Python numpy.NAN() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def __init__(self, x0, P0, Q, R, cor, f, h):        
        self.Q = Q
        self.R = R
        self.cor = cor
        self.fa = lambda col: f(col[0], col[2])
        self.ha = lambda col: h(col[0], col[1])
        Pxx = P0
        Pxv = 0.
        self.xa = np.array( ((x0,), (0.,), (0.,), (0.,)) )
        self.Pa = np.array( ((Pxx, Pxv   , 0.      , 0.      ),
                             (Pxv, self.R, 0.      , 0.      ),
                             (0. , 0.    , self.Q  , self.cor),
                             (0. , 0.    , self.cor, self.R  )) )
        self.lastobservation = np.NAN
        self.predictedobservation = np.NAN
        self.innov = np.NAN
        self.innovcov = np.NAN
        self.gain = np.NAN
        self.loglikelihood = 0.0 

Example 2

def remask(self):
        """Reset the mask based on the seeded connected component.
        body = self.to_body()
        if not body.is_seed_in_mask():
            return False
        new_mask_bin, bounds = body.get_seeded_component(CONFIG.postprocessing.closing_shape)
        new_mask_bin = new_mask_bin.astype(np.bool)

        mask_block = self.mask[map(slice, bounds[0], bounds[1])].copy()
        # Clip any values not in the seeded connected component so that they
        # cannot not generate moves when rechecking.
        mask_block[~new_mask_bin] = np.clip(mask_block[~new_mask_bin], None, 0.9 * CONFIG.model.t_move)

        self.mask[:] = np.NAN
        self.mask[map(slice, bounds[0], bounds[1])] = mask_block
        return True 

Example 3

def MA_RIBBON(df, ma_series):
    ma_array = np.zeros([len(df), len(ma_series)])
    ema_list = []
    for idx, ma_len in enumerate(ma_series):
        ema_i = EMA(df, n = ma_len, field = 'close')
        ma_array[:, idx] = ema_i
    corr = np.empty([len(df)])
    pval = np.empty([len(df)])
    dist = np.empty([len(df)])
    corr[:] = np.NAN
    pval[:] = np.NAN
    dist[:] = np.NAN
    max_n = max(ma_series)
    for idy in range(len(df)):
        if idy >= max_n - 1:
            corr[idy], pval[idy] = stats.spearmanr(ma_array[idy,:], range(len(ma_series), 0, -1))
            dist[idy] = max(ma_array[idy,:]) - min(ma_array[idy,:])
    corr_ts = pd.Series(corr*100, index = df.index, name = "MARIBBON_CORR")
    pval_ts = pd.Series(pval*100, index = df.index, name = "MARIBBON_PVAL")
    dist_ts = pd.Series(dist, index = df.index, name = "MARIBBON_DIST")
    return pd.concat([corr_ts, pval_ts, dist_ts] + ema_list, join='outer', axis=1) 

Example 4

def read_csv(filename, skip_lines=0):
    csvfile = file(filename, 'rb')
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    data = np.empty(0, dtype=object)
    last_count = np.NAN
    for line in reader:
        if skip_lines > 0:
            skip_lines = skip_lines - 1
        if data.size > 0:
            if len(line) != last_count:
                raise Exception('unequal columes found')
            data = np.c_[data, line]
            last_count = len(line)
            data = np.array(line, dtype=object)
            data = data.reshape(len(data), 1)
            last_count = len(line)
    return data.T 

Example 5

def clear_fit(self, **kwargs):

        # if no pixel was provided the current pixel is updated
        if 'pixel' not in kwargs.keys() or kwargs['pixel'] == -1:
            px = self._focus[0]
            px = kwargs['pixel'][0]

        # clear fit
        self._fit_functions[px, :] = numpy.zeros(6)
        self._fit_initial_parameters[px, :, :] = numpy.NAN
        self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, :, :] = numpy.NAN

        # emit signal
        if 'emit' not in kwargs or kwargs['emit']:

    # TODO: Flip for 1D 

Example 6

def clear_fit(self, **kwargs):

        # if no pixel was provided the current pixel is updated
        if 'pixel' not in kwargs.keys() or kwargs['pixel'] == -1:
            px = self._focus[0]
            py = self._focus[1]
            px = kwargs['pixel'][0]
            py = kwargs['pixel'][1]

        # clear fit
        self._fit_functions[px, py, :] = numpy.zeros(6)
        self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, :, :] = numpy.NAN
        self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, :, :] = numpy.NAN

        # emit signal
        if 'emit' not in kwargs or kwargs['emit']:

Example 7

def rasterplot(ax,trange,tstart,tend,spikesOut,n_neurons,colors=['r','b'],\
    spikesPlot = []
    for i in n_neurons:
        spikesti = trange[spikesOut[:, i] > 0].ravel()
        spikesti = spikesti[np.where((spikesti>tstart) & (spikesti<tend))]
        if len(spikesti)==0: spikesPlot.append([np.NAN])
        else: spikesPlot.append(spikesti)
    if sort:
        idxs = np.argsort(
                [spikesPlot[i][0] for i in range(len(spikesPlot))] )
        idxs = idxs[::-1]                           # reverse sorted in time to first spike
    else: idxs = range(len(n_neurons))
    for i,idx in enumerate(idxs):

Example 8

def get_read_reg_events(r_data, interval_start, num_bases):
    r_means = nh.get_read_base_means(r_data)
    if r_data.start > interval_start:
        # handle reads that start in middle of region
        start_overlap = interval_start + num_bases - r_data.start
        # create region with nan values
        region_means = np.empty(num_bases)
        region_means[:] = np.NAN
        region_means[-start_overlap:] = r_means[:start_overlap]
    elif r_data.end < interval_start + num_bases:
        # handle reads that end inside region
        end_overlap = r_data.end - interval_start
        # create region with nan values
        region_means = np.empty(num_bases)
        region_means[:] = np.NAN
        region_means[:end_overlap] = r_means[-end_overlap:]
        skipped_bases = interval_start - r_data.start
        region_means = r_means[
            skipped_bases:skipped_bases + num_bases]

    return region_means 

Example 9

def linkage(df, n_groups):
    # create the distance matrix based on the forbenius norm: |A-B|_F where A is
    # a 24 x N matrix with N the number of timeseries inside the dataframe df
    # TODO: We can save have time as we only need the upper triangle once as the
    # distance matrix is symmetric
    if True:
        Y = np.empty((n_groups, n_groups,))
        Y[:] = np.NAN
        for i in range(len(Y)):
            for j in range(len(Y[i,:])):
                A = df.loc[i+1].values
                B = df.loc[j+1].values
                #print('Computing distance of:{},{}'.format(i,j))
                Y[i,j] = norm(A-B, ord='fro')

    # condensed distance matrix as vector for linkage (upper triangle as a vector)
    y = Y[np.triu_indices(n_groups, 1)]
    # create linkage matrix with wards algorithm an euclidean norm
    Z = hac.linkage(y, method='ward', metric='euclidean')
    # R = hac.inconsistent(Z, d=10)
    return Z 

Example 10

def fcluster(df, Z, n_groups, n_clusters):
    # create flat cluster, i.e. maximal number of clusters...
    T = hac.fcluster(Z, criterion='maxclust', depth=2, t=n_clusters)

    # add cluster id to original dataframe
    df['cluster_id'] = np.NAN
    # group is either days (1-365) or weeks (1-52)

    #for d in df.index.get_level_values('group').unique():
    for g in range(1, n_groups+1):
        # T[d-1] because df.index is e.g. 1-365 (d) and T= is 0...364
        df.ix[g, 'cluster_id'] = T[g-1]
    # add the cluster id to the index
    df.set_index(['cluster_id'], append=True, inplace=True)
    # set cluster id as first index level for easier looping through cluster_ids
    df.index = df.index.swaplevel(0, 'cluster_id')
    # just to have datetime at the last level of the multiindex df
    df.index = df.index.swaplevel('datetime', 'group')

    return df 

Example 11

def set_value(self, column, value):
        if column not in self._columns:
            if isinstance(value, str):
                    column: np.empty((1, len(self._df)), dtype="object")
                self._columns[column][:] = ""
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                    column: np.empty((1, len(self._df)), dtype="bool")
                self._columns[column][:] = False
                    column: np.empty((1, len(self._df)))
                self._columns[column][:] = np.NAN

        self._columns[column][0, self._current_row_index] = value 

Example 12

def linkage(counts_table):
    Return the linkage disequilibrium (D) for an arbitrary number of
    loci given their contingency table.

    probs_table = frequency_to_probability(counts_table)
    marginal_probs = get_marginal_probabilities(probs_table)

    if either_locus_not_detected(marginal_probs):
        return np.NAN

    exp_freqs =[0]
    observed = probs_table.flat[-1]
    if observed == 0:
        return np.NAN
    return observed - exp_freqs 

Example 13

def generate(self):
        processcount = len(self.__data._processnames)
        self.__data._processes = np.empty((self.__data._timecount, processcount))
        self.__data._processes[:] = np.NAN
        for time in range(self.__data._timecount):
            for pi, (pn, pf) in enumerate(zip(self.__data._processnames, self.__processfuncs)):
                self.__data._processes[time, pi] = pf(time, pn, self.__data)
        return self.__data.copy() 

Example 14

def tonumpyarray(self, fill=None, symmetric=False):
        import numpy as np
        if fill is None: fill = np.NAN
        res = np.empty((self.__dim, self.__dim))
        idx = 0
        for i in range(self.__dim):
            for j in range(i+1):
                res[i,j] = self._data[idx]
                if symmetric: res[j,i] = res[i,j]
                idx += 1
            if not symmetric: res[i,i+1:self.__dim] = fill
        return res 

Example 15

def tonumpyarray(self, fill=None, symmetric=False):
        import numpy as np
        if fill is None: fill = np.NAN
        res = np.empty((self.__dim, self.__dim))
        idx = 0
        for i in range(self.__dim):
            for j in range(i):
                res[i,j] = self._data[idx]
                if symmetric: res[j,i] = res[i,j]
                idx += 1
            res[i,i] = fill
            if not symmetric: res[i,i+1:self.__dim] = fill
        return res 

Example 16

def __init__(self, x0, P0, params):
        self._params = params
        self.x = x0
        self.P = P0
        self._constterm = self._params.meanlogvar * (1. - self._params.persistence)
        self._cv = self._params.cor * self._params.voloflogvar
        self._cv2 = self._cv * self._cv
        self._p2 = self._params.persistence * self._params.persistence
        self._v2 = self._params.voloflogvar * self._params.voloflogvar
        self.predictedobservation = np.NAN
        self.lastobservation = None
        self.innov = np.NAN
        self.innovcov = np.NAN
        self.gain = np.NAN
        self.loglikelihood = 0.0 

Example 17

def _compose_alpha(img_in, img_layer, opacity: float=1.0):
    Calculate alpha composition ratio between two images.
    comp_alpha = np.minimum(img_in[:, :, 3], img_layer[:, :, 3]) * opacity
    new_alpha = img_in[:, :, 3] + (1.0 - img_in[:, :, 3]) * comp_alpha
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    ratio = comp_alpha / new_alpha
    ratio[ratio == np.NAN] = 0.0
    return ratio 

Example 18

def check_binary_nan(self, name, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([-3, numpy.NAN, -1, numpy.NAN, 0, numpy.NAN, 2],
        b = xp.array([numpy.NAN, numpy.NAN, 1, 0, numpy.NAN, -1, -2],
        return getattr(xp, name)(a, b) 

Example 19

def check_unary_nan(self, name, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array(
            [-3, numpy.NAN, -1, numpy.NAN, 0, numpy.NAN, dtype('inf')],
        return (a,) 

Example 20

def check_binary_nan(self, name, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([-3, numpy.NAN, -1, numpy.NAN, 0, numpy.NAN, 2],
        b = xp.array([numpy.NAN, numpy.NAN, 1, 0, numpy.NAN, -1, -2],
        return a, b 

Example 21

def check_unary_nan(self, name, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array(
            [-3, numpy.NAN, -1, numpy.NAN, 0, numpy.NAN, numpy.inf],
        return getattr(xp, name)(a) 

Example 22

def fill_symbol_value(symbols, valsyms, vals, fill_value=np.NAN):
    if valsyms.size == 0:
        return np.tile(np.NAN, len(symbols))
    values = np.tile(np.NAN, len(symbols)) if len(vals.shape) == 1 else np.tile(np.NAN, (len(symbols),vals.shape[1]))
    symbol2pos = ustr.get_str2pos_dict(symbols)
    for i in xrange(len(valsyms)):
            if len(vals.shape) == 1:
                values[symbol2pos[valsyms[i]]] = vals[i]
                values[symbol2pos[valsyms[i]], :] = vals[i, :]
        except Exception, e:
    values[np.isnan(values)] = fill_value
    return values 

Example 23

def get_mat_ewma(tsmat, alpha):
    # EWMA(t) = alpha * ts(t) + (1-alpha) * EWMA(t-1)
    ewma = np.tile(np.NAN, tsmat.shape)
    for i in xrange(1, tsmat.shape[0]):
        init_selection = np.isnan(ewma[i-1, :])
        ewma[i-1, init_selection] = tsmat[i-1, init_selection]
        ewma[i, :] = alpha * tsmat[i, :] + (1-alpha) * ewma[i-1, :]
    return ewma 

Example 24

def get_mat_movingstd(tsmat, periods):
    mstd = np.empty(shape = tsmat.shape)
    for i in xrange(tsmat.shape[0]):
        j = i - periods + 1
        if j < 0:
            j = 0
        mstd[i,:] = np.nanstd(tsmat[j:i+1,:], 0)
    return mstd 

Example 25

def get_mat_ma(tsmat, periods):
    ma = np.empty(shape = tsmat.shape)
    for i in xrange(tsmat.shape[0]):
        j = i - periods + 1
        if j < 0:
            j = 0
        ma[i,:] = np.nanmean(tsmat[j:i+1,:], 0)
    return ma 

Example 26

def get_array_ma(ts, periods):
    ma = np.empty(shape = len(ts))
    for i in xrange(len(ts)):
        j = i - periods + 1
        if j < 0:
            j = 0
        ma[i] = np.nanmean(ts[j:i+1], 0)
    return ma

# 0 for add, 1 for multiply 

Example 27

def ret2value(returns):
    values = np.empty(shape=len(returns) + 1)
    values[0] = 1
    for i in xrange(len(returns)):
        values[i + 1] = values[i] * (1 + returns[i])
    return values 

Example 28

def retmat2valuemat(retmat):
    valuemat = np.tile(np.NAN, (retmat.shape[0] + 1, retmat.shape[1]))
    for i in xrange(retmat.shape[1]):
        valuemat[:, i] = ret2value(retmat[:, i])
    return valuemat 

Example 29

def value2ret(values):
    if len(values.shape) == 1:
        prevalues = np.append(np.NAN, values[0:-1])
        returns = (values - prevalues) / prevalues
        returns[np.isinf(returns)] = np.NAN
        prevalues = np.r_[
            np.tile(np.NAN, (1, values.shape[1])), values[0:-1, :]]
        returns = (values - prevalues) / prevalues
        returns[np.isinf(returns)] = np.NAN
    return returns 

Example 30

def get_bstrs_pos_in_astrs(astrs, bstrs, astrs2pos={}):
    if not astrs2pos:
        astrs2pos = get_str2pos_dict(astrs)
    pos = np.zeros(shape=len(bstrs))
    count = 0
    for s in bstrs:
            pos[count] = astrs2pos[s]
        except Exception:
            pos[count] = np.NAN
        count += 1
    return pos 

Example 31

def check_binary_nan(self, name, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array([-3, numpy.NAN, -1, numpy.NAN, 0, numpy.NAN, 2],
        b = xp.array([numpy.NAN, numpy.NAN, 1, 0, numpy.NAN, -1, -2],
        return getattr(xp, name)(a, b) 

Example 32

def check_unary_nan(self, name, xp, dtype):
        a = xp.array(
            [-3, numpy.NAN, -1, numpy.NAN, 0, numpy.NAN, dtype('inf')],
        return getattr(xp, name)(a) 

Example 33

def _create_empty_variables(self):
		total_gap_size = self._get_total_length_of_all_gaps()
		self.new_df = pd.DataFrame(np.empty([self.orig_df.shape[0]+total_gap_size,self.orig_df.shape[1]]))
		self.new_time_stamps = []
		self.new_i = 0 

Example 34

def empty_np_array_with_size(self,rows,columns):
		np_array = np.zeros((rows,columns))
		np_array[:] = np.NAN
		return np_array 

Example 35

def set_fit(self, fit_functions, fit_initial_parameters, fit_optimized_parameters, **kwargs):

        # if no pixel was provided the current pixel is updated
        if 'pixel' not in kwargs.keys() or kwargs['pixel'] == -1:
            px = self._focus[0]
            px = kwargs['pixel'][0]

        # clear the old fit data
        self._fit_functions[px, :] = numpy.zeros(6)
        self._fit_initial_parameters[px, :, :] = numpy.NAN
        self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, :, :] = numpy.NAN

        # set new fit data
        i_parameter = 0
        for i_peak in range(len(fit_functions)):
            if fit_functions[i_peak] == 1:
                self._fit_functions[px, i_peak] = 1
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, i_peak, :3] = fit_initial_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, i_peak, 3] = 0
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, i_peak, :3] = fit_optimized_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, i_peak, 3] = 0
                i_parameter += 3
            elif fit_functions[i_peak] == 2:
                self._fit_functions[px, i_peak] = 2
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, i_peak, :3] = fit_initial_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, i_peak, 3] = 0
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, i_peak, :3] = fit_optimized_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, i_peak, 3] = 0
                i_parameter += 3
            elif fit_functions[i_peak] == 3:
                self._fit_functions[px, i_peak] = 3
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, i_peak, :] = fit_initial_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+4]
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, i_peak, :] = fit_optimized_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+4]
                i_parameter += 4

        # emit signal
        if 'emit' not in kwargs or kwargs['emit']:

Example 36

def set_fit(self, fit_functions, fit_initial_parameters, fit_optimized_parameters, **kwargs):

        # if no pixel was provided the current pixel is updated
        if 'pixel' not in kwargs.keys() or kwargs['pixel'] == -1:
            px = self._focus[0]
            py = self._focus[1]
            px = kwargs['pixel'][0]
            py = kwargs['pixel'][1]

        # clear the old fit data
        self._fit_functions[px, py, :] = numpy.zeros(6)
        self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, :, :] = numpy.NAN
        self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, :, :] = numpy.NAN

        # set new fit data
        i_parameter = 0
        for i_peak in range(len(fit_functions)):
            if fit_functions[i_peak] == 1:
                self._fit_functions[px, py, i_peak] = 1
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, i_peak, :3] = fit_initial_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, i_peak, 3] = 0
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, i_peak, :3] = fit_optimized_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, i_peak, 3] = 0
                i_parameter += 3
            elif fit_functions[i_peak] == 2:
                self._fit_functions[px, py, i_peak] = 2
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, i_peak, :3] = fit_initial_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, i_peak, 3] = 0
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, i_peak, :3] = fit_optimized_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+3]
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, i_peak, 3] = 0
                i_parameter += 3
            elif fit_functions[i_peak] == 3:
                self._fit_functions[px, py, i_peak] = 3
                self._fit_initial_parameters[px, py, i_peak, :] = fit_initial_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+4]
                self._fit_optimized_parameters[px, py, i_peak, :] = fit_optimized_parameters[i_parameter:i_parameter+4]
                i_parameter += 4

        # emit signal
        if 'emit' not in kwargs or kwargs['emit']:

Example 37

def _compose_alpha(img_in, img_layer, opacity):
    Calculate alpha composition ratio between two images.

    comp_alpha = np.minimum(img_in[:, :, 3], img_layer[:, :, 3])*opacity
    new_alpha = img_in[:, :, 3] + (1.0 - img_in[:, :, 3])*comp_alpha
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    ratio = comp_alpha/new_alpha
    ratio[ratio == np.NAN] = 0.0
    return ratio 

Example 38

def process(self, obj_data):
        NaN's data from DataWrapper

        @param obj_data: Input DataWrapper, which will be modified in place

        labels = self.labels
        column_names = self.column_names
        for label, data, err in obj_data.getIterator():
            if (labels is None or label in labels) and \
               (column_names is None or in column_names):

                index = data.index

                if self.start is None:
                    start = index[0]
                    start = self.start

                if self.end is None:
                    end = index[-1]
                    end = self.end

                new_nans = np.empty(len(data[start:end]))
                new_nans[:] = np.NAN
                new_nans = pd.Series(new_nans, index=data[start:end].index)

                data.loc[start:end] = new_nans 

Example 39

def calc_fishers_method(pos_pvals, offset):
    pvals_np = np.empty(pos_pvals[-1][1] + 1)
    pvals_np[:] = np.NAN
    pvals_np[[list(zip(*pos_pvals)[1])]] = np.maximum(
        zip(*pos_pvals)[0], nh.SMALLEST_PVAL)

    fishers_pvals = [
        _calc_fm_pval(pvals_np[pos - offset:pos + offset + 1])
        if pos - offset >= 0 and
        pos + offset + 1 <= pvals_np.shape[0] and
        not np.any(np.isnan(pvals_np[pos - offset:pos + offset + 1])
                   ) else 1.0
        for _, pos, _, _ in pos_pvals]

    return fishers_pvals 

Example 40

def test_single_point_nan(self):
        """Test behaviour for a single NaN grid cell."""[0][0][6][7] = np.NAN
        msg = "NaN detected in input cube data"
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):
            neighbourhood_method = CircularNeighbourhood
            NBHood(neighbourhood_method, self.RADIUS).process(self.cube) 

Example 41

def test_threshold_point_nan(self):
        """Test behaviour for a single NaN grid cell."""
        # Need to copy the cube as we're adjusting the data.[0][2][2] = np.NAN
        msg = "NaN detected in input cube data"
        plugin = Threshold(
            2.0, fuzzy_factor=self.fuzzy_factor, below_thresh_ok=True)
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg):

Example 42

def make_corners(self):

        x = self.x_t
        y = self.y_t

        dx_half = np.empty_like(x)
        dy_half = np.empty_like(x)

        dx_half[:, 1:] = (x[:, 1:] - x[:, 0:-1]) / 2.0
        dy_half[1:, :] = (y[1:, :] - y[0:-1, :]) / 2.0

        # Need to extend South
        dy_half[0, 1:] = dy_half[1, 1:]
        dx_half[0, 1:] = dx_half[1, 1:]

        # and West
        dy_half[:, 0] = dy_half[:, 1]
        dx_half[:, 0] = dx_half[:, 1]

        clon = np.empty((self.num_lat_points, self.num_lon_points, 4))
        clon[:] = np.NAN

        clon[:, :, 0] = x - dx_half
        clon[:, :, 1] = x + dx_half
        clon[:, :, 2] = x + dx_half
        clon[:, :, 3] = x - dx_half
        assert(not np.isnan(np.sum(clon)))

        clat = np.empty((self.num_lat_points, self.num_lon_points, 4))
        clat[:] = np.NAN
        clat[:, :, 0] = y - dy_half
        clat[:, :, 1] = y - dy_half
        clat[:, :, 2] = y + dy_half
        clat[:, :, 3] = y + dy_half
        assert(not np.isnan(np.sum(clat)))

        self.clon_t = clon
        self.clat_t = clat 

Example 43

def calc_area_of_polygons(clons, clats):
    Calculate the area of lat-lon polygons.

    We project sphere onto a flat surface using an equal area projection
    and then calculate the area of flat polygon.

    This is slow we should do some caching to avoid recomputing.

    areas = np.zeros(clons.shape[1:])
    areas[:] = np.NAN

    for j in range(areas.shape[0]):
        for i in range(areas.shape[1]):

            lats = clats[:, j, i]
            lons = clons[:, j, i]

            lat_centre = lats[0] + abs(lats[2] - lats[1]) / 2
            lon_centre = lons[0] + abs(lons[1] - lons[0]) / 2

            pa = pyproj.Proj(proj_str.format(lat_centre, lon_centre))
            x, y = pa(lons, lats)

            cop = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [zip(x, y)]}
            areas[j, i] = shape(cop).area

    assert(np.sum(areas) is not np.NAN)
    assert(np.min(areas) > 0)

    return areas 

Example 44

def cell2val(matrix_list, index):
    pos_index = 0
    matpos = {}
    for i in range(0,index):
        for j in range(0,index):
            if i <= j:
                matpos[(i,j)] = pos_index
                pos_index += 1
    valmatrix = np.zeros(pos_index)
    for matrix in matrix_list:
        newvec = np.zeros(pos_index)
        matrix_open = open(matrix)
        for line in matrix_open:
            bin1, bin2, raw, norm, chrom1, chrom2 = line.split()
#            if chrom1 == chrom2: #Ignore intrachromosomal contacts for now; could also implement as a check to see how close bin1 and bin2 are
#                norm = np.NAN
            coord = (int(bin1), int(bin2))
            pos = matpos[coord]
	    if bin1 == bin2 or raw == 0:
                newvec[pos] = 0 #set to which value you want to compute cors for (root normalized coverage, or raw coverage)
		newvec[pos] = log10(float(raw))
        valmatrix = np.vstack((valmatrix, newvec))
    valmatrix = np.delete(valmatrix, 0, 0)
    return valmatrix 

Example 45

def _init_pane(self):
        nan = np.array([np.NAN, np.NAN])
        X = np.column_stack([nan] * len(self.legend))
        Y = np.column_stack([nan] * len(self.legend))
        return self.viz.line(
            X=X, Y=Y, env=self.env, opts=self.opts) 

Example 46

def make_corners(self):

        # Uses double density grid to figure out corners.
        x = self.x_vt
        y = self.y_vt

        # Corners of t points. Index 0 is bottom left and then
        # anti-clockwise.
        clon = np.empty((self.x_t.shape[0], self.x_t.shape[1], 4))
        clon[:] = np.NAN
        clon[:,:,0] = x[0:-1:2,0:-1:2]
        clon[:,:,1] = x[0:-1:2,2::2]
        clon[:,:,2] = x[2::2,2::2]
        clon[:,:,3] = x[2::2,0:-1:2]
        assert(not np.isnan(np.sum(clon)))

        clat = np.empty((self.x_t.shape[0], self.x_t.shape[1], 4))
        clat[:] = np.NAN
        clat[:,:,0] = y[0:-1:2,0:-1:2]
        clat[:,:,1] = y[0:-1:2,2::2]
        clat[:,:,2] = y[2::2,2::2]
        clat[:,:,3] = y[2::2,0:-1:2]
        assert(not np.isnan(np.sum(clat)))

        self.clon_t = clon
        self.clat_t = clat 

Example 47

def make_corners(self):

        x = self.x_t
        y = self.y_t

        dx_half = self.dx / 2.0
        dy_half = self.dy / 2.0

        # Set grid corners, we do these one corner at a time. Start at the 
        # bottom left and go anti-clockwise. This is the SCRIP convention.
        clon = np.empty((self.num_lat_points, self.num_lon_points, 4))
        clon[:] = np.NAN
        clon[:,:,0] = x - dx_half
        clon[:,:,1] = x + dx_half
        clon[:,:,2] = x + dx_half
        clon[:,:,3] = x - dx_half
        assert(not np.isnan(np.sum(clon)))

        clat = np.empty((self.num_lat_points, self.num_lon_points, 4))
        clat[:] = np.NAN
        clat[:,:,0] = y - dy_half
        clat[:,:,1] = y - dy_half
        clat[:,:,2] = y + dy_half
        clat[:,:,3] = y + dy_half
        assert(not np.isnan(np.sum(clat)))

        # The bottom latitude band should always be Southern extent.
        assert(np.all(clat[0, :, 0] == np.min(y) - dy_half))
        assert(np.all(clat[0, :, 1] == np.min(y) - dy_half))

        # The top latitude band should always be Northern extent.
        assert(np.all(clat[-1, :, 2] == np.max(y) + dy_half))
        assert(np.all(clat[-1, :, 3] == np.max(y) + dy_half))

        self.clon_t = clon
        self.clat_t = clat 

Example 48

def __mask_plot_data__(self, arr):
        #tmp = self.Data.variables[key][:].ravel()FIGURE_FILENAME_TEMPLATE = 'qa-cab_pres_temp_%s_r%.2i_%s.png
        #arr.ravel()[self.Index] = np.NAN
        arr[self.Index] = np.NAN
        return arr 

Example 49

def cosegregation(counts_table):
    Return the co-segregation frequency of n loci given their
    contingency table.

    probs_table = frequency_to_probability(counts_table)

    if either_locus_not_detected(probs_table):
        return np.NAN

    return probs_table.flat[-1] 

Example 50

def expected(counts_table):
    Return the expected co-segregation probability of an arbitrary number
    of loci given their contingency table.

    probs_table = frequency_to_probability(counts_table)
    marginal_probs = get_marginal_probabilities(probs_table)

    if either_locus_not_detected(marginal_probs):
        return np.NAN

    exp_freqs =[0]
    return exp_freqs 