Python numpy.power() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def normalize_array (solution, prediction):
    ''' Use min and max of solution as scaling factors to normalize prediction,
    then threshold it to [0, 1]. Binarize solution to {0, 1}. 
    This allows applying classification scores to all cases.
    In principle, this should not do anything to properly formatted 
    classification inputs and outputs.'''
    # Binarize solution
    sol=np.ravel(solution) # convert to 1-d array
    maxi = np.nanmax((filter(lambda x: x != float('inf'), sol))) # Max except NaN and Inf
    mini = np.nanmin((filter(lambda x: x != float('-inf'), sol))) # Mini except NaN and Inf
    if maxi == mini:
        print('Warning, cannot normalize')
        return [solution, prediction]
    diff = maxi - mini
    mid = (maxi + mini)/2.
    new_solution = np.copy(solution)
    new_solution[solution>=mid] = 1
    new_solution[solution<mid] = 0
    # Normalize and threshold predictions (takes effect only if solution not in {0, 1})
    new_prediction = (np.copy(prediction) - float(mini))/float(diff)
    new_prediction[new_prediction>1] = 1 # and if predictions exceed the bounds [0, 1]
    new_prediction[new_prediction<0] = 0
    # Make probabilities smoother
    #new_prediction = np.power(new_prediction, (1./10))
    return [new_solution, new_prediction] 

Example 2

def derivative(self, input=None):
        """The derivative of :meth:`tanh` functions is
        .. math:: \\frac{d}{dx} tanh(x) & = \\frac{d}{dx} \\frac{sinh(x)}{cosh(x)} \\\\
                  & = \\frac{cosh(x) \\frac{d}{dx}sinh(x) - sinh(x) \\frac{d}{dx}cosh(x) }{ cosh^2(x)} \\\\
                  & = \\frac{ cosh(x) cosh(x) - sinh(x) sinh(x) }{ cosh^2(x)}  \\\\
                  & = 1 - tanh^2(x) 
            The derivative of tanh function.
        last_forward = self.forward(input) if input else self.last_forward
        return 1 - np.power(last_forward, 2)

# tanh-end
# relu-start 

Example 3

def update(self, params, grads):
        # init cache and delta
        if self.cache is None:
            self.cache = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]
        if is None:
   = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]

        # update parameters
        for i, (c, d, p, g) in enumerate(zip(self.cache,, params, grads)):
            c = self.rho * c + (1 - self.rho) * np.power(g, 2)
            update = g * np.sqrt(d + self.epsilon) / np.sqrt(c + self.epsilon)
            p -= * update
            d = self.rho * d + (1 - self.rho) * np.power(update, 2)

            self.cache[i] = c
  [i] = d 

Example 4

def update(self, params, grads):
        # init
        self.iterations += 1
        a_t = * np.sqrt(1 - np.power(self.beta2, self.iterations)) / \
              (1 - np.power(self.beta1, self.iterations))
        if is None:
   = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]
        if self.vs is None:
            self.vs = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]

        # update parameters
        for i, (m, v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(, self.vs, params, grads)):
            m = self.beta1 * m + (1 - self.beta1) * g
            v = self.beta2 * v + (1 - self.beta2) * np.power(g, 2)
            p -= a_t * m / (np.sqrt(v) + self.epsilon)

  [i] = m
            self.vs[i] = v 

Example 5

def update(self, params, grads):
        # init
        self.iterations += 1
        a_t = / (1 - np.power(self.beta1, self.iterations))
        if is None:
   = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]
        if self.vs is None:
            self.vs = [_zero(p.shape) for p in params]

        # update parameters
        for i, (m, v, p, g) in enumerate(zip(, self.vs, params, grads)):
            m = self.beta1 * m + (1 - self.beta1) * g
            v = np.maximum(self.beta2 * v, np.abs(g))
            p -= a_t * m / (v + self.epsilon)

  [i] = m
            self.vs[i] = v 

Example 6

def forward(self, outputs, targets):
        """MeanSquaredError forward propagation. 
        .. math:: L = (p - t)^2
        outputs, targets : numpy.array 
            The arrays to compute the squared difference between.
            An expression for the element-wise squared difference.
        return 0.5 * np.mean(np.sum(np.power(outputs - targets, 2), axis=1)) 

Example 7

def forward(self, outputs, targets):
        """HellingerDistance forward propagation. 
        outputs : numpy 2D array
            outputs in (0, 1), such as softmax output of a neural network,
            with data points in rows and class probabilities in columns.
        targets : numpy 2D array 
            Either a vector of int giving the correct class index per data point
            or a 2D tensor of one-hot encoding of the correct class in the same
            layout as predictions (non-binary targets in [0, 1] do not work!)
        numpy 1D array
            An expression for the Hellinger Distance
        root_difference = np.sqrt(outputs) - np.sqrt(targets)
        return np.mean(np.sum(np.power(root_difference, 2), axis=1) / np.sqrt(2)) 

Example 8

def evaluation(self, X_test, y_test):
        # normalization
        X_test = self.normalization(X_test)
        # average over the output
        pred_y_test = np.zeros([self.M, len(y_test)])
        prob = np.zeros([self.M, len(y_test)])
            Since we have M particles, we use a Bayesian view to calculate rmse and log-likelihood
        for i in range(self.M):
            w1, b1, w2, b2, loggamma, loglambda = self.unpack_weights(self.theta[i, :])
            pred_y_test[i, :] = self.nn_predict(X_test, w1, b1, w2, b2) * self.std_y_train + self.mean_y_train
            prob[i, :] = np.sqrt(np.exp(loggamma)) /np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * np.exp( -1 * (np.power(pred_y_test[i, :] - y_test, 2) / 2) * np.exp(loggamma) )
        pred = np.mean(pred_y_test, axis=0)
        # evaluation
        svgd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((pred - y_test)**2))
        svgd_ll = np.mean(np.log(np.mean(prob, axis = 0)))
        return (svgd_rmse, svgd_ll) 

Example 9

def plot_beta():
    '''plot beta over training
    beta = args.beta
    scale = args.scale
    beta_min = args.beta_min
    num_epoch = args.num_epoch
    epoch_size = int(float(args.num_examples) / args.batch_size)

    x = np.arange(num_epoch*epoch_size)
    y = beta * np.power(scale, x)
    y = np.maximum(y, beta_min)
    epoch_x = np.arange(num_epoch) * epoch_size
    epoch_y = beta * np.power(scale, epoch_x)
    epoch_y = np.maximum(epoch_y, beta_min)

    # plot beta descent curve
    plt.semilogy(x, y)
    plt.semilogy(epoch_x, epoch_y, 'ro')
    plt.title('beta descent')

Example 10

def BM_Eval(seq_dict, BMlist, toeholds):
    w_exp = np.concatenate([np.zeros((5,)), np.power(2, np.arange(6))])
    BM_score = 0
    Largest_match = 0

    numstrings = len(BMlist);

    prog = MyProgress((numstrings**2 - numstrings)/2)
    for ctr in range(numstrings):
        strand1 = BMlist[ctr];
        for strand2 in BMlist[ctr+1:]:
            [ismaxmatch, maxmatch, mm_i, mm_j] = \
            if maxmatch > Largest_match:
                Largest_match = maxmatch

            BM_score = BM_score + w_exp[int(min(maxmatch, 10))]

    return [BM_score, Largest_match] 

Example 11

def computeCost(X, y, theta):
    inner = np.power(((X * theta.T) - y), 2)
    return np.sum(inner) / (2 * len(X))

#def gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, iters):
#    temp = np.matrix(np.zeros(theta.shape))
#    params = int(theta.ravel().shape[1]) #flattens
#    cost = np.zeros(iters)
#    for i in range(iters):
#        err = (X * theta.T) - y
#        for j in range(params):
#            term = np.multiply(err, X[:,j])
#            temp[0, j] = theta[0, j] - ((alpha / len(X)) * np.sum(term))
#        theta = temp
#        cost[i] = computeCost(X, y, theta)
#    return theta, cost 

Example 12

def get_genotype_probability(aln_profile, aln_specificity, sigma=0.12):
    # 'aln_specificity' should be a set of unit vectors (at least one of the entry is larger than 1.)
    num_haps = len(aln_profile)
    aln_vec = unit_vector(aln_profile)
    genoprob = []
    for i in xrange(num_haps):
        v1 = unit_vector(aln_specificity[i])
        for j in xrange(i, num_haps):
            if j == i:
                genoprob.append(sum(np.power(aln_vec - v1, 2))) # homozygotes
                v2 = unit_vector(aln_specificity[j])
                geno_vec = unit_vector(v1 + v2)
                # compute directional similarity
                genoprob.append(sum(np.power(aln_vec - geno_vec, 2))) # for heterozygotes
    genoprob = np.exp(np.array(genoprob) / (-2 * sigma * sigma))
    return np.array(genoprob / sum(genoprob)) 

Example 13

def set_params(mo, bparams):
    i = 0
    for la in mo.layers:
        we = bparams[i:i+2]
        print len(we)
        i += 2
    return mo

#with open("best_model_keras.pkl", 'r') as f:
#    b_params = pkl.load(f)
#model = set_params(model, b_params)
#out = model.predict(xvl, batch_size=xvl.shape[0], verbose=0)
#error = np.mean(np.mean(np.power(out - yvl, 2), axis=1))
#print "Error vl", error

#init_p = get_params(model)
#with open("init_keras_param.pkl", 'w') as f:
#    pkl.dump(init_p, f) 

Example 14

def CompLikelihood(X,fx,MCPar,Measurement,Extra):
    for ii in xrange(0,fx.shape[0]):
        if MCPar.lik==2: # Compute standard uncorrelated and homoscedastic Gaussian log-likelihood
            log_p[ii,0]= - ( Measurement.N / 2.0) * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) - Measurement.N * np.log( Sigma[ii] ) - 0.5 * np.power(Sigma[ii],-2.0) * np.sum( np.power(e,2.0) )
            p[ii,0]=(1.0/np.sqrt(2*np.pi* Sigma[ii]**2))**Measurement.N * np.exp(- 0.5 * np.power(Sigma[ii],-2.0) * np.sum( np.power(e,2.0) ))
        if MCPar.lik==3: # Box and Tiao (1973) log-likelihood formulation with Sigma integrated out based on prior of the form p(sigma) ~ 1/sigma
            log_p[ii,0]= - ( Measurement.N / 2.0) * np.log(np.sum(np.power(e,2.0))) 
    return of, p, log_p 

Example 15

def SLcomputeSNR(X, Xnoisy):
    SLcomputeSNR Compute signal to noise ratio (SNR).


        SNR = SLcomputeSNR(X, Xnoisy)


        X:      2D or 3D signal.
        Xnoisy: 2D or 3D noisy signal.


        SNR: The signal to noise ratio (in dB).

    if np.linalg.norm(X-Xnoisy) == 0:
        return np.Inf
        return 10 * np.log10( np.sum(np.power(X,2)) / np.sum(np.power(X-Xnoisy,2)) ) 

Example 16

def __init__(self, path, normalize=True, eig=0.0, transpose=False):
        if transpose:
            ut = np.load(path + '.vt.npy')
            self.wi, self.iw = load_vocabulary(path + '.contexts.vocab')
            ut = np.load(path + '.ut.npy')
            self.wi, self.iw = load_vocabulary(path + '.words.vocab')
        s = np.load(path + '.s.npy')
        if eig == 0.0:
            self.m = ut.T
        elif eig == 1.0:
            self.m = s * ut.T
            self.m = np.power(s, eig) * ut.T

        self.dim = self.m.shape[1]

        if normalize:

Example 17

def run(count_path, out_path, smooth=0, cds=True, normalize=False, neg=1):
    counts = create_representation("Explicit", count_path, normalize=False)
    old_mat = counts.m
    index = counts.wi
    smooth = old_mat.sum() * smooth

    # getting marginal probs
    row_probs = old_mat.sum(1) + smooth
    col_probs = old_mat.sum(0) + smooth
    if cds:
        col_probs = np.power(col_probs, 0.75)
    row_probs = row_probs / row_probs.sum()
    col_probs = col_probs / col_probs.sum()

    # building PPMI matrix
    ppmi_mat = make_ppmi_mat(old_mat, row_probs, col_probs, smooth, neg=neg, normalize=normalize)
    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()})
    from representations import sparse_io
    sparse_io.export_mat_eff(ppmi_mat.row, ppmi_mat.col,, out_path + ".bin")
    util.write_pickle(index, out_path + "-index.pkl") 

Example 18

def __init__(self, path, normalize=True, eig=0.0, **kwargs):
        ut = np.load(path + '-u.npy', mmap_mode="c")
        s = np.load(path + '-s.npy', mmap_mode="c")
        vocabfile = path + '-vocab.pkl'
        self.iw = load_pickle(vocabfile)
        self.wi = {w:i for i, w in enumerate(self.iw)}
        if eig == 0.0:
            self.m = ut
        elif eig == 1.0:
            self.m = s * ut
            self.m = np.power(s, eig) * ut

        self.dim = self.m.shape[1]

        if normalize:

Example 19

def dispersion_test(yhat, y, k=100):
    """ Implement the regression based dispersion test with k re-sampling.

        yhat (np.array): predicted mutation count
        y (np.array): observed mutation count
        k (int):

        float, float: p-value, theta

    theta = 0
    pval = 0
    for i in range(k):
        y_sub, yhat_sub = resample(y, yhat, random_state=i)
        # (np.power((y - yhat), 2) - y) / yhat for Poisson regression
        aux = (np.power((y_sub - yhat_sub), 2) - yhat_sub) / yhat_sub
        mod = sm.OLS(aux, yhat_sub)
        res =
        theta += res.params[0]
        pval += res.pvalues[0]
    theta = theta/k
    pval = pval/k
    return pval, theta 

Example 20

def _transform_y(y, lam):
    """Transform a single y, given a single lambda value.
    No validation performed.

    y : array_like, shape (n_samples,)
       The vector being transformed
    lam : ndarray, shape (n_lambdas,)
       The lambda value used for the transformation
    # ensure np array
    y = np.array(y)
    y_prime = np.array([(np.power(x, lam) - 1) / lam if not _eqls(lam, ZERO) else log(x) for x in y])

    # rarely -- very rarely -- we can get a NaN. Why?
    return y_prime 

Example 21

def _yj_trans_single_x(x, lam):
    if x >= 0:
        # Case 1: x >= 0 and lambda is not 0
        if not _eqls(lam, ZERO):
            return (np.power(x + 1, lam) - 1.0) / lam

        # Case 2: x >= 0 and lambda is zero
        return log(x + 1)
        # Case 2: x < 0 and lambda is not two
        if not lam == 2.0:
            denom = 2.0 - lam
            numer = np.power((-x + 1), (2.0 - lam)) - 1.0
            return -numer / denom

        # Case 4: x < 0 and lambda is two
        return -log(-x + 1) 

Example 22

def std(files, batch_size=128):
    s = np.zeros(3)
    s2 = np.zeros(3)
    shape = None
    for i in range(0, len(files), batch_size):
        print("done with {:>3} / {} images".format(i, len(files)))
        images = np.array(data.load_image(files[i : i + batch_size]),
        shape = images.shape
        s += images.sum(axis=(0, 2, 3))
        s2 += np.power(images, 2).sum(axis=(0, 2, 3))
    n = len(files) * shape[2] * shape[3]
    var = (s2 - s**2.0 / n) / (n - 1)

    print((s / n).astype(np.float32))
    #return np.sqrt(var) 

Example 23

def test_half_coercion(self):
        """Test that half gets coerced properly with the other types"""
        a16 = np.array((1,), dtype=float16)
        a32 = np.array((1,), dtype=float32)
        b16 = float16(1)
        b32 = float32(1)

        assert_equal(np.power(a16, 2).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(a16, 2.0).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(a16, b16).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(a16, b32).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(a16, a16).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(a16, a32).dtype, float32)

        assert_equal(np.power(b16, 2).dtype, float64)
        assert_equal(np.power(b16, 2.0).dtype, float64)
        assert_equal(np.power(b16, b16).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(b16, b32).dtype, float32)
        assert_equal(np.power(b16, a16).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(b16, a32).dtype, float32)

        assert_equal(np.power(a32, a16).dtype, float32)
        assert_equal(np.power(a32, b16).dtype, float32)
        assert_equal(np.power(b32, a16).dtype, float16)
        assert_equal(np.power(b32, b16).dtype, float32) 

Example 24

def __ipow__(self, other):
        Raise self to the power other, in place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            self._data.__ipow__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        invalid = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self._data))
        if invalid.any():
            if self._mask is not nomask:
                self._mask |= invalid
                self._mask = invalid
            np.copyto(self._data, self.fill_value, where=invalid)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, invalid)
        self._mask = mask_or(self._mask, new_mask)
        return self 

Example 25

def normalize_array (solution, prediction):
    ''' Use min and max of solution as scaling factors to normalize prediction,
    then threshold it to [0, 1]. Binarize solution to {0, 1}. 
    This allows applying classification scores to all cases.
    In principle, this should not do anything to properly formatted 
    classification inputs and outputs.'''
    # Binarize solution
    sol=np.ravel(solution) # convert to 1-d array
    maxi = np.nanmax((filter(lambda x: x != float('inf'), sol))) # Max except NaN and Inf
    mini = np.nanmin((filter(lambda x: x != float('-inf'), sol))) # Mini except NaN and Inf
    if maxi == mini:
        print('Warning, cannot normalize')
        return [solution, prediction]
    diff = maxi - mini
    mid = (maxi + mini)/2.
    new_solution = np.copy(solution)
    new_solution[solution>=mid] = 1
    new_solution[solution<mid] = 0
    # Normalize and threshold predictions (takes effect only if solution not in {0, 1})
    new_prediction = (np.copy(prediction) - float(mini))/float(diff)
    new_prediction[new_prediction>1] = 1 # and if predictions exceed the bounds [0, 1]
    new_prediction[new_prediction<0] = 0
    # Make probabilities smoother
    #new_prediction = np.power(new_prediction, (1./10))
    return [new_solution, new_prediction] 

Example 26

def normalize_array (solution, prediction):
    ''' Use min and max of solution as scaling factors to normalize prediction,
    then threshold it to [0, 1]. Binarize solution to {0, 1}. 
    This allows applying classification scores to all cases.
    In principle, this should not do anything to properly formatted 
    classification inputs and outputs.'''
    # Binarize solution
    sol=np.ravel(solution) # convert to 1-d array
    maxi = np.nanmax((filter(lambda x: x != float('inf'), sol))) # Max except NaN and Inf
    mini = np.nanmin((filter(lambda x: x != float('-inf'), sol))) # Mini except NaN and Inf
    if maxi == mini:
        print('Warning, cannot normalize')
        return [solution, prediction]
    diff = maxi - mini
    mid = (maxi + mini)/2.
    new_solution = np.copy(solution)
    new_solution[solution>=mid] = 1
    new_solution[solution<mid] = 0
    # Normalize and threshold predictions (takes effect only if solution not in {0, 1})
    new_prediction = (np.copy(prediction) - float(mini))/float(diff)
    new_prediction[new_prediction>1] = 1 # and if predictions exceed the bounds [0, 1]
    new_prediction[new_prediction<0] = 0
    # Make probabilities smoother
    #new_prediction = np.power(new_prediction, (1./10))
    return [new_solution, new_prediction] 

Example 27

def calc_stoi_from_spec(clean_spec, degraded_spec, analysis_len=30):
    freq_bins = np.size(clean_spec, 0)
    frames = np.size(clean_spec, 1)
    x = np.zeros((freq_bins, frames - analysis_len + 1, analysis_len), dtype=np.float32)
    y = np.zeros((freq_bins, frames - analysis_len + 1, analysis_len), dtype=np.float32)
    for j in range(0, freq_bins):
        for m in range(analysis_len - 1, frames, 1):
            x[j, m] = clean_spec[j, m - analysis_len + 1:m + 1]
            y[j, m] = degraded_spec[j, m - analysis_len + 1:m + 1]
            y[j, m] = np.minimum(np.linalg.norm(x[j,m,:])/np.linalg.norm(y[j,m,:])*y[j,m,:],
                                 (1.+np.power(10., 15./20.))*x[j,m,:])  # y is normalized and clipped
    x_mean = np.mean(x, axis=(0, 1))
    y_mean = np.mean(y, axis=(0, 1))
    score = 0.
    for j in range(0, freq_bins):
        for m in range(analysis_len - 1, frames, 1):
            score +=[j, m, :] - x_mean, y[j, m, :] - y_mean) / \
                     (np.linalg.norm(x[j, m, :] - x_mean) * np.linalg.norm(y[j, m, :] - y_mean))
    score /= (freq_bins * analysis_len)
    return score 

Example 28

def cochleagram_extractor(xx, sr, win_len, shift_len, channel_number, win_type):
    fcoefs, f = make_erb_filters(sr, channel_number, 50)
    fcoefs = np.flipud(fcoefs)
    xf = erb_frilter_bank(xx, fcoefs)

    if win_type == 'hanning':
        window = np.hanning(channel_number)
    elif win_type == 'hamming':
        window = np.hamming(channel_number)
    elif win_type == 'triangle':
        window = (1 - (np.abs(channel_number - 1 - 2 * np.arange(1, channel_number + 1, 1)) / (channel_number + 1)))
        window = np.ones(channel_number)
    window = window.reshape((channel_number, 1))

    xe = np.power(xf, 2.0)
    frames = 1 + ((np.size(xe, 1)-win_len) // shift_len)
    cochleagram = np.zeros((channel_number, frames))
    for i in range(frames):
        one_frame = np.multiply(xe[:, i*shift_len:i*shift_len+win_len], np.repeat(window, win_len, 1))
        cochleagram[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(one_frame, 1))

    cochleagram = np.where(cochleagram == 0.0, np.finfo(float).eps, cochleagram)
    return cochleagram 

Example 29

def log_power_spectrum_extractor(x, win_len, shift_len, win_type, is_log=False):
    samples = x.shape[0]
    frames = (samples - win_len) // shift_len
    stft = np.zeros((win_len, frames), dtype=np.complex64)
    spect = np.zeros((win_len // 2 + 1, frames), dtype=np.float64)

    if win_type == 'hanning':
        window = np.hanning(win_len)
    elif win_type == 'hamming':
        window = np.hamming(win_len)
    elif win_type == 'rectangle':
        window = np.ones(win_len)

    for i in range(frames):
        one_frame = x[i*shift_len: i*shift_len+win_len]
        windowed_frame = np.multiply(one_frame, window)
        stft[:, i] = np.fft.fft(windowed_frame, win_len)
        if is_log:
            spect[:, i] = np.log(np.power(np.abs(stft[0: win_len//2+1, i]), 2.))
            spect[:, i] = np.power(np.abs(stft[0: win_len//2+1, i]), 2.)

    return spect 

Example 30

def unknown_feature_extractor(x, sr, win_len, shift_len, barks, inner_win, inner_shift, win_type, method_version):
    x_spectrum = stft_extractor(x, win_len, shift_len, win_type)
    coef = get_fft_bark_mat(sr, win_len, barks, 20, sr//2)
    bark_spect = np.matmul(coef, x_spectrum)
    ams = np.zeros((barks, inner_win//2+1, (bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift))
    for i in range(barks):
        channel_stft = stft_extractor(bark_spect[i, :], inner_win, inner_shift, 'hanning')
        if method_version == 'v1':
            ams[i, :, :] = 20 * np.log(np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift]))
        elif method_version == 'v2':
            channel_amplitude = np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = np.angle(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = channel_angle - (np.floor(channel_angle / (2.*np.pi)) * (2.*np.pi))
            ams[i, :, :] = np.power(channel_amplitude, 1./3.) * channel_angle
            ams[i, :, :] = np.abs(channel_stft)
    return ams 

Example 31

def ams_extractor(x, sr, win_len, shift_len, barks, inner_win, inner_shift, win_type, method_version):
    x_spectrum = stft_extractor(x, win_len, shift_len, win_type)
    coef = get_fft_bark_mat(sr, win_len, barks, 20, sr//2)
    bark_spect = np.matmul(coef, x_spectrum)
    ams = np.zeros((barks, inner_win//2+1, (bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift))
    for i in range(barks):
        channel_stft = stft_extractor(bark_spect[i, :], inner_win, inner_shift, 'hanning')
        if method_version == 'v1':
            ams[i, :, :] = 20 * np.log(np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift]))
        elif method_version == 'v2':
            channel_amplitude = np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = np.angle(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = channel_angle - (np.floor(channel_angle / (2.*np.pi)) * (2.*np.pi))
            ams[i, :, :] = np.power(channel_amplitude, 1./3.) * channel_angle
            ams[i, :, :] = np.abs(channel_stft)
    return ams 

Example 32

def perp_fit(ts, vs):

    def lsq_macrospin(p, ts, vs):
        t0 = p[0]
        v0 = p[1]
        a = v0
        b = t0*v0
        to = 1
        vo = a + b/to

        # Here is what we expect
        vs_ideal = v0*(1.0 + t0/ts)
        Xs = []
        Ys = []
        for t,v in zip(ts,vs):
            ti,vi = find_closest(t,v,t0,v0)
        return np.power(Ys,2)
    p0 = [0.2, 100]
    p, flag = leastsq(lsq_macrospin, p0, args=(ts, vs))
    return p 

Example 33

def find_null_offset(xpts, powers, default=0.0):
    """Finds the offset corresponding to the minimum power using a fit to the measured data"""
    def model(x, a, b, c):
        return a*(x - b)**2 + c
    powers = np.power(10, powers/10.)
    min_idx = np.argmin(powers)
        fit = curve_fit(model, xpts, powers, p0=[1, xpts[min_idx], powers[min_idx]])
    except RuntimeError:
        logger.warning("Mixer null offset fit failed.")
        return default, np.zeros(len(powers))
    best_offset = np.real(fit[0][1])
    best_offset = np.minimum(best_offset, xpts[-1])
    best_offset = np.maximum(best_offset, xpts[0])
    xpts_fine = np.linspace(xpts[0],xpts[-1],101)
    fit_pts = np.array([np.real(model(x, *fit[0])) for x in xpts_fine])
    if min(fit_pts)<0: fit_pts-=min(fit_pts)-1e-10 #prevent log of a negative number
    return best_offset, xpts_fine, 10*np.log10(fit_pts) 

Example 34

def Get3FGL(Cat,xdata,ydata,dydata):
    #create a spectrum for a given catalog and compute the model+butterfly
    enerbut,but,enerphi,phi = Cat.Plot("3FGL")

    # read DATA Point from 3FGL CATALOG
    em3FGL,ep3FGL,flux3FGL,dflux3FGL =  Cat.GetDataPoints('3FGL') #energy in TeV since the user ask for that in the call of Cat
    ener3FGL = numpy.sqrt(em3FGL*ep3FGL) 
    dem3FGL = ener3FGL-em3FGL
    dep3FGL = ep3FGL-ener3FGL
    e2dnde3FGL = (-c+1)*flux3FGL*numpy.power(ener3FGL*1e6,-c+2)/(numpy.power((ep3FGL*1e6),-c+1)-numpy.power((em3FGL*1e6),-c+1))*1.6e-6
    de2dnde3FGL = e2dnde3FGL*dflux3FGL/flux3FGL

    for i in xrange(len(ener3FGL)):

    return enerbut,but,enerphi,phi,ener3FGL, e2dnde3FGL, dem3FGL, dep3FGL, de2dnde3FGL 

Example 35

def spectrogram2wav(spectrogram, n_fft, win_length, hop_length, num_iters):
    spectrogram: [t, f], i.e. [t, nfft // 2 + 1]
    min_level_db = -100
    ref_level_db = 20

    spec = spectrogram.T
    # denormalize
    spec = (np.clip(spec, 0, 1) * - min_level_db) + min_level_db
    spec = spec + ref_level_db

    # Convert back to linear
    spec = np.power(10.0, spec * 0.05)

    return _griffin_lim(spec ** 1.5, n_fft, win_length, hop_length, num_iters)  # Reconstruct phase 

Example 36

def process_commissions(symbol, multiplied_symbols):
        symbol_ = Symbols.objects.filter(symbol=symbol).values('currency', 'spread', 'digits', 'tick_size', 'tick_value', 'broker', 'symbol')
        if settings.SHOW_DEBUG:
            print("Processing commisions for {}".format(symbol_))

        if any(symbol_[0]['symbol'] in s for s in multiplied_symbols):
            value = (((power(10.0, -symbol_[0]['digits']) * \
                float(symbol_[0]['spread'])) / float(symbol_[0]['tick_size'])) * \
                float(symbol_[0]['tick_value'])) * 100.0
            value = (((power(10.0, -symbol_[0]['digits']) * \
                float(symbol_[0]['spread'])) / float(symbol_[0]['tick_size'])) * \

        symbol.commission = value
    except Exception as err:
        print("At process commissions {}".format(err)))
        symbol.commission = None
    if settings.SHOW_DEBUG:
        print("Updated commision value for {0}\n".format(symbol.symbol)) 

Example 37

def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux):
        cls_score = in_data[0].asnumpy()
        labels = in_data[1].asnumpy()
        self._labels = labels

        pro_ = np.exp(cls_score - cls_score.max(axis=1).reshape((cls_score.shape[0], 1)))
        pro_ /= pro_.sum(axis=1).reshape((cls_score.shape[0], 1))
      #  pro_ = mx.nd.SoftmaxActivation(cls_score) + 1e-14
       # pro_ = pro_.asnumpy()   
        self.pro_ = pro_
        # restore pt for backward
        self._pt = pro_[np.arange(pro_.shape[0],dtype = 'int'), labels.astype('int')]
        ### note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        # focal loss value is not used in this place we should forward the cls_pro in this layer, the focal vale should be calculated in
        # the method is in readme
        #  focal loss (batch_size,num_class)
        loss_ = -1 * np.power(1 - pro_, self._gamma) * np.log(pro_)
        print "---------------" 
        print 'pro:',pro_[1],labels[1]

Example 38

def build_data_auto_encoder(data, step, win_size):
    count = data.shape[1] / float(step)
    docX = np.zeros((count, 3, win_size))

    for i in range(0, data.shape[1] - win_size, step):
        c = i / step
        docX[c][0] = np.abs(data[0, i:i + win_size] - data[1, i:i + win_size])
        docX[c][1] = np.power(data[0, i:i + win_size] - data[1, i:i + win_size], 2)
        docX[c][2] = np.pad(
            (data[0, i:i + win_size - 1] - data[0, i + 1:i + win_size]) * (data[1, i:i + win_size - 1] - data[1, i + 1:i + win_size]),
            (0, 1), 'constant', constant_values=0)
    data = np.dstack((docX[:, 0], docX[:, 1], docX[:, 2])).reshape(docX.shape[0], docX.shape[1]*docX.shape[2])

    return data 

Example 39

def __init__(self, prior, d, U):
        self.prior = prior        
        ones = np.ones( d.shape, dtype=d.dtype )        
        self.d = ones - np.power(ones + d, -.5)
        self.lrsqrt = LowRankOperator(self.d, U) = Vector()
        self.init_vector(, 0) 

Example 40

def trace2(self,W=None):
        Compute the trace of A*A (Note this is the square of Frob norm, since A is symmetic).
        If the weight W is provided, it will compute the trace of (AW)^2.
        This is equivalent to 
        tr_W(A) = \sum_i lambda_i^2,
        where lambda_i are the generalized eigenvalues of
        A x = lambda W^-1 x.
        Note if U is a W-orthogonal matrix then
        tr_W(A) = \sum_i D(i,i)^2. 
        if W is None:
            UtU =, self.U)
            dUtU = self.d[:,None] * UtU #diag(d)*UtU.
            tr2 = np.sum(dUtU*dUtU)
            WU = np.zeros(self.U.shape, dtype=self.U.dtype)
            u, wu = Vector(), Vector()
            for i in range(self.U.shape[1]):
                WU[:,i] = wu.get_local()
            UtWU =, WU)
            dUtWU = self.d[:,None] * UtWU #diag(d)*UtU.
            tr2 = np.power(np.linalg.norm(dUtWU),2)
        return tr2 

Example 41

def gaussian_2d(x, y, mx, my, cov):
    ''' x and y are the 2D coordinates to calculate the function value
        mx and my are the mean parameters in x and y axes
        cov is the 2x2 variance-covariance matrix'''
    ret = 0

    # ^^ YOUR CODE HERE ^^
    sigmax = np.sqrt(cov[0][0])
    sigmay = np.sqrt(cov[1][1])
    p = cov[0][1] / (np.sqrt(cov[0][0]) * np.sqrt(cov[1][1]))
    ret = (1 / (2 * np.pi * sigmax * sigmay * np.sqrt( 1 - np.power(p,2)))) * np.exp((( -1 / ( 2 * ( 1 - np.power(p,2)))) * ( ((np.power((x - mx), 2)) / (np.power(sigmax,2))) + ((np.power((y - my), 2)) / ( np.power(sigmay, 2))) - (( 2 * p * (x - mx) * (y - my)) / (sigmax * sigmay)))))

    return ret

## Finally, we compute the Gaussian function outputs for each entry in our mesh and plot the surface for each class. 

Example 42

def pw2wav(features, feat_dim=513, fs=16000):
    ''' NOTE: Use `order='C'` to ensure Cython compatibility '''
    en = np.reshape(features['en'], [-1, 1])
    sp = np.power(10., features['sp'])
    sp = en * sp
    if isinstance(features, dict):
        return pw.synthesize(
    features = features.astype(np.float64)
    sp = features[:, :feat_dim]
    ap = features[:, feat_dim:feat_dim*2]
    f0 = features[:, feat_dim*2]
    en = features[:, feat_dim*2 + 1]
    en = np.reshape(en, [-1, 1])
    sp = np.power(10., sp)
    sp = en * sp
    return pw.synthesize(

Example 43

def applyColorAugmentation(self, img, std=0.55, gamma=2.5):
    '''Applies random color augmentation following [1].  An additional gamma
    transformation is added.

    [1] Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E. Hinton.  ImageNet
        Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.  NIPS 2012.

    alpha = np.clip(np.random.normal(0, std, size=3), -1.3 * std, 1.3 * std)
    perturbation = * np.sqrt(self.data_evals)).T)
    gamma = 1.0 - sum(perturbation) / gamma
    return np.power(np.clip(img + perturbation, 0., 1.), gamma)
    return np.clip((img + perturbation), 0., 1.) 

Example 44

def applyColorAugmentation(img, std=0.5):
  '''Applies random color augmentation following [1].

  [1] Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E. Hinton. \
    ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. \
    NIPS 2012.'''

  alpha = np.clip(np.random.normal(0, std, size=3), -2 * std, 2. * std)
  perturbation = * np.sqrt(sld_evals)).T)
  gamma = 1.0 - sum(perturbation) / 3.
  return np.power(np.clip(img + perturbation, 0., 1.), gamma)
  return np.clip((img + perturbation), 0., 1.) 

Example 45

def ztnb_pmf(y, mu, alpha):
	r = 1.0 / alpha
	if y <= 0:
		raise Exception('y must be larger than 0.')
	p = mu/(mu+r+0.0)
	ztnbin_mpmath = lambda y, p, r: mpmath.gamma(y + r)/(mpmath.gamma(y+1)*mpmath.gamma(r))*np.power(1-p, r)*np.power(p, y)/(1-np.power(1-p, r))
	ztnbin = np.frompyfunc(ztnbin_mpmath, 3, 1)
	return float(ztnbin(y, p, r)) 

Example 46

def ztnb_cdf(y, mu, alpha):
	r = 1.0/alpha
	if y <= 0:
		raise Exception('y must be larger than 0.')
	p = mu/(mu+r+0.0)
	F_ztnb = ( 1 - special.btdtr(y+1, r, p) - np.power(1-p, r) ) / (1-np.power(1-p,r))
	return F_ztnb 

Example 47

def expected_zeros(pseudo_size, mu, alpha):
	if alpha < min_allowed_alpha:
		prob_zero = max_allowed_prob_zero
		prob_zero = np.min([np.power(1.0+alpha*mu, -1.0/alpha), 0.99])
	expected_zeros = int(pseudo_size*(prob_zero/(1-prob_zero)))
	return expected_zeros 

Example 48

def derivative(self, input=None):
        """Backward propagation.

            The derivative of Elliot function. 
        last_forward = 1 + np.abs(input * self.steepness) if input else self.last_forward
        return 0.5 * self.steepness / np.power(last_forward, 2)

# elliot-end
# symmetric-elliot-start 

Example 49

def derivative(self, input=None):
        """Backward propagation.

            The derivative of SymmetricElliot function.
        last_forward = 1 + np.abs(input * self.steepness) if input else self.last_forward
        return self.steepness / np.power(last_forward, 2)

# symmetric-elliot-end
# softplus-start 

Example 50

def derivative(self, input=None):
        """Backward propagation.

            The derivative of SoftSign function.
        last_forward = np.abs(input) + 1 if input else self.last_forward
        return 1. / np.power(last_forward, 2)

# softsign-end 