Python numpy.lexsort() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def concatenate_sort(out_filename, in_filenames, sort_cols, metrics=None):
        in_mcs = [, 'r') for f in in_filenames]
        out_mc =, mode='w')
        if metrics is None:
            metrics = in_mcs[0].get_all_metrics()
        for col, array in in_mcs[0].ref_columns.iteritems():
            out_mc.set_ref_column(col, array[:])
        sort_array = []
        # reverse sort columns so they get sorted in the right order
        for col in reversed(sort_cols):
            sort_array.append(np.concatenate([mc.get_column(col) for mc in in_mcs]))
        sort_index = np.lexsort(sort_array)
        for col in MOLECULE_INFO_COLUMNS:
            col_sorted = np.concatenate([mc.get_column(col) for mc in in_mcs])[sort_index]
            out_mc.add_many(col, col_sorted)
        for mc in in_mcs:

Example 2

def sort_base_rules(self):
        """ Sort the population lexicographically by truth vector.

        This should help speed up likelihood calculations.

        Note, resets the filter.

        # np.lexsort will sort columns by rows, with the last
        # row as the primary sort key, etc; so we rotate the 
        # truth array by 90 degrees to get it to do what we want.
        new_order = np.lexsort(np.rot90(self.base_flat_truth))
        self._reordering_cache = new_order

        self.base_flat_durations = self.base_flat_durations[new_order]
        self.base_flat_variable_weights = self.base_flat_variable_weights[new_order]
        new_flat_rules = [self.base_flat_rules[i] for i in new_order]
        self.base_flat_rules = new_flat_rules
        self.base_flat_truth = self.base_flat_truth[new_order]
        self.base_primitive_index = {
            t:i for i,t in enumerate(new_flat_rules)


Example 3

def symmetry_normalised_reflections(self, hkl):
        """Returns an array of same size as *hkl*, containing the
        corresponding symmetry-equivalent reflections of lowest


        >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup
        >>> sg = Spacegroup(225)  # fcc
        >>> sg.symmetry_normalised_reflections([[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0]])
        array([[ 0,  0, -2],
               [ 0,  0, -2]])
        hkl = np.array(hkl, dtype=int, ndmin=2)
        normalised = np.empty(hkl.shape, int)
        R = self.get_rotations().transpose(0, 2, 1)
        for i, g in enumerate(hkl):
            gsym =, g)
            j = np.lexsort(gsym.T)[0]
            normalised[i,:] = gsym[j]
        return normalised 

Example 4

def unique_reflections(self, hkl):
        """Returns a subset *hkl* containing only the symmetry-unique


        >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup
        >>> sg = Spacegroup(225)  # fcc
        >>> sg.unique_reflections([[ 2,  0,  0], 
        ...                        [ 0, -2,  0], 
        ...                        [ 2,  2,  0], 
        ...                        [ 0, -2, -2]])
        array([[2, 0, 0],
               [2, 2, 0]])
        hkl = np.array(hkl, dtype=int, ndmin=2)
        hklnorm = self.symmetry_normalised_reflections(hkl)
        perm = np.lexsort(hklnorm.T)
        iperm = perm.argsort()
        xmask = np.abs(np.diff(hklnorm[perm], axis=0)).any(axis=1)
        mask = np.concatenate(([True], xmask))
        imask = mask[iperm]
        return hkl[imask] 

Example 5

def _get_new_id_seq(pos, numbers):
        A helper function to produce the new sequence of the transformed
        structure. Algs is sort the position back to init and use the index
        to sort numbers.
        # transfer the atom position into >=0 and <=1
        pos = np.around(pos, decimals=3)
        func_tofrac = np.vectorize(lambda x: round((x % 1), 3))
        o_pos = func_tofrac(pos)
        # round_o_pos = np.around(o_pos, decimals=3)
        # z, y, x = round_o_pos[:, 2], round_o_pos[:, 1], round_o_pos[:, 0]
        z, y, x = o_pos[:, 2], o_pos[:, 1], o_pos[:, 0]
        inds = np.lexsort((z, y, x))

        return inds 

Example 6

def _get_new_id_seq(pos, numbers):
        A helper function to produce the new sequence of the transformed 
        structure. Algs is sort the position back to init and use the index
        to sort numbers.
        # transfer the atom position into >=0 and <=1
        pos = np.around(pos, decimals=5)
        func_tofrac = np.vectorize(lambda x: round((x % 1), 3))
        o_pos = func_tofrac(pos)
        # round_o_pos = np.around(o_pos, decimals=3)
        # z, y, x = round_o_pos[:, 2], round_o_pos[:, 1], round_o_pos[:, 0]
        z, y, x = o_pos[:, 2], o_pos[:, 1], o_pos[:, 0]
        inds = np.lexsort((z, y, x))

        return inds 

Example 7

def get_new_id_seq(pos, numbers):
    A helper function to produce the new sequence of the transformed
    structure. Algs is sort the position back to init and use the index
    to sort numbers.
    # transfer the atom position into >=0 and <=1
    pos = np.around(pos, decimals=5)
    func_tofrac = np.vectorize(lambda x: round((x % 1), 3))
    o_pos = func_tofrac(pos)
    # round_o_pos = np.around(o_pos, decimals=3)
    # z, y, x = round_o_pos[:, 2], round_o_pos[:, 1], round_o_pos[:, 0]
    z, y, x = o_pos[:, 2], o_pos[:, 1], o_pos[:, 0]
    inds = np.lexsort((z, y, x))

    return inds 

Example 8

def get_pvlist_from_post( p, t, binstep=100, detx=256, dety=256  ):
    '''[email protected] Nov, 2017 to get a pos, val list of phonton hitting detector by giving
       p (photon hit pos_x * detx +  y (photon hit pos_y), t  (photon hit time), and the time bin
       The most important function for timepix
           p: array, int64, coordinate-x * det_x +  coordinate-y
           t: list, int64, photon hit time       
           binstep: int,  binstep (in t unit) period
           detx,dety: int/int, the detector size in x and y
           positions: int array, (x*detx +y)
           vals: int array, counts of that positions
           counts: int array, counts of that positions in each binstep
    v = ( t - t[0])//binstep
    L= np.max( v ) + 1
    arr = np.ravel_multi_index( [ p, v ], [detx * dety,L ]    )
    uval, ind, count = np.unique( arr, return_counts=True, return_index=True)
    ind2 = np.lexsort(  ( p[ind], v[ind] ) )
    ps = (p[ind])[ind2]
    vs = count[ind2]
    cs = np.bincount(v[ind])
    return ps,vs,cs 

Example 9

def paretoSorting(x0, x1):
    idx=np.lexsort((x1, x0))
    for i0 in idx[1:]:
        if x1[i0]>=x1[fronts[-1][-1]]:
            for i1 in range(0,len(fronts)):
                if x1[i0]<x1[fronts[i1][-1]]:
    return (fronts, idx) 

Example 10

def _set_sparse_diagonal(rows, cols, data, preferences):
    idx = np.where(rows == cols)
    data[idx] = preferences[rows[idx]]
    mask = np.ones(preferences.shape, dtype=bool)
    mask[rows[idx]] = False
    diag_other = np.argwhere(mask).T[0]
    rows = np.concatenate((rows, diag_other))
    cols = np.concatenate((cols, diag_other))
    data = np.concatenate((data, preferences[mask]))

    # return data sorted by row
    idx_sorted_left_ori = np.lexsort((cols, rows))
    rows = rows[idx_sorted_left_ori]
    cols = cols[idx_sorted_left_ori]
    data = data[idx_sorted_left_ori]
    return rows, cols, data 

Example 11

def test_resample_group_info(self):  # GH10914
        for n, k in product((10000, 100000), (10, 100, 1000)):
            dr = date_range(start='2015-08-27', periods=n // 10, freq='T')
            ts = Series(np.random.randint(0, n // k, n).astype('int64'),
                        index=np.random.choice(dr, n))

            left = ts.resample('30T').nunique()
            ix = date_range(start=ts.index.min(), end=ts.index.max(),

            vals = ts.values
            bins = np.searchsorted(ix.values, ts.index, side='right')

            sorter = np.lexsort((vals, bins))
            vals, bins = vals[sorter], bins[sorter]

            mask = np.r_[True, vals[1:] != vals[:-1]]
            mask |= np.r_[True, bins[1:] != bins[:-1]]

            arr = np.bincount(bins[mask] - 1,
                              minlength=len(ix)).astype('int64', copy=False)
            right = Series(arr, index=ix)

            assert_series_equal(left, right) 

Example 12

def unique(a):
    """ Returns unique 2D array entries of a given array """

    order = np.lexsort(a.T)
    a = a[order]
    diff = np.diff(a, axis=0)
    ui = np.ones(len(a), dtype=np.bool)
    ui[1:] = (diff != 0).any(axis=1)

    # Return value(s)
    return a[ui]


Example 13

def _sort(group_idx, a, size, fill_value, dtype=None, reversed_=False):
    if np.iscomplexobj(a):
        raise NotImplementedError("a must be real, could use np.lexsort or "
                                  "sort with recarray for complex.")
    if not (np.isscalar(fill_value) or len(fill_value) == 0):
        raise ValueError("fill_value must be scalar or an empty sequence")
    if reversed_:
        order_group_idx = np.argsort(group_idx + -1j * a, kind='mergesort')
        order_group_idx = np.argsort(group_idx + 1j * a, kind='mergesort')
    counts = np.bincount(group_idx, minlength=size)
    if np.ndim(a) == 0:
        a = np.full(size, a, dtype=type(a))
    ret = np.split(a[order_group_idx], np.cumsum(counts)[:-1])
    ret = np.asarray(ret, dtype=object)
    if np.isscalar(fill_value):
        fill_untouched(group_idx, ret, fill_value)
    return ret 

Example 14

def prune(self, question, paragraphs: List[ExtractedParagraph]):
        if not self.filter_dist_one and len(paragraphs) == 1:
            return paragraphs

        tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(strip_accents="unicode", stop_words=self.stop.words)
        text = []
        for para in paragraphs:
            text.append(" ".join(" ".join(s) for s in para.text))
            para_features = tfidf.fit_transform(text)
            q_features = tfidf.transform([" ".join(question)])
        except ValueError:
            return []

        dists = pairwise_distances(q_features, para_features, "cosine").ravel()
        sorted_ix = np.lexsort(([x.start for x in paragraphs], dists))  # in case of ties, use the earlier paragraph

        if self.filter_dist_one:
            return [paragraphs[i] for i in sorted_ix[:self.n_to_select] if dists[i] < 1.0]
            return [paragraphs[i] for i in sorted_ix[:self.n_to_select]] 

Example 15

def dists(self, question, paragraphs: List[ExtractedParagraph]):
        tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(strip_accents="unicode", stop_words=self.stop.words)
        text = []
        for para in paragraphs:
            text.append(" ".join(" ".join(s) for s in para.text))
            para_features = tfidf.fit_transform(text)
            q_features = tfidf.transform([" ".join(question)])
        except ValueError:
            return []

        dists = pairwise_distances(q_features, para_features, "cosine").ravel()
        sorted_ix = np.lexsort(([x.start for x in paragraphs], dists))  # in case of ties, use the earlier paragraph

        if self.filter_dist_one:
            return [(paragraphs[i], dists[i]) for i in sorted_ix[:self.n_to_select] if dists[i] < 1.0]
            return [(paragraphs[i], dists[i]) for i in sorted_ix[:self.n_to_select]] 

Example 16

def unique_rows(a):
    ????sklearn GP ?????????
    a: ????????array
    mask of unique rows
    order = np.lexsort(a.T)
    reorder = np.argsort(order)

    a = a[order]
    diff = np.diff(a, axis=0)
    ui = np.ones(len(a), 'bool')
    ui[1:] = (diff != 0).any(axis=1)

    return ui[reorder] 

Example 17

def pack_distribution(self, p_sparse, p_dense=None):
        convenience routine to translate a distribution from a dictionary to
        a dense array, using this state enumeration 
        if p_dense is None:
            p_dense = numpy.zeros((self.size, ), dtype=numpy.float)
        # guard against case where p_sparse is empty
        if len(p_sparse) == 0:
            return p_dense
        p_states, p_values = domain.from_mapping(p_sparse)
        # now sort the states, keeping them synchronised with the
        # ordering of the values
        order = numpy.lexsort(p_states)
        p_states = p_states[:, order]
        p_values = p_values[order]
        p_indices = self.indices(p_states)
        p_dense[p_indices] = p_values
        return p_dense 

Example 18

def pack_distribution(self, p_sparse, p_dense=None):
        convenience routine to translate a distribution from a dictionary to
        a dense array, using this state enumeration 
        if p_dense is None:
            p_dense = numpy.zeros((self.size, ), dtype=numpy.float)
        # guard against case where p_sparse is empty
        if len(p_sparse) == 0:
            return p_dense
        p_states, p_values = domain.from_mapping(p_sparse)
        # now sort the states, keeping them synchronised with the
        # ordering of the values
        order = numpy.lexsort(p_states)
        p_states = p_states[:, order]
        p_values = p_values[order]
        p_indices = self.indices(p_states)
        p_dense[p_indices] = p_values
        return p_dense 

Example 19

def _make_feed_dict(self, X, y):
        # Make the dictionary mapping tensor placeholders to input data.
        if self.is_sparse_:
            x_inds = np.vstack(X.nonzero())
            x_srt = np.lexsort(x_inds[::-1, :])
            x_inds = x_inds[:, x_srt].T.astype(np.int64)
            x_vals = np.squeeze(np.array(
                X[x_inds[:, 0], x_inds[:, 1]])).astype(np.float32)
            x_shape = np.array(X.shape).astype(np.int64)
            feed_dict = {self._x_inds: x_inds,
                         self._x_vals: x_vals,
                         self._x_shape: x_shape}
            feed_dict = {self._x: X.astype(np.float32)}

        if self._output_size == 1:
            feed_dict[self._y] = y.astype(np.float32)
            feed_dict[self._y] = y.astype(np.int32)

        return feed_dict 

Example 20

def multiarray_sort(arr, srt=[0]):
    Sort rows of a two-dimensional array for a given
    hierarchy of rows.

    arr : array
        A two-dimensional numpy array.
    srt : list
        List specifying in which order of rows to sort.

        A sorted array.
    ind = np.lexsort([arr[i] for i in reversed(srt)])
    return (arr.T[ind]).T 

Example 21

def main(args, outs):
    with, 'r') as in_mc:
        with, 'w') as out_mc:
            remapped_gem_groups = remap_gems(in_mc.get_column('gem_group'), args.gem_group_index, args.library_id)
            sort_index = np.lexsort([remapped_gem_groups])

            for col in cr_mol_counter.MOLECULE_INFO_COLUMNS:
                if col == 'gem_group':
                    arr = remapped_gem_groups
                    arr = in_mc.get_column(col)
                out_mc.add_many(col, arr[sort_index])

            for col in cr_mol_counter.MOLECULE_REF_COLUMNS:
                array = in_mc.get_ref_column(col)
                out_mc.set_ref_column(col, array)

            out_metrics = in_mc.get_all_metrics()
            gg_metrics = {}
            for (gg, metrics) in in_mc.get_metric(cr_mol_counter.GEM_GROUPS_METRIC).iteritems():
                for ng, (sid, og) in args.gem_group_index.iteritems():
                    if sid == args.library_id and og == gg:
                        gg_metrics[int(ng)] = metrics

            out_metrics[cr_mol_counter.GEM_GROUPS_METRIC] = gg_metrics

Example 22

def gini(actual, pred, cmpcol = 0, sortcol = 1):
    assert( len(actual) == len(pred) )
    all = np.asarray(np.c_[ actual, pred, np.arange(len(actual)) ], dtype=np.float)
    all = all[ np.lexsort((all[:,2], -1*all[:,1])) ]
    totalLosses = all[:,0].sum()
    giniSum = all[:,0].cumsum().sum() / totalLosses
    giniSum -= (len(actual) + 1) / 2.
    return giniSum / len(actual) 

Example 23

def test_lexsort(self,level=rlevel):
        # Lexsort memory error
        v = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
        assert_equal(np.lexsort(v), 0) 

Example 24

def test_lexsort_invalid_sequence(self):
        # Issue gh-4123
        class BuggySequence(object):
            def __len__(self):
                return 4

            def __getitem__(self, key):
                raise KeyError

        assert_raises(KeyError, np.lexsort, BuggySequence()) 

Example 25

def test_mem_lexsort_strings(self, level=rlevel):
        # Ticket #298
        lst = ['abc', 'cde', 'fgh']

Example 26

def test_lexsort_buffer_length(self):
        # Ticket #1217, don't segfault.
        a = np.ones(100, dtype=np.int8)
        b = np.ones(100, dtype=np.int32)
        i = np.lexsort((a[::-1], b))
        assert_equal(i, np.arange(100, 

Example 27

def test_basic(self):
        a = [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5]
        b = [0, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3]
        idx = np.lexsort((b, a))
        expected_idx = np.array([0, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5])
        assert_array_equal(idx, expected_idx)

        x = np.vstack((b, a))
        idx = np.lexsort(x)
        assert_array_equal(idx, expected_idx)

        assert_array_equal(x[1][idx], np.sort(x[1])) 

Example 28

def test_object(self):  # gh-6312
        a = np.random.choice(10, 1000)
        b = np.random.choice(['abc', 'xy', 'wz', 'efghi', 'qwst', 'x'], 1000)

        for u in a, b:
            left = np.lexsort((u.astype('O'),))
            right = np.argsort(u, kind='mergesort')
            assert_array_equal(left, right)

        for u, v in (a, b), (b, a):
            idx = np.lexsort((u, v))
            assert_array_equal(idx, np.lexsort((u.astype('O'), v)))
            assert_array_equal(idx, np.lexsort((u, v.astype('O'))))
            u, v = np.array(u, dtype='object'), np.array(v, dtype='object')
            assert_array_equal(idx, np.lexsort((u, v))) 

Example 29

def preCompute(rowBased_row_array,rowBased_col_array,S_rowBased_data_array):
    format affinity/similarity matrix
    # Get parameters
    if row_indptr[-1]!=data_len: row_indptr=np.concatenate((row_indptr,np.array([data_len])))
    if col_indptr[-1]!=data_len: col_indptr=np.concatenate((col_indptr,np.array([data_len])))
    #Initialize matrix A, R
    #Add random samll value to remove degeneracies
    #Convert row_to_col_ind_arr/col_to_row_ind_arr data type to datatype so it is compatible with cython code
    return S_rowBased_data_array, A_rowbased_data_array, R_rowbased_data_array,col_indptr,row_indptr,row_to_col_ind_arr,col_to_row_ind_arr,kk_col_index 

Example 30

def sort_by_tfidf(question, paragraphs):
    tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(strip_accents="unicode", stop_words=spacy.en.STOP_WORDS, decode_error='replace')
        para_features = tfidf.fit_transform(paragraphs)
        q_features = tfidf.transform([question])
    except ValueError:
        return [(i, 0.0) for i in range(len(paragraphs))]

    dists = pairwise_distances(q_features, para_features, "cosine").ravel()
    sorted_ix = np.lexsort((paragraphs, dists))  # in case of ties, use the earlier paragraph

    return [(i, 1.0 - dists[i]) for i in sorted_ix] 

Example 31

def equivalent_reflections(self, hkl):
        """Return all equivalent reflections to the list of Miller indices
        in hkl.


        >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup
        >>> sg = Spacegroup(225)  # fcc
        >>> sg.equivalent_reflections([[0, 0, 2]])
        array([[ 0,  0, -2],
               [ 0, -2,  0],
               [-2,  0,  0],
               [ 2,  0,  0],
               [ 0,  2,  0],
               [ 0,  0,  2]])
        hkl = np.array(hkl, dtype='int', ndmin=2)
        rot = self.get_rotations()
        n, nrot = len(hkl), len(rot)
        R = rot.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape((3*nrot, 3)).T
        refl =, R).reshape((n*nrot, 3))
        ind = np.lexsort(refl.T)
        refl = refl[ind]
        diff = np.diff(refl, axis=0)
        mask = np.any(diff, axis=1)
        return np.vstack((refl[mask], refl[-1,:])) 

Example 32

def symmetry_normalised_sites(self, scaled_positions, 
        """Returns an array of same size as *scaled_positions*,
        containing the corresponding symmetry-equivalent sites of
        lowest indices.

        If *map_to_unitcell* is true, the returned positions are all
        mapped into the unit cell, i.e. lattice translations are
        included as symmetry operator.


        >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup
        >>> sg = Spacegroup(225)  # fcc
        >>> sg.symmetry_normalised_sites([[0.0, 0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
        array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.]])
        scaled = np.array(scaled_positions, ndmin=2)
        normalised = np.empty(scaled.shape, np.float)
        rot, trans = self.get_op()
        for i, pos in enumerate(scaled):
            sympos =, pos) + trans
            if map_to_unitcell:
                # Must be done twice, see the test
                sympos %= 1.0
                sympos %= 1.0
            j = np.lexsort(sympos.T)[0]
            normalised[i,:] = sympos[j]
        return normalised 

Example 33

def unique_sites(self, scaled_positions, symprec=1e-3, output_mask=False,
        """Returns a subset of *scaled_positions* containing only the
        symmetry-unique positions.  If *output_mask* is True, a boolean
        array masking the subset is also returned.

        If *map_to_unitcell* is true, all sites are first mapped into
        the unit cell making e.g. [0, 0, 0] and [1, 0, 0] equivalent.


        >>> from ase.lattice.spacegroup import Spacegroup
        >>> sg = Spacegroup(225)  # fcc
        >>> sg.unique_sites([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 
        ...                  [0.5, 0.5, 0.0], 
        ...                  [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], 
        ...                  [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]])
        array([[ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ],
               [ 0.5,  0. ,  0. ]])
        scaled = np.array(scaled_positions, ndmin=2)
        symnorm = self.symmetry_normalised_sites(scaled, map_to_unitcell)
        perm = np.lexsort(symnorm.T)
        iperm = perm.argsort()
        xmask = np.abs(np.diff(symnorm[perm], axis=0)).max(axis=1) > symprec
        mask = np.concatenate(([True], xmask))
        imask = mask[iperm]
        if output_mask:
            return scaled[imask], imask
            return scaled[imask] 

Example 34

def test_lexsort_zero_dim(self, xp):
        a = testing.shaped_random((), xp)
        return xp.lexsort(a) 

Example 35

def test_lexsort_one_dim(self, xp):
        a = testing.shaped_random((2,), xp)
        return xp.lexsort(a) 

Example 36

def test_lexsort_two_dim(self, xp):
        a = xp.array([[9, 4, 0, 4, 0, 2, 1],
                      [1, 5, 1, 4, 3, 4, 4]])  # from numpy.lexsort example
        return xp.lexsort(a) 

Example 37

def test_lexsort_three_or_more_dim(self):
        a = testing.shaped_random((2, 10, 10), cupy)
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
            return cupy.lexsort(a)

    # Test dtypes 

Example 38

def test_lexsort_unsupported_dtype(self, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_random((2, 10), cupy, dtype)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            return cupy.lexsort(a) 

Example 39

def _get_id_seq(pos, arr_num):

    # from fractions import Fraction
    # transfer the atom position into >=0 and <=1
    pos = np.around(pos, decimals=10)
    func_tofrac = np.vectorize(lambda x: round((x % 1), 3))
    o_pos = func_tofrac(pos)
    # round_o_pos = np.around(o_pos, decimals=3)
    # z, y, x = round_o_pos[:, 2], round_o_pos[:, 1], round_o_pos[:, 0]
    z, y, x = o_pos[:, 2], o_pos[:, 1], o_pos[:, 0]
    ind_sort = np.lexsort((z, y, x))
    id_seq = str(arr_num[ind_sort])

    return id_seq 

Example 40

def sort_edges(self):  # can slow down rendering
		self.isorted_edges = numpy.lexsort((self.edge_original_order.argsort(), self.edge_orders))
		self.invalidated += 1 

Example 41

def _sort(self, expfact):
        # keep unique vertices only by creating a set and sort first on x then on y coordinate
        # using rather slow python sort but couldn;t wrap my head around np.lexsort
        verts = sorted(list({ tuple(t) for t in[::] }))
        x = set(c[0] for c in verts)
        y = set(c[1] for c in verts)
        nx = len(x)
        ny = len(y)
        self.minx = min(x)
        self.maxx = max(x)
        self.miny = min(y)
        self.maxy = max(y)
        xscale = (self.maxx-self.minx)/(nx-1)
        yscale = (self.maxy-self.miny)/(ny-1)
        # note: a purely flat plane cannot be scaled 
        if (yscale != 0.0) and (abs(xscale/yscale) - 1.0 > 1e-3):
            raise ValueError("Mesh spacing not square %d x %d  %.4f x %4.f"%(nx,ny,xscale,yscale))
        self.zscale = 1.0
        if abs(yscale) > 1e-6 :
            self.zscale = 1.0/yscale

        # keep just the z-values and null any ofsset
        # we might catch a reshape error that will occur if nx*ny != # of vertices (if we are not dealing with a heightfield but with a mesh with duplicate x,y coords, like an axis aligned cube = np.array([c[2] for c in verts],dtype=np.single).reshape(nx,ny) = (*self.zscale
        if self.rainmap is not None:
            rmscale = np.max(
            self.rainmap = expfact + (1-expfact)*( 

Example 42

def load_targets(shapefile, targetfield):
    Loads the shapefile onto node 0 then distributes it across all
    available nodes
    if mpiops.chunk_index == 0:
        lonlat, vals, othervals = load_shapefile(shapefile, targetfield)
        # sort by y then x
        ordind = np.lexsort(lonlat.T)
        vals = vals[ordind]
        lonlat = lonlat[ordind]
        for k, v in othervals.items():
            othervals[k] = v[ordind]

        lonlat = np.array_split(lonlat, mpiops.chunks)
        vals = np.array_split(vals, mpiops.chunks)
        split_othervals = {k: np.array_split(v, mpiops.chunks)
                           for k, v in othervals.items()}
        othervals = [{k: v[i] for k, v in split_othervals.items()}
                     for i in range(mpiops.chunks)]
        lonlat, vals, othervals = None, None, None

    lonlat = mpiops.comm.scatter(lonlat, root=0)
    vals = mpiops.comm.scatter(vals, root=0)
    othervals = mpiops.comm.scatter(othervals, root=0)"Node {} has been assigned {} targets".format(mpiops.chunk_index,
    targets = Targets(lonlat, vals, othervals=othervals)
    return targets 

Example 43

def sort_rows_by_icol1(self,inarray):

        return a_sort 

Example 44

def _sort_contours(self, index, times, freqs, salience):
        """Sort contours by index and time.

        index : np.array
            array of contour numbers
        times : np.array
            array of contour times
        freqs : np.array
            array of contour frequencies
        salience : np.array
            array of contour salience values

        index_sorted : np.array
            Pruned array of contour numbers
        times_sorted : np.array
            Pruned array of contour times
        freqs_sorted : np.array
            Pruned array of contour frequencies
        salience_sorted : np.array
            Pruned array of contour salience values

        sort_idx = np.lexsort((times, index))

        return (
            index[sort_idx], times[sort_idx], freqs[sort_idx],


Example 45

def polynomial(context, n_degrees=2):
    # From sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures
    # Find permutations/combinations which add to degree or less
    context = np.asarray(context)
    n_features = context.shape[0]
    powers = itertools.product(*(range(n_degrees + 1)
                                 for i in range(n_features)))
    powers = np.array([c for c in powers if 0 <= np.sum(c) <= n_degrees])
    # Sort so that the order of the powers makes sense
    i = np.lexsort(np.vstack([powers.T, powers.sum(axis=1)]))
    powers = powers[i][::-1]
    return (context ** powers).prod(-1) 

Example 46

def prepare_sparse_cost(shape, cc, ii, jj, cost_limit):
    Transform the given sparse matrix extending it to a square sparse matrix.

    shape: tuple
       - cost matrix shape
    (cc, ii, jj): tuple of floats, ints, ints)
        - cost matrix in COO format, see [1]
    cost_limit: float

    cc, ii, kk
      - extended square cost matrix in CSR format

    assert cost_limit < np.inf
    n, m = shape
    cc_ = np.r_[cc, [cost_limit] * n,
                [cost_limit] * m, [0] * len(cc)]
    ii_ = np.r_[ii, np.arange(0, n, dtype=np.uint32),
                np.arange(n, n + m, dtype=np.uint32), n + jj]
    jj_ = np.r_[jj, np.arange(m, n + m, dtype=np.uint32),
                np.arange(0, m, dtype=np.uint32), m + ii]
    order = np.lexsort((jj_, ii_))
    cc_ = cc_[order]
    kk_ = jj_[order]
    ii_ = ii_.astype(np.intp)
    ii_ = np.bincount(ii_, minlength=shape[0]-1)
    ii_ = np.r_[[0], np.cumsum(ii_)]
    ii_ = ii_.astype(np.uint32)
    assert ii_[-1] == 2 * len(cc) + n + m
    return cc_, ii_, kk_ 

Example 47

def test_lexsort(self,level=rlevel):
        # Lexsort memory error
        v = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
        assert_equal(np.lexsort(v), 0) 

Example 48

def test_lexsort_invalid_sequence(self):
        # Issue gh-4123
        class BuggySequence(object):
            def __len__(self):
                return 4

            def __getitem__(self, key):
                raise KeyError

        assert_raises(KeyError, np.lexsort, BuggySequence()) 

Example 49

def test_mem_lexsort_strings(self, level=rlevel):
        # Ticket #298
        lst = ['abc', 'cde', 'fgh']

Example 50

def test_lexsort_buffer_length(self):
        # Ticket #1217, don't segfault.
        a = np.ones(100, dtype=np.int8)
        b = np.ones(100, dtype=np.int32)
        i = np.lexsort((a[::-1], b))
        assert_equal(i, np.arange(100, 