Python numpy.s_() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def resize_image(image,target_shape, pad_value = 0):
    assert isinstance(target_shape, list) or isinstance(target_shape, tuple)
    add_shape, subs_shape = [], []

    image_shape = image.shape
    shape_difference = np.asarray(target_shape, dtype=int) - np.asarray(image_shape,dtype=int)
    for diff in shape_difference:
        if diff < 0:
            add_shape.append((0, 0))
    output = np.pad(image, tuple(add_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_value, pad_value))
    output = output[subs_shape]
    return output 

Example 2

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 3

def _get_data(path, preprocess):
    data = sio.loadmat(path)['gestures']
    data = [np.transpose(np.delete(segment.astype(np.float32), np.s_[7:192:8], 0))
            for segment in data.flat]
    if preprocess:
        data = list(Context.parallel(jb.delayed(preprocess)(segment, **PREPROCESS_KARGS)
                                     for segment in data))
    return data

#  @cached
#  def _get_data(path, bandstop, cut, downsample):
    #  data = sio.loadmat(path)['gestures']
    #  data = [np.transpose(np.delete(segment.astype(np.float32), np.s_[7:192:8], 0))
            #  for segment in data.flat]
    #  if bandstop:
        #  data = list(Context.parallel(jb.delayed(get_bandstop)(segment) for segment in data))
    #  if cut is not None:
        #  data = list(Context.parallel(jb.delayed(cut)(segment, framerate=FRAMERATE) for segment in data))
    #  if downsample > 1:
        #  data = [segment[::downsample].copy() for segment in data]
    #  return data 

Example 4

def __getitem__(self, *args):
        """epochs, units"""
        # by default, keep all units
        unitslice = slice(None, None, None)
        if isinstance(*args, int):
            epochslice = args[0]
        elif isinstance(*args, EpochArray):
            epochslice = args[0]
                slices = np.s_[args]; slices = slices[0]
                if len(slices) > 2:
                    raise IndexError("only [epochs, units] slicing is supported at this time!")
                elif len(slices) == 2:
                    epochslice, unitslice = slices
                    epochslice = slices[0]
            except TypeError:
                # only epoch to slice:
                epochslice = slices

        return epochslice, unitslice 

Example 5

def __getitem__(self, *args):
        """epochs, signals"""
        # by default, keep all signals
        signalslice = slice(None, None, None)
        if isinstance(*args, int):
            epochslice = args[0]
        elif isinstance(*args, core.EpochArray):
            epochslice = args[0]
                slices = np.s_[args]; slices = slices[0]
                if len(slices) > 2:
                    raise IndexError("only [epochs, signal] slicing is supported at this time!")
                elif len(slices) == 2:
                    epochslice, signalslice = slices
                    epochslice = slices[0]
            except TypeError:
                # only epoch to slice:
                epochslice = slices

        return epochslice, signalslice 

Example 6

def get_edge_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        '''Get faces which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        # A face is inside if all its edges are in.
        # An edge is inside if all its nodes are in.
        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over the first index
        is_inside = numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(1)))

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # Filter for boundary
            is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_edge)

        return is_inside 

Example 7

def get_face_mask(self, subdomain):
        '''Get faces which are fully in subdomain.
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        # A face is inside if all its edges are in.
        # An edge is inside if all its nodes are in.
        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over all axes except the last two (face_ids, cell_ids).
        n = len(is_in.shape)
        is_inside = numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(n-2)))

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # Filter for boundary
            is_inside = numpy.logical_and(is_inside, self.is_boundary_face)

        return is_inside 

Example 8

def get_cell_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]

        if subdomain.is_boundary_only:
            # There are no boundary cells
            return numpy.array([])

        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:

        is_in = self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'][self.idx_hierarchy]
        # Take `all()` over all axes except the last one (cell_ids).
        n = len(is_in.shape)
        return numpy.all(is_in, axis=tuple(range(n-1))) 

Example 9

def get_features_old(self, index):
        except AttributeError:
            if self.opt['mode'] == 'att':
                self.features_array = np.zeros((2048,14,14), dtype='f')
            elif self.opt['mode'] == 'noatt':
                self.features_array = np.zeros((2048), dtype='f')

        if self.opt['mode'] == 'att':
        elif self.opt['mode'] == 'noatt':
        return self.features_array 

Example 10

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 11

def split_array(gle, gre, shape, psize):
    """ Split array into px*py*pz subarrays. """
    n_d = np.array(shape, dtype=np.int64)
    dds = (gre-gle)/shape
    left_edges = []
    right_edges = []
    shapes = []
    slices = []
    for i in range(psize[0]):
        for j in range(psize[1]):
            for k in range(psize[2]):
                piece = np.array((i, j, k), dtype=np.int64)
                lei = n_d * piece // psize
                rei = n_d * (piece + np.ones(3, dtype=np.int64)) // psize
                lle = gle + lei*dds
                lre = gle + rei*dds
                slices.append(np.s_[lei[0]:rei[0], lei[1]:
                                    rei[1], lei[2]:rei[2]])

    return left_edges, right_edges, shapes, slices 

Example 12

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 13

def voc2007_classification_generator2(which, batch_size, input_size,
                            shuffle=True,# seed=0,
                            color_transform=None, random_mirror=False):
    path = os.path.expandvars('$VOC2007_DIR/ImageSets/Main')

    assert which in ['test', 'val']
    imgs, C ='{}.h5'.format(which), ['/data', '/labels'])

    if shuffle:
        rs = np.random.RandomState()
        while True:
            II = rs.randint(len(imgs), size=batch_size)

            ii, cc = imgs[II], C[II]
            if random_mirror and rs.randint(2) == 1:
                ii = ii[:, :, ::-1]
            yield ii, cc
        for i in range(len(imgs)//batch_size):
            ss = np.s_[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]
            yield imgs[ss], C[ss] 

Example 14

def flush(self):
        super(PiBayerArray, self).flush()
        self._demo = None
        data = self.getvalue()[-6404096:]
        if data[:4] != b'BRCM':
            raise PiCameraValueError('Unable to locate Bayer data at end of buffer')
        # Strip header
        data = data[32768:]
        # Reshape into 2D pixel values
        data = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8).\
                reshape((1952, 3264))[:1944, :3240]
        # Unpack 10-bit values; every 5 bytes contains the high 8-bits of 4
        # values followed by the low 2-bits of 4 values packed into the fifth
        # byte
        data = data.astype(np.uint16) << 2
        for byte in range(4):
            data[:, byte::5] |= ((data[:, 4::5] >> ((4 - byte) * 2)) & 3)
        data = np.delete(data, np.s_[4::5], 1)
        # XXX Should test camera's vflip and hflip settings here and adjust
        self.array = np.zeros(data.shape + (3,), dtype=data.dtype)
        self.array[1::2, 0::2, 0] = data[1::2, 0::2] # Red
        self.array[0::2, 0::2, 1] = data[0::2, 0::2] # Green
        self.array[1::2, 1::2, 1] = data[1::2, 1::2] # Green
        self.array[0::2, 1::2, 2] = data[0::2, 1::2] # Blue 

Example 15

def update_display(self):
        ii = self.settings['index']
        plane = self.settings['plane']
        if plane == 'xy':        
            arr_slice = np.s_[ii,:,:]
            index_max = self.dat['count_rate_map'].shape[0]
        elif plane == 'yz':
            arr_slice = np.s_[:,:,ii]
            index_max = self.dat['count_rate_map'].shape[2]
        elif plane == 'xz':
            arr_slice = np.s_[:,ii,:]
            index_max = self.dat['count_rate_map'].shape[1] 

        self.settings.index.change_min_max(0, index_max)
        self.imview.setImage(self.dat['count_rate_map'][arr_slice], autoLevels=self.settings['auto_level'], )

        other_ax = dict(xy='z', yz='x', xz='y' )[plane]

        self.info_label.setText("{} plane {}={} um (index={})".format(
            plane, other_ax, self.dat[other_ax+'_array'][ii], ii)) 

Example 16

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 17

def compute1didx(extar,slc):
   if len(extar) == 2:
      if x1==x2: 
      elif y1==y2: 
   if len(extar) == 3:
      if (x1==x2 and y1==y2): IDX=np.s_[x1,y1,z1:z2]
      if (y1==y2 and z1==z2): IDX=np.s_[x1:x2,y1,z1]
      if (x1==x2 and z1==z2): IDX=np.s_[x1,y1:y2,z1]
   return IDX 

Example 18

def get_HDF_cell_WSE(hf, cell_number, flow_area):
    with h5py.File(hdf_filename,'r') as hf:
        flow_areas = hf['Results']['Unsteady']['Output']['Output Blocks']\
        ['Base Output']['Unsteady Time Series']['2D Flow Areas']
        dataset = flow_areas[flow_area]['Water Surface']
        timesteps = dataset.shape[0]
        data_list = np.zeros((timesteps,), dtype='Float64')
        dataset.read_direct(data_list, np.s_[0:timesteps,cell_number], np.s_[0:timesteps])
        data_list = np.array(data_list).tolist()
    return data_list                            

# This will go through all of the 1D and 2D observed points listed in the two_dim_coords and one_dim_comp_paths txt files
# Without those two files, the program will not run. This function returns data dictionaries for each gage 

Example 19

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 20

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 21

def push(self, values: np.ndarray):
        Push values to buffer. If buffer can't store all values a ValueError is raised
        n = len(values)
        if len(self) + n > self.size:
            raise ValueError("Too much data to push to RingBuffer")

        slide_1 = np.s_[self.right_index:min(self.right_index + n, self.size)]
        slide_2 = np.s_[:max(self.right_index + n - self.size, 0)]
        with self.__data.get_lock():
            data = np.frombuffer(self.__data.get_obj(), dtype=np.complex64)
            data[slide_1] = values[:slide_1.stop - slide_1.start]
            data[slide_2] = values[slide_1.stop - slide_1.start:]
            self.right_index += n

        self.__length.value += n 

Example 22

def load_sym(self):
        """Load isotopic and elemental symbols and masses."""
        el_sym = pd.read_csv(join(self.path_yldgen, 'sym_atomicnum.txt'),
                             delim_whitespace=True, usecols=[0, 1],
                             names=['num', 'el'])
        self.atomic_num = np.array(el_sym['num'])
        self.element_all = np.array(el_sym['el'])
        snii_sym = pd.read_csv(join(self.path_yldgen, 'species.txt'),
                               delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=1,
                               usecols=[1, 2], names=['name', 'mass'])
        self.snii_sym = np.array(snii_sym['name'])
        self.snii_sym_mass = np.array(snii_sym['mass'])
        self.n_snii_sym = len(self.snii_sym)
        u, indices = np.unique([item.rstrip('0123456789')
                                for item in self.snii_sym], return_index=True)
        indices_s = np.argsort(indices)
        self.element = np.delete(u[indices_s], np.s_[13, 14])
        self.n_elements = len(self.element) 

Example 23

def downsample_idx(N, N_max=100, axis=0, method='equidist'):
    if N > N_max:
        if method == 'equidist':
            step = (N - 1) / N_max
            idx_cont = (np.arange(N_max) + 0.5) * step

            # add small slope to idx-cont, to avoid rounding neighbouring values to the same integer.
            # max absolute value added/subtracted is 1/10 of the step size
            adjust = ((idx_cont * 2 / (N - 1)) - 1) * step / 10
            idx_cont += adjust

            idx = np.array(np.round(idx_cont), dtype=int)

        if method == 'random':
            idx = np.random.choice(N, size=N_max, replace=False)
            idx = np.sort(idx)
        idx = np.s_[:]
    return idx 

Example 24

def test_prepend_not_one(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros(5)

        # Too large and not only ones.
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...],  np.ones((2, 1)))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Will be a ValueError as well.
            warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning)
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[1, 2, 3],],
                          np.ones((2, 1)))
            assert_raises(DeprecationWarning, assign, a, s_[[[1], [2]],],

Example 25

def format_barcode_summary_h5_key(genome, region, read_type):
    return '%s_%s_%s_barcode_reads' % (genome, region, read_type) 

Example 26

def get_full_alignment_base_quality_scores(read):
    Returns base quality scores for the full read alignment, inserting zeroes for deletions and removing
    inserted and soft-clipped bases. Therefore, only returns quality for truly aligned sequenced bases.

        read (pysam.AlignedSegment): read to get quality scores for

        np.array: numpy array of quality scores


    quality_scores = np.fromstring(read.qual, dtype=np.byte) - tk_constants.ILLUMINA_QUAL_OFFSET

    start_pos = 0

    for operation,length in read.cigar:
        operation = cr_constants.cigar_numeric_to_category_map[operation]

        if operation == 'D':
            quality_scores = np.insert(quality_scores, start_pos, [0] * length)
        elif operation == 'I' or operation == 'S':
            quality_scores = np.delete(quality_scores, np.s_[start_pos:start_pos + length])

        if not operation == 'I' and not operation == 'S':
            start_pos += length

    return start_pos, quality_scores 

Example 27

def test_exists():

    # Bbox version
    cv, data = create_layer(size=(128,64,64,1), offset=(0,0,0))

    defexists = Bbox( (0,0,0), (128,64,64) )
    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == True

    fpath = os.path.join(cv.layer_cloudpath, cv.key, '64-128_0-64_0-64')
    fpath = fpath.replace('file://', '') + '.gz'

    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == False

    # Slice version
    cv, data = create_layer(size=(128,64,64,1), offset=(0,0,0))

    defexists = np.s_[ 0:128, :, : ]

    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == True

    fpath = os.path.join(cv.layer_cloudpath, cv.key, '64-128_0-64_0-64')
    fpath = fpath.replace('file://', '') + '.gz'

    results = cv.exists(defexists)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results['1_1_1/0-64_0-64_0-64'] == True
    assert results['1_1_1/64-128_0-64_0-64'] == False 

Example 28

def padding3D(input, width_mode, pad_factor):

    if width_mode == 'multiple':
        assert isinstance(pad_factor, int)
        shape = input.shape[-3:]
        added_shape = [(0,0)]*len(input.shape[:-3])
        for dim in shape:
            added_shape.append((0,dim % pad_factor))
        output = np.pad(input, tuple(added_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))

    elif width_mode == 'fixed':
        assert isinstance(pad_factor,list) or isinstance(pad_factor,tuple)
        output = np.pad(input, tuple(pad_factor), 'constant',constant_values=(0, 0))

    elif width_mode == 'match':
        assert isinstance(pad_factor, list) or isinstance(pad_factor, tuple)
        shape = input.shape[-3:]
        shape_difference = np.asarray(pad_factor) - np.asarray(shape)
        added_shape = [(0, 0)] * len(input.shape[:-3])
        subs_shape = [np.s_[:]]* len(input.shape[:-3])
        for diff in shape_difference:
            if diff < 0:
                added_shape.append((0, 0))
                added_shape.append((0, diff))

        output = np.pad(input, tuple(added_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
        output = output[subs_shape]
        raise ValueError("Padding3D error (src.helpers.preprocessing_utils): No existen padding method " + str(width_mode))
    return output 

Example 29

def get_sparse_matrix(self, chunk_size = 1000):
        """Fetches the time-series data matrix in compressed sparse row (csr)
        format. Does this in chunks to prevent memory usage issues.
        chunk_size: int
            the number of items to fetch at one time. Default is 1000.
            csr matrix object containing sequences/time-series as rows, samples
            /time-points as columns
        data = np.empty(self.h5_table["timeseries/data"].shape)
        indices = np.empty(self.h5_table["timeseries/indices"].shape)
        indptr = np.empty(self.h5_table["timeseries/indptr"].shape)       
        chunks = list(range(0, data.shape[0], chunk_size))
        if chunks[-1] != data.shape[0]:
            chunks = chunks + [data.shape[0]]
        for i,j in zip(chunks[0:-1], chunks[1:]):
            self.h5_table["timeseries/data"].read_direct(data, np.s_[i:j],
        chunks = list(range(0, indices.shape[0], chunk_size))
        if chunks[-1] != indices.shape[0]:
            chunks = chunks + [indices.shape[0]]
        for i,j in zip(chunks[0:-1], chunks[1:]):
        chunks = list(range(0, indptr.shape[0], chunk_size))
        if chunks[-1] != indptr.shape[0]:
            chunks = chunks + [indptr.shape[0]]
        for i,j in zip(chunks[0:-1], chunks[1:]):
        return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr)) 

Example 30

def updatebuffer(data_buffer, new_data):
    Concatenates "new_data" into "buffer_array", and returns an array with 
    the same size than "buffer_array" 
    new_samples = new_data.shape[0]
    new_buffer = np.concatenate((data_buffer, new_data), axis =0)
    new_buffer = np.delete(new_buffer, np.s_[0:new_samples], 0)
    return new_buffer 

Example 31

def getdata(self, seconds, flush=True ):
            Flush all the Data present in MuLES buffer and, 
            Request and Retrieve a certain amount of Data indicated as seconds
            Data returned has the shape [seconds * sampling_frequency, channels] 
            seconds: used to calculate the amount of samples requested n_samples
                     n_samples = seconds * sampling_frequency
            flush:   Boolean, if True send the command Flush before getting Data,
                     Defaul = True
        if flush:        
        # Size of data requested
        n_samples = int(round(seconds * self.params['sampling frequency']))
        n_columns = len(self.params['data format'])
        data_buffer = -1 * np.ones((n_samples, n_columns)) 
        while (data_buffer[0, n_columns - 1]) < 0 : #While the first row has not been rewriten
            new_data = self.getalldata()
            new_samples = new_data.shape[0]
            data_buffer = np.concatenate((data_buffer, new_data), axis =0)
            data_buffer = np.delete(data_buffer, np.s_[0:new_samples], 0)
        return data_buffer 

Example 32

def mnist (labels = range(10)):
    from keras.datasets import mnist
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
    x_train = (x_train.astype('float32') / 255.).round()
    x_test = (x_test.astype('float32') / 255.).round()
    x_train = x_train.reshape((len(x_train),[1:])))
    x_test = x_test.reshape((len(x_test),[1:])))
    def conc (x,y):
        return np.concatenate((y.reshape([len(y),1]),x),axis=1)
    def select (x,y):
        selected = np.array([elem for elem in conc(x, y) if elem[0] in labels])
        return np.delete(selected,0,1), np.delete(selected,np.s_[1::],1).flatten()
    x_train, y_train = select(x_train, y_train)
    x_test, y_test = select(x_test, y_test)
    return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test 

Example 33

def test_simple_broadcasting_errors(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros((5, 1))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[[0], :], np.zeros((2, 1))) 

Example 34

def typical_x(self, dim):
            off = self.rotate(np.floor(np.arange(0, 3, 3. / dim)) /
                          np.logspace(0, 1, dim), inverse=True)
            off[np.s_[3:]] += 0.005
            off[-1] *= 1e2
            off[0] /= 2.0e3 if off[0] > 0 else 1e3
            off[2] /= 3.01e4 if off[2] < 0 else 2e4
            return self._x_opt(dim) + off 

Example 35

def recordClip(self):
        Clip trailing zeros from the record parameter
        self._record = np.delete(self._record,np.s_[self._recordIndex::],0) 

Example 36

def _singlenode_searchlight(l, msk, mysl_rad, bcast_var, extra_params):
    """Run searchlight function on block data in parallel.

    `extra_params` contains:

    - Searchlight function.
    - `Shape` mask.
    - Minimum active voxels proportion required to run the searchlight

    voxel_fn = extra_params[0]
    shape_mask = extra_params[1]
    min_active_voxels_proportion = extra_params[2]
    outmat = np.empty(msk.shape, dtype=np.object)[mysl_rad:-mysl_rad,
    for i in range(0, outmat.shape[0]):
        for j in range(0, outmat.shape[1]):
            for k in range(0, outmat.shape[2]):
                if msk[i+mysl_rad, j+mysl_rad, k+mysl_rad]:
                    searchlight_slice = np.s_[
                    voxel_fn_mask = msk[searchlight_slice] * shape_mask
                    if (min_active_voxels_proportion == 0
                        or np.count_nonzero(voxel_fn_mask) / voxel_fn_mask.size
                            > min_active_voxels_proportion):
                        outmat[i, j, k] = voxel_fn(
                            [ll[searchlight_slice] for ll in l],
                            msk[searchlight_slice] * shape_mask,
    return outmat 

Example 37

def expected_bbands(self, window_length, k, closes):
        """Compute the expected data (without adjustments) for the given
        window, k, and closes array.

        This uses talib.BBANDS to generate the expected data.
        lower_cols = []
        middle_cols = []
        upper_cols = []

        ndates, nassets = closes.shape

        for n in range(nassets):
            close_col = closes[:, n]
            if np.isnan(close_col).all():
                # ta-lib doesn't deal well with all nans.
                upper, middle, lower = [np.full(ndates, np.nan)] * 3
                upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(


        # Stack all of our uppers, middles, lowers into three 2d arrays
        # whose columns are the sids. After that, slice off only the
        # rows we care about.
        where = np.s_[window_length - 1:]
        uppers = np.column_stack(upper_cols)[where]
        middles = np.column_stack(middle_cols)[where]
        lowers = np.column_stack(lower_cols)[where]
        return uppers, middles, lowers 

Example 38

def typical_x(self, dim):
            off = self.rotate(np.floor(np.arange(0, 3, 3. / dim)) /
                          np.logspace(0, 1, dim), inverse=True)
            off[np.s_[3:]] += 0.005
            off[-1] *= 1e2
            off[0] /= 2.0e3 if off[0] > 0 else 1e3
            off[2] /= 3.01e4 if off[2] < 0 else 2e4
            return self._x_opt(dim) + off 

Example 39

def var_yx_idx(self):
        r"""Get index expression for component block of :math:`\mathbf{y}`
        that is constrained to be equal to :math:`\mathbf{x}`.

        return np.s_[...,-1] 

Example 40

def var_yx_idx(self):
        r"""Get index expression for component block of :math:`\mathbf{y}`
        that is constrained to be equal to :math:`\mathbf{x}`.

        return np.s_[..., 0:self.cri.M] 

Example 41

def index_primary(self):
        """Return an index expression appropriate for extracting the primary
        (inner) component of the main variables X, Y, etc.

        return np.s_[..., 0:-self.cri.Cd] 

Example 42

def index_addmsk(self):
        """Return an index expression appropriate for extracting the
        additive mask (outer) component of the main variables X, Y, etc."""

        return np.s_[..., -self.cri.Cd:] 

Example 43

def get_vertex_mask(self, subdomain=None):
        if subdomain is None:
            return numpy.s_[:]
        if subdomain not in self.subdomains:
        return self.subdomains[subdomain]['vertices'] 

Example 44

def typical_x(self, dim):
            off = self.rotate(np.floor(np.arange(0, 3, 3. / dim)) /
                          np.logspace(0, 1, dim), inverse=True)
            off[np.s_[3:]] += 0.005
            off[-1] *= 1e2
            off[0] /= 2.0e3 if off[0] > 0 else 1e3
            off[2] /= 3.01e4 if off[2] < 0 else 2e4
            return self._x_opt(dim) + off 

Example 45

def test_simple_broadcasting_errors(self):
        assign = self.assign
        s_ = np.s_

        a = np.zeros((5, 1))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[...], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 2)))
        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[:, [0]], np.zeros((5, 0)))

        assert_raises(ValueError, assign, a, s_[[0], :], np.zeros((2, 1))) 

Example 46

def index_block(y, x, D):
    return np.s_[y * D:(y + 1) * D, x * D:(x + 1) * D] 

Example 47

def forward(self, x):
        # create diagonal matrices
        m = np.zeros((x.size * self.dim)).reshape(-1, self.dim, self.dim)
        x = x.reshape(-1, self.dim)
        m[(np.s_[:],) + np.diag_indices(x.shape[1])] = x
        return m 

Example 48

def processImage(self, index, data):
        # get the image
        raw_image = CommonFunctions.preprocessImage(data["image"], 
        image_dimension = raw_image.shape

        # create output image as numpy array with upscaled image size
        processed_image = np.zeros(image_dimension, np.float32)
        # align all tiles
        for tile, transform_matrix in zip(self.tiles, data["transform_matrix"]):

            tile_slice_raw_image = np.s_[tile["y"][0]:tile["y"][1],
            raw_image_tile = raw_image[tile_slice_raw_image]
            tile_aligned = cv2.warpAffine(raw_image_tile,
                                          flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC + cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP);      
            # Insert the inner area of tile_aligned (so without margins) into
            # the appropriate area in the processed image
            min_x = tile["x"][0] + tile["margin_x"][0]
            min_y = tile["y"][0] + tile["margin_y"][0]
            max_x = tile["x"][1] - tile["margin_x"][1]
            max_y = tile["y"][1] - tile["margin_y"][1]
            tile_slice_processed_image = np.s_[min_y:max_y,
            max_y_aligned = tile_aligned.shape[0] - tile["margin_y"][1]
            max_x_aligned = tile_aligned.shape[1] - tile["margin_x"][1]
            tile_aligned_slice = np.s_[tile["margin_y"][0]:max_y_aligned,
            tile_aligned_without_margin = tile_aligned[tile_aligned_slice]
            processed_image[tile_slice_processed_image] = tile_aligned_without_margin
        return processed_image 

Example 49

def flatten(f, channel=0, freqaxis=0):
    """ Flatten a fits file so that it becomes a 2D image. Return new header and data """
    from astropy import wcs

    if naxis<2:
        raise RadioError('Can\'t make map from this')
    if naxis==2:
        return f[0].header,f[0].data

    w = wcs.WCS(f[0].header)


    header = wn.to_header()
    for k in copy:
        if r:

    for i in range(naxis,0,-1):
        if i<=2:
        elif i==freqaxis:

    # slice=(0,)*(naxis-2)+(np.s_[:],)*2
    return header,f[0].data[slice] 

Example 50

def select_n_slow(dropped, n, keep, method):
    reverse_it = (keep == 'last' or method == 'nlargest')
    ascending = method == 'nsmallest'
    slc = np.s_[::-1] if reverse_it else np.s_[:]
    return dropped[slc].sort_values(ascending=ascending).head(n) 