Python numpy.broadcast_to() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def get_local_wavenumbermesh(self, scaled=True, broadcast=False,
        kx = fftfreq(self.N[0], 1./self.N[0])
        ky = rfftfreq(self.N[1], 1./self.N[1])
        if eliminate_highest_freq:
            for i, k in enumerate((kx, ky)):
                if self.N[i] % 2 == 0:
                    k[self.N[i]//2] = 0

        Ks = np.meshgrid(kx, ky[self.rank*self.Np[1]//2:(self.rank*self.Np[1]//2+self.Npf)], indexing='ij', sparse=True)
        if scaled is True:
            Lp = 2*np.pi/self.L
            Ks[0] *= Lp[0]
            Ks[1] *= Lp[1]
        K = Ks
        if broadcast is True:
            K = [np.broadcast_to(k, self.complex_shape()) for k in Ks]
        return K 

Example 2

def _broadcast_shape(*args):
    """Returns the shape of the ararys that would result from broadcasting the
    supplied arrays against each other.
    if not args:
        raise ValueError('must provide at least one argument')
    # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    # consistently
    b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):
        # ironically, np.broadcast does not properly handle np.broadcast
        # objects (it treats them as scalars)
        # use broadcasting to avoid allocating the full array
        b = broadcast_to(0, b.shape)
        b = np.broadcast(b, *args[pos:(pos + 31)])
    return b.shape 

Example 3

def get_scipy_batch_logpdf(self, idx):
        if not self.scipy_arg_fn:
        dist_params = self.get_dist_params(idx, wrap_tensor=False)
        dist_params_wrapped = self.get_dist_params(idx)
        dist_params = self._convert_logits_to_ps(dist_params)
        test_data = self.get_test_data(idx, wrap_tensor=False)
        test_data_wrapped = self.get_test_data(idx)
        shape = self.pyro_dist.shape(test_data_wrapped, **dist_params_wrapped)
        batch_log_pdf = []
        for i in range(len(test_data)):
            batch_params = {}
            for k in dist_params:
                param = np.broadcast_to(dist_params[k], shape)
                batch_params[k] = param[i]
            args, kwargs = self.scipy_arg_fn(**batch_params)
            if self.is_discrete:
        return batch_log_pdf 

Example 4

def test_max_unbounded(self):
        n_batch = 7
        ndim_action = 3
        mu = np.random.randn(n_batch, ndim_action).astype(np.float32)
        mat = np.broadcast_to(
            np.eye(ndim_action, dtype=np.float32)[None],
            (n_batch, ndim_action, ndim_action))
        v = np.random.randn(n_batch).astype(np.float32)
        q_out = action_value.QuadraticActionValue(

        v_out = q_out.max
        self.assertIsInstance(v_out, chainer.Variable)
        v_out =

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_out, v) 

Example 5

def _broadcast_shape(*args):
    """Returns the shape of the ararys that would result from broadcasting the
    supplied arrays against each other.
    if not args:
        raise ValueError('must provide at least one argument')
    # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    # consistently
    b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):
        # ironically, np.broadcast does not properly handle np.broadcast
        # objects (it treats them as scalars)
        # use broadcasting to avoid allocating the full array
        b = broadcast_to(0, b.shape)
        b = np.broadcast(b, *args[pos:(pos + 31)])
    return b.shape 

Example 6

def compute_convolution_nd(data, kernel, dimension: int, mode=ConvolutionMode.valid, element_wise: bool=False):
    mode_string = __get_convolution_mode_string(mode)
    result = []
    data_prefix_shape = data.shape[:-dimension]
    kernel_prefix_shape = kernel.shape[:-dimension]
    if element_wise:
        final_shape = element_wise_shape(data_prefix_shape, kernel_prefix_shape)[0]
        data = numpy.broadcast_to(data, final_shape + data.shape[-2:])
        kernel = numpy.broadcast_to(kernel, final_shape + kernel.shape[-2:])
        if final_shape:
            for index in array_index_traversal(final_shape):
                result.append(__compute_convolution_nd(data[index], kernel[index], dimension, mode_string))
            return numpy.array(result).reshape(final_shape + result[0].shape)
            return __compute_convolution_nd(data, kernel, dimension, mode_string)
        if kernel_prefix_shape:
            final_shape = data_prefix_shape + kernel_prefix_shape + basic_convolution_shape(data.shape[-dimension:], kernel.shape[-dimension:], dimension, mode_string)
            result = numpy.zeros(final_shape)
            for kernel_index in array_index_traversal(kernel_prefix_shape):
                sub_result_index = tuple(slice(None) for _ in data_prefix_shape) + kernel_index + tuple(slice(None) for _ in range(dimension))
                result[sub_result_index] = __compute_convolution_nd(data, kernel[kernel_index], dimension, mode_string)
            return result
            return __compute_convolution_nd(data, kernel, dimension, mode_string) 

Example 7

def test_One(backend, M, N, K, alpha, beta, forward):
    x = indigo.util.rand64c(K,N)
    y = indigo.util.rand64c(M,N)
    B = backend()
    if getattr(B.onemm, '__isabstractmethod__', False):
        pytest.skip("backed <%s> doesn't implement onemm" % backend.__name__)
    if not hasattr(B, 'onemm'):
        pytest.skip("backend doesn't implement onemm")
    O = B.One((M,K), dtype=np.complex64)

    if forward:
        u, v = x, y
        v, u = x, y

    u_d = B.copy_array(u)
    v_d = B.copy_array(v)
    exp = beta * v + \
        np.broadcast_to(alpha*u.sum(axis=0,keepdims=True), v.shape)
    O.eval(v_d, u_d, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, forward=forward)
    act = v_d.to_host()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(act, exp, rtol=1e-5) 

Example 8

def _broadcast_shape(*args):
    """Returns the shape of the ararys that would result from broadcasting the
    supplied arrays against each other.
    if not args:
        raise ValueError('must provide at least one argument')
    if len(args) == 1:
        # a single argument does not work with np.broadcast
        return np.asarray(args[0]).shape
    # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    # consistently
    b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):
        # ironically, np.broadcast does not properly handle np.broadcast
        # objects (it treats them as scalars)
        # use broadcasting to avoid allocating the full array
        b = broadcast_to(0, b.shape)
        b = np.broadcast(b, *args[pos:(pos + 31)])
    return b.shape 

Example 9

def _broadcast_shape(*args):
    """Returns the shape of the ararys that would result from broadcasting the
    supplied arrays against each other.
    if not args:
        raise ValueError('must provide at least one argument')
    # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    # consistently
    b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):
        # ironically, np.broadcast does not properly handle np.broadcast
        # objects (it treats them as scalars)
        # use broadcasting to avoid allocating the full array
        b = broadcast_to(0, b.shape)
        b = np.broadcast(b, *args[pos:(pos + 31)])
    return b.shape 

Example 10

def broadcast_to(self, shape):
        Performs the equivalent of np.broadcast_to for COO.
        shape : tuple[int]
            The shape to broadcast the data to.
            The broadcasted sparse array.
            If the operand cannot be broadcast to the given shape.
        result_shape = self._get_broadcast_shape(self.shape, shape, is_result=True)
        params = self._get_broadcast_parameters(self.shape, result_shape)
        coords, data = self._get_expanded_coords_data(self.coords,, params, result_shape)

        return COO(coords, data, shape=result_shape, has_duplicates=self.has_duplicates,

Example 11

def _broadcast_shape(*args):
    """Returns the shape of the arrays that would result from broadcasting the
    supplied arrays against each other.
    if not args:
        raise ValueError('must provide at least one argument')
    # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    # consistently
    b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):
        # ironically, np.broadcast does not properly handle np.broadcast
        # objects (it treats them as scalars)
        # use broadcasting to avoid allocating the full array
        b = broadcast_to(0, b.shape)
        b = np.broadcast(b, *args[pos:(pos + 31)])
    return b.shape 

Example 12

def test_repeat_tile(self):

        initial_shape = (8, 4)

        repeats = ((3, 1, 1),
                   (3, 3, 3),
                   (1, 2, 1),
                   (2, 2, 2, 2))

        def _generate_noncontiguous_input():

            out = np.broadcast_to(np.random.random((1, 4)),

            assert not (out.flags.c_contiguous or out.flags.f_contiguous)

            return out

        for repeat in repeats:
            for tensor in (torch.from_numpy(np.random.random(initial_shape)),

                                 np.tile(tensor.numpy(), repeat)) 

Example 13

def ordinal_loss(y, mask):
    xp = cuda.get_array_module(
    volatile = y.volatile
    b, c, n =
    max_y = F.broadcast_to(F.max(y, axis=1, keepdims=True),
    y = y - max_y
    sum_y = F.broadcast_to(F.expand_dims(F.sum(y, axis=1), 1),
    down_tri = np.tri(c, dtype=np.float32)
    up_tri = down_tri.T
    w1 = Variable(xp.asarray(down_tri.reshape(c, c, 1, 1)), volatile=volatile)
    w2 = Variable(xp.asarray(up_tri.reshape(c, c, 1, 1)), volatile=volatile)
    h = F.exp(F.expand_dims(y, -1))
    h1 = F.convolution_2d(h, w1)
    h1 = F.convolution_2d(F.log(h1), w1)
    h2 = F.convolution_2d(h, w2)
    h2 = F.convolution_2d(F.log(h2), w2)
    h = F.reshape(h1 + h2, (b, c, n))
    return F.sum((h - sum_y - y) * mask) / b 

Example 14

def __forward(self, batch_x, batch_t, weight, train=True):
        xp = self.xp
        x = Variable(xp.asarray(batch_x), volatile=not train)
        t = Variable(xp.asarray(batch_t), volatile=not train)
        y =, train=train)

        b, c, n =
        mask = Variable(xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(weight.reshape(-1, 1, 1), (b, c, n)) * loss_mask(batch_t,, volatile=not train)
        if self.ordinal_weight == 0:
            loss = F.sum(-F.log_softmax(y) * mask) / b
        elif self.ordinal_weight == 1:
            loss = ordinal_loss(y, mask)
            loss = (1 - self.ordinal_weight) * F.sum(-F.log_softmax(y) * mask) / b + self.ordinal_weight * ordinal_loss(y, mask)

        acc = self.__accuracy(y, t)
        return loss, acc 

Example 15

def broadcast(vec: T.Tensor, matrix: T.Tensor) -> T.Tensor:
    Broadcasts vec into the shape of matrix following numpy rules:

    vec ~ (N, 1) broadcasts to matrix ~ (N, M)
    vec ~ (1, N) and (N,) broadcast to matrix ~ (M, N)

        vec: A vector (either flat, row, or column).
        matrix: A matrix (i.e., a 2D tensor).

        tensor: A tensor of the same size as matrix containing the elements
                of the vector.


        return numpy.broadcast_to(vec, shape(matrix))
    except ValueError:
        raise BroadcastError('cannot broadcast vector of dimension {} \
        onto matrix of dimension {}'.format(shape(vec), shape(matrix))) 

Example 16

def test_lmatvec(b0, b1, quad, format, axis, k0, k1):
    """Test matrix-vector product"""
    global c, c1, d, d1
    b0 = b0(N, quad=quad)
    b1 = b1(N, quad=quad)
    mat = shenfun.spectralbase.inner_product((b0, k0), (b1, k1))
    c = mat.matvec(a, c, format='csr')
    c1 = mat.matvec(a, c1, format=format)
    assert np.allclose(c, c1)

    d = mat.matvec(b, d, format='csr', axis=axis)
    d1 = mat.matvec(b, d1, format=format, axis=axis)
    assert np.allclose(d, d1)

    # Test multidimensional with axis equals 1D case
    bc = [np.newaxis,]*3
    bc[axis] = slice(None)
    fj = np.broadcast_to(a[bc], (N,)*3).copy()
    d1 = mat.matvec(fj, d1, format=format, axis=axis)
    cc = [0,]*3
    cc[axis] = slice(None)
    assert np.allclose(c, d1[cc]) 

Example 17

def test_axis(ST, quad, axis):
    ST = ST(N, quad=quad, plan=True)
    points, weights = ST.points_and_weights(N)
    f_hat = np.random.random(N)

    B = inner_product((ST, 0), (ST, 0))

    c = np.zeros_like(f_hat)
    c = B.solve(f_hat, c)

    # Multidimensional version
    bc = [np.newaxis,]*3
    bc[axis] = slice(None)
    fk = np.broadcast_to(f_hat[bc], (N,)*3).copy()
    ST.plan((N,)*3, axis, np.float, {})
    if hasattr(ST, 'bc'):
        ST.bc.set_tensor_bcs(ST) # To set Dirichlet boundary conditions on multidimensional array
    ck = np.zeros_like(fk)
    ck = B.solve(fk, ck, axis=axis)
    cc = [0,]*3
    cc[axis] = slice(None)
    assert np.allclose(ck[cc], c)

#test_axis(cbases.ShenDirichletBasis, "GC", 1) 

Example 18

def _broadcast_shape(*args):
    """Returns the shape of the ararys that would result from broadcasting the
    supplied arrays against each other.
    if not args:
        raise ValueError('must provide at least one argument')
    # use the old-iterator because np.nditer does not handle size 0 arrays
    # consistently
    b = np.broadcast(*args[:32])
    # unfortunately, it cannot handle 32 or more arguments directly
    for pos in range(32, len(args), 31):
        # ironically, np.broadcast does not properly handle np.broadcast
        # objects (it treats them as scalars)
        # use broadcasting to avoid allocating the full array
        b = broadcast_to(0, b.shape)
        b = np.broadcast(b, *args[pos:(pos + 31)])
    return b.shape 

Example 19

def get_local_mesh(self):
        """Returns the local decomposed physical mesh"""
        X = np.ogrid[self.rank*self.Np[0]:(self.rank+1)*self.Np[0],
                     :self.N[1], :self.N[2]]
        X[0] = (X[0]*self.L[0]/self.N[0]).astype(self.float)
        X[1] = (X[1]*self.L[1]/self.N[1]).astype(self.float)
        X[2] = (X[2]*self.L[2]/self.N[2]).astype(self.float)
        X = [np.broadcast_to(x, self.real_shape()) for x in X]
        return X 

Example 20

def get_local_wavenumbermesh(self, scaled=False, broadcast=False, eliminate_highest_freq=False):
        """Returns (scaled) local decomposed wavenumbermesh

        If scaled is True, then the wavenumbermesh is scaled with physical mesh
        size. This takes care of mapping the physical domain to a computational
        cube of size (2pi)**3.

        If eliminate_highest_freq is True, then the Nyquist frequency is set to zero.
        kx, ky, kz = self.complex_local_wavenumbers()
        if eliminate_highest_freq:
            ky = fftfreq(self.N[1], 1./self.N[1])
            for i, k in enumerate((kx, ky, kz)):
                if self.N[i] % 2 == 0:
                    k[self.N[i]//2] = 0
            ky = ky[self.complex_local_slice()[1]]

        Ks = np.meshgrid(kx, ky, kz, indexing='ij', sparse=True)
        if scaled:
            Lp = 2*np.pi/self.L
            for i in range(3):
                Ks[i] *= Lp[i]
        K = Ks
        if broadcast is True:
            K = [np.broadcast_to(k, self.complex_shape()) for k in Ks]
        return K 

Example 21

def get_local_mesh(self):
        xzrank = self.comm0.Get_rank() # Local rank in xz-plane
        xyrank = self.comm1.Get_rank() # Local rank in xy-plane

        # Create the physical mesh
        x1 = slice(xzrank * self.N1[0], (xzrank+1) * self.N1[0], 1)
        x2 = slice(xyrank * self.N2[1], (xyrank+1) * self.N2[1], 1)
        X = np.ogrid[x1, x2, :self.N[2]]

        X[0] = (X[0]*self.L[0]/self.N[0]).astype(self.float)
        X[1] = (X[1]*self.L[1]/self.N[1]).astype(self.float)
        X[2] = (X[2]*self.L[2]/self.N[2]).astype(self.float)
        X = [np.broadcast_to(x, self.real_shape()) for x in X]
        return X 

Example 22

def get_local_wavenumbermesh(self, scaled=False, broadcast=False,
        """Returns (scaled) local decomposed wavenumbermesh

        If scaled is True, then the wavenumbermesh is scaled with physical mesh
        size. This takes care of mapping the physical domain to a computational
        cube of size (2pi)**3

        s = self.complex_local_slice()
        kx = fftfreq(self.N[0], 1./self.N[0]).astype(int)
        ky = fftfreq(self.N[1], 1./self.N[1]).astype(int)
        kz = rfftfreq(self.N[2], 1./self.N[2]).astype(int)
        if eliminate_highest_freq:
            for i, k in enumerate((kx, ky, kz)):
                if self.N[i] % 2 == 0:
                    k[self.N[i]//2] = 0
        kx = kx[s[0]]
        kz = kz[s[2]]
        Ks = np.meshgrid(kx, ky, kz, indexing='ij', sparse=True)
        if scaled is True:
            Lp = 2*np.pi/self.L
            for i in range(3):
                Ks[i] = (Ks[i]*Lp[i]).astype(self.float)
        K = Ks
        if broadcast is True:
            K = [np.broadcast_to(k, self.complex_shape()) for k in Ks]
        return K 

Example 23

def scalar_broadcast_match(a, b):
    """ Returns arguments as np.array, if one is a scalar it will broadcast the other one's shape.
    a, b = np.atleast_1d(a, b)
    if a.size == 1 and b.size != 1:
        a = np.broadcast_to(a, b.shape)
    elif b.size == 1 and a.size != 1:
        b = np.broadcast_to(b, a.shape)
    return a, b 

Example 24

def predict(self, input_x):
        if isinstance(input_x, chainer.Variable):
            device = cuda.get_device(
            device = cuda.get_device(input_x)
        xp = self.predictor.xp
        with device:
            output = self.predictor(input_x)
            batch_size, input_channel, input_h, input_w = input_x.shape
            batch_size, _, grid_h, grid_w = output.shape
            x, y, w, h, conf, prob = F.split_axis(F.reshape(output, (batch_size, self.predictor.n_boxes, self.predictor.n_classes+5, grid_h, grid_w)), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), axis=2)
            x = F.sigmoid(x)
            y = F.sigmoid(y)
            conf = F.sigmoid(conf)
            prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
            prob = F.softmax(prob)
            prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))

            # convert coordinates to those on the image
            x_shift = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(grid_w, dtype=np.float32), x.shape))
            y_shift = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(grid_h, dtype=np.float32).reshape(grid_h, 1), y.shape))
            w_anchor = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(np.array(self.anchors, dtype=np.float32)[:, 0], (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), w.shape))
            h_anchor = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(np.array(self.anchors, dtype=np.float32)[:, 1], (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), h.shape))
            box_x = (x + x_shift) / grid_w
            box_y = (y + y_shift) / grid_h
            box_w = F.exp(w) * w_anchor / grid_w
            box_h = F.exp(h) * h_anchor / grid_h

            return box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, conf, prob 

Example 25

def predict(self, input_x):
        if isinstance(input_x, chainer.Variable):
            device = cuda.get_device(
            device = cuda.get_device(input_x)
        xp = self.predictor.xp
        with device:
            output = self.predictor(input_x)
            batch_size, input_channel, input_h, input_w = input_x.shape
            batch_size, _, grid_h, grid_w = output.shape
            x, y, w, h, conf, prob = F.split_axis(F.reshape(output, (batch_size, self.predictor.n_boxes, self.predictor.n_classes+5, grid_h, grid_w)), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), axis=2)
            x = F.sigmoid(x)
            y = F.sigmoid(y)
            conf = F.sigmoid(conf)
            prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
            prob = F.softmax(prob)
            prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))

            # convert coordinates to those on the image
            x_shift = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(grid_w, dtype=np.float32), x.shape))
            y_shift = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.arange(grid_h, dtype=np.float32).reshape(grid_h, 1), y.shape))
            w_anchor = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(np.array(self.anchors, dtype=np.float32)[:, 0], (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), w.shape))
            h_anchor = xp.asarray(np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(np.array(self.anchors, dtype=np.float32)[:, 1], (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), h.shape))
            box_x = (x + x_shift) / grid_w
            box_y = (y + y_shift) / grid_h
            box_w = F.exp(w) * w_anchor / grid_w
            box_h = F.exp(h) * h_anchor / grid_h

            return box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, conf, prob 

Example 26

def test_indexing_array_weird_strides(self):
        # See also gh-6221
        # the shapes used here come from the issue and create the correct
        # size for the iterator buffering size.
        x = np.ones(10)
        x2 = np.ones((10, 2))
        ind = np.arange(10)[:, None, None, None]
        ind = np.broadcast_to(ind, (10, 55, 4, 4))

        # single advanced index case
        assert_array_equal(x[ind], x[ind.copy()])
        # higher dimensional advanced index
        zind = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.intp)
        assert_array_equal(x2[ind, zind], x2[ind.copy(), zind]) 

Example 27

def broadcast_to(array, shape, subok=False):
    """Broadcast an array to a new shape.

    array : array_like
        The array to broadcast.
    shape : tuple
        The shape of the desired array.
    subok : bool, optional
        If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise
        the returned array will be forced to be a base-class array (default).

    broadcast : array
        A readonly view on the original array with the given shape. It is
        typically not contiguous. Furthermore, more than one element of a
        broadcasted array may refer to a single memory location.

        If the array is not compatible with the new shape according to NumPy's
        broadcasting rules.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    >>> np.broadcast_to(x, (3, 3))
    array([[1, 2, 3],
           [1, 2, 3],
           [1, 2, 3]])
    return _broadcast_to(array, shape, subok=subok, readonly=True) 

Example 28

def test_max_bounded(self):
        n_batch = 20
        ndim_action = 3
        mu = np.random.randn(n_batch, ndim_action).astype(np.float32)
        mat = np.broadcast_to(
            np.eye(ndim_action, dtype=np.float32)[None],
            (n_batch, ndim_action, ndim_action))
        v = np.random.randn(n_batch).astype(np.float32)
        min_action, max_action = -1.3, 1.3
        q_out = action_value.QuadraticActionValue(
            min_action, max_action)

        v_out = q_out.max
        self.assertIsInstance(v_out, chainer.Variable)
        v_out =

        # If mu[i] is an valid action, v_out[i] should be v[i]
        mu_is_allowed = np.all(
            (min_action < mu) * (mu < max_action),
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_out[mu_is_allowed], v[mu_is_allowed])

        # Otherwise, v_out[i] should be less than v[i]
        mu_is_not_allowed = ~np.all(
            (min_action - 1e-2 < mu) * (mu < max_action + 1e-2),

Example 29

def test_pool_average_3d(ndarray_1x1x4x4):
    x = np.broadcast_to(ndarray_1x1x4x4, (1, 1, 4, 4, 4))

    node = onnx.helper.make_node('AveragePool', inputs=['x'], outputs=['y'],
                                 kernel_shape=(2, 2, 2), strides=(2, 2, 2))
    y = np.array([[[13.5, 15.5],
                   [21.5, 23.5]],

                  [[13.5, 15.5],
                   [21.5, 23.5]]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 1, 2, 2, 2)
    ng_results = convert_and_calculate(node, [x], [y])

    assert np.array_equal(ng_results, [y]) 

Example 30

def test_pool_global_average_3d(ndarray_1x1x4x4):
    x = np.broadcast_to(ndarray_1x1x4x4, (1, 1, 4, 4, 4))

    node = onnx.helper.make_node('GlobalAveragePool', inputs=['x'], outputs=['y'])
    y = np.array([18.5], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    ng_results = convert_and_calculate(node, [x], [y])
    assert np.array_equal(ng_results, [y]) 

Example 31

def get_tgt_vec(self,r):
        Computes the target vector `g` in the above description
        r0,r1 = r
        g0 = 1/self.rsqrt0*r0
        if self.wvar_pos:
            gout = 1/self.wsqrt*np.broadcast_to(self.b,self.shape1)
            g1 = 1/self.rsqrt1*r1            
            g = np.hstack((gout.ravel(),g0.ravel(),g1.ravel()))
            g1 = 1/self.rsqrt1*(r1-self.b)
            g = np.hstack((g0.ravel(),g1.ravel()))
        return g 

Example 32

def forward_cpu(self, inputs):
        x, t = inputs
        if chainer.is_debug():
            self._check_input_values(x, t)

        log_y = log_softmax._log_softmax(x, self.use_cudnn)
        if self.cache_score:
            self.y = numpy.exp(log_y)
        if self.class_weight is not None:
            if self.class_weight.shape != x.shape:
                shape = [1 if d != 1 else -1 for d in six.moves.range(x.ndim)]
                self.class_weight = numpy.broadcast_to(
                    self.class_weight.reshape(shape), x.shape)
            log_y *= self.class_weight
        log_yd = numpy.rollaxis(log_y, 1)
        log_yd = log_yd.reshape(len(log_yd), -1)
        log_p = log_yd[numpy.maximum(t.ravel(), 0), numpy.arange(t.size)]

        # deal with the case where the SoftmaxCrossEntropy is
        # unpickled from the old version
        if self.normalize:
            count = (t != self.ignore_label).sum()
            count = len(x)
        self._coeff = 1.0 / max(count, 1)

        y = (log_p * (t.ravel() != self.ignore_label)).sum(keepdims=True) \
            * (-self._coeff)
        return y.reshape(()), 

Example 33

def forward_gpu(self, inputs):
        cupy = cuda.cupy
        x, t = inputs
        if chainer.is_debug():
            self._check_input_values(x, t)

        log_y = log_softmax._log_softmax(x, self.use_cudnn)
        if self.cache_score:
            self.y = cupy.exp(log_y)
        if self.class_weight is not None:
            shape = [1 if d != 1 else -1 for d in six.moves.range(x.ndim)]
            log_y *= cupy.broadcast_to(
                self.class_weight.reshape(shape), x.shape)
        if self.normalize:
            coeff = cupy.maximum(1, (t != self.ignore_label).sum())
            coeff = max(1, len(t))
        self._coeff = cupy.divide(1.0, coeff, dtype=x.dtype)

        log_y = cupy.rollaxis(log_y, 1, log_y.ndim)
        ret = cuda.reduce(
            'S t, raw T log_y, int32 n_channel, raw T coeff', 'T out',
            't == -1 ? T(0) : log_y[_j * n_channel + t]',
            'a + b', 'out = a * -coeff[0]', '0', 'crossent_fwd'
        )(t, log_y.reduced_view(), log_y.shape[-1], self._coeff)
        return ret, 

Example 34

def backward_cpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        x, t = inputs
        gloss = grad_outputs[0]
        if hasattr(self, 'y'):
            y = self.y.copy()
            y = log_softmax._log_softmax(x, self.use_cudnn)
            numpy.exp(y, out=y)
        if y.ndim == 2:
            gx = y
            gx[numpy.arange(len(t)), numpy.maximum(t, 0)] -= 1
            if self.class_weight is not None:
                c = self.class_weight[
                    numpy.arange(len(t)), numpy.maximum(t, 0)]
                gx *= numpy.broadcast_to(numpy.expand_dims(c, 1), gx.shape)
            gx *= (t != self.ignore_label).reshape((len(t), 1))
            # in the case where y.ndim is higher than 2,
            # we think that a current implementation is inefficient
            # because it yields two provisional arrays for indexing.
            n_unit = t.size // len(t)
            gx = y.reshape(y.shape[0], y.shape[1], -1)
            fst_index = numpy.arange(t.size) // n_unit
            trd_index = numpy.arange(t.size) % n_unit
            gx[fst_index, numpy.maximum(t.ravel(), 0), trd_index] -= 1
            if self.class_weight is not None:
                c = self.class_weight.reshape(gx.shape)
                c = c[fst_index, numpy.maximum(t.ravel(), 0), trd_index]
                c = c.reshape(y.shape[0], 1, -1)
                gx *= numpy.broadcast_to(c, gx.shape)
            gx *= (t != self.ignore_label).reshape((len(t), 1, -1))
            gx = gx.reshape(y.shape)
        gx *= gloss * self._coeff
        return gx, None 

Example 35

def broadcast_mgrid(arrays):
    shape = tuple(map(len, arrays))
    ndim = len(shape)
    result = []
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrays, start=1):
        reshaped = np.broadcast_to(arr[[...] + [np.newaxis] * (ndim - i)],
    return result 

Example 36

def numba_csgraph(csr, node_props=None):
    if node_props is None:
        node_props = np.broadcast_to(1., csr.shape[0])
        node_props.flags.writeable = True
    return CSGraph(csr.indptr, csr.indices,,
                   np.array(csr.shape, dtype=np.int32), node_props) 

Example 37

def test_indexing_array_weird_strides(self):
        # See also gh-6221
        # the shapes used here come from the issue and create the correct
        # size for the iterator buffering size.
        x = np.ones(10)
        x2 = np.ones((10, 2))
        ind = np.arange(10)[:, None, None, None]
        ind = np.broadcast_to(ind, (10, 55, 4, 4))

        # single advanced index case
        assert_array_equal(x[ind], x[ind.copy()])
        # higher dimensional advanced index
        zind = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.intp)
        assert_array_equal(x2[ind, zind], x2[ind.copy(), zind]) 

Example 38

def broadcast_to(array, shape, subok=False):
    """Broadcast an array to a new shape.

    array : array_like
        The array to broadcast.
    shape : tuple
        The shape of the desired array.
    subok : bool, optional
        If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise
        the returned array will be forced to be a base-class array (default).

    broadcast : array
        A readonly view on the original array with the given shape. It is
        typically not contiguous. Furthermore, more than one element of a
        broadcasted array may refer to a single memory location.

        If the array is not compatible with the new shape according to NumPy's
        broadcasting rules.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    >>> np.broadcast_to(x, (3, 3))
    array([[1, 2, 3],
           [1, 2, 3],
           [1, 2, 3]])
    return _broadcast_to(array, shape, subok=subok, readonly=True) 

Example 39

def _fd(self, xi, idx, delta):
        """Calculate the derivative along the given index using central finite difference.

        xi : array_like
            The coordinates to evaluate, with shape (..., ndim)
        idx : int
            The index to calculate the derivative on.
        delta : float
            The finite difference step size.

        val : np.multiarray.ndarray
            The derivatives at the given coordinates.
        if idx < 0 or idx >= self.ndim:
            raise ValueError('Invalid derivative index: %d' % idx)

        xi = np.asarray(xi, dtype=float)
        if xi.shape[-1] != self.ndim:
            raise ValueError("The requested sample points xi have dimension %d, "
                             "but this interpolator has dimension %d" % (xi.shape[-1], self.ndim))

        # use broadcasting to evaluate two points at once
        xtest = np.broadcast_to(xi, (2,) + xi.shape).copy()
        xtest[0, ..., idx] += delta / 2.0
        xtest[1, ..., idx] -= delta / 2.0
        val = self(xtest)
        ans = (val[0] - val[1]) / delta  # type: np.ndarray

        if ans.size == 1 and not np.isscalar(ans):
            return ans[0]
        return ans 

Example 40

def _fd_jacobian(self, xi, delta_list):
        """Calculate the Jacobian matrix using central finite difference.

        xi : array_like
            The coordinates to evaluate, with shape (..., ndim)
        delta_list : List[float]
            list of finite difference step sizes for each input.

        val : np.multiarray.ndarray
            The Jacobian matrices at the given coordinates.
        xi = np.asarray(xi, dtype=float)
        if xi.shape[-1] != self.ndim:
            raise ValueError("The requested sample points xi have dimension %d, "
                             "but this interpolator has dimension %d" % (xi.shape[-1], self.ndim))

        # use broadcasting to evaluate all points at once
        xtest = np.broadcast_to(xi, (2 * self.ndim,) + xi.shape).copy()
        for idx, delta in enumerate(delta_list):
            xtest[2 * idx, ..., idx] += delta / 2.0
            xtest[2 * idx + 1, ..., idx] -= delta / 2.0

        val = self(xtest)
        ans = np.empty(xi.shape)
        for idx, delta in enumerate(delta_list):
            ans[..., idx] = (val[2 * idx, ...] - val[2 * idx + 1, ...]) / delta
        return ans 

Example 41

def _fix_priors_shape(self):
        # If priors are numbers, this function will make them into a
        # matrix of proper shape
        self.weights_prior = np.broadcast_to(
            self.weights_prior, (self.n_components, self.n_mix)).copy()
        self.means_prior = np.broadcast_to(
            (self.n_components, self.n_mix, self.n_features)).copy()
        self.means_weight = np.broadcast_to(
            (self.n_components, self.n_mix)).copy()

        if self.covariance_type == "full":
            self.covars_prior = np.broadcast_to(
                (self.n_components, self.n_mix,
                 self.n_features, self.n_features)).copy()
            self.covars_weight = np.broadcast_to(
                self.covars_weight, (self.n_components, self.n_mix)).copy()
        elif self.covariance_type == "tied":
            self.covars_prior = np.broadcast_to(
                (self.n_components, self.n_features, self.n_features)).copy()
            self.covars_weight = np.broadcast_to(
                self.covars_weight, self.n_components).copy()
        elif self.covariance_type == "diag":
            self.covars_prior = np.broadcast_to(
                (self.n_components, self.n_mix, self.n_features)).copy()
            self.covars_weight = np.broadcast_to(
                (self.n_components, self.n_mix, self.n_features)).copy()
        elif self.covariance_type == "spherical":
            self.covars_prior = np.broadcast_to(
                self.covars_prior, (self.n_components, self.n_mix)).copy()
            self.covars_weight = np.broadcast_to(
                self.covars_weight, (self.n_components, self.n_mix)).copy() 

Example 42

def _grid_distance(self, index):
        Calculate the distance grid for a single index position.

        This is pre-calculated for fast neighborhood calculations
        later on (see _calc_influence).
        # Take every dimension but the first in reverse
        # then reverse that list again.
        dimensions = np.cumprod(self.map_dimensions[1::][::-1])[::-1]

        coord = []
        for idx, dim in enumerate(dimensions):
            if idx != 0:
                value = (index % dimensions[idx-1]) // dim
                value = index // dim

        coord.append(index % self.map_dimensions[-1])

        for idx, (width, row) in enumerate(zip(self.map_dimensions, coord)):
            x = np.abs(np.arange(width) - row) ** 2
            dims = self.map_dimensions[::-1]
            if idx:
                dims = dims[:-idx]
            x = np.broadcast_to(x, dims).T
            if idx == 0:
                distance = np.copy(x)
                distance += x.T

        return distance 

Example 43

def patCycles(s0, s1=50, return_x=False):
    arr = np.zeros(s0)
    p = 1
    t = 1
    c = 0
    x,y = [],[]
    while True:
        arr[p:p+t] = 1
        if c > s1:

        c += 2

        if p>s0:
    arr = arr[::-1]
    arr = np.broadcast_to(arr, (s1, s0))
    if return_x:
        x =np.interp(np.arange(s0), y, x)  
        return arr,1/x[::-1]
        return arr 

Example 44

def compute_max_unpooling_nd(data, pooling, size, step, dimension: int):
    result = []
    data_prefix_shape = data.shape[:-dimension]
    kernel_prefix_shape = pooling.shape[:-dimension]
    final_shape = element_wise_shape(data_prefix_shape, kernel_prefix_shape)[0]
    data = numpy.broadcast_to(data, final_shape + data.shape[-dimension:])
    pooling = numpy.broadcast_to(pooling, final_shape + pooling.shape[-dimension:])
    if final_shape:
        for key in array_index_traversal(final_shape):
            result.append(__compute_max_unpooling_nd(data[key], pooling[key], size, step, dimension))
        return numpy.array(result).reshape(final_shape + result[0].shape)
        return __compute_max_unpooling_nd(data, pooling, size, step, dimension) 

Example 45

def compute(self, node, input_vals, output_val, use_numpy=True):
        assert len(input_vals) == 2
        if use_numpy:
            output_val[:] = np.broadcast_to(input_vals[0], input_vals[1].shape)
            gpu_op.broadcast_to(input_vals[0], output_val) 

Example 46

def test_broadcast_to():
    ctx = ndarray.gpu(0)
    shape = (200, 300)
    to_shape = (130, 200, 300)
    x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape).astype(np.float32)
    arr_x = ndarray.array(x, ctx=ctx)
    arr_y = ndarray.empty(to_shape, ctx=ctx)
    gpu_op.broadcast_to(arr_x, arr_y)
    y = arr_y.asnumpy()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.broadcast_to(x, to_shape), y) 

Example 47

def test_indexing_array_weird_strides(self):
        # See also gh-6221
        # the shapes used here come from the issue and create the correct
        # size for the iterator buffering size.
        x = np.ones(10)
        x2 = np.ones((10, 2))
        ind = np.arange(10)[:, None, None, None]
        ind = np.broadcast_to(ind, (10, 55, 4, 4))

        # single advanced index case
        assert_array_equal(x[ind], x[ind.copy()])
        # higher dimensional advanced index
        zind = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.intp)
        assert_array_equal(x2[ind, zind], x2[ind.copy(), zind]) 

Example 48

def numerical_check(test, graph, wrt_vars, order=1):
    backprop_graphs, numeric_grads = differentiate_n_times_num(graph, wrt_vars, order=order)

    for wrt_var, graph_grad, num_grad in zip(wrt_vars, backprop_graphs, numeric_grads):
        name = "num" + str(order) + "df_wrt_" +
        if == "extra_exp_op":
            name += " as input to another op!!!"
        with test.subTest(name):
            print("---------- " + name + " ----------")
            print("Backprop grad:", graph_grad())
            print("Numeric grad:", num_grad)
            broadcasted_grad = np.broadcast_to(graph_grad(), wrt_var().shape)  # not necessarily the same shape
            arrays_allclose(broadcasted_grad, num_grad) 

Example 49

def eval_graphs(my_graph, tf_graph, my_var, tf_var, n):
    tf_grads = 0
    if tf_graph is not None:
        tf_grads = tf_graph.eval()
    my_grads = my_graph()

    print("---------- " + str(n) + "df w.r.t. " + str(my_var) + " ----------")
    print("My_val:", my_grads)
    print("Tf_val:", tf_grads)
    my_val = np.broadcast_to(my_grads, my_var.shape)
    tf_val = np.broadcast_to(tf_grads, my_var.shape)
    arrays_allclose(my_val, tf_val) 

Example 50

def _eval(self):
        arr = [op() for op in self.operands]

        for i, val in enumerate(arr):
            if isinstance(val, numbers.Number):
                shp = [l for let in Einsum.split_dots(self.opnames[i]) for l in self.letter_to_dim.get(let, [1])]
                arr[i] = np.broadcast_to(val, shp)

        return np.einsum(self.op_str, *arr) 