
	# 	tiled.append(np.hstack(fields2[i:i+perColumn]))
	# tiled = np.vstack(tiled)
	# mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' %; mpl.colorbar();
	mpl.figure(figOffset+1); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(np.sum(np.abs(fields),0),cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Total Absolute Input Dependency' %; mpl.colorbar() 

Example 46

def plotOutput(layer,feed_dict,fieldShape=None,channel=None,figOffset=1,cmap=None):
	# Output summary
		W = layer.output
		W = layer
	wp = W.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict);
	if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4:		# Fully connected layer, has no shape
		temp = np.zeros(np.product(fieldShape)); temp[0:np.shape(wp.ravel())[0]] = wp.ravel()
		fields = np.reshape(temp,[1]+fieldShape)
	else:			# Convolutional layer already has shape
		wp = np.rollaxis(wp,3,0)
		features, channels, iy,ix = np.shape(wp)
		if channel is not None:
			fields = wp[:,channel,:,:]
			fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix])

	perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fields.shape[0])))
	perColumn = int(math.ceil(fields.shape[0]/float(perRow)))
	fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))])
	tiled = []
	for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn):

	tiled = np.vstack(tiled)
	if figOffset is not None:
		mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); 

	mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Output' %; mpl.colorbar(); 

Example 47

def plotFields(layer,fieldShape=None,channel=None,maxFields=25,figName='ReceptiveFields',cmap=None,padding=0.01):
	# Receptive Fields Summary
	W = layer.W
	wp = W.eval().transpose();
	if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4:		# Fully connected layer, has no shape
		fields = np.reshape(wp,list(wp.shape[0:-1])+fieldShape)
	else:			# Convolutional layer already has shape
		features, channels, iy, ix = np.shape(wp)
		if channel is not None:
			fields = wp[:,channel,:,:]
			fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix])

	fieldsN = min(fields.shape[0],maxFields)
	perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fieldsN)))
	perColumn = int(math.ceil(fieldsN/float(perRow)))

	fig = mpl.figure(figName); mpl.clf()

	# Using image grid
	from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
	grid = ImageGrid(fig,111,nrows_ncols=(perRow,perColumn),axes_pad=padding,cbar_mode='single')
	for i in range(0,fieldsN):
		im = grid[i].imshow(fields[i],cmap=cmap);

	mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' %

	# old way
	# fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))])
	# tiled = []
	# for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn):
	# 	tiled.append(np.hstack(fields2[i:i+perColumn]))
	# tiled = np.vstack(tiled)
	# mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Receptive Fields' %; mpl.colorbar();
	mpl.figure(figName+' Total'); mpl.clf(); mpl.imshow(np.sum(np.abs(fields),0),cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Total Absolute Input Dependency' %; mpl.colorbar() 

Example 48

def plotOutput(layer,feed_dict,fieldShape=None,channel=None,figOffset=1,cmap=None):
	# Output summary
	W = layer.output
	wp = W.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict);
	if len(np.shape(wp)) < 4:		# Fully connected layer, has no shape
		temp = np.zeros(np.product(fieldShape)); temp[0:np.shape(wp.ravel())[0]] = wp.ravel()
		fields = np.reshape(temp,[1]+fieldShape)
	else:			# Convolutional layer already has shape
		wp = np.rollaxis(wp,3,0)
		features, channels, iy,ix = np.shape(wp)
		if channel is not None:
			fields = wp[:,channel,:,:]
			fields = np.reshape(wp,[features*channels,iy,ix])

	perRow = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(fields.shape[0])))
	perColumn = int(math.ceil(fields.shape[0]/float(perRow)))
	fields2 = np.vstack([fields,np.zeros([perRow*perColumn-fields.shape[0]] + list(fields.shape[1:]))])
	tiled = []
	for i in range(0,perColumn*perRow,perColumn):

	tiled = np.vstack(tiled)
	if figOffset is not None:
		mpl.figure(figOffset); mpl.clf();

	mpl.imshow(tiled,cmap=cmap); mpl.title('%s Output' %; mpl.colorbar(); 

Example 49

def get_tm_opp(pts1, pts2):
    # Transformation matrix - ( Translation + Scaling + Rotation )
    # using Procuster analysis
    pts1 = np.float64(pts1)
    pts2 = np.float64(pts2)

    m1 = np.mean(pts1, axis = 0)
    m2 = np.mean(pts2, axis = 0)

    # Removing translation
    pts1 -= m1
    pts2 -= m2

    std1 = np.std(pts1)
    std2 = np.std(pts2)
    std_r = std2/std1

    # Removing scaling
    pts1 /= std1
    pts2 /= std2

    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(np.transpose(pts1) * pts2)

    # Finding the rotation matrix
    R = np.transpose(U * V)

    return np.vstack([np.hstack((std_r * R,
        np.transpose(m2) - std_r * R * np.transpose(m1))), np.matrix([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])]) 

Example 50

def get_label_batch(label_data, batch_size, batch_index):
    nrof_examples = np.size(label_data, 0)
    j = batch_index*batch_size % nrof_examples
    if j+batch_size<=nrof_examples:
        batch = label_data[j:j+batch_size]
        x1 = label_data[j:nrof_examples]
        x2 = label_data[0:nrof_examples-j]
        batch = np.vstack([x1,x2])
    batch_int = batch.astype(np.int64)
    return batch_int 