Python numpy.delete() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def eliminate_overlapping_locations(f, separation):
    """ Makes sure that no position is within `separation` from each other, by
    deleting one of the that are to close to each other.
    separation = validate_tuple(separation, f.shape[1])
    assert np.greater(separation, 0).all()
    # Rescale positions, so that pairs are identified below a distance of 1.
    f = f / separation
    while True:
        duplicates = cKDTree(f, 30).query_pairs(1)
        if len(duplicates) == 0:
        to_drop = []
        for pair in duplicates:
        f = np.delete(f, to_drop, 0)
    return f * separation 

Example 2

def weights_to_image(w):
    if not isinstance(w, np.ndarray):
        w =
    if w.ndim == 1:
        w = np.expand_dims(w, 1)
    if w.ndim > 2:
        c = w.shape[0]
        w = np.reshape(w, (c,-1))
    w_min = w.min()
    w_max = w.max()
    w -= w_min
    w *= (1/(w_max - w_min + epsilon))
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
    rgba_img = cmap(w)
    rgb_img = np.delete(rgba_img, 3,2)
    rgb_img = np.transpose(rgb_img,(2,0,1))
    return rgb_img 

Example 3

def get(self, X):
        X = np.array(X)
        X_nan = np.isnan(X)
        imputed = self.meanImput(X.copy())

        if len(self.estimators_) > 1:
            for i, estimator_ in enumerate(self.estimators_):
                X_s = np.delete(imputed, i, 1)
                y_nan = X_nan[:, i]

                X_unk = X_s[y_nan]

                result_ = []
                if len(X_unk) > 0:
                    for unk in X_unk:
                    X[y_nan, i] = result_

        return X 

Example 4

def loadLogoSet(path, rows,cols,test_data_rate=0.15):
    _, imgID = readItems('data.txt')
    y, _ = modelDict(path)
    nPics =  len(y)
    faceassset = np.zeros((nPics,rows,cols), dtype = np.uint8) ### gray images
    noImg = []
    for i in range(nPics):
        temp = cv2.imread(path +'logo/'+imgID[i]+'.jpg', 0)
        if temp == None:
        elif temp.size < 1000:
            temp = cv2.resize(temp,(cols, rows), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
            faceassset[i,:,:] = temp
    y = np.delete(y, noImg,0); faceassset = np.delete(faceassset, noImg, 0)
    nPics = len(y)
    index = random.sample(np.arange(nPics), int(nPics*test_data_rate))
    x_test = faceassset[index,:,:]; x_train = np.delete(faceassset, index, 0)
    y_test = y[index]; y_train = np.delete(y, index, 0)
    return (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) 

Example 5

def draw_attention(img, *masks):
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
    imgs = []
    for mask in masks:
        # convert to heat map
        rgba_img = cmap(mask)
        rgb_img = np.delete(rgba_img, 3, 2)
        rgb_img = (rgb_img * 255)
        # mean
        mean_img = ((rgb_img + img) / 2).astype(np.uint8)
        # convert to PIL.Image
        mean_img = Image.fromarray(mean_img, "RGB")

    return imgs 

Example 6

def repeat(tensor: tf.Tensor, repeats: int, axis: int) -> tf.Tensor:
    Repeat elements of the input tensor in the specified axis ``repeats``-times.

    .. note::
        Chaining of this op may produce TF warnings although the performance seems to be unaffected.

    :param tensor: TF tensor to be repeated
    :param repeats: number of repeats
    :param axis: axis to repeat
    :return: tensor with repeated elements
    shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list()

    dims = np.arange(len(tensor.shape))
    prepare_perm = np.hstack(([axis], np.delete(dims, axis)))
    restore_perm = np.hstack((dims[1:axis+1], [0], dims[axis+1:]))

    indices = tf.cast(tf.floor(tf.range(0, shape[axis]*repeats)/tf.constant(repeats)), 'int32')

    shuffled = tf.transpose(tensor, prepare_perm)
    repeated = tf.gather(shuffled, indices)
    return tf.transpose(repeated, restore_perm) 

Example 7

def main():
    iris = load_iris()
    test_idx = [0, 50, 100]

    # training Data
    train_target = np.delete(, test_idx)
    train_data = np.delete(, test_idx, axis=0)

    # testing data
    test_target =[test_idx]
    test_data =[test_idx]

    # Train Classifier
    clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
    clf =, train_target)


# Run main 

Example 8

def _calc_B_for_tetra3d11(nodes,volume):
    A = np.ones((4,4))
    belta = np.zeros(4)
    gama = np.zeros(4)
    delta = np.zeros(4)
    for i,nd in enumerate(nodes):
        A[i,1:] = nd.coord

    for i in range(4):
        belta[i] = (-1)**(i+1)*np.linalg.det(np.delete(np.delete(A,i,0),1,1))
        gama[i] = (-1)**(i+2)*np.linalg.det(np.delete(np.delete(A,i,0),2,1))
        delta[i] = (-1)**(i+1)*np.linalg.det(np.delete(np.delete(A,i,0),3,1))

    B =  1./(6.*volume)*np.array([[belta[0],0.,0.,belta[1],0.,0.,belta[2],0.,0.,belta[3],0.,0.],
    return B 

Example 9

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 10

def tune_tal(mono_phi_score, tal_list):
    errs = []
    tals = []
    for tal in tal_list:
        err = []
        for i in range(len(mono_phi_score)):
            mono_1 = numpy.delete(mono_phi_score, i, axis=0)
            dim_h = mono_phi_score[i][:-1]
            value_h, alpha = train_predict_regression(mono_1, dim_h, tal)
            err.append((value_h - mono_phi_score[i][-1])**2)
        err = numpy.mean(err)

        print 'regression tal:', tal, 'err', err

    idx = numpy.argmin(errs)

    return tals[idx] 

Example 11

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 12

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 13

def setdiff(eq1, eq2):

    eq1, eq2 = eqsize(eq1, eq2)

    c1 = [None] * eq1.shape
    c2 = [None] * eq2.shape

    for i in range(0, eq1.size):

        c1.append[i] = hash(eq2[i])

    for i in range(0, eq2.size):

        c2[i] = hash(eq2[i])

    ia = np.delete(np.arange(np.alen(c1)), np.searchsorted(c1, c2))

    ia = (ia[:]).conj().T

    p = eq1[ia]

    return p, ia 

Example 14

def McCormack(x_nods_quantity, grid, transfer_velocity, time_step, x_step):
    if (transfer_velocity[0] > 0):
        new_grid = grid
        for m in range(2, x_nods_quantity - 1):
            sigma = transfer_velocity[m] * time_step / x_step
            new_grid[m] = grid[m] -, (grid[m] - grid[m-1])) + \
        **2, (grid[m] - grid[m-2]))
        new_grid = grid
        for m in range(2, x_nods_quantity - 1):
            sigma = transfer_velocity[m] * time_step / x_step
            new_grid[m] = grid[m] -, (grid[m+1] - grid[m])) + \
                 ** 2, (grid[m+2] - grid[m]))
    #new_grid = np.delete(grid, [0, 1])
        # returning array without additional nod and border condition
    return new_grid 

Example 15

def test_silence_frame_removal_given_hts_labels():
    qs_file_name = join(DATA_DIR, "questions-radio_dnn_416.hed")
    binary_dict, continuous_dict = hts.load_question_set(qs_file_name)

    input_state_label = join(DATA_DIR, "label_state_align", "arctic_a0001.lab")
    labels = hts.load(input_state_label)
    features = fe.linguistic_features(labels,

    # Remove silence frames
    indices = labels.silence_frame_indices()
    features = np.delete(features, indices, axis=0)

    y = np.fromfile(join(DATA_DIR, "nn_no_silence_lab_425", "arctic_a0001.lab"),
                    dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, features.shape[-1])
    assert features.shape == y.shape
    assert np.allclose(features, y)

# Make sure we can get same results with Merlin 

Example 16

def validate(self):
        wav_dir = join(self.data_root, self.subset, "wav")
        if not isdir(wav_dir):
            raise RuntimeError("{} doesn't exist.".format(wav_dir))
        miss_indices = []
        for idx, name in enumerate(self.names):
            wav_path = join(wav_dir, name + ".wav")
            if not exists(wav_path):

        if len(miss_indices) > 0:
            warn("{}/{} wav files were missing in subset {}.".format(
                len(miss_indices), len(self.names), self.subset))

        self.names = np.delete(self.names, miss_indices)
        self.transcriptions = np.delete(self.transcriptions, miss_indices) 

Example 17

def data_split(arr):

	num2 = df.values 

	num2 = np.delete(num2,)


	df2 = df

	df3 = df
	#print arr

	df2 = df2.drop([i for i in arr])

	df3 = df3.drop([i for i in xrange(0,len(df)) if i not in arr])
	return (df2,df3) 

Example 18

def FileReader(file_list,param_list):

	row_add = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(param_list)+1))

	for file in file_list:
		hdulist =,memmap=True)
		data_in = hdulist[1].data
		col_add = np.zeros(shape=(len(data_in),1))
		print file
		for param in param_list:
			data_now = np.reshape(data_in[param],(len(data_in[param]),1))
			col_add = np.append(col_add,data_now,axis=1)

		row_add = np.append(row_add,col_add,axis=0)	
		del hdulist

	row_add = np.delete(row_add,0,axis=0)
	row_add = np.delete(row_add,0,axis=1)	
	return row_add 

Example 19

def create_vertex_groups(groups=['common', 'not_used'], weights=[0.0, 0.0], ob=None):
    '''Creates vertex groups and sets weights. "groups" is a list of strings
    for the names of the groups. "weights" is a list of weights corresponding 
    to the strings. Each vertex is assigned a weight for each vertex group to
    avoid calling vertex weights that are not assigned. If the groups are
    already present, the previous weights will be preserved. To reset weights
    delete the created groups'''
    if ob is None:
        ob = bpy.context.object
    vg = ob.vertex_groups
    for g in range(0, len(groups)):
        if groups[g] not in vg.keys(): # Don't create groups if there are already there
            vg[groups[g]].add(range(0,len(, weights[g], 'REPLACE')
            vg[groups[g]].add(range(0,len(, 0, 'ADD') # This way we avoid resetting the weights for existing groups. 

Example 20

def linregress(self):
        """Get the linear regression of the mean values in this plot. Returns
        a tuple containing the best-fit line y-values for this plotter's
        t_axis, the drift coefficient, and the ``linregress`` named tuple from
        cleandata  = np.delete(self.plot_vars.means, self.bad_indices.means)
        cleantimes = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.means)
        if len(cleandata) != 0:
            r = scipy.stats.linregress(cleantimes, cleandata)
            bestfit = r.slope * self.t_axis + r.intercept
            driftcoeff = r.slope / SEC_PER[self.t_units]
            bestfit = 0
            driftcoeff = 0
            r = None
        return self.LinRegress(bestfit=bestfit, driftcoeff=driftcoeff,

Example 21

def trend(self):
        """Subtract the trend specified in
        ``Plotter.plot_properties['detrend']`` from each plot. Trend can be 
        the 'mean' value of the plot, the 'linear' least squares best fit, a
        custom-specified number, or simply 'none' if no trend should be
        if self.plot_properties['detrend'] == 'mean':
            # delete bad indices before calculating the trend, since they
            # can skew the trend.
            cleandata = np.delete(self.plot_vars.means, self.bad_indices.means)
            if len(cleandata) != 0:
                trend = cleandata.mean()
                trend = 0
        elif self.plot_properties['detrend'] == 'none':
            trend = 0
        elif self.plot_properties['detrend'] == 'linear':
            trend, driftcoeff, linregress = self.linregress
            trend = self.plot_properties['detrend']
        return trend 

Example 22

def plot_timeseries(self, ax, **kwargs):
        """Scale up by 10^9 since plots are in ns, not seconds.
        Remove any indices considered bad in ``plot_properties``"""
        # define the variables for our plots
        y = np.delete(self.plot_vars.means - self.trend,
                      self.bad_indices.means) / SEC_PER['ns']
        t = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.means)
        yerr = np.delete(self.plot_vars.stds,
                         self.bad_indices.means) / SEC_PER['ns']
        mint = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.mins)
        miny = np.delete(self.plot_vars.mins - self.trend,
                         self.bad_indices.mins) / SEC_PER['ns']
        maxt = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.maxs)
        maxy = np.delete(self.plot_vars.maxs - self.trend,
                         self.bad_indices.maxs) / SEC_PER['ns']
        # plot everything, but only if the plotted data has nonzero length
        # in order to avoid an annoying matplotlib bug when adding legends.
        if len(t) != 0:
            ax.errorbar(t, y, marker="o", color="green", linestyle='none',
                        yerr=yerr, label="Means +/- Std. Dev.")
        if len(mint) != 0:
            ax.scatter(mint, miny, marker="^", color="blue", label="Minima")
        if len(maxt) != 0:
            ax.scatter(maxt, maxy, marker="v", color="red", label="Maxima") 

Example 23

def plot_timeseries(self, ax, **kwargs):
        """Scale up by 10^9 since plots are in ns, not seconds.
        Remove any indices considered bad in ``plot_properties``"""
        # define the variables for our plots
        t = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.means)
        y = np.delete(self.plot_vars.means - self.trend,
                      self.bad_indices.means) / SEC_PER['ns']
        yerr = np.delete(self.plot_vars.stds,
                         self.bad_indices.means) / SEC_PER['ns']
        mint = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.absmins)
        miny = np.delete(self.plot_vars.absmins - self.trend,
                         self.bad_indices.absmins) / SEC_PER['ns']
        maxt = np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.absmaxs)
        maxy = np.delete(self.plot_vars.absmaxs - self.trend,
                         self.bad_indices.absmaxs) / SEC_PER['ns']
        # plot everything, but only if the plotted data has nonzero length
        # in order to avoid an annoying matplotlib bug when adding legends.
        if len(t) != 0:
            ax.errorbar(t, y, marker="o", color="green", linestyle='none',
                        yerr=yerr, label="Means +/- Std. Dev.")
        if len(mint) != 0:
            ax.scatter(mint,miny,marker="^", color="blue", label="Abs. Minima")
        if len(maxt) != 0:
            ax.scatter(maxt,maxy,marker="v", color="red", label="Abs. Maxima") 

Example 24

def plot_timeseries(self, ax, **kwargs):
        ax.plot(np.delete(self.t_axis, self.bad_indices.means),
                np.delete(self.plot_vars.means - self.trend,
                          self.bad_indices.means) / SEC_PER['ns'],
                marker="o", color="green", label="Recorded Signal")
        # put the start and/or end time in the plot as a vertical line
        unitfactor = SEC_PER[self.t_units]
        dq_start = (self.dq_segment.start.gpsSeconds - self.start) / unitfactor
        dq_end = (self.dq_segment.end.gpsSeconds - self.start) / unitfactor
        zorder = self.plot_properties['start_end_zorder']
        if self.t_lim[0] <= dq_start:
            deep_pink = '#FF1493'
            plot_vertical_marker(ax, [dq_start], zorder=zorder,
                                 label="Start of Segment", color=deep_pink)
        if dq_end <= self.t_lim[1]:
            midnight_blue = '#191970'
            plot_vertical_marker(ax, [dq_end], zorder=zorder,
                                 label="End of Segment", color=midnight_blue) 

Example 25

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 26

def remove_indexes(self, rm_idx_list, rearranged_props):
        The k-points with velocity < 1 cm/s (either in valence or conduction band) are taken out as those are
            troublesome later with extreme values (e.g. too high elastic scattering rates)
        :param rm_idx_list ([int]): the kpoint indexes that need to be removed for each property
        :param rearranged_props ([str]): list of properties for which some indexes need to be removed
        for i, tp in enumerate(["n", "p"]):
            for ib in range(self.cbm_vbm[tp]["included"]):
                rm_idx_list_ib = list(set(rm_idx_list[tp][ib]))
                rm_idx_list[tp][ib] = rm_idx_list_ib
                logging.debug("# of {}-type kpoints indexes with low velocity or off-energy: {}".format(tp,len(rm_idx_list_ib)))
            for prop in rearranged_props:
                self.kgrid[tp][prop] = np.array([np.delete(self.kgrid[tp][prop][ib], rm_idx_list[tp][ib], axis=0) \
                                                 for ib in range(self.cbm_vbm[tp]["included"])]) 

Example 27

def transform(self, X):
        check_is_fitted(self, ['statistics_', 'estimators_', 'gamma_'])
        X = check_array(X, copy=True, dtype=np.float64, force_all_finite=False)
        if X.shape[1] != self.statistics_.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("X has %d features per sample, expected %d"
                             % (X.shape[1], self.statistics_.shape[1]))

        X_nan = np.isnan(X)
        imputed = self.initial_imputer.fit_transform(X)

        if len(self.estimators_) > 1:
            for i, estimator_ in enumerate(self.estimators_):
                X_s = np.delete(imputed, i, 1)
                y_nan = X_nan[:, i]

                X_unk = X_s[y_nan]
                if len(X_unk) > 0:
                    X[y_nan, i] = estimator_.predict(X_unk)

            estimator_ = self.estimators_[0]
            X[X_nan] = estimator_.inverse_transform(estimator_.transform(imputed))[X_nan]

        return X 

Example 28

def _run_TR_from_scan_onsets(self, n_T, scan_onsets=None):
        if scan_onsets is None:
            # assume that all data are acquired within the same scan.
            n_run = 1
            run_TRs = np.array([n_T], dtype=int)
            # Each value in the scan_onsets tells the index at which
            # a new scan starts. For example, if n_T = 500, and
            # scan_onsets = [0,100,200,400], this means that the time points
            # of 0-99 are from the first scan, 100-199 are from the second,
            # 200-399 are from the third and 400-499 are from the fourth
            run_TRs = np.int32(np.diff(np.append(scan_onsets, n_T)))
            run_TRs = np.delete(run_TRs, np.where(run_TRs == 0))
            n_run = run_TRs.size
            # delete run length of 0 in case of duplication in scan_onsets.
  'I infer that the number of volumes'
                        ' in each scan are: {}'.format(run_TRs))
        return run_TRs, n_run 

Example 29

def chooseErrorData(self, game, lesson=None):
        Choose saved error function data by lesson and game name in 
        history database.
        if lesson is not None:
            self.error_data_training = np.split([0,:], 
                np.argwhere([0,:] == -1))[lesson][1:]
            self.error_data_test = np.split([1,:], 
                np.argwhere([1,:] == -1))[lesson][1:]
            self.error_data_training = np.delete([0,:], 
            self.error_data_test = np.delete([1,:], 
# ------------------- for test and show reasons only ---------------------- 

Example 30

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 31

def add_state(self, state):
        if state is None:
            self.queue = None

        state = np.asarray(state)
        axis = len(state.shape)  # extra dimension for observation
        observation = np.reshape(state, state.shape + (1,))
        if self.queue is None:
            self.queue = np.repeat(observation, self.stacked_num, axis=axis)
            # remove oldest observation from the beginning of the observation queue
            self.queue = np.delete(self.queue, 0, axis=axis)

            # append latest observation to the end of the observation queue
            self.queue = np.append(self.queue, observation, axis=axis) 

Example 32

def margins(doc_scores):
    margin_win = np.zeros_like(doc_scores)
    margin_lose = np.zeros_like(doc_scores)

    for j in range(doc_scores.shape[1]):
        my_scores = doc_scores[:, j]
        others = np.delete(doc_scores, j, axis=1)

        if FROM  == 'second':
            margin_win[:, j] = np.maximum(my_scores - others.max(axis=1), 0)
            margin_lose[:, j] = np.maximum(others.min(axis=1) - my_scores, 0)
        if FROM  == 'other':
            margin_win[:, j] = np.maximum(my_scores - others.min(axis=1), 0)
            margin_lose[:, j] = np.maximum(others.max(axis=1) - my_scores, 0)
        elif FROM == 'median':
            margin_win[:, j] = np.maximum(my_scores - np.median(others,
                                          axis=1), 0)
            margin_lose[:, j] = np.maximum(np.median(others, axis=1) -
                                           my_scores, 0)

    return margin_win, margin_lose 

Example 33

def filter_annotations(self, image_group, annotations_group, group):
        # test all annotations
        for index, (image, annotations) in enumerate(zip(image_group, annotations_group)):
            assert(isinstance(annotations, np.ndarray)), '\'load_annotations\' should return a list of numpy arrays, received: {}'.format(type(annotations))

            # test x2 < x1 | y2 < y1 | x1 < 0 | y1 < 0 | x2 <= 0 | y2 <= 0 | x2 >= image.shape[1] | y2 >= image.shape[0]
            invalid_indices = np.where(
                (annotations[:, 2] <= annotations[:, 0]) |
                (annotations[:, 3] <= annotations[:, 1]) |
                (annotations[:, 0] < 0) |
                (annotations[:, 1] < 0) |
                (annotations[:, 2] > image.shape[1]) |
                (annotations[:, 3] > image.shape[0])

            # delete invalid indices
            if len(invalid_indices):
                warnings.warn('Image with id {} (shape {}) contains the following invalid boxes: {}.'.format(
                    [annotations[invalid_index, :] for invalid_index in invalid_indices]
                annotations_group[index] = np.delete(annotations, invalid_indices, axis=0)

        return image_group, annotations_group 

Example 34

def cellslice(UC, P_UC, slicing):
    if slicing == 1:
        P_UCS = P_UC
        UCS = UC
        P_UCS = 0               # points in sliced unit cell
        UCS = zeros([6, 1])
        for i in range(P_UC):
            if UC[0, i] in (2, 5, 7):  # noslicing edges, rotators, diagnostics
                UCS = hstack((UCS, UC[:, i].reshape(6, 1)))
                P_UCS += 1
                UCS = hstack((UCS, UC[:, i].reshape(6, 1).repeat(slicing, 1)))
                P_UCS += slicing
        UCS = delete(UCS, 0, axis=1)
        UCS[1, :] = UCS[1, :]/slicing
    s = hstack((0, cumsum(UCS[1, :])))
    return s, UCS, P_UCS 

Example 35

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 36

def test_fit_to_less_width(self):
        """Fit a tensor to a smalles width (i.e. trimming).

        Given a 3D tensor of shape [batch, length, width], apply the
        `` operator to it with the a smaller `width` as the
        target one and check that the last axis of the tensor have been
        batch = 2
        length = 5
        width = 4
        fit_width = 3
        delta = width - fit_width

        shape = [None, None, None]
        input_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=shape)
        output =, fit_width)

        input_actual = np.random.rand(batch, length, width)  # pylint: disable=I0011,E1101
        delete_idx = [width - (i + 1) for i in range(delta)]
        output_expected = np.delete(input_actual, delete_idx, axis=2)  # pylint: disable=I0011,E1101
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            output_actual =, {input_: input_actual})
        self.assertAllClose(output_expected, output_actual) 

Example 37

def prepare_data(img_folder):
    X, Y, captcha_text = vecmp.load_dataset(folder=img_folder)

    # invert and normalize to [0,1]
    #X =  (255- Xdata)/255.0

    # standarization
    # compute mean across the rows, sum elements from each column and divide
    x_mean = X.mean(axis=0)
    x_std = X.std(axis=0)
    X = (X - x_mean) / (x_std + 0.00001)

    test_size = min(1000, X.shape[0])
    random_idx = np.random.choice(X.shape[0], test_size, replace=False)

    test_X = X[random_idx, :]
    test_Y = Y[random_idx, :]

    X = np.delete(X, random_idx, axis=0)
    Y = np.delete(Y, random_idx, axis=0)

    return (X,Y,test_X,test_Y) 

Example 38

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 39

def __init__(self, table,reg=False,lamda=0):
        """Initializes Class for Linear Regression
        table : ndarray(n-rows,m-features + 1)
            Numerical training data, last column as training values
        reg : Boolean
            Set True to enable regularization, false by default
        #regularization parameters
        self.reg = reg
        self.lamda = lamda
        self.num_training = np.shape(table)[0]
        # remove the last column from training data to extract features data
        self.X = np.delete(table, -1, 1)
        # add a column of ones in front of the training data
        self.X = np.insert(self.X, 0, np.ones(self.num_training), axis=1)
        self.num_features = np.shape(self.X)[1]
        # extract the values of the training set from the provided data
        self.y = table[:, self.num_features - 1]
        # create parameters and initialize to 1
        self.theta = np.ones(self.num_features) 

Example 40

def compute_cost(self):
        """Computes cost based on the current values of the parameters
        cost : float
            Cost of the selection of current set of parameters
        hypothesis = LogisticRegression.sigmoid(, self.theta))
        #new ndarray to prevent intercept from theta array to be changed
        #regularization term
        reg = (self.lamda/2*self.num_training)*np.sum(np.power(theta,2)) 
        cost = -(np.sum(self.y * np.log(hypothesis) + (1 - self.y) * (np.log(1 - hypothesis)))) / self.num_training
        #if regularization is true, add regularization term and return cost
        if self.reg:
            return cost + reg
        return cost 

Example 41

def unpad(matrix):
    Strip off a column (e.g. of ones). Transform from:
        array([[1., 2., 3., 1.],
               [2., 3., 4., 1.],
               [5., 6., 7., 1.]])
        array([[1., 2., 3.],
               [2., 3., 4.],
               [5., 6., 7.]])

    if matrix.ndim != 2 or matrix.shape[1] != 4:
        raise ValueError("Invalid shape %s: unpad expects nx4" % (matrix.shape,))
    if not all(matrix[:, 3] == 1.):
        raise ValueError('Expected a column of ones')
    return np.delete(matrix, 3, axis=1) 

Example 42

def BFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the BFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[-1]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, -1)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree 

Example 43

def DFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the DFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[0]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, 0)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree 

Example 44

def topological_sort(self):
        Returns a list topological sorted nodes
        if self.is_cyclic(self.FSs):
            print 'cannot apply labels, graph contains cycles'
        big_l = []  # Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
        # Set of all nodes with no incoming edges
        big_s = set([0])
        bs_copy = self.BSs.copy()
        while len(big_s) > 0:
            n = big_s.pop()
            for m in self.FSs[n]:
                bs_copy[m] = np.delete(bs_copy[m], np.where(bs_copy[m] == n))
                # bs_copy[m].remove(n)
                if len(bs_copy[m]) == 0:
        return big_l 

Example 45

def _mask_clip(self, row_or_col):
        Cuts out items from matrix that do not contain at least k values on axis=0
        mat = self.mat
        k = self.k
        lil = mat.tolil()
        to_remove = []
        for idx, i in enumerate(lil.rows):
            if len(i) < k:
        lil.rows = np.delete(lil.rows, to_remove) = np.delete(, to_remove)
        if row_or_col == 'row':
            self.row_idx = np.delete(range(lil.shape[0]), to_remove) 
        elif row_or_col == 'col':
            self.col_idx = np.delete(range(lil.shape[0]), to_remove)
        remaining = lil.shape[0] - len(to_remove)
        lil = lil[:remaining]
        self.mat = lil
        return self 

Example 46

def __call__(self, index_list, padded_value=-1):
            index_list (np.ndarray): list of word indices.
                Batch size 1 is expected.
            padded_value (int): the value used for padding
            word_list (list): list of words
        # Remove padded values
        assert type(index_list) == np.ndarray, 'index_list should be np.ndarray.'
        index_list = np.delete(index_list, np.where(index_list == -1), axis=0)

        # Convert from indices to the corresponding words
        word_list = list(map(lambda x: self.map_dict[x], index_list))

        return word_list 

Example 47

def __call__(self, index_list, padded_value=-1):
            index_list (list): phone indices
            padded_value (int): the value used for padding
            str_phone (string): a sequence of phones
        # Remove padded values
        assert type(index_list) == np.ndarray, 'index_list should be np.ndarray.'
        index_list = np.delete(index_list, np.where(index_list == -1), axis=0)

        # Convert from indices to the corresponding phones
        phone_list = list(map(lambda x: self.map_dict[x], index_list))
        str_phone = ' '.join(phone_list)

        return str_phone 

Example 48

def buildTree(self, data, features):
        classification = data[:, -1]
        uniqueValues = set(classification)
        if len(uniqueValues) == 1:
            return classification[0]
        if len(data[0]) == 1:
            return self.majorityCnt(classification)

        infomatinoGain = InformationGain()
        bestFeature = infomatinoGain.chooseBestFeatureToSplit(data)
        bestFeatureLabel = features[bestFeature]
        decisionTree = {bestFeatureLabel: {}}
        featureValues = set(data[:, bestFeature])
        tmpFeatures = np.delete(features, bestFeature, axis=0)
        for value in featureValues:
            subData = infomatinoGain.splitData(data, bestFeature, value)
            decisionTree[bestFeatureLabel][value] = self.buildTree(subData, tmpFeatures)
        return decisionTree 

Example 49

def append_neg_and_retrain(self, feat=None, force=False):
        if feat is not None:
            num = feat.shape[0]
            self.neg = np.vstack((self.neg, feat))
            self.num_neg_added += num
        if self.num_neg_added > self.retrain_limit or force:
            self.num_neg_added = 0
            new_w_b, pos_scores, neg_scores = self.train()
            # scores =, new_w_b[0].T) + new_w_b[1]
            # easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores < self.evict_thresh)[0]
            not_easy_inds = np.where(neg_scores >= self.evict_thresh)[0]
            if len(not_easy_inds) > 0:
                self.neg = self.neg[not_easy_inds, :]
                # self.neg = np.delete(self.neg, easy_inds)
            print('    Pruning easy negatives')
            print('    Cache holds {} pos examples and {} neg examples'.
                  format(self.pos.shape[0], self.neg.shape[0]))
            print('    {} pos support vectors'.format((pos_scores <= 1).sum()))
            print('    {} neg support vectors'.format((neg_scores >= -1).sum()))
            return new_w_b
            return None 

Example 50

def BFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the BFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[-1]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, -1)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree 