Python numpy.datetime64() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def _create_daily_stats(self, perfs):
        # create daily and cumulative stats dataframe
        daily_perfs = []
        # TODO: the loop here could overwrite expected properties
        # of daily_perf. Could potentially raise or log a
        # warning.
        for perf in perfs:
            if 'daily_perf' in perf:

                self.risk_report = perf

        daily_dts = [np.datetime64(perf['period_close'], utc=True)
                     for perf in daily_perfs]
        daily_stats = pd.DataFrame(daily_perfs, index=daily_dts)

        return daily_stats 

Example 2

def drop_inconsistent_keys(self, columns, obj):
        """Drop inconsistent keys

        Drop inconsistent keys from a ValueCounts or Histogram object.

        :param list columns: columns key to retrieve desired datatypes
        :param object obj: ValueCounts or Histogram object to drop inconsistent keys from

        # has array been converted first? if so, set correct comparison
        # datatype
        comp_dtype = []
        for col in columns:
            dt = np.dtype(self.var_dtype[col]).type()
            is_converted = isinstance(
                dt, np.number) or isinstance(
                dt, np.datetime64)
            if is_converted:
        # keep only keys of types in comp_dtype
        return obj 

Example 3

def categorize_columns(self, df):
        """Categorize columns of dataframe by data type

        :param df: input (pandas) data frame

        # check presence and data type of requested columns
        # sort columns into numerical, timestamp and category based
        for c in self.columns:
            for col in c:
                if col not in df.columns:
                    raise KeyError('column "{0:s}" not in dataframe "{1:s}"'.format(col, self.read_key))
                dt = self.get_data_type(df, col)
                if col not in self.var_dtype:
                    self.var_dtype[col] = dt.type
                    if (self.var_dtype[col] is np.string_) or (self.var_dtype[col] is np.object_):
                        self.var_dtype[col] = str
                if not any(dt in types for types in (STRING_SUBSTR, NUMERIC_SUBSTR, TIME_SUBSTR)):
                    raise TypeError('cannot process column "{0:s}" of data type "{1:s}"'.format(col, str(dt)))
                is_number = isinstance(dt.type(), np.number)
                is_timestamp = isinstance(dt.type(), np.datetime64)
                colset = self.num_cols if is_number else self.dt_cols if is_timestamp else self.str_cols
                if col not in colset:
                self.log().debug('Data type of column "%s" is "%s"', col, self.var_dtype[col]) 

Example 4

def _dtype(self, c):
        n = ':'.join(c)
        if n in self.var_dtype:
            return self.var_dtype[n]
        # ranking in order is: float, int, short, char
        elif any(self.var_dtype[col] == np.dtype(float) for col in c if col in self.var_dtype):
            return np.dtype(float)
        elif any(self.var_dtype[col] == np.dtype(int) for col in c if col in self.var_dtype):
            return np.dtype(int)
        elif any(self.var_dtype[col] == np.datetime64 for col in c if col in self.var_dtype):
            return np.dtype(int)
        elif any(self.var_dtype[col] == np.dtype('short') for col in c if col in self.var_dtype):
            return np.dtype('short')
        elif any(self.var_dtype[col] == np.dtype('byte') for col in c if col in self.var_dtype):
            return np.dtype('byte')
        elif any(self.var_dtype[col] == np.dtype(bool) for col in c if col in self.var_dtype):
            return np.dtype(bool)
        # default is float
        return self._default_dtype 

Example 5

def test_make_scale_and_datetimes():
    def correct_scale(scale, name):
        return scale.__class__.__name__ == name

    # cpython
    x = pd.Series([datetime(year, 1, 1) for year in [2010, 2026, 2015]])

    assert correct_scale(make_scale('x', x), 'scale_x_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('color', x), 'scale_color_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('fill', x), 'scale_fill_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('size', x), 'scale_size_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('alpha', x), 'scale_alpha_datetime')

    # numpy
    x = pd.Series([np.datetime64(i*10, 'D') for i in range(1, 10)])
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('x', x), 'scale_x_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('color', x), 'scale_color_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('fill', x), 'scale_fill_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('size', x), 'scale_size_datetime')
    assert correct_scale(make_scale('alpha', x), 'scale_alpha_datetime') 

Example 6

def get_price_yahoo(self,ticker):
            if Cache.data_request_delay != None:
            base_url = ""
            file_name = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\data\\"+ "yahoo_"+ticker+"_"+str(Pricing_Database.current_date)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(base_url+ticker, file_name)
            df = pd.read_csv(file_name, index_col=False, header=0)
            df['Open'] = df['Open']*df['Adj Close']/df['Close']
            df['High'] = df['High']*df['Adj Close']/df['Close']
            df['Low'] = df['Low']*df['Adj Close']/df['Close']
            df['Close'] = df['Adj Close']
            df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x:np.datetime64(x))
            df = df[['Date','Open',  'High',  'Low',  'Close', 'Volume']]
            df = df.set_index(['Date'])
            df = df.iloc[::-1]
            return df
        except Exception as e:
            raise e 

Example 7

def __init__(self, x, y, t):

            if (len(x) != len(y) or len(y) != len(t)):
                raise Exception('Os arrays x, y e t precisam ser do mesmo tamanho')

            raise Exception('Os atributos x, y e t precisam ser um arrays')

        self.unit = 's'
        self.x = np.array(x, dtype='f8')
        self.y = np.array(y, dtype='f8')
        self.t = np.array(t, dtype='datetime64[{}]'.format(self.unit))
        self.seconds = (self.t - np.datetime64("1970-01-01T00:00:00")) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')

        self._t = {str(v): i for i, v in enumerate(t)} 

Example 8

def test_scalar_none_comparison(self):
        # Scalars should still just return False and not give a warnings.
        # The comparisons are flagged by pep8, ignore that.
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', FutureWarning)
            assert_(not np.float32(1) == None)
            assert_(not np.str_('test') == None)
            # This is dubious (see below):
            assert_(not np.datetime64('NaT') == None)

            assert_(np.float32(1) != None)
            assert_(np.str_('test') != None)
            # This is dubious (see below):
            assert_(np.datetime64('NaT') != None)
        assert_(len(w) == 0)

        # For documentation purposes, this is why the datetime is dubious.
        # At the time of deprecation this was no behaviour change, but
        # it has to be considered when the deprecations are done.
        assert_(np.equal(np.datetime64('NaT'), None)) 

Example 9

def test_datetime_nat_casting(self):
        a = np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[D]')
        b = np.datetime64('NaT', '[D]')

        # Arrays
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[s]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[s]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[ms]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[ms]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[M]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[M]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[Y]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[Y]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[W]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[W]'))

        # Scalars -> Scalars
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[s]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[s]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[ms]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[ms]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[M]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[M]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[Y]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[Y]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[W]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[W]'))

        # Arrays -> Scalars
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[s]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[s]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[ms]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[ms]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[M]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[M]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[Y]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[Y]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[W]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[W]')) 

Example 10

def test_pydatetime_creation(self):
        a = np.array(['1960-03-12',, 3, 12)], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        a = np.array(['1999-12-31',, 12, 31)], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        a = np.array(['2000-01-01',, 1, 1)], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        # Will fail if the date changes during the exact right moment
        a = np.array(['today',], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        # returns local time, not UTC
        #a = np.array(['now',], dtype='M8[s]')
        #assert_equal(a[0], a[1])

        # we can give a time units
        assert_equal(np.array(, 3, 12), dtype='M8[s]'),

Example 11

def test_datetime_y2038(self):
        # Test parsing on either side of the Y2038 boundary
        a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T03:14:07')
        assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31 - 1)
        a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T03:14:08')
        assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31)

        # Test parsing on either side of the Y2038 boundary with
        # a manually specified timezone offset
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
            a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T04:14:07+0100')
            assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31 - 1)
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
            a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T04:14:08+0100')
            assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31)

        # Test parsing a date after Y2038
        a = np.datetime64('2038-01-20T13:21:14')
        assert_equal(str(a), '2038-01-20T13:21:14') 

Example 12

def format_time(x):
    """Formats date values

    This function formats :class:`datetime.datetime` and
    :class:`datetime.timedelta` objects (and the corresponding numpy objects)
    using the :func:`xarray.core.formatting.format_timestamp` and the
    :func:`xarray.core.formatting.format_timedelta` functions.

    x: object
        The value to format. If not a time object, the value is returned

    str or `x`
        Either the formatted time object or the initial `x`"""
    if isinstance(x, (datetime64, datetime)):
        return format_timestamp(x)
    elif isinstance(x, (timedelta64, timedelta)):
        return format_timedelta(x)
    elif isinstance(x, ndarray):
        return list(x) if x.ndim else x[()]
    return x 

Example 13

def _parase_fq_factor(code, start, end):
    symbol = _code_to_symbol(code)
    request = Request(ct.HIST_FQ_FACTOR_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'],
                                             ct.DOMAINS['vsf'], symbol))
    text = urlopen(request, timeout=10).read()
    text = text[1:len(text)-1]
    text = text.replace('{_', '{"')
    text = text.replace('total', '"total"')
    text = text.replace('data', '"data"')
    text = text.replace(':"', '":"')
    text = text.replace('",_', '","')
    text = text.replace('_', '-')
    text = json.loads(text)
    df = pd.DataFrame({'date':list(text['data'].keys()), 'factor':list(text['data'].values())})
    df['date'] = df['date'].map(_fun_except) # for null case
    if df['date'].dtypes == np.object:
        df['date'] = df['date'].astype(np.datetime64)
    df = df.drop_duplicates('date')
    df['factor'] = df['factor'].astype(float)
    return df 

Example 14

def test_netcdf_monitor_single_time_all_vars():
        assert not os.path.isfile('')
        monitor = NetCDFMonitor('')
        assert not os.path.isfile('')  # not set to write on store
        assert os.path.isfile('')
        with xr.open_dataset('') as ds:
            assert len(ds.data_vars.keys()) == 2
            assert 'air_temperature' in ds.data_vars.keys()
            assert ds.data_vars['air_temperature'].attrs['units'] == 'degK'
            assert tuple(ds.data_vars['air_temperature'].shape) == (1, nx, ny, nz)
            assert 'air_pressure' in ds.data_vars.keys()
            assert ds.data_vars['air_pressure'].attrs['units'] == 'Pa'
            assert tuple(ds.data_vars['air_pressure'].shape) == (1, nx, ny, nz)
            assert len(ds['time']) == 1
            assert ds['time'][0] == np.datetime64(state['time'])
    finally:  # make sure we remove the output file
        if os.path.isfile(''):

Example 15

def test_too_late_start() -> None:
    """Model start after last release in file"""

    config = {
        'start_time': np.datetime64('2015-05-02 12'),
        'stop_time': np.datetime64('2015-05-03 12'),
        'particle_release_file': 'release.rls',
        'release_format': ['mult', 'release_time', 'X'],
        'release_dtype': dict(mult=int, release_time=np.datetime64, X=float),
        'release_type': 'discrete',
        'dt': 3600,
        'particle_variables': []

    # Make a release file
    with open('release.rls', mode='w') as f:
        f.write('2 2015-04-01 100\n')

    # Release should quit with SystemExit
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    # Clean up

Example 16

def test_scalar_none_comparison(self):
        # Scalars should still just return False and not give a warnings.
        # The comparisons are flagged by pep8, ignore that.
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', FutureWarning)
            assert_(not np.float32(1) == None)
            assert_(not np.str_('test') == None)
            # This is dubious (see below):
            assert_(not np.datetime64('NaT') == None)

            assert_(np.float32(1) != None)
            assert_(np.str_('test') != None)
            # This is dubious (see below):
            assert_(np.datetime64('NaT') != None)
        assert_(len(w) == 0)

        # For documentation purposes, this is why the datetime is dubious.
        # At the time of deprecation this was no behaviour change, but
        # it has to be considered when the deprecations are done.
        assert_(np.equal(np.datetime64('NaT'), None)) 

Example 17

def test_datetime_nat_casting(self):
        a = np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[D]')
        b = np.datetime64('NaT', '[D]')

        # Arrays
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[s]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[s]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[ms]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[ms]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[M]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[M]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[Y]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[Y]'))
        assert_equal(a.astype('M8[W]'), np.array('NaT', dtype='M8[W]'))

        # Scalars -> Scalars
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[s]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[s]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[ms]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[ms]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[M]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[M]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[Y]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[Y]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(b, '[W]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[W]'))

        # Arrays -> Scalars
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[s]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[s]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[ms]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[ms]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[M]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[M]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[Y]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[Y]'))
        assert_equal(np.datetime64(a, '[W]'), np.datetime64('NaT', '[W]')) 

Example 18

def test_pydatetime_creation(self):
        a = np.array(['1960-03-12',, 3, 12)], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        a = np.array(['1999-12-31',, 12, 31)], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        a = np.array(['2000-01-01',, 1, 1)], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        # Will fail if the date changes during the exact right moment
        a = np.array(['today',], dtype='M8[D]')
        assert_equal(a[0], a[1])
        # returns local time, not UTC
        #a = np.array(['now',], dtype='M8[s]')
        #assert_equal(a[0], a[1])

        # we can give a time units
        assert_equal(np.array(, 3, 12), dtype='M8[s]'),

Example 19

def test_datetime_y2038(self):
        # Test parsing on either side of the Y2038 boundary
        a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T03:14:07')
        assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31 - 1)
        a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T03:14:08')
        assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31)

        # Test parsing on either side of the Y2038 boundary with
        # a manually specified timezone offset
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
            a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T04:14:07+0100')
            assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31 - 1)
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
            a = np.datetime64('2038-01-19T04:14:08+0100')
            assert_equal(a.view(np.int64), 2**31)

        # Test parsing a date after Y2038
        a = np.datetime64('2038-01-20T13:21:14')
        assert_equal(str(a), '2038-01-20T13:21:14') 

Example 20

def test_filter_date():
    t = Table()
    t.a = np.random.rand(10)
    t.b = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', freq='D', periods=10)
    t.c = np.array([1, 2])
    t.add_column('d', np.array([1, 2]), align='bottom')

    thres1 = np.array(['2000-01-03'], dtype=np.datetime64)
    thres2 = np.array(['2000-01-05'], dtype=np.datetime64)
    t1 = t.filter(t.b >= thres1)
    assert np.all(t1.c.values == np.array([]))
    assert np.all(t1.d.values == np.array([1, 2]))
    assert np.all(t1.a.values == t.a.values[2:])

    t1 = t.filter((t.b >= thres1) & (t.b <= thres2))
    assert np.all(t1.c.values == np.array([]))
    assert np.all(t1.d.values == np.array([]))
    assert np.all(t1.a.values == t.a.values[2:5])

    t1 = t.filter(t.b.date_range(fr=thres1, to=thres2))
    assert np.all(t1.c.values == np.array([]))
    assert np.all(t1.d.values == np.array([]))
    assert np.all(t1.a.values == t.a.values[2:5]) 

Example 21

def __init__(self):

        print type(self.end)
        #print type(self.start_d)
        #print period.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        #print ipo[ipo['ipo_date']<np.datetime64(period)] 

Example 22

def how_to_use():
    # Set date range for training/test data
    train_start_date = np.datetime64("2012-01-01")
    train_end_date = np.datetime64("2015-12-31")
    test_start_date = np.datetime64("2016-01-01")
    test_end_date = np.datetime64("2016-08-31")

    # Doanload latest data
    stockdata = StockData()

    # How to train
    model = NikkeiModel([], "YourModelName")
    model.prepare_training_data(train_start_date, train_end_date)

    # How to evaluate
    model.prepare_test_data(test_start_date, test_end_date)

    # How to predict
    n225_open = 16500 # Today's N225 Open value
    model.predict(n225_open, np.datetime64("today"), downloadData=False) 

Example 23

def unique1d(values):
    Hash table-based unique
    if np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.floating):
        table = _hash.Float64HashTable(len(values))
        uniques = np.array(table.unique(_ensure_float64(values)),
    elif np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.datetime64):
        table = _hash.Int64HashTable(len(values))
        uniques = table.unique(_ensure_int64(values))
        uniques = uniques.view('M8[ns]')
    elif np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.timedelta64):
        table = _hash.Int64HashTable(len(values))
        uniques = table.unique(_ensure_int64(values))
        uniques = uniques.view('m8[ns]')
    elif np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.integer):
        table = _hash.Int64HashTable(len(values))
        uniques = table.unique(_ensure_int64(values))
        table = _hash.PyObjectHashTable(len(values))
        uniques = table.unique(_ensure_object(values))
    return uniques 

Example 24

def _astype(self, dtype, mgr=None, **kwargs):
        these automatically copy, so copy=True has no effect
        raise on an except if raise == True

        # if we are passed a datetime64[ns, tz]
        if com.is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype):
            dtype = DatetimeTZDtype(dtype)

            values = self.values
            if getattr(values, 'tz', None) is None:
                values = DatetimeIndex(values).tz_localize('UTC')
            values = values.tz_convert(
            return self.make_block(values)

        # delegate
        return super(DatetimeBlock, self)._astype(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) 

Example 25

def _infer_fill_value(val):
    infer the fill value for the nan/NaT from the provided
    scalar/ndarray/list-like if we are a NaT, return the correct dtyped
    element to provide proper block construction

    if not is_list_like(val):
        val = [val]
    val = np.array(val, copy=False)
    if is_datetimelike(val):
        return np.array('NaT', dtype=val.dtype)
    elif is_object_dtype(val.dtype):
        dtype = lib.infer_dtype(_ensure_object(val))
        if dtype in ['datetime', 'datetime64']:
            return np.array('NaT', dtype=_NS_DTYPE)
        elif dtype in ['timedelta', 'timedelta64']:
            return np.array('NaT', dtype=_TD_DTYPE)
    return np.nan 

Example 26

def test_normalize(self):
        rng = date_range('1/1/2000 9:30', periods=10, freq='D')

        result = rng.normalize()
        expected = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=10, freq='D')

        rng_ns = pd.DatetimeIndex(np.array([1380585623454345752,
        rng_ns_normalized = rng_ns.normalize()
        expected = pd.DatetimeIndex(np.array([1380585600000000000,


Example 27

def test_timestamp_compare_scalars(self):
        # case where ndim == 0
        lhs = np.datetime64(datetime(2013, 12, 6))
        rhs = Timestamp('now')
        nat = Timestamp('nat')

        ops = {'gt': 'lt',
               'lt': 'gt',
               'ge': 'le',
               'le': 'ge',
               'eq': 'eq',
               'ne': 'ne'}

        for left, right in ops.items():
            left_f = getattr(operator, left)
            right_f = getattr(operator, right)
            expected = left_f(lhs, rhs)

            result = right_f(rhs, lhs)
            self.assertEqual(result, expected)

            expected = left_f(rhs, nat)
            result = right_f(nat, rhs)
            self.assertEqual(result, expected) 

Example 28

def test_barely_oob_dts(self):
        one_us = np.timedelta64(1).astype('timedelta64[us]')

        # By definition we can't go out of bounds in [ns], so we
        # convert the datetime64s to [us] so we can go out of bounds
        min_ts_us = np.datetime64(Timestamp.min).astype('M8[us]')
        max_ts_us = np.datetime64(Timestamp.max).astype('M8[us]')

        # No error for the min/max datetimes

        # One us less than the minimum is an error
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Timestamp, min_ts_us - one_us)

        # One us more than the maximum is an error
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Timestamp, max_ts_us + one_us) 

Example 29

def datetime(x):
    Helper function to convert list of string objects to np.datetime64 objects.
    return np.array(x, dtype=np.datetime64) 

Example 30

def process_line(line):
    dt = np.datetime64(line["dt"]).astype(np.int64)
    sid = line["sid"]
    open_p = float(line["open"])
    high_p = float(line["high"])
    low_p = float(line["low"])
    close_p = float(line["close"])
    volume = int(line["volume"])
    return (dt, sid, open_p, high_p, low_p, close_p, volume) 

Example 31

def getIntervals(data,sat_num,maxgap=3,maxjump=1.2):
    scans through the phase tec of a satellite and determines where "good"
    intervals begin and end
        data - Panel4D with dimensions (parameter,satellite number,time,data/lli/ssi)
        sat_num - the number of the satellite to get good intervals for
        maxgap - maximum number of nans before starting new interval
        maxjump - maximum jump in phase TEC before starting new interval
        intervals - list of 2-tuples, beginning and end of each "good" interval
                    as a Pandas/numpy datetime64
    if c2p2(data,sat_num):
        finite_values = np.where(np.logical_and.reduce((
        finite_values = np.where(np.logical_and.reduce((
    if len(finite_values)==0:
        return intervals
    for i in finite_values[1:]:
        if i-last>maxgap or abs(phase_tec[i]-phase_tec[last])>maxjump:
        if i==finite_values[-1]:
    intervals=[(data.major_axis[time[0]],data.major_axis[time[1]]) for time in intervals]
    return intervals 

Example 32

def getTec(data,sat_num,data_interval,satbias=None):
    calculates slant TEC using phase tec shifted by the median difference
    between phase tec and pseudorange tec
        data - Panel4D with dimensions (parameter,satellite number,time,data/lli/ssi)
        sat_num - the number of the satellite to calculate TEC for
        data_interval - the interval made from getInterval(), it's a 2-tuple
                        marking the beginning and the end of a "good" interval
                        of data, each value is a Pandas/numpy datetime64
    if c2p2(data,sat_num,data_interval):
        range_tec = (2.85E9/3.0E8)*(
        range_tec = (2.85E9/3.0E8)*(


    tec_difference = np.array(sorted(phase_tec-range_tec))
    tec_difference = tec_difference[np.isfinite(tec_difference)]
    median_difference = tec_difference[int(len(tec_difference)/2)]
    difference_width = tec_difference[int(len(tec_difference)*.75)]-tec_difference[int(len(tec_difference)*.25)]
    median_error = difference_width/np.sqrt(len(tec_difference))
    tec = phase_tec - median_difference

    return tec,median_error 

Example 33

def get_data_type(self, df, col):
        """Get data type of dataframe column

        :param df: input data frame
        :param str col: column
        if col not in df.columns:
            raise KeyError('column "{0:s}" not in input dataframe'.format(col))
        dt = dict(df.dtypes)[col]
        # spark conversions to numpy or python equivalent
        if dt == 'string':
            dt = 'str'
        elif dt == 'timestamp':
            dt = np.datetime64
        return np.dtype(dt) 

Example 34

def process_columns(self, df):
        """Process columns before histogram filling

        Specifically, convert timestamp columns to integers
        and numeric variables are converted to indices

        :param df: input (pandas) data frame
        :returns: output (pandas) data frame with converted timestamp columns
        :rtype: pandas DataFrame

        # timestamp variables are converted to ns here
        # make temp df for value counting (used below)

        idf = df[self.str_cols].copy(deep=False)
        for col in self.dt_cols:
            self.log().debug('Converting column "%s" of type "%s" to nanosec', col, self.var_dtype[col])
            idf[col] = df[col].apply(hf.to_ns)

        # numerical variables are converted to indices here
        for col in self.num_cols + self.dt_cols:
            self.log().debug('Converting column "%s" of type "%s" to index', col, self.var_dtype[col])
            # find column specific bin_specs. if not found, use dict of default
            # values.
            dt = df[col].dtype
            is_number = isinstance(dt.type(), np.number)
            is_timestamp = isinstance(dt.type(), np.datetime64)
            sf = idf if is_timestamp else df
            bin_specs = self.bin_specs.get(col, self._unit_bin_specs if is_number else self._unit_timestamp_specs)
            idf[col] = sf[col].apply(hf.value_to_bin_index, **bin_specs)

        return idf 

Example 35

def get_col_props(var_type):
    """Get column properties

    :returns dict: Column properties
    npdtype = np.dtype(var_type)

    # determine data-type categories
    is_int = isinstance(npdtype.type(), np.integer)
    is_ts = isinstance(npdtype.type(), np.datetime64)
    is_num = is_ts or isinstance(npdtype.type(), np.number)

    return dict(dtype=npdtype, is_num=is_num, is_int=is_int, is_ts=is_ts) 

Example 36

def to_date_time(val):
    """Convert input to numpy.datetime64

    :param val: value to be evaluated
    :returns: evaluated value
    :rtype: numpy.datetime64

    return pd.to_datetime(val, errors='coerce') 

Example 37

def __getitem__(self, t):
        t = np.datetime64(t, unit=self.unit)
            i = self._t[str(t)]
            return self.x[i], self.y[i]
        except KeyError:
            # interpolate?

Example 38

def __setitem__(self, t, point):
        t = np.datetime64(t, unit=self.unit)
            i = self._t[str(t)]
            self.x[i] = point[0]
            self.y[i] = point[1]
        except KeyError:
            # interpolate?

Example 39

def __to_Timestamp__(self, time):
        return time * np.timedelta64(1, 's') + np.datetime64("1970-01-01 00:00:00") 

Example 40

def after(self, t):
        t = np.datetime64(t, unit=self.unit)
        mask = self.t > t

        if(np.all(mask == False, axis = 0)):
            return None

        result = Trajectory(self.x[mask], self.y[mask], self.t[mask])
        return result 

Example 41

def during(self, t1, t2):

        t1 = np.datetime64(t1, unit=self.unit)
        t2 = np.datetime64(t2, unit=self.unit)

        mask = ((self.t > t1) & (self.t < t2))

        if(np.all(mask == False, axis = 0)):
            return None

        result = Trajectory(self.x[mask], self.y[mask], self.t[mask])
        return result 

Example 42

def test_intersection_sem_mock_do_test_2(self):
        poly = Polygon([(1, 1), (1, 3), (4, 3), (4, 1), (1, 1)])
        response = self.traj2.intersection_shapely(poly)

        traj = self.traj2.to_Trajectory(response)

        time = np.datetime64('2000-02-01T00:01:00')
        seconds = (time - np.datetime64("1970-01-01 00:00:00")) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')

        assert (np.array_equal(traj.getTime()[0], seconds))
        assert (np.array_equal(traj.getTime()[1], seconds))
        assert (np.array_equal(traj.getTime()[2], seconds)) 

Example 43

def test_startTime(self):
        dateTest = dt.datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, minute=1)
        dateTestNumPy = np.array(dateTest, dtype='datetime64[{}]'.format('s'))
        dateFalse = dt.datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=2, hour=1)

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(self.traj.begins(), dateTestNumPy))
        self.assertNotIsInstance(self.traj.begins(), dt.datetime)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.traj.begins(), dateFalse)
        self.assertEqual(self.traj.begins(), dateTestNumPy) 

Example 44

def test_endTime(self):
        dateTest = dt.datetime(year=2000, month=4, day=1, minute=1)
        dateTestNumPy = np.array(dateTest, dtype='datetime64[{}]'.format('s'))
        dateFalse = dt.datetime(year=2000, month=3, day=2, hour=1)

        self.assertTrue(self.traj.ends(), dateTest)
        self.assertNotIsInstance(self.traj.ends(), dt.datetime)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.traj.ends(), dateFalse)
        self.assertEqual(self.traj.ends(), dateTestNumPy) 

Example 45

def test_datetime(self):
        a = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='datetime64[D]')
        b = np.array([2,1,0], dtype='datetime64[D]')
        idx = np.lexsort((b, a))
        expected_idx = np.array([2, 1, 0])
        assert_array_equal(idx, expected_idx)

        a = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='timedelta64[D]')
        b = np.array([2,1,0], dtype='timedelta64[D]')
        idx = np.lexsort((b, a))
        expected_idx = np.array([2, 1, 0])
        assert_array_equal(idx, expected_idx) 

Example 46

def test_string(self):
        self.assert_deprecated(np.datetime64, args=('2000-01-01T00+01',))
        self.assert_deprecated(np.datetime64, args=('2000-01-01T00Z',)) 

Example 47

def test_datetime(self):
        tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
        dt = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tz)
        self.assert_deprecated(np.datetime64, args=(dt,)) 

Example 48

def test_datetime_dtype_creation(self):
        for unit in ['Y', 'M', 'W', 'D',
                     'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us',
                     'ns', 'ps', 'fs', 'as']:
            dt1 = np.dtype('M8[750%s]' % unit)
            assert_(dt1 == np.dtype('datetime64[750%s]' % unit))
            dt2 = np.dtype('m8[%s]' % unit)
            assert_(dt2 == np.dtype('timedelta64[%s]' % unit))

        # Generic units shouldn't add [] to the end
        assert_equal(str(np.dtype("M8")), "datetime64")

        # Should be possible to specify the endianness
        assert_equal(np.dtype("=M8"), np.dtype("M8"))
        assert_equal(np.dtype("=M8[s]"), np.dtype("M8[s]"))
        assert_(np.dtype(">M8") == np.dtype("M8") or
                np.dtype("<M8") == np.dtype("M8"))
        assert_(np.dtype(">M8[D]") == np.dtype("M8[D]") or
                np.dtype("<M8[D]") == np.dtype("M8[D]"))
        assert_(np.dtype(">M8") != np.dtype("<M8"))

        assert_equal(np.dtype("=m8"), np.dtype("m8"))
        assert_equal(np.dtype("=m8[s]"), np.dtype("m8[s]"))
        assert_(np.dtype(">m8") == np.dtype("m8") or
                np.dtype("<m8") == np.dtype("m8"))
        assert_(np.dtype(">m8[D]") == np.dtype("m8[D]") or
                np.dtype("<m8[D]") == np.dtype("m8[D]"))
        assert_(np.dtype(">m8") != np.dtype("<m8"))

        # Check that the parser rejects bad datetime types
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'M8[badunit]')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'm8[badunit]')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'M8[YY]')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'm8[YY]')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'm4')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'M7')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'm7')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'M16')
        assert_raises(TypeError, np.dtype, 'm16') 

Example 49

def test_datetime_scalar_construction_timezone(self):
        # verify that supplying an explicit timezone works, but is deprecated
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
        with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):

Example 50

def test_datetime_array_find_type(self):
        dt = np.datetime64('1970-01-01', 'M')
        arr = np.array([dt])
        assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('M8[M]'))

        # at the moment, we don't automatically convert these to datetime64

        dt =, 1, 1)
        arr = np.array([dt])
        assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O'))

        dt = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 12, 30, 40)
        arr = np.array([dt])
        assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O'))

        # find "supertype" for non-dates and dates

        b = np.bool_(True)
        dt = np.datetime64('1970-01-01', 'M')
        arr = np.array([b, dt])
        assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O'))

        dt =, 1, 1)
        arr = np.array([b, dt])
        assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O'))

        dt = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 12, 30, 40)
        arr = np.array([b, dt])
        assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O')) 