Python numpy.dtype() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def extract_images(filename):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth]."""
  print('Extracting', filename)
  with as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError(
          'Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
          (magic, filename))
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data 

Example 2

def gl_init(self,array_table):
        self.gl_hide = False

        self.gl_vertex_array = gl.VertexArray()

        self.gl_vertex_buffer = gl.Buffer()

        self.gl_element_count = 3*gl_count_triangles(self)
        self.gl_element_buffer = gl.Buffer()

        vertex_type =  numpy.dtype([array_table[attribute].field() for attribute in self.attributes])
        vertex_count = sum(len(primitive.vertices) for primitive in self.primitives)
        vertex_array = numpy.empty(vertex_count,vertex_type)

        for attribute in self.attributes:

        vertex_array,element_map = numpy.unique(vertex_array,return_inverse=True)
        element_array = gl_create_element_array(self,element_map,self.gl_element_count)


Example 3

def extract_images(filename):
  """Extract the images into a 4D uint8 numpy array [index, y, x, depth]."""
  print('Extracting', filename)
  with as bytestream:
    magic = _read32(bytestream)
    if magic != 2051:
      raise ValueError(
          'Invalid magic number %d in MNIST image file: %s' %
          (magic, filename))
    num_images = _read32(bytestream)
    rows = _read32(bytestream)
    cols = _read32(bytestream)
    buf = * cols * num_images)
    data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    data = data.reshape(num_images, rows, cols, 1)
    return data 

Example 4

def __keytransform__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key[0], np.ndarray):
            shape = key[0].shape
            dtype = key[0].dtype
            i = key[1]
            zero = True if len(key) == 2 else key[2]

        elif isinstance(key[0], tuple):
            if len(key) == 3:
                shape, dtype, i = key
                zero = True

            elif len(key) == 4:
                shape, dtype, i, zero = key

            raise TypeError("Wrong type of key for work array")

        assert isinstance(zero, bool)
        assert isinstance(i, int)
        self.fillzero = zero
        return (shape, np.dtype(dtype), i) 

Example 5

def accumulate_strings(values, name="strings"):
  """Accumulates strings into a vector.

    values: A 1-d string tensor that contains values to add to the accumulator.

    A tuple (value_tensor, update_op).
  tf.assert_type(values, tf.string)
  strings = tf.Variable(
  value_tensor = tf.identity(strings)
  update_op = tf.assign(
      ref=strings, value=tf.concat([strings, values], 0), validate_shape=False)
  return value_tensor, update_op 

Example 6

def test_expect_dtypes_with_tuple(self):

        allowed_dtypes = (dtype('datetime64[ns]'), dtype('float'))

        def foo(a, b):
            return a, b

        for d in allowed_dtypes:
            good_a = arange(3).astype(d)
            good_b = object()
            ret_a, ret_b = foo(good_a, good_b)
            self.assertIs(good_a, ret_a)
            self.assertIs(good_b, ret_b)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as e:
            foo(arange(3, dtype='uint32'), object())

        expected_message = (
            "{qualname}() expected a value with dtype 'datetime64[ns]' "
            "or 'float64' for argument 'a', but got 'uint32' instead."
        self.assertEqual(e.exception.args[0], expected_message) 

Example 7

def _classify_gems(counts0, counts1):
        """ Infer number of distinct transcriptomes present in each GEM (1 or 2) and
            report cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME0 for a single cell w/ transcriptome 0,
            report cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME1 for a single cell w/ transcriptome 1,
            report cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_MULTIPLET for multiple transcriptomes """
        # Assumes that most of the GEMs are single-cell; model counts independently
        thresh0, thresh1 = [cr_constants.DEFAULT_MULTIPLET_THRESHOLD] * 2
        if sum(counts0 > counts1) >= 1 and sum(counts1 > counts0) >= 1:
            thresh0 = np.percentile(counts0[counts0 > counts1], cr_constants.MULTIPLET_PROB_THRESHOLD)
            thresh1 = np.percentile(counts1[counts1 > counts0], cr_constants.MULTIPLET_PROB_THRESHOLD)

        doublet = np.logical_and(counts0 >= thresh0, counts1 >= thresh1)
        dtype = np.dtype('|S%d' % max(len(cls) for cls in cr_constants.GEM_CLASSES))
        result = np.where(doublet, cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_MULTIPLET, cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME0).astype(dtype)
        result[np.logical_and(np.logical_not(result == cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_MULTIPLET), counts1 > counts0)] = cr_constants.GEM_CLASS_GENOME1

        return result 

Example 8

def widen_cat_column(old_ds, new_type):
    name =
    tmp_name = "__tmp_" +
    grp = old_ds.parent

    ds = grp.create_dataset(tmp_name,
            data = old_ds[:],
            shape = old_ds.shape,
            maxshape = (None,),
            dtype = new_type,
            compression = COMPRESSION,
            shuffle = True,
            chunks = (CHUNK_SIZE,))

    del grp[name]
    grp.move(tmp_name, name)
    return ds 

Example 9

def create_levels(ds, levels):
    # Create a dataset in the LEVEL_GROUP
    # and store as native numpy / h5py types
    level_grp = ds.file.get(LEVEL_GROUP)
    if level_grp is None:
        # Create a LEVEL_GROUP
        level_grp = ds.file.create_group(LEVEL_GROUP)
    ds_name ="/")[-1]
    dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)

                       shape = [len(levels)],
                       maxshape = (None,),
                       dtype = dt,
                       data  = levels,
                       compression = COMPRESSION,
                       chunks = (CHUNK_SIZE,)) 

Example 10

def reg2bin_vector(begin, end):
    '''Vectorized tabix reg2bin -- much faster than reg2bin'''
    result = np.zeros(begin.shape)

    # Entries filled
    done = np.zeros(begin.shape, dtype=np.bool)

    for (bits, bins) in rev_bit_bins:
        begin_shift = begin >> bits
        new_done = (begin >> bits) == (end >> bits)
        mask = np.logical_and(new_done, np.logical_not(done))
        offset = ((1 << (29 - bits)) - 1) / 7
        result[mask] = offset + begin_shift[mask]

        done = new_done

    return result.astype(np.int32) 

Example 11

def flip_code(code):
    if isinstance(code, (numpy.dtype,type)):
        # since several things map to complex64 we must carefully select
        # the opposite that is an exact match (ticket 1518)
        if code == numpy.int8:
            return gdalconst.GDT_Byte
        if code == numpy.complex64:
            return gdalconst.GDT_CFloat32

        for key, value in codes.items():
            if value == code:
                return key
        return None
            return codes

except KeyError:
return None Example 12

def make2d(array, cols=None, dtype=None):
    Make a 2D array from an array of arrays.  The `cols' and `dtype'
    arguments can be omitted if the array is not empty.

    if (cols is None or dtype is None) and not len(array):
        raise RuntimeError("cols and dtype must be specified for empty "

    if cols is None:
        cols = len(array[0])

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = array[0].dtype

    return _np.fromiter(array, [('_', dtype, (cols,))],

Example 13

def _read(self, stream, text, byte_order):
        Read the actual data from a PLY file.

        if text:
            if self._have_list:
                # There are list properties, so a simple load is
                # impossible.
                self._read_bin(stream, byte_order)
                # There are no list properties, so loading the data is
                # much more straightforward.
                self._data = _np.fromfile(stream,

        if len(self._data) < self.count:
            k = len(self._data)
            del self._data
            raise PlyParseError("early end-of-file", self, k)


Example 14

def _read_bin(self, stream, byte_order):
        Load a PLY element from a binary PLY file.  The element may
        contain list properties.

        self._data = _np.empty(self.count, dtype=self.dtype(byte_order))

        for k in _range(self.count):
            for prop in
                    self._data[][k] = \
                        prop._read_bin(stream, byte_order)
                except StopIteration:
                    raise PlyParseError("early end-of-file",
                                        self, k, prop) 

Example 15

def _merge_all(parts, dtype):
    if len(parts) == 1:
        return parts[0]
        nparts = []
        for i in xrange(0, len(parts), 2):
            if i+1 < len(parts):
                npart = numpy.empty((len(parts[i])+len(parts[i+1]), 2), dtype)
                merge_elements = index_merge(parts[i], parts[i+1], npart)
                if merge_elements != len(npart):
                    npart = npart[:merge_elements]
        del parts
        return _merge_all(nparts, dtype) 

Example 16

def __init__(self, buf, offset = 0):
        # Accelerate class attributes
        self._encode = self.encode
        self._dtype = self.dtype
        self._xxh = self.xxh

        # Initialize buffer
        if offset:
            self._buf = self._likebuf = buffer(buf, offset)
            self._buf = buf
            self._likebuf = _likebuffer(buf)

        # Parse header and map index
        self.index_elements, self.index_offset = self._Header.unpack_from(self._buf, 0)

        self.index = numpy.ndarray(buffer = self._buf, 
            offset = self.index_offset, 
            dtype = self.dtype, 
            shape = (self.index_elements, 3)) 

Example 17

def test_rescaleData():
    dtypes = map(np.dtype, ('ubyte', 'uint16', 'byte', 'int16', 'int', 'float'))
    for dtype1 in dtypes:
        for dtype2 in dtypes:
            data = (np.random.random(size=10) * 2**32 - 2**31).astype(dtype1)
            for scale, offset in [(10, 0), (10., 0.), (1, -50), (0.2, 0.5), (0.001, 0)]:
                if dtype2.kind in 'iu':
                    lim = np.iinfo(dtype2)
                    lim = lim.min, lim.max
                    lim = (-np.inf, np.inf)
                s1 = np.clip(float(scale) * (data-float(offset)), *lim).astype(dtype2)
                s2 = pg.rescaleData(data, scale, offset, dtype2)
                assert s1.dtype == s2.dtype
                if dtype2.kind in 'iu':
                    assert np.all(s1 == s2)
                    assert np.allclose(s1, s2) 

Example 18

def solve3DTransform(points1, points2):
    Find a 3D transformation matrix that maps points1 onto points2.
    Points must be specified as either lists of 4 Vectors or 
    (4, 3) arrays.
    import numpy.linalg
    pts = []
    for inp in (points1, points2):
        if isinstance(inp, np.ndarray):
            A = np.empty((4,4), dtype=float)
            A[:,:3] = inp[:,:3]
            A[:,3] = 1.0
            A = np.array([[inp[i].x(), inp[i].y(), inp[i].z(), 1] for i in range(4)])
    ## solve 3 sets of linear equations to determine transformation matrix elements
    matrix = np.zeros((4,4))
    for i in range(3):
        ## solve Ax = B; x is one row of the desired transformation matrix
        matrix[i] = numpy.linalg.solve(pts[0], pts[1][:,i])  
    return matrix 

Example 19

def __init__(self, index, channel_names=None, channel_ids=None,
                 name=None, description=None, file_origin=None,
                 coordinates=None, **annotations):
        Initialize a new :class:`ChannelIndex` instance.
        # Inherited initialization
        # Sets universally recommended attributes, and places all others
        # in annotations
        super(ChannelIndex, self).__init__(name=name,

        # Defaults
        if channel_names is None:
            channel_names = np.array([], dtype='S')
        if channel_ids is None:
            channel_ids = np.array([], dtype='i')

        # Store recommended attributes
        self.channel_names = np.array(channel_names)
        self.channel_ids = np.array(channel_ids)
        self.index = np.array(index)
        self.coordinates = coordinates 

Example 20

def load_bytes(self, data_blocks, dtype='<i1', start=None, end=None, expected_size=None):
        Return list of bytes contained
        in the specified set of blocks.
        NB : load all data as files cannot exceed 4Gb 
             find later other solutions to spare memory.
        chunks = list()
        raw = ''
        # keep only data blocks having
        # a size greater than zero
        blocks = [k for k in data_blocks if k.size > 0]
        for data_block in blocks :
            raw =[0:expected_size]
            databytes = np.frombuffer(raw, dtype=dtype)
        # concatenate all chunks and return
        # the specified slice
        if len(chunks)>0 :
            databytes = np.concatenate(chunks)
            return databytes[start:end]
        else :
            return np.array([]) 

Example 21

def load_channel_data(self, ep, ch):
        Return a numpy array containing the
        list of bytes corresponding to the
        specified episode and channel.
        #memorise the sample size and symbol
        sample_size = self.sample_size(ep, ch)
        sample_symbol = self.sample_symbol(ep, ch)
        #create a bit mask to define which
        #sample to keep from the file
        bit_mask = self.create_bit_mask(ep, ch)
        #load all bytes contained in an episode
        data_blocks = self.get_data_blocks(ep)
        databytes = self.load_bytes(data_blocks)
        raw = self.filter_bytes(databytes, bit_mask)
        #reshape bytes from the sample size
        dt = np.dtype(numpy_map[sample_symbol])
        return np.frombuffer(raw.reshape([len(raw) / sample_size, sample_size]), dt) 

Example 22

def get_signal_data(self, ep, ch):
        Return a numpy array containing all samples of a
        signal, acquired on an Elphy analog channel, formatted
        as a list of (time, value) tuples.
        #get data from the file
        y_data = self.load_encoded_data(ep, ch)
        x_data = np.arange(0, len(y_data))
        #create a recarray
        data = np.recarray(len(y_data), dtype=[('x', b_float), ('y', b_float)])
        #put in the recarray the scaled data
        x_factors = self.x_scale_factors(ep, ch)
        y_factors = self.y_scale_factors(ep, ch)
        data['x'] = x_factors.scale(x_data)
        data['y'] = y_factors.scale(y_data)
        return data 

Example 23

def get_tag_data(self, ep, tag_ch):
        Return a numpy array containing all samples of a
        signal, acquired on an Elphy tag channel, formatted
        as a list of (time, value) tuples.
        #get data from the file
        y_data = self.load_encoded_tags(ep, tag_ch)
        x_data = np.arange(0, len(y_data))
        #create a recarray
        data = np.recarray(len(y_data), dtype=[('x', b_float), ('y', b_int)])
        #put in the recarray the scaled data
        factors = self.x_tag_scale_factors(ep)
        data['x'] = factors.scale(x_data)
        data['y'] = y_data
        return data 

Example 24

def get_event(self, ep, ch, marked_ks):
        Return a :class:`ElphyEvent` which is a
        descriptor of the specified event channel.
        assert ep in range(1, self.n_episodes + 1)
        assert ch in range(1, self.n_channels + 1)
        # find the event channel number
        evt_channel = np.where(marked_ks == -1)[0][0]
        assert evt_channel in range(1, self.n_events(ep) + 1)
        block = self.episode_block(ep)
        ep_blocks = self.get_blocks_stored_in_episode(ep)
        evt_blocks = [k for k in ep_blocks if k.identifier == 'REVT']
        n_events = np.sum([k.n_events[evt_channel - 1] for k in evt_blocks], dtype=int)
        x_unit = block.ep_block.x_unit
        return ElphyEvent(self, ep, evt_channel, x_unit, n_events, ch_number=ch) 

Example 25

def load_encoded_events(self, episode, evt_channel, identifier):
        Return times stored as a 4-bytes integer
        in the specified event channel.
        data_blocks = self.group_blocks_of_type(episode, identifier)
        ep_blocks = self.get_blocks_stored_in_episode(episode)
        evt_blocks = [k for k in ep_blocks if k.identifier == identifier]
        #compute events on each channel
        n_events = np.sum([k.n_events for k in evt_blocks], dtype=int, axis=0)
        pre_events = np.sum(n_events[0:evt_channel - 1], dtype=int)
        start = pre_events
        end = start + n_events[evt_channel - 1]
        expected_size = 4 * np.sum(n_events, dtype=int)
        return self.load_bytes(data_blocks, dtype='<i4', start=start, end=end, expected_size=expected_size) 

Example 26

def load_encoded_spikes(self, episode, evt_channel, identifier):
        Return times stored as a 4-bytes integer
        in the specified spike channel.
        NB: it is meant for Blackrock-type, having an additional byte for each event time as spike sorting label.
            These additiona bytes are appended trailing the times.
        # to load the requested spikes for the specified episode and event channel:
        # get all the elphy blocks having as identifier 'RSPK' (or whatever)
        all_rspk_blocks = [k for k in self.blocks if k.identifier == identifier]
        rspk_block = all_rspk_blocks[episode-1]
        # RDATA(h?dI) REVT(NbVeV:I, NbEv:256I ... spike data are 4byte integers
        rspk_header = 4*( rspk_block.size - rspk_block.data_size-2 + len(rspk_block.n_events))
        pre_events = np.sum(rspk_block.n_events[0:evt_channel-1], dtype=int, axis=0)
        # the real start is after header, preceeding events (which are 4byte) and preceeding labels (1byte)
        start = rspk_header + (4*pre_events) + pre_events
        end = start + 4*rspk_block.n_events[evt_channel-1]
        raw = self.load_bytes( [rspk_block], dtype='<i1', start=start, end=end, expected_size=rspk_block.size )
        # re-encoding after reading byte by byte
        res = np.frombuffer(raw[0:(4*rspk_block.n_events[evt_channel-1])], dtype='<i4')
        res.sort() # sometimes timings are not sorted
        #print "load_encoded_data() - spikes:",res
        return res 

Example 27

def get_waveform_data(self, episode, electrode_id):
        Return waveforms corresponding to the specified
        spike channel. This function is triggered when the
        ``waveforms`` property of an :class:`Spike` descriptor
        instance is accessed.
        block = self.episode_block(episode)
        times, databytes = self.load_encoded_waveforms(episode, electrode_id)
        n_events, = databytes.shape
        wf_samples = databytes['waveform'].shape[1]
        dtype = [
            ('time', float),
            ('electrode_id', int),
            ('unit_id', int),
            ('waveform', float, (wf_samples, 2))
        data = np.empty(n_events, dtype=dtype)
        data['electrode_id'] = databytes['channel_id'][:, 0]
        data['unit_id'] = databytes['unit_id'][:, 0]
        data['time'] = databytes['elphy_time'][:, 0] * block.ep_block.dX
        data['waveform'][:, :, 0] = times * block.ep_block.dX
        data['waveform'][:, :, 1] = databytes['waveform'] * block.ep_block.dY_wf + block.ep_block.Y0_wf
        return data 

Example 28

def get_rspk_data(self, spk_channel):
        Return times stored as a 4-bytes integer
        in the specified event channel.
        evt_blocks = self.get_blocks_of_type('RSPK')
        #compute events on each channel
        n_events = np.sum([k.n_events for k in evt_blocks], dtype=int, axis=0)
        pre_events = np.sum(n_events[0:spk_channel], dtype=int) # sum of array values up to spk_channel-1!!!!
        start = pre_events + (7 + len(n_events))# rspk header
        end = start + n_events[spk_channel]
        expected_size = 4 * np.sum(n_events, dtype=int) # constant
        return self.load_bytes(evt_blocks, dtype='<i4', start=start, end=end, expected_size=expected_size)

# ---------------------------------------------------------

Example 29

def __mmap_ncs_packet_headers(self, filename):
        Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for extraction of
        data packet headers
        Reading standard dtype improves speed, but timestamps need to be
        filesize = getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename)  # in byte
        if filesize > 16384:
            data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename,
                             shape=((filesize - 16384) / 4 / 261, 261),
                             mode='r', offset=16384)

            ts = data[:, 0:2]
            multi = np.repeat(np.array([1, 2 ** 32], ndmin=2), len(data),
            timestamps = np.sum(ts * multi, axis=1)
            # timestamps = data[:,0] + (data[:,1] *2**32)
            header_u4 = data[:, 2:5]

            return timestamps, header_u4
            return None 

Example 30

def __mmap_ncs_packet_timestamps(self, filename):
        Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for extraction of
        data packet headers
        Reading standard dtype improves speed, but timestamps need to be
        filesize = getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename)  # in byte
        if filesize > 16384:
            data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename,
                             shape=(int((filesize - 16384) / 4 / 261), 261),
                             mode='r', offset=16384)

            ts = data[:, 0:2]
            multi = np.repeat(np.array([1, 2 ** 32], ndmin=2), len(data),
            timestamps = np.sum(ts * multi, axis=1)
            # timestamps = data[:,0] + data[:,1]*2**32

            return timestamps
            return None 

Example 31

def __mmap_nev_file(self, filename):
        """ Memory map the Neuralynx .nev file """
        nev_dtype = np.dtype([
            ('reserved', '<i2'),
            ('system_id', '<i2'),
            ('data_size', '<i2'),
            ('timestamp', '<u8'),
            ('event_id', '<i2'),
            ('ttl_input', '<i2'),
            ('crc_check', '<i2'),
            ('dummy1', '<i2'),
            ('dummy2', '<i2'),
            ('extra', '<i4', (8,)),
            ('event_string', 'a128'),

        if getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename) > 16384:
            return np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename,
                             dtype=nev_dtype, mode='r', offset=16384)
            return None 

Example 32

def __extract_nev_file_spec(self):
        Extract file specification from an .nsx file
        filename = '.'.join([self._filenames['nsx'], 'nev'])
        # Header structure of files specification 2.2 and higher. For files 2.1
        # and lower, the entries ver_major and ver_minor are not supported.
        dt0 = [
            ('file_id', 'S8'),
            ('ver_major', 'uint8'),
            ('ver_minor', 'uint8')]

        nev_file_id = np.fromfile(filename, count=1, dtype=dt0)[0]
        if nev_file_id['file_id'].decode() == 'NEURALEV':
            spec = '{0}.{1}'.format(
                nev_file_id['ver_major'], nev_file_id['ver_minor'])
            raise IOError('NEV file type {0} is not supported'.format(

        return spec 

Example 33

def __read_nsx_data_variant_a(self, nsx_nb):
        Extract nsx data from a 2.1 .nsx file
        filename = '.'.join([self._filenames['nsx'], 'ns%i' % nsx_nb])

        # get shape of data
        shape = (
            self.__nsx_databl_param['2.1']('nb_data_points', nsx_nb),
        offset = self.__nsx_params['2.1']('bytes_in_headers', nsx_nb)

        # read nsx data
        # store as dict for compatibility with higher file specs
        data = {1: np.memmap(
            filename, dtype='int16', shape=shape, offset=offset)}

        return data 

Example 34

def __read_nev_data(self, nev_data_masks, nev_data_types):
        Extract nev data from a 2.1 or 2.2 .nev file
        filename = '.'.join([self._filenames['nev'], 'nev'])
        data_size = self.__nev_basic_header['bytes_in_data_packets']
        header_size = self.__nev_basic_header['bytes_in_headers']

        # read all raw data packets and markers
        dt0 = [
            ('timestamp', 'uint32'),
            ('packet_id', 'uint16'),
            ('value', 'S{0}'.format(data_size - 6))]

        raw_data = np.memmap(filename, offset=header_size, dtype=dt0)

        masks = self.__nev_data_masks(raw_data['packet_id'])
        types = self.__nev_data_types(data_size)

        data = {}
        for k, v in nev_data_masks.items():
            data[k] = raw_data.view(types[k][nev_data_types[k]])[masks[k][v]]

        return data 

Example 35

def __get_nev_rec_times(self):
        Extracts minimum and maximum time points from a nev file.
        filename = '.'.join([self._filenames['nev'], 'nev'])

        dt = [('timestamp', 'uint32')]
        offset = \
            self.__get_file_size(filename) - \
        last_data_packet = np.memmap(filename, offset=offset, dtype=dt)[0]

        n_starts = [0 * self.__nev_params('event_unit')]
        n_stops = [
            last_data_packet['timestamp'] * self.__nev_params('event_unit')]

        return n_starts, n_stops 

Example 36

def __get_waveforms_dtype(self):
        Extracts the actual waveform dtype set for each channel.
        # Blackrock code giving the approiate dtype
        conv = {0: 'int8', 1: 'int8', 2: 'int16', 4: 'int32'}

        # get all electrode ids from nev ext header
        all_el_ids = self.__nev_ext_header[b'NEUEVWAV']['electrode_id']

        # get the dtype of waveform (this is stupidly complicated)
        if self.__is_set(
                np.array(self.__nev_basic_header['additionnal_flags']), 0):
            dtype_waveforms = dict((k, 'int16') for k in all_el_ids)
            # extract bytes per waveform
            waveform_bytes = \
            # extract dtype for waveforms fro each electrode
            dtype_waveforms = dict(zip(all_el_ids, conv[waveform_bytes]))

        return dtype_waveforms 

Example 37

def __read_comment(self,n_start,n_stop,data,lazy=False):
        event_unit = self.__nev_params('event_unit')
        if lazy:
            times = []
            labels = np.array([],dtype='s')
            times = data['timestamp']*event_unit
            labels = data['comment'].astype(str)
        # mask for given time interval
        mask = (times >= n_start) & (times < n_stop)

        if np.sum(mask)>0:
            ev = Event(
                times = times[mask].astype(float),
                labels = labels[mask],
                name = 'comment')
            if lazy:
                ev.lazy_shape = np.sum(mask)
            ev = None
        return ev
    # --------------end------added by zhangbo 20170926-------- 

Example 38

def reformat_integer_v1(data, nbchannel, header):
    reformat when dtype is int16 for ABF version 1
    chans = [chan_num for chan_num in
             header['nADCSamplingSeq'] if chan_num >= 0]
    for n, i in enumerate(chans[:nbchannel]):  # respect SamplingSeq
        data[:, n] /= header['fInstrumentScaleFactor'][i]
        data[:, n] /= header['fSignalGain'][i]
        data[:, n] /= header['fADCProgrammableGain'][i]
        if header['nTelegraphEnable'][i]:
            data[:, n] /= header['fTelegraphAdditGain'][i]
        data[:, n] *= header['fADCRange']
        data[:, n] /= header['lADCResolution']
        data[:, n] += header['fInstrumentOffset'][i]
        data[:, n] -= header['fSignalOffset'][i] 

Example 39

def solve3DTransform(points1, points2):
    Find a 3D transformation matrix that maps points1 onto points2.
    Points must be specified as either lists of 4 Vectors or 
    (4, 3) arrays.
    import numpy.linalg
    pts = []
    for inp in (points1, points2):
        if isinstance(inp, np.ndarray):
            A = np.empty((4,4), dtype=float)
            A[:,:3] = inp[:,:3]
            A[:,3] = 1.0
            A = np.array([[inp[i].x(), inp[i].y(), inp[i].z(), 1] for i in range(4)])
    ## solve 3 sets of linear equations to determine transformation matrix elements
    matrix = np.zeros((4,4))
    for i in range(3):
        ## solve Ax = B; x is one row of the desired transformation matrix
        matrix[i] = numpy.linalg.solve(pts[0], pts[1][:,i])  
    return matrix 

Example 40

def __init__(self, index, channel_names=None, channel_ids=None,
                 name=None, description=None, file_origin=None,
                 coordinates=None, **annotations):
        Initialize a new :class:`ChannelIndex` instance.
        # Inherited initialization
        # Sets universally recommended attributes, and places all others
        # in annotations
        super(ChannelIndex, self).__init__(name=name,

        # Defaults
        if channel_names is None:
            channel_names = np.array([], dtype='S')
        if channel_ids is None:
            channel_ids = np.array([], dtype='i')

        # Store recommended attributes
        self.channel_names = np.array(channel_names)
        self.channel_ids = np.array(channel_ids)
        self.index = np.array(index)
        self.coordinates = coordinates 

Example 41

def load_bytes(self, data_blocks, dtype='<i1', start=None, end=None, expected_size=None):
        Return list of bytes contained
        in the specified set of blocks.
        NB : load all data as files cannot exceed 4Gb 
             find later other solutions to spare memory.
        chunks = list()
        raw = ''
        # keep only data blocks having
        # a size greater than zero
        blocks = [k for k in data_blocks if k.size > 0]
        for data_block in blocks :
            raw =[0:expected_size]
            databytes = np.frombuffer(raw, dtype=dtype)
        # concatenate all chunks and return
        # the specified slice
        if len(chunks)>0 :
            databytes = np.concatenate(chunks)
            return databytes[start:end]
        else :
            return np.array([]) 

Example 42

def load_channel_data(self, ep, ch):
        Return a numpy array containing the
        list of bytes corresponding to the
        specified episode and channel.
        #memorise the sample size and symbol
        sample_size = self.sample_size(ep, ch)
        sample_symbol = self.sample_symbol(ep, ch)
        #create a bit mask to define which
        #sample to keep from the file
        bit_mask = self.create_bit_mask(ep, ch)
        #load all bytes contained in an episode
        data_blocks = self.get_data_blocks(ep)
        databytes = self.load_bytes(data_blocks)
        raw = self.filter_bytes(databytes, bit_mask)
        #reshape bytes from the sample size
        dt = np.dtype(numpy_map[sample_symbol])
        return np.frombuffer(raw.reshape([len(raw) / sample_size, sample_size]), dt) 

Example 43

def get_signal_data(self, ep, ch):
        Return a numpy array containing all samples of a
        signal, acquired on an Elphy analog channel, formatted
        as a list of (time, value) tuples.
        #get data from the file
        y_data = self.load_encoded_data(ep, ch)
        x_data = np.arange(0, len(y_data))
        #create a recarray
        data = np.recarray(len(y_data), dtype=[('x', b_float), ('y', b_float)])
        #put in the recarray the scaled data
        x_factors = self.x_scale_factors(ep, ch)
        y_factors = self.y_scale_factors(ep, ch)
        data['x'] = x_factors.scale(x_data)
        data['y'] = y_factors.scale(y_data)
        return data 

Example 44

def get_tag_data(self, ep, tag_ch):
        Return a numpy array containing all samples of a
        signal, acquired on an Elphy tag channel, formatted
        as a list of (time, value) tuples.
        #get data from the file
        y_data = self.load_encoded_tags(ep, tag_ch)
        x_data = np.arange(0, len(y_data))
        #create a recarray
        data = np.recarray(len(y_data), dtype=[('x', b_float), ('y', b_int)])
        #put in the recarray the scaled data
        factors = self.x_tag_scale_factors(ep)
        data['x'] = factors.scale(x_data)
        data['y'] = y_data
        return data 

Example 45

def load_encoded_events(self, episode, evt_channel, identifier):
        Return times stored as a 4-bytes integer
        in the specified event channel.
        data_blocks = self.group_blocks_of_type(episode, identifier)
        ep_blocks = self.get_blocks_stored_in_episode(episode)
        evt_blocks = [k for k in ep_blocks if k.identifier == identifier]
        #compute events on each channel
        n_events = np.sum([k.n_events for k in evt_blocks], dtype=int, axis=0)
        pre_events = np.sum(n_events[0:evt_channel - 1], dtype=int)
        start = pre_events
        end = start + n_events[evt_channel - 1]
        expected_size = 4 * np.sum(n_events, dtype=int)
        return self.load_bytes(data_blocks, dtype='<i4', start=start, end=end, expected_size=expected_size) 

Example 46

def load_encoded_spikes(self, episode, evt_channel, identifier):
        Return times stored as a 4-bytes integer
        in the specified spike channel.
        NB: it is meant for Blackrock-type, having an additional byte for each event time as spike sorting label.
            These additiona bytes are appended trailing the times.
        # to load the requested spikes for the specified episode and event channel:
        # get all the elphy blocks having as identifier 'RSPK' (or whatever)
        all_rspk_blocks = [k for k in self.blocks if k.identifier == identifier]
        rspk_block = all_rspk_blocks[episode-1]
        # RDATA(h?dI) REVT(NbVeV:I, NbEv:256I ... spike data are 4byte integers
        rspk_header = 4*( rspk_block.size - rspk_block.data_size-2 + len(rspk_block.n_events))
        pre_events = np.sum(rspk_block.n_events[0:evt_channel-1], dtype=int, axis=0)
        # the real start is after header, preceeding events (which are 4byte) and preceeding labels (1byte)
        start = rspk_header + (4*pre_events) + pre_events
        end = start + 4*rspk_block.n_events[evt_channel-1]
        raw = self.load_bytes( [rspk_block], dtype='<i1', start=start, end=end, expected_size=rspk_block.size )
        # re-encoding after reading byte by byte
        res = np.frombuffer(raw[0:(4*rspk_block.n_events[evt_channel-1])], dtype='<i4')
        res.sort() # sometimes timings are not sorted
        #print "load_encoded_data() - spikes:",res
        return res 

Example 47

def get_spiketrain(self, episode, electrode_id):
        Return a :class:`Spike` which is a
        descriptor of the specified spike channel.
        assert episode in range(1, self.n_episodes + 1)
        assert electrode_id in range(1, self.n_spiketrains(episode) + 1)
        # get some properties stored in the episode sub-block
        block = self.episode_block(episode)
        x_unit = block.ep_block.x_unit
        x_unit_wf = getattr(block.ep_block, 'x_unit_wf', None)
        y_unit_wf = getattr(block.ep_block, 'y_unit_wf', None)
        # number of spikes in the entire episode
        spk_blocks = [k for k in self.blocks if k.identifier == 'RSPK']
        n_events = np.sum([k.n_events[electrode_id - 1] for k in spk_blocks], dtype=int)
        # number of samples in a waveform
        wf_sampling_frequency = 1.0 / block.ep_block.dX
        wf_blocks = [k for k in self.blocks if k.identifier == 'RspkWave']
        if wf_blocks :
            wf_samples = wf_blocks[0].wavelength
            t_start = wf_blocks[0].pre_trigger * block.ep_block.dX
            wf_samples = 0
            t_start = 0
        return ElphySpikeTrain(self, episode, electrode_id, x_unit, n_events, wf_sampling_frequency, wf_samples, x_unit_wf, y_unit_wf, t_start) 

Example 48

def get_rspk_data(self, spk_channel):
        Return times stored as a 4-bytes integer
        in the specified event channel.
        evt_blocks = self.get_blocks_of_type('RSPK')
        #compute events on each channel
        n_events = np.sum([k.n_events for k in evt_blocks], dtype=int, axis=0)
        pre_events = np.sum(n_events[0:spk_channel], dtype=int) # sum of array values up to spk_channel-1!!!!
        start = pre_events + (7 + len(n_events))# rspk header
        end = start + n_events[spk_channel]
        expected_size = 4 * np.sum(n_events, dtype=int) # constant
        return self.load_bytes(evt_blocks, dtype='<i4', start=start, end=end, expected_size=expected_size)

# ---------------------------------------------------------

Example 49

def __mmap_ncs_packet_headers(self, filename):
        Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for extraction of
        data packet headers
        Reading standard dtype improves speed, but timestamps need to be
        filesize = getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename)  # in byte
        if filesize > 16384:
            data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename,
                             shape=((filesize - 16384) / 4 / 261, 261),
                             mode='r', offset=16384)

            ts = data[:, 0:2]
            multi = np.repeat(np.array([1, 2 ** 32], ndmin=2), len(data),
            timestamps = np.sum(ts * multi, axis=1)
            # timestamps = data[:,0] + (data[:,1] *2**32)
            header_u4 = data[:, 2:5]

            return timestamps, header_u4
            return None 

Example 50

def __mmap_nev_file(self, filename):
        """ Memory map the Neuralynx .nev file """
        nev_dtype = np.dtype([
            ('reserved', '<i2'),
            ('system_id', '<i2'),
            ('data_size', '<i2'),
            ('timestamp', '<u8'),
            ('event_id', '<i2'),
            ('ttl_input', '<i2'),
            ('crc_check', '<i2'),
            ('dummy1', '<i2'),
            ('dummy2', '<i2'),
            ('extra', '<i4', (8,)),
            ('event_string', 'a128'),

        if getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename) > 16384:
            return np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename,
                             dtype=nev_dtype, mode='r', offset=16384)
            return None 