Python numpy.maximum() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def _estimate_lambda_single_y(y):
    """Estimate lambda for a single y, given a range of lambdas
    through which to search. No validation performed.

    y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
       The vector being estimated against

    # ensure is array
    y = np.array(y)

    # Use scipy's log-likelihood estimator
    b = boxcox(y, lmbda=None)

    # Return lambda corresponding to maximum P
    return b[1] 

Example 2

def fit(self, graphs, y=None):
		rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state)
		n_samples = len(graphs)

		# get basis vectors
		if self.n_components > n_samples:
			n_components = n_samples
			n_components = self.n_components
		n_components = min(n_samples, n_components)
		inds = rnd.permutation(n_samples)
		basis_inds = inds[:n_components]
		basis = []
		for ind in basis_inds:

		basis_kernel = self.kernel(basis, basis, **self._get_kernel_params())

		# sqrt of kernel matrix on basis vectors
		U, S, V = svd(basis_kernel)
		S = np.maximum(S, 1e-12)
		self.normalization_ = * 1. / np.sqrt(S), V)
		self.components_ = basis
		self.component_indices_ = inds
		return self 

Example 3

def triplet_loss(anchor, positive, negative, alpha):
    """Calculate the triplet loss according to the FaceNet paper
      anchor: the embeddings for the anchor images.
      positive: the embeddings for the positive images.
      negative: the embeddings for the negative images.
      the triplet loss according to the FaceNet paper as a float tensor.
    with tf.variable_scope('triplet_loss'):
        pos_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, positive)), 1)
        neg_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, negative)), 1)
        basic_loss = tf.add(tf.subtract(pos_dist,neg_dist), alpha)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.maximum(basic_loss, 0.0), 0)
    return loss 

Example 4

def get_covariance(self):
        """Compute data covariance with the generative model.
        ``cov = components_.T * S**2 * components_ + sigma2 * eye(n_features)``
        where  S**2 contains the explained variances.
        cov : array, shape=(n_features, n_features)
            Estimated covariance of data.
        components_ = self.components_
        exp_var = self.explained_variance_
        if self.whiten:
            components_ = components_ * np.sqrt(exp_var[:, np.newaxis])
        exp_var_diff = np.maximum(exp_var - self.noise_variance_, 0.)
        cov = * exp_var_diff, components_)
        cov.flat[::len(cov) + 1] += self.noise_variance_  # modify diag inplace
        return cov 

Example 5

def batch_iou(boxes, box):
  """Compute the Intersection-Over-Union of a batch of boxes with another

    box1: 2D array of [cx, cy, width, height].
    box2: a single array of [cx, cy, width, height]
    ious: array of a float number in range [0, 1].
  lr = np.maximum(
      np.minimum(boxes[:,0]+0.5*boxes[:,2], box[0]+0.5*box[2]) - \
      np.maximum(boxes[:,0]-0.5*boxes[:,2], box[0]-0.5*box[2]),
  tb = np.maximum(
      np.minimum(boxes[:,1]+0.5*boxes[:,3], box[1]+0.5*box[3]) - \
      np.maximum(boxes[:,1]-0.5*boxes[:,3], box[1]-0.5*box[3]),
  inter = lr*tb
  union = boxes[:,2]*boxes[:,3] + box[2]*box[3] - inter
  return inter/union 

Example 6

def imax(arrays, axis, ignore_nan = False):
    Maximum of a stream of arrays along an axis.

    arrays : iterable
        Arrays to be reduced.
    axis : int or None, optional
        Axis along which the maximum is found. The default
        is to find the maximum along the 'stream axis', as if all arrays in ``array``
        were stacked along a new dimension. If ``axis = None``, arrays in ``arrays`` are flattened
        before reduction.
    ignore_nan : bool, optional
        If True, NaNs are ignored. Default is propagation of NaNs.

    online_max : ndarray
        Cumulative maximum.
    ufunc = np.fmax if ignore_nan else np.maximum
    yield from ireduce_ufunc(arrays, ufunc, axis) 

Example 7

def fCauchy(ftrue, alpha, p):
    """Returns Cauchy model noisy value

    Cauchy with median 1e3*alpha and with p=0.2, zero otherwise

    P(Cauchy > 1,10,100,1000) = 0.25, 0.032, 0.0032, 0.00032

    # expects ftrue to be a np.array
    popsi = np.shape(ftrue)
    fval = ftrue + alpha * np.maximum(0., 1e3 + (_rand(popsi) < p) *
                                          _randn(popsi) / (np.abs(_randn(popsi)) + 1e-199))
    tol = 1e-8
    fval = fval + 1.01 * tol
    idx = ftrue < tol
        fval[idx] = ftrue[idx]
    except IndexError: # fval is a scalar
        if idx:
            fval = ftrue
    return fval


Example 8

def forward(self, input):
        """During the forward pass, it inhibits all inhibitions below some 
        threshold :math:`?`, typically :math:`0`. In other words, it computes point-wise 
        .. math:: y=max(0,x) 
        x : float32
            The activation (the summed, weighted input of a neuron).
            The output of the rectify function applied to the activation.
        self.last_forward = input
        return np.maximum(0.0, input) 

Example 9

def update(self, params, grads):
        # init
        self.iterations += 1
        a_t = / (1 - np.power(self.beta1, self.iterations))
        if is None:
   = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]
        if self.vs is None:
            self.vs = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]

        # update parameters
        for i, (m, v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(, self.vs, params, grads)):
            m = self.beta1 * m + (1 - self.beta1) * g
            v = np.maximum(self.beta2 * v, np.abs(g))
            p -= a_t * m / (v + self.epsilon)

  [i] = m
            self.vs[i] = v 

Example 10

def plot_beta():
    '''plot beta over training
    beta = args.beta
    scale = args.scale
    beta_min = args.beta_min
    num_epoch = args.num_epoch
    epoch_size = int(float(args.num_examples) / args.batch_size)

    x = np.arange(num_epoch*epoch_size)
    y = beta * np.power(scale, x)
    y = np.maximum(y, beta_min)
    epoch_x = np.arange(num_epoch) * epoch_size
    epoch_y = beta * np.power(scale, epoch_x)
    epoch_y = np.maximum(epoch_y, beta_min)

    # plot beta descent curve
    plt.semilogy(x, y)
    plt.semilogy(epoch_x, epoch_y, 'ro')
    plt.title('beta descent')

Example 11

def convert_to_square(bbox):
    """Convert bbox to square

    bbox: numpy array , shape n x 5
        input bbox

    square bbox
    square_bbox = bbox.copy()

    h = bbox[:, 3] - bbox[:, 1] + 1
    w = bbox[:, 2] - bbox[:, 0] + 1
    max_side = np.maximum(h,w)
    square_bbox[:, 0] = bbox[:, 0] + w*0.5 - max_side*0.5
    square_bbox[:, 1] = bbox[:, 1] + h*0.5 - max_side*0.5
    square_bbox[:, 2] = square_bbox[:, 0] + max_side - 1
    square_bbox[:, 3] = square_bbox[:, 1] + max_side - 1
    return square_bbox 

Example 12

def custom_crop(img, bbox):
    # bbox = [x-left, y-top, width, height]
    imsiz = img.shape  # [height, width, channel]
    # if box[0] + box[2] >= imsiz[1] or\
    #     box[1] + box[3] >= imsiz[0] or\
    #     box[0] <= 0 or\
    #     box[1] <= 0:
    #     box[0] = np.maximum(0, box[0])
    #     box[1] = np.maximum(0, box[1])
    #     box[2] = np.minimum(imsiz[1] - box[0] - 1, box[2])
    #     box[3] = np.minimum(imsiz[0] - box[1] - 1, box[3])
    center_x = int((2 * bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2)
    center_y = int((2 * bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2)
    R = int(np.maximum(bbox[2], bbox[3]) * 0.75)
    y1 = np.maximum(0, center_y - R)
    y2 = np.minimum(imsiz[0], center_y + R)
    x1 = np.maximum(0, center_x - R)
    x2 = np.minimum(imsiz[1], center_x + R)
    img_cropped = img[y1:y2, x1:x2, :]
    return img_cropped 

Example 13

def append(self, x):
        self._count += 1

        if self._count == 1:
            self.m = x
            self.last_m = x
            self.last_s = 0.0
            self.min = x
            self.max = x
            self.m = self.last_m + (x - self.last_m) / self._count
            self.s = self.last_s + (x - self.last_m) * (x - self.m)

            self.last_m = self.m
            self.last_s = self.s

            self.min = numpy.minimum(self.min, x)
            self.max = numpy.maximum(self.max, x) 

Example 14

def clip_boxes(boxes, im_shape):
    Clip boxes to image boundaries.
    :param boxes: [N, 4* num_classes]
    :param im_shape: tuple of 2
    :return: [N, 4* num_classes]
    # x1 >= 0
    boxes[:, 0::4] = np.maximum(np.minimum(boxes[:, 0::4], im_shape[1] - 1), 0)
    # y1 >= 0
    boxes[:, 1::4] = np.maximum(np.minimum(boxes[:, 1::4], im_shape[0] - 1), 0)
    # x2 < im_shape[1]
    boxes[:, 2::4] = np.maximum(np.minimum(boxes[:, 2::4], im_shape[1] - 1), 0)
    # y2 < im_shape[0]
    boxes[:, 3::4] = np.maximum(np.minimum(boxes[:, 3::4], im_shape[0] - 1), 0)
    return boxes 

Example 15

def apply_nms(all_boxes, thresh):
    """Apply non-maximum suppression to all predicted boxes output by the
    test_net method.
    num_classes = len(all_boxes)
    num_images = len(all_boxes[0])
    nms_boxes = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_images)]
                 for _ in xrange(num_classes)]
    for cls_ind in xrange(num_classes):
        for im_ind in xrange(num_images):
            dets = all_boxes[cls_ind][im_ind]
            if dets == []:
            keep = nms(dets, thresh)
            if len(keep) == 0:
            nms_boxes[cls_ind][im_ind] = dets[keep, :].copy()
    return nms_boxes 

Example 16

def get_IOU(rec1, rec2):
    rec1&2 are both np.arrays with x_center, y_center, width, height
    should work with any dimension as long as the last dimension is 4

    rec1_xy_max = rec1[..., :2] + (rec1[..., 2:4] - 1) / 2
    rec1_xy_min = rec1[..., :2] - (rec1[..., 2:4] - 1) / 2

    rec2_xy_max = rec2[..., :2] + (rec2[..., 2:4] - 1) / 2
    rec2_xy_min = rec2[..., :2] - (rec2[..., 2:4] - 1) / 2

    intersec_max = np.minimum(rec1_xy_max, rec2_xy_max)
    intersec_min = np.maximum(rec1_xy_min, rec2_xy_min)

    intersec_wh = np.maximum(intersec_max - intersec_min + 1, 0)

    intersec_area = intersec_wh[..., 0] * intersec_wh[..., 1]

    area1 = rec1[..., 2] * rec1[..., 3]
    area2 = rec2[..., 2] * rec2[..., 3]

    union = area1 + area2 - intersec_area

    return intersec_area / union 

Example 17

def set_responsibilities(anchor_frames, iou_thresh=0.6):
    Changes the IOU values for the anchor frames to binary values

    anchor_frames: list of frames where each frame contains all features for a specific anchor
    iou_thresh: threshold to decide which anchor is responsible
    # set box with maximum IOU to 1
    anchor_frames = [frame.copy() for frame in anchor_frames]
    # find maximum IOU value over all frames
    helper_array = np.array([frame[frame.columns[0]] for frame in anchor_frames]).T
    max_indices = np.argmax(helper_array, axis=1)
    data_idx = np.arange(len(max_indices))
    for obj_idx, frame_idx in zip(data_idx, max_indices):
        temp_frame = anchor_frames[frame_idx]
        temp_frame.loc[obj_idx, temp_frame.columns[0]] = 1

    # applying the iou threshold on a copy of the dataframes
    for frame in anchor_frames:
        frame[frame.columns[0]] = np.digitize(frame[frame.columns[0]], [iou_thresh])

    return anchor_frames 

Example 18

def divergence(self, V, W, H):
        Compute divergence between reconstruction and original

        R = np.maximum(,H), eps)
        V = np.maximum(V, eps)
        err = 0
        if self.update == self.kl_updates:
            err = np.sum(np.multiply(V, np.log(V/R)) - V + R)
        elif self.update == self.euc_updates:
            err = np.sum((V -,H)) ** 2)
        elif self.update == self.is_updates:
            err = np.sum(V/R - np.log(V/R) - 1)
        elif self.update == self.beta_updates:
            err = (np.sum(V ** self.beta + (self.beta -1) * R ** self.beta
                  - self.beta * V * R ** (self.beta - 1)) 
                  / (self.beta * (self.beta - 1)))
        return err 

Example 19

def beta_updates(self, V, W, H):        
        Optimize B-divergence

        if self.update_W:
            R = np.maximum(,H), eps)            
            W *= ( ** (self.beta - 2) * V, H.T)  / 
                np.maximum( ** (self.beta -1), H.T), eps))
            W = self.normalize(W, self.W_norm, 0)
        if self.update_H:
            R = np.maximum(,H), eps)                        
            H *= (, R ** (self.beta -2) * V) / 
                np.maximum(, R ** (self.beta -1)), eps))
            H = self.normalize(H, self.H_norm, 1)

        return [V, W, H] 

Example 20

def interp1d_(xin_,xp,yp_):
    Interpolate a uniformly sampled piecewise linear function. Mapping elements
    from xin_ to the result.  Input values will be clipped to range of xp.
        xin_ :  input tensor (real)
        xp : x grid (constant -- must be a 1d numpy array, uniformly spaced)
        yp_ : tensor of the result values at the gridpoints xp
    import tensorflow as tf
    x_ = tf.clip_by_value(xin_,xp.min(),xp.max())
    dx = xp[1]-xp[0]
    assert len(xp.shape)==1,'only 1d interpolation'
    assert xp.shape[0]==int(yp_.get_shape()[0])
    assert abs(np.diff(xp)/dx - 1.0).max() < 1e-6,'must be uniformly sampled'

    newshape = [  ]
    x1_ = tf.expand_dims(x_,-1)
    dt = yp_.dtype
    wt_ = tf.maximum(tf.constant(0.,dtype=dt), 1-abs(x1_ - tf.constant(xp,dtype=dt))/dx  )
    y_ = tf.reduce_sum(wt_ * yp_,axis=-1)
    return y_ 

Example 21

def overlap_ratio(boxes1, boxes2):
  # find intersection bbox
  x_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 0], boxes2[0])
  x_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 0] + boxes1[:, 2], boxes2[0] + boxes2[2])
  y_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 1], boxes2[1])
  y_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 1] + boxes1[:, 3], boxes2[1] + boxes2[3])

  # find intersection area
  dx = x_int_top - x_int_bot
  dy = y_int_top - y_int_bot
  area_int = np.where(np.logical_and(dx>0, dy>0), dx * dy, np.zeros_like(dx))

  # find union
  area_union = boxes1[:,2] * boxes1[:,3] + boxes2[2] * boxes2[3] - area_int

  # find overlap ratio
  ratio = np.where(area_union > 0, area_int/area_union, np.zeros_like(area_int))
  return ratio

#                          overlap_ratio of two bboxes                    #

Example 22

def overlap_ratio_pair(boxes1, boxes2):
  # find intersection bbox
  x_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 0], boxes2[:, 0])
  x_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 0] + boxes1[:, 2], boxes2[:, 0] + boxes2[:, 2])
  y_int_bot = np.maximum(boxes1[:, 1], boxes2[:, 1])
  y_int_top = np.minimum(boxes1[:, 1] + boxes1[:, 3], boxes2[:, 1] + boxes2[:, 3])

  # find intersection area
  dx = x_int_top - x_int_bot
  dy = y_int_top - y_int_bot
  area_int = np.where(np.logical_and(dx>0, dy>0), dx * dy, np.zeros_like(dx))

  # find union
  area_union = boxes1[:,2] * boxes1[:,3] + boxes2[:, 2] * boxes2[:, 3] - area_int

  # find overlap ratio
  ratio = np.where(area_union > 0, area_int/area_union, np.zeros_like(area_int))
  return ratio 

Example 23

def lerp(p0, p1, t):
  """Linear interpolation."""
  return (1.0 - t) * p0 + t * p1

# A note on formats:
# Sketches are encoded as a sequence of strokes. stroke-3 and stroke-5 are
# different stroke encodings.
#   stroke-3 uses 3-tuples, consisting of x-offset, y-offset, and a binary
#       variable which is 1 if the pen is lifted between this position and
#       the next, and 0 otherwise.
#   stroke-5 consists of x-offset, y-offset, and p_1, p_2, p_3, a binary
#   one-hot vector of 3 possible pen states: pen down, pen up, end of sketch.
#   See section 3.1 of for more detail.
# Sketch-RNN takes input in stroke-5 format, with sketches padded to a common
# maximum length and prefixed by the special start token [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
# The QuickDraw dataset is stored using stroke-3. 

Example 24

def eqsize(*args):
    m = 0
    varargout = [None] * (len(args) + 1)

    for a in range(0, len(args)):
        p1 = args[a]

        for i in range(0, p1.size):
            m = np.maximum(m, (p1[i].monomials).shape[0])

    for a in range(len(args), -1, -1):
        p1 = args[a]
        for i in range(0, p1.size):
            if (p1[i].monomials).shape[0] < m:
                p1[i].monomials[m, :] = 0

        varargout[a] = p1

    return varargout 

Example 25

def apply_perturbations(i, j, X, increase, theta, clip_min, clip_max):
    TensorFlow implementation for apply perturbations to input features based
    on salency maps
    :param i: index of first selected feature
    :param j: index of second selected feature
    :param X: a matrix containing our input features for our sample
    :param increase: boolean; true if we are increasing pixels, false otherwise
    :param theta: delta for each feature adjustment
    :param clip_min: mininum value for a feature in our sample
    :param clip_max: maximum value for a feature in our sample
    : return: a perturbed input feature matrix for a target class

    # perturb our input sample
    if increase:
        X[0, i] = np.minimum(clip_max, X[0, i] + theta)
        X[0, j] = np.minimum(clip_max, X[0, j] + theta)
        X[0, i] = np.maximum(clip_min, X[0, i] - theta)
        X[0, j] = np.maximum(clip_min, X[0, j] - theta)

    return X 

Example 26

def _update_statistics(self, new_stats, stats):
        new_stats = create_dict(new_stats)
        if stats is None:
            stats = new_stats
            return stats

        # update the stats layerwise
        for l_i in range(len(stats)):

            for subtype,_ in subtypes:
                # TODO: Have to check the type to see if this is needed
                cnt_old = 1.0 * stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt']
                stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt'] = (stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt']
                                              + new_stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt'])
                norm = np.maximum(stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt'], 1.0)

                for key in subtype_keys:
                    if key not in subtype_keys_no_aggregation:
                        tmp_old = cnt_old / norm * stats[l_i][subtype][key]
                        tmp_new = (new_stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt']
                                   / norm * new_stats[l_i][subtype][key])
                        stats[l_i][subtype][key] = tmp_old + tmp_new
        return stats 

Example 27

def _update_statistics(self, new_stats, stats):
        new_stats = create_dict(new_stats)
        if stats is None:
            stats = new_stats
            return stats

        # update the stats layerwise
        for l_i in range(len(stats)):

            for subtype,_ in subtypes:
                # TODO: Have to check the type to see if this is needed
                cnt_old = 1.0 * stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt']
                stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt'] = (stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt']
                                              + new_stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt'])
                norm = np.maximum(stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt'], 1.0)

                for key in subtype_keys:
                    if key not in subtype_keys_no_aggregation:
                        tmp_old = cnt_old / norm * stats[l_i][subtype][key]
                        tmp_new = (new_stats[l_i][subtype]['cnt']
                                   / norm * new_stats[l_i][subtype][key])
                        stats[l_i][subtype][key] = tmp_old + tmp_new
        return stats 

Example 28

def iou_loss(p, t):
    # print "pass"
    tp, tt = p.reshape((p.shape[0], 2, 2)), t.reshape((t.shape[0], 2, 2))
    overlaps_t0 = T.maximum(tp[:, 0, :], tt[:, 0, :])
    overlaps_t1 = T.minimum(tp[:, 1, :], tt[:, 1, :])
    intersection = overlaps_t1 - overlaps_t0
    bool_overlap = T.min(intersection, axis=1) > 0
    intersection = intersection[:, 0] * intersection[:, 1]
    intersection = T.maximum(intersection, np.float32(0.))
    dims_p = tp[:, 1, :] - tp[:, 0, :]
    areas_p = dims_p[:, 0] * dims_p[:, 1]
    dims_t = tt[:, 1, :] - tt[:, 0, :]
    areas_t = dims_t[:, 0] * dims_t[:, 1]
    union = areas_p + areas_t - intersection
    loss = 1. - T.minimum(
        T.exp(T.log(T.abs_(intersection)) -
              T.log(T.abs_(union) + np.float32(1e-5))),
    # return loss
    return T.mean(loss) 

Example 29

def iou_loss_val(p, t):
    tp, tt = p.reshape((p.shape[0], 2, 2)), t.reshape((t.shape[0], 2, 2))
    overlaps = np.zeros_like(tp, dtype=np.float32)
    overlaps[:, 0, :] = np.maximum(tp[:, 0, :], tt[:, 0, :])
    overlaps[:, 1, :] = np.minimum(tp[:, 1, :], tt[:, 1, :])
    intersection = overlaps[:, 1, :] - overlaps[:, 0, :]
    bool_overlap = np.min(intersection, axis=1) > 0
    intersection = intersection[:, 0] * intersection[:, 1]
    intersection = np.maximum(intersection, 0.)
    # print "bool", bool_overlap
    # print "Int", intersection
    dims_p = tp[:, 1, :] - tp[:, 0, :]
    areas_p = dims_p[:, 0] * dims_p[:, 1]
    dims_t = tt[:, 1, :] - tt[:, 0, :]
    areas_t = dims_t[:, 0] * dims_t[:, 1]
    union = areas_p + areas_t - intersection
    # print "un", union
    loss = 1. - np.minimum(
        np.exp(np.log(np.abs(intersection)) - np.log(np.abs(union) + 1e-5)),
    # print loss
    return np.mean(loss) 

Example 30

def _log_single(x):
    """Sanitized log function for a single element.
    Since this method internally calls np.log and carries
    the (very likely) possibility to overflow, the method
    suppresses all warnings.

    #XXX: at some point we might want to let ``suppress_warnings``
    # specify exactly which types of warnings it should filter.


    x : float, int
        The number to log


    val : float
        the log of x
    x = np.maximum(0, x)
    val = __min_log__ if x == 0 else np.maximum(__min_log__, np.log(x))
    return val 

Example 31

def svm_loss(x, y):
    Computes the loss and gradient using for multiclass SVM classification.

    - x: Input data, of shape (N, C) where x[i, j] is the score for the jth class
      for the ith input.
    - y: Vector of labels, of shape (N,) where y[i] is the label for x[i] and
      0 <= y[i] < C

    Returns a tuple of:
    - loss: Scalar giving the loss
    - dx: Gradient of the loss with respect to x
    N = x.shape[0]
    correct_class_scores = x[np.arange(N), y]
    margins = np.maximum(0, x - correct_class_scores[:, np.newaxis] + 1.0)
    margins[np.arange(N), y] = 0
    loss = np.sum(margins) / N
    num_pos = np.sum(margins > 0, axis=1)
    dx = np.zeros_like(x)
    dx[margins > 0] = 1
    dx[np.arange(N), y] -= num_pos
    dx /= N
    return loss, dx 

Example 32

def random_hsv_image(bgr_image, delta_hue, delta_sat_scale, delta_val_scale):
    hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(bgr_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV).astype(np.float32)

    # hue
    hsv_image[:, :, 0] += int((np.random.rand() * delta_hue * 2 - delta_hue) * 255)

    # sat
    sat_scale = 1 + np.random.rand() * delta_sat_scale * 2 - delta_sat_scale
    hsv_image[:, :, 1] *= sat_scale

    # val
    val_scale = 1 + np.random.rand() * delta_val_scale * 2 - delta_val_scale
    hsv_image[:, :, 2] *= val_scale

    hsv_image[hsv_image < 0] = 0
    hsv_image[hsv_image > 255] = 255
    hsv_image = hsv_image.astype(np.uint8)
    bgr_image = cv2.cvtColor(hsv_image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
    return bgr_image

# non maximum suppression 

Example 33

def reshape_to_yolo_size(img):
    input_width, input_height = img.size
    min_pixel = 320.0
    #max_pixel = 608
    max_pixel = 1024.0

    min_edge = np.minimum(input_width, input_height)
    if min_edge < min_pixel:
        input_width *= min_pixel / min_edge
        input_height *= min_pixel / min_edge
    max_edge = np.maximum(input_width, input_height)
    if max_edge > max_pixel:
        input_width *= max_pixel / max_edge
        input_height *= max_pixel / max_edge

    input_width = int(input_width / 32.0 + round(input_width % 32 / 32.0)) * 32
    input_height = int(input_height / 32.0 + round(input_height % 32 / 32.0)) * 32
    img = img.resize((input_width, input_height))

    return img 

Example 34

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.maximum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 35

def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out) 

Example 36

def test_minmax_func(self):
        # Tests minimum and maximum.
        (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d
        # max doesn't work if shaped
        xr = np.ravel(x)
        xmr = ravel(xm)
        # following are true because of careful selection of data
        assert_equal(max(xr), maximum(xmr))
        assert_equal(min(xr), minimum(xmr))

        assert_equal(minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3])
        assert_equal(maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9])
        x = arange(5)
        y = arange(5) - 2
        x[3] = masked
        y[0] = masked
        assert_equal(minimum(x, y), where(less(x, y), x, y))
        assert_equal(maximum(x, y), where(greater(x, y), x, y))
        assert_(minimum(x) == 0)
        assert_(maximum(x) == 4)

        x = arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
        x[-1, -1] = masked
        assert_equal(maximum(x), 2) 

Example 37

def applyPadding(inputImg, sampleSizes, receptiveField) : 
    receptiveField_arr = np.asarray(receptiveField, dtype="int16")
    inputImg_arr = np.asarray(inputImg.shape,dtype="int16")
    receptiveField = np.array(receptiveField, dtype="int16")
    left_padding = (receptiveField - 1) / 2
    right_padding = receptiveField - 1 - left_padding
    extra_padding = np.maximum(0, np.asarray(sampleSizes,dtype="int16")-(inputImg_arr+left_padding+right_padding))
    right_padding += extra_padding  
    paddingValues = ( (left_padding[0],right_padding[0]),
    paddedImage = lib.pad(inputImg, paddingValues, mode='reflect' )
    return [paddedImage, paddingValues]

# ----- Apply unpadding --------- 

Example 38

def _natural_cubic_spline_basis_expansion(xpts,knots):
    num_knots = len(knots)
    num_pts = len(xpts)
    outmat = np.zeros((num_pts,num_knots))
    outmat[:,0]= np.ones(num_pts)
    outmat[:,1] = xpts
    def make_func_H(k):
        def make_func_d(k):
            def func_d(x):
                denom = knots[-1] - knots[k-1]
                numer = np.maximum(x-knots[k-1],np.zeros(len(x)))**3 - np.maximum(x-knots[-1],np.zeros(len(x)))**3
                return numer/denom
            return func_d
        def func_H(x):
            d_fun_k = make_func_d(k)
            d_fun_Km1 = make_func_d(num_knots-1)
            return d_fun_k(x) -  d_fun_Km1(x)
        return func_H
    for i in range(1,num_knots-1):
        curr_H_fun = make_func_H(i)
        outmat[:,i+1] = curr_H_fun(xpts)
    return outmat 

Example 39

def batch_iou(proposals, gt):
    bboxes = np.transpose(proposals).reshape((4, -1, 1))
    bboxes_x1 = bboxes[0]
    bboxes_x2 = bboxes[0]+bboxes[2]
    bboxes_y1 = bboxes[1]
    bboxes_y2 = bboxes[1]+bboxes[3]

    gt = np.transpose(gt).reshape((4, 1, -1))
    gt_x1 = gt[0]
    gt_x2 = gt[0]+gt[2]
    gt_y1 = gt[1]
    gt_y2 = gt[1]+gt[3]

    widths = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(bboxes_x2, gt_x2) -
                        np.maximum(bboxes_x1, gt_x1))
    heights = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(bboxes_y2, gt_y2) -
                         np.maximum(bboxes_y1, gt_y1))
    intersection = widths*heights
    union = bboxes[2]*bboxes[3] + gt[2]*gt[3] - intersection
    return (intersection / union) 

Example 40

def batch_iou(proposals, gt):
    bboxes = np.transpose(proposals).reshape((4, -1, 1))
    bboxes_x1 = bboxes[0]
    bboxes_x2 = bboxes[0]+bboxes[2]
    bboxes_y1 = bboxes[1]
    bboxes_y2 = bboxes[1]+bboxes[3]

    gt = np.transpose(gt).reshape((4, 1, -1))
    gt_x1 = gt[0]
    gt_x2 = gt[0]+gt[2]
    gt_y1 = gt[1]
    gt_y2 = gt[1]+gt[3]

    widths = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(bboxes_x2, gt_x2) -
                        np.maximum(bboxes_x1, gt_x1))
    heights = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(bboxes_y2, gt_y2) -
                         np.maximum(bboxes_y1, gt_y1))
    intersection = widths*heights
    union = bboxes[2]*bboxes[3] + gt[2]*gt[3] - intersection
    return (intersection / union) 

Example 41

def decode_bboxes(tcoords, anchors):
    var_x, var_y, var_w, var_h = config['prior_variance']
    t_x = tcoords[:, 0]*var_x
    t_y = tcoords[:, 1]*var_y
    t_w = tcoords[:, 2]*var_w
    t_h = tcoords[:, 3]*var_h
    a_w = anchors[:, 2]
    a_h = anchors[:, 3]
    a_x = anchors[:, 0]+a_w/2
    a_y = anchors[:, 1]+a_h/2
    x = t_x*a_w + a_x
    y = t_y*a_h + a_y
    w = tf.exp(t_w)*a_w
    h = tf.exp(t_h)*a_h

    x1 = tf.maximum(0., x - w/2)
    y1 = tf.maximum(0., y - h/2)
    x2 = tf.minimum(1., w + x1)
    y2 = tf.minimum(1., h + y1)
    return tf.stack([y1, x1, y2, x2], axis=1) 

Example 42

def plot(self, image, filename, save_sample):
        """ Plot an image."""
        image = np.minimum(image, 1)
        image = np.maximum(image, -1)
        image = np.squeeze(image)
        # Scale to 0..255.
        imin, imax = image.min(), image.max()
        image = (image - imin) * 255. / (imax - imin) + .5
        image = image.astype(np.uint8)
        if save_sample:
            except Exception as e:
                print("Warning: could not sample to ", filename, ".  Please check permissions and make sure the path exists")

Example 43

def sample_output(self, val):
        vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary()
        if self.one_hot:
            vals = [ np.argmax(r) for r in val ]
            ox_val = [vocabulary[obj] for obj in list(vals)]
            string = "".join(ox_val)
            return string
            val = np.reshape(val, [-1])
            val *= len(vocabulary)/2.0
            val += len(vocabulary)/2.0
            val = np.round(val)

            val = np.maximum(0, val)
            val = np.minimum(len(vocabulary)-1, val)

            ox_val = [self.get_character(obj) for obj in list(val)]
            string = "".join(ox_val)
            return string 

Example 44

def get_union_sets(lang_codes, feature_set_str):
    feature_set_parts = feature_set_str.split("|")
    feature_names, feature_values = get_named_set(lang_codes, feature_set_parts[0])
    for feature_set_part in feature_set_parts[1:]:
        more_feature_names, more_feature_values = get_named_set(lang_codes, feature_set_part)
        if len(feature_names) != len(more_feature_names):
            print("ERROR: Cannot perform elementwise union on feature sets of different size")
        feature_values = np.maximum(feature_values, more_feature_values)
    return feature_names, feature_values 

Example 45

def prewhiten(x):
    mean = np.mean(x)
    std = np.std(x)
    std_adj = np.maximum(std, 1.0/np.sqrt(x.size))
    y = np.multiply(np.subtract(x, mean), 1/std_adj)
    return y 

Example 46

def get_precision(self):
        """Compute data precision matrix with the generative model.
        Equals the inverse of the covariance but computed with
        the matrix inversion lemma for efficiency.
        precision : array, shape=(n_features, n_features)
            Estimated precision of data.
        n_features = self.components_.shape[1]

        # handle corner cases first
        if self.n_components_ == 0:
            return np.eye(n_features) / self.noise_variance_
        if self.n_components_ == n_features:
            return linalg.inv(self.get_covariance())

        # Get precision using matrix inversion lemma
        components_ = self.components_
        exp_var = self.explained_variance_
        exp_var_diff = np.maximum(exp_var - self.noise_variance_, 0.)
        precision =, components_.T) / self.noise_variance_
        precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / exp_var_diff
        precision =,
                 , components_))
        precision /= -(self.noise_variance_ ** 2)
        precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / self.noise_variance_
        return precision 

Example 47

def voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric=False):
    """ ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, [use_07_metric])
    Compute VOC AP given precision and recall.
    If use_07_metric is true, uses the
    VOC 07 11 point method (default:False).
    if use_07_metric:
        # 11 point metric
        ap = 0.
        for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1):
            if np.sum(rec >= t) == 0:
                p = 0
                p = np.max(prec[rec >= t])
            ap = ap + p / 11.
        # correct AP calculation
        # first append sentinel values at the end
        mrec = np.concatenate(([0.], rec, [1.]))
        mpre = np.concatenate(([0.], prec, [0.]))

        # compute the precision envelope
        for i in range(mpre.size - 1, 0, -1):
            mpre[i - 1] = np.maximum(mpre[i - 1], mpre[i])

        # to calculate area under PR curve, look for points
        # where X axis (recall) changes value
        i = np.where(mrec[1:] != mrec[:-1])[0]

        # and sum (\Delta recall) * prec
        ap = np.sum((mrec[i + 1] - mrec[i]) * mpre[i + 1])
    return ap 

Example 48

def getPosteriorMeanAndVar(self, diagKTestTest, KtrainTest, post, intercept=0):
		L = post['L']
		if (np.size(L) == 0): raise Exception('L is an empty array') #possible to compute it here
		Lchol = np.all((np.all(np.tril(L, -1)==0, axis=0) & (np.diag(L)>0)) & np.isreal(np.diag(L)))
		ns = diagKTestTest.shape[0]
		nperbatch = 5000
		nact = 0
		#allocate mem
		fmu = np.zeros(ns)	#column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent means
		fs2 = np.zeros(ns)	#column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent variances
		while (nact<(ns-1)):
			id = np.arange(nact, np.minimum(nact+nperbatch, ns))
			kss = diagKTestTest[id]		
			Ks = KtrainTest[:, id]
			if (len(post['alpha'].shape) == 1):
				try: Fmu = intercept[id] +['alpha'])
				except: Fmu = intercept +['alpha'])
				fmu[id] = Fmu
				try: Fmu = intercept[id][:, np.newaxis] +['alpha'])
				except: Fmu = intercept +['alpha'])
				fmu[id] = Fmu.mean(axis=1)
			if Lchol:
				V = la.solve_triangular(L, Ks*np.tile(post['sW'], (id.shape[0], 1)).T, trans=1, check_finite=False, overwrite_b=True)
				fs2[id] = kss - np.sum(V**2, axis=0)                       #predictive variances						
				fs2[id] = kss + np.sum(Ks * (, axis=0)		   #predictive variances
			fs2[id] = np.maximum(fs2[id],0)  #remove numerical noise i.e. negative variances		
			nact = id[-1]    #set counter to index of last processed data point
		return fmu, fs2 

Example 49

def sq_dist(a, b=None):
	#mean-center for numerical stability
	D, n = a.shape[0], a.shape[1]
	if (b is None):
		mu = a.mean(axis=1)
		a -= mu[:, np.newaxis]
		b = a
		m = n
		aSq = np.sum(a**2, axis=0)
		bSq = aSq
		d, m = b.shape[0], b.shape[1]
		if (d != D): raise Exception('column lengths must agree')
		mu = (float(m)/float(m+n))*b.mean(axis=1) + (float(n)/float(m+n))*a.mean(axis=1)
		a -= mu[:, np.newaxis]
		b -= mu[:, np.newaxis]		
		aSq = np.sum(a**2, axis=0)
		bSq = np.sum(b**2, axis=0)
	C = np.tile(np.column_stack(aSq).T, (1, m)) + np.tile(bSq, (n, 1)) - 2*
	C = np.maximum(C, 0)	#remove numerical noise
	return C
#evaluate 'power sums' of the individual terms in Z 

Example 50

def __init__(self, X):
		self.X_scaled = X/np.sqrt(X.shape[1])
		if (X.shape[1] >= X.shape[0] or True): self.K_sq = sq_dist(self.X_scaled.T)
		else: self.K_sq = None
		self.j = np.floor(X.shape[1]/2.0)+self.v+1
		self.pp = lambda r,j,v,f:  np.maximum(1-r, 0)**(j+v) * self.f(r,j)
		self.dpp = lambda r,j,v,f: np.maximum(1-r, 0)**(j+v-1) * r * ((j+v)*f(r,j) - np.maximum(1-r,0)*self.df(r,j)) 