Python numpy.typecodes() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def test_remainder_basic(self):
        dt = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                if sg1 == -1 and dt1 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                if sg2 == -1 and dt2 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*71, dtype=dt1)
                b = np.array(sg2*19, dtype=dt2)
                div = np.floor_divide(a, b)
                rem = np.remainder(a, b)
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 2

def test_float_remainder_exact(self):
        # test that float results are exact for small integers. This also
        # holds for the same integers scaled by powers of two.
        nlst = list(range(-127, 0))
        plst = list(range(1, 128))
        dividend = nlst + [0] + plst
        divisor = nlst + plst
        arg = list(itertools.product(dividend, divisor))
        tgt = list(divmod(*t) for t in arg)

        a, b = np.array(arg, dtype=int).T
        # convert exact integer results from Python to float so that
        # signed zero can be used, it is checked.
        tgtdiv, tgtrem = np.array(tgt, dtype=float).T
        tgtdiv = np.where((tgtdiv == 0.0) & ((b < 0) ^ (a < 0)), -0.0, tgtdiv)
        tgtrem = np.where((tgtrem == 0.0) & (b < 0), -0.0, tgtrem)

        for dt in np.typecodes['Float']:
            msg = 'dtype: %s' % (dt,)
            fa = a.astype(dt)
            fb = b.astype(dt)
            div = np.floor_divide(fa, fb)
            rem = np.remainder(fa, fb)
            assert_equal(div, tgtdiv, err_msg=msg)
            assert_equal(rem, tgtrem, err_msg=msg) 

Example 3

def test_float_remainder_roundoff(self):
        # gh-6127
        dt = np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*78*6e-8, dtype=dt1)
                b = np.array(sg2*6e-8, dtype=dt2)
                div = np.floor_divide(a, b)
                rem = np.remainder(a, b)
                # Equal assertion should hold when fmod is used
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 4

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.maximum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 5

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.minimum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 6

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.fmax.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 9)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 9) 

Example 7

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.fmin.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 1)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 1) 

Example 8

def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out) 

Example 9

def test_zeros(self):
        types = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        for dt in types:
            d = np.zeros((13,), dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            # true for ieee floats
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='4i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4, (2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0) 

Example 10

def test_basic(self):
        dt_numeric = np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        dt_complex = np.typecodes['Complex']

        # test real
        a = np.eye(3)
        for dt in dt_numeric + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test complex
        a = np.eye(3) * 1j
        for dt in dt_complex + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test boolean
        b = np.eye(3, dtype=np.bool)
        res = np.vdot(b, b)
        assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), True) 

Example 11

def test_inner_product_with_various_contiguities(self):
        # github issue 6532
        for dt in np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + '?':
            # check an inner product involving a matrix transpose
            A = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=dt)
            B = np.array([[1, 3], [2, 4]], dtype=dt)
            C = np.array([1, 1], dtype=dt)
            desired = np.array([4, 6], dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A.T, C), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(C, A.T), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(B, C), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(C, B), desired)
            # check a matrix product
            desired = np.array([[7, 10], [15, 22]], dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A, B), desired)
            # check the syrk vs. gemm paths
            desired = np.array([[5, 11], [11, 25]], dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A, A), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A, A.copy()), desired)
            # check an inner product involving an aliased and reversed view
            a = np.arange(5).astype(dt)
            b = a[::-1]
            desired = np.array(10, dtype=dt).item()
            assert_equal(np.inner(b, a), desired) 

Example 12

def test_modulus_basic(self):
        dt = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                if sg1 == -1 and dt1 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                if sg2 == -1 and dt2 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*71, dtype=dt1)[()]
                b = np.array(sg2*19, dtype=dt2)[()]
                div = self.floordiv(a, b)
                rem = self.mod(a, b)
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 13

def test_float_modulus_roundoff(self):
        # gh-6127
        dt = np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*78*6e-8, dtype=dt1)[()]
                b = np.array(sg2*6e-8, dtype=dt2)[()]
                div = self.floordiv(a, b)
                rem = self.mod(a, b)
                # Equal assertion should hold when fmod is used
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 14

def test_tril_triu_ndim3():
    for dtype in np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']:
        a = np.array([
            [[1, 1], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 1], [1, 0]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_tril_desired = np.array([
            [[1, 0], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 0], [1, 0]],
            [[1, 0], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_triu_desired = np.array([
            [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_triu_observed = np.triu(a)
        a_tril_observed = np.tril(a)
        yield assert_array_equal, a_triu_observed, a_triu_desired
        yield assert_array_equal, a_tril_observed, a_tril_desired
        yield assert_equal, a_triu_observed.dtype, a.dtype
        yield assert_equal, a_tril_observed.dtype, a.dtype 

Example 15

def test_tril_triu_dtype():
    # Issue 4916
    # tril and triu should return the same dtype as input
    for c in np.typecodes['All']:
        if c == 'V':
        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=c)
        assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
        assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)

    # check special cases
    arr = np.array([['2001-01-01T12:00', '2002-02-03T13:56'],
                    ['2004-01-01T12:00', '2003-01-03T13:45']],
    assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
    assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)

    arr = np.zeros((3,3), dtype='f4,f4')
    assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
    assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype) 

Example 16

def test_remainder_basic(self):
        dt = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                if sg1 == -1 and dt1 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                if sg2 == -1 and dt2 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*71, dtype=dt1)
                b = np.array(sg2*19, dtype=dt2)
                div = np.floor_divide(a, b)
                rem = np.remainder(a, b)
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 17

def test_float_remainder_exact(self):
        # test that float results are exact for small integers. This also
        # holds for the same integers scaled by powers of two.
        nlst = list(range(-127, 0))
        plst = list(range(1, 128))
        dividend = nlst + [0] + plst
        divisor = nlst + plst
        arg = list(itertools.product(dividend, divisor))
        tgt = list(divmod(*t) for t in arg)

        a, b = np.array(arg, dtype=int).T
        # convert exact integer results from Python to float so that
        # signed zero can be used, it is checked.
        tgtdiv, tgtrem = np.array(tgt, dtype=float).T
        tgtdiv = np.where((tgtdiv == 0.0) & ((b < 0) ^ (a < 0)), -0.0, tgtdiv)
        tgtrem = np.where((tgtrem == 0.0) & (b < 0), -0.0, tgtrem)

        for dt in np.typecodes['Float']:
            msg = 'dtype: %s' % (dt,)
            fa = a.astype(dt)
            fb = b.astype(dt)
            div = np.floor_divide(fa, fb)
            rem = np.remainder(fa, fb)
            assert_equal(div, tgtdiv, err_msg=msg)
            assert_equal(rem, tgtrem, err_msg=msg) 

Example 18

def test_float_remainder_roundoff(self):
        # gh-6127
        dt = np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*78*6e-8, dtype=dt1)
                b = np.array(sg2*6e-8, dtype=dt2)
                div = np.floor_divide(a, b)
                rem = np.remainder(a, b)
                # Equal assertion should hold when fmod is used
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 19

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.maximum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 20

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.minimum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 21

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.fmax.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 9)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 9) 

Example 22

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.fmin.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 1)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 1) 

Example 23

def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out) 

Example 24

def test_zeros(self):
        types = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        for dt in types:
            d = np.zeros((13,), dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            # true for ieee floats
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='4i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4, (2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0) 

Example 25

def test_basic(self):
        dt_numeric = np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        dt_complex = np.typecodes['Complex']

        # test real
        a = np.eye(3)
        for dt in dt_numeric + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test complex
        a = np.eye(3) * 1j
        for dt in dt_complex + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test boolean
        b = np.eye(3, dtype=np.bool)
        res = np.vdot(b, b)
        assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), True) 

Example 26

def test_inner_product_with_various_contiguities(self):
        # github issue 6532
        for dt in np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + '?':
            # check an inner product involving a matrix transpose
            A = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=dt)
            B = np.array([[1, 3], [2, 4]], dtype=dt)
            C = np.array([1, 1], dtype=dt)
            desired = np.array([4, 6], dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A.T, C), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(C, A.T), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(B, C), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(C, B), desired)
            # check a matrix product
            desired = np.array([[7, 10], [15, 22]], dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A, B), desired)
            # check the syrk vs. gemm paths
            desired = np.array([[5, 11], [11, 25]], dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A, A), desired)
            assert_equal(np.inner(A, A.copy()), desired)
            # check an inner product involving an aliased and reversed view
            a = np.arange(5).astype(dt)
            b = a[::-1]
            desired = np.array(10, dtype=dt).item()
            assert_equal(np.inner(b, a), desired) 

Example 27

def test_modulus_basic(self):
        dt = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                if sg1 == -1 and dt1 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                if sg2 == -1 and dt2 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*71, dtype=dt1)[()]
                b = np.array(sg2*19, dtype=dt2)[()]
                div = self.floordiv(a, b)
                rem = self.mod(a, b)
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 28

def test_float_modulus_roundoff(self):
        # gh-6127
        dt = np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*78*6e-8, dtype=dt1)[()]
                b = np.array(sg2*6e-8, dtype=dt2)[()]
                div = self.floordiv(a, b)
                rem = self.mod(a, b)
                # Equal assertion should hold when fmod is used
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 29

def test_tril_triu_ndim3():
    for dtype in np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']:
        a = np.array([
            [[1, 1], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 1], [1, 0]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_tril_desired = np.array([
            [[1, 0], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 0], [1, 0]],
            [[1, 0], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_triu_desired = np.array([
            [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_triu_observed = np.triu(a)
        a_tril_observed = np.tril(a)
        yield assert_array_equal, a_triu_observed, a_triu_desired
        yield assert_array_equal, a_tril_observed, a_tril_desired
        yield assert_equal, a_triu_observed.dtype, a.dtype
        yield assert_equal, a_tril_observed.dtype, a.dtype 

Example 30

def test_tril_triu_dtype():
    # Issue 4916
    # tril and triu should return the same dtype as input
    for c in np.typecodes['All']:
        if c == 'V':
        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=c)
        assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
        assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)

    # check special cases
    arr = np.array([['2001-01-01T12:00', '2002-02-03T13:56'],
                    ['2004-01-01T12:00', '2003-01-03T13:45']],
    assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
    assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)

    arr = np.zeros((3,3), dtype='f4,f4')
    assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
    assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype) 

Example 31

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.maximum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 32

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.minimum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 33

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.fmin.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 1)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 1) 

Example 34

def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out) 

Example 35

def test_zeros(self):
        types = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        for dt in types:
            d = np.zeros((13,), dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            # true for ieee floats
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='4i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4, (2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0) 

Example 36

def test_basic(self):
        dt_numeric = np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        dt_complex = np.typecodes['Complex']

        # test real
        a = np.eye(3)
        for dt in dt_numeric + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test complex
        a = np.eye(3) * 1j
        for dt in dt_complex + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test boolean
        b = np.eye(3, dtype=np.bool)
        res = np.vdot(b, b)
        assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), True) 

Example 37

def _check_all_finite(X):
    """General check for all finite values in X."""
    # First try an O(n) time, O(1) space solution for the common case that
    # everything is finite; fall back to O(n) space np.isfinite to prevent
    # false positives from overflow in sum method.
        if (X.dtype.char in np.typecodes['AllFloat'] and not
                np.isfinite(X.sum()) and not np.isfinite(X).all()):
            return False
            return True

    except Exception as e:
        warnings.warn('Could not check array for all finite. Ensure X is an'
                      'array type, and consider converting to an ndarray or'
                      'scipy sparse array. Details:\n%r' % e, InputDataWarning) 

Example 38

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.maximum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 39

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.minimum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 40

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.fmax.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 9)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 9) 

Example 41

def test_truth_table_logical(self):
        # 2, 3 and 4 serves as true values
        input1 = [0, 0, 3, 2]
        input2 = [0, 4, 0, 2]

        typecodes = (np.typecodes['AllFloat']
                     + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
                     + '?')     # boolean
        for dtype in map(np.dtype, typecodes):
            arg1 = np.asarray(input1, dtype=dtype)
            arg2 = np.asarray(input2, dtype=dtype)

            # OR
            out = [False, True, True, True]
            for func in (np.logical_or, np.maximum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # AND
            out = [False, False, False, True]
            for func in (np.logical_and, np.minimum):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out)
            # XOR
            out = [False, True, True, False]
            for func in (np.logical_xor, np.not_equal):
                assert_equal(func(arg1, arg2).astype(bool), out) 

Example 42

def test_zeros(self):
        types = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        for dt in types:
            d = np.zeros((13,), dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            # true for ieee floats
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='4i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4, (2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0) 

Example 43

def test_basic(self):
        dt_numeric = np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        dt_complex = np.typecodes['Complex']

        # test real
        a = np.eye(3)
        for dt in dt_numeric + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test complex
        a = np.eye(3) * 1j
        for dt in dt_complex + 'O':
            b = a.astype(dt)
            res = np.vdot(b, b)
            assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)

        # test boolean
        b = np.eye(3, dtype=np.bool)
        res = np.vdot(b, b)
        assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), True) 

Example 44

def test_tril_triu_ndim3():
    for dtype in np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']:
        a = np.array([
            [[1, 1], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 1], [1, 0]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_tril_desired = np.array([
            [[1, 0], [1, 1]],
            [[1, 0], [1, 0]],
            [[1, 0], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_triu_desired = np.array([
            [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            [[1, 1], [0, 0]],
            ], dtype=dtype)
        a_triu_observed = np.triu(a)
        a_tril_observed = np.tril(a)
        yield assert_array_equal, a_triu_observed, a_triu_desired
        yield assert_array_equal, a_tril_observed, a_tril_desired
        yield assert_equal, a_triu_observed.dtype, a.dtype
        yield assert_equal, a_tril_observed.dtype, a.dtype 

Example 45

def test_tril_triu_dtype():
    # Issue 4916
    # tril and triu should return the same dtype as input
    for c in np.typecodes['All']:
        if c == 'V':
        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=c)
        assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
        assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)

    # check special cases
    arr = np.array([['2001-01-01T12:00', '2002-02-03T13:56'],
                    ['2004-01-01T12:00', '2003-01-03T13:45']],
    assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
    assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)

    arr = np.zeros((3,3), dtype='f4,f4')
    assert_equal(np.triu(arr).dtype, arr.dtype)
    assert_equal(np.tril(arr).dtype, arr.dtype) 

Example 46

def test_remainder_basic(self):
        dt = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                if sg1 == -1 and dt1 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                if sg2 == -1 and dt2 in np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']:
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*71, dtype=dt1)
                b = np.array(sg2*19, dtype=dt2)
                div = np.floor_divide(a, b)
                rem = np.remainder(a, b)
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 47

def test_float_remainder_exact(self):
        # test that float results are exact for small integers. This also
        # holds for the same integers scaled by powers of two.
        nlst = list(range(-127, 0))
        plst = list(range(1, 128))
        dividend = nlst + [0] + plst
        divisor = nlst + plst
        arg = list(itertools.product(dividend, divisor))
        tgt = list(divmod(*t) for t in arg)

        a, b = np.array(arg, dtype=int).T
        # convert exact integer results from Python to float so that
        # signed zero can be used, it is checked.
        tgtdiv, tgtrem = np.array(tgt, dtype=float).T
        tgtdiv = np.where((tgtdiv == 0.0) & ((b < 0) ^ (a < 0)), -0.0, tgtdiv)
        tgtrem = np.where((tgtrem == 0.0) & (b < 0), -0.0, tgtrem)

        for dt in np.typecodes['Float']:
            msg = 'dtype: %s' % (dt,)
            fa = a.astype(dt)
            fb = b.astype(dt)
            div = np.floor_divide(fa, fb)
            rem = np.remainder(fa, fb)
            assert_equal(div, tgtdiv, err_msg=msg)
            assert_equal(rem, tgtrem, err_msg=msg) 

Example 48

def test_float_remainder_roundoff(self):
        # gh-6127
        dt = np.typecodes['Float']
        for dt1, dt2 in itertools.product(dt, dt):
            for sg1, sg2 in itertools.product((+1, -1), (+1, -1)):
                fmt = 'dt1: %s, dt2: %s, sg1: %s, sg2: %s'
                msg = fmt % (dt1, dt2, sg1, sg2)
                a = np.array(sg1*78*6e-8, dtype=dt1)
                b = np.array(sg2*6e-8, dtype=dt2)
                div = np.floor_divide(a, b)
                rem = np.remainder(a, b)
                # Equal assertion should hold when fmod is used
                assert_equal(div*b + rem, a, err_msg=msg)
                if sg2 == -1:
                    assert_(b < rem <= 0, msg)
                    assert_(b > rem >= 0, msg) 

Example 49

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.maximum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 10)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 10)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 

Example 50

def test_reduce(self):
        dflt = np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        dint = np.typecodes['AllInteger']
        seq1 = np.arange(11)
        seq2 = seq1[::-1]
        func = np.minimum.reduce
        for dt in dint:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
        for dt in dflt:
            tmp1 = seq1.astype(dt)
            tmp2 = seq2.astype(dt)
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), 0)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), 0)
            tmp1[::2] = np.nan
            tmp2[::2] = np.nan
            assert_equal(func(tmp1), np.nan)
            assert_equal(func(tmp2), np.nan) 