Python numpy.can_cast() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def set_data(self, A):
        Set the image array

        ACCEPTS: numpy/PIL Image A

        self._full_res = A
        self._A = A

        if (self._A.dtype != np.uint8 and
                not np.can_cast(self._A.dtype, np.float)):
            raise TypeError("Image data can not convert to float")

        if (self._A.ndim not in (2, 3) or
                (self._A.ndim == 3 and self._A.shape[-1] not in (3, 4))):
            raise TypeError("Invalid dimensions for image data")

        self._imcache = None
        self._rgbacache = None
        self._oldxslice = None
        self._oldyslice = None
        self._sx, self._sy = None, None 

Example 2

def fillna(self, value):
        if not np.can_cast(value, self.dtype):
            raise TypeError("fill value must match dtype of series")
        return self.map_partitions(M.fillna, value, meta=self) 

Example 3

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 4

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 5

def _get_reduce_op(ops, dtype):
    for i in ops._ops:
        if numpy.can_cast(dtype.type, i[0][0]):
            return i
    raise TypeError("Type is mismatched. %s(...), %s" % (, dtype.type)) 

Example 6

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 7

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 8

def copyto(dst, src, casting='same_kind', where=None):
    """Copies values from one array to another with broadcasting.

    This function can be called for arrays on different devices. In this case,
    casting, ``where``, and broadcasting is not supported, and an exception is
    raised if these are used.

        dst (cupy.ndarray): Target array.
        src (cupy.ndarray): Source array.
        casting (str): Casting rule. See :func:`numpy.can_cast` for detail.
        where (cupy.ndarray of bool): If specified, this array acts as a mask,
            and an element is copied only if the corresponding element of
            ``where`` is True.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.copyto`

    if not numpy.can_cast(src.dtype, dst.dtype, casting):
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast %s to %s in %s casting mode' %
                        (src.dtype, dst.dtype, casting))
    if dst.size == 0:

    if where is None:
        if _can_memcpy(dst, src):
  , src.nbytes)
            core.elementwise_copy(src, dst)
        core.elementwise_copy_where(src, where, dst) 

Example 9

def __init__(self, name, *dimensions, data=None, kind=None):
        super(Field, self).__init__(name)
        self.__name = name
        self.dimensions = dimensions

        if kind is None:
            if data is None:
                self.kind = COMPLEX
            elif isinstance(data, (numpy.ndarray, numpy.number)):
                self.kind = DTYPE_KINDS[data.dtype.kind]
            elif isinstance(data, SCALAR_TYPES):
                self.kind = SCALAR_KINDS[type(data)]
            assert kind in (REAL, COMPLEX)
            self.kind = kind

        dtype = DEFAULT_DTYPES[self.kind]
        shape = tuple(d.grid.size for d in dimensions)

        if data is None:
   = numpy.empty(shape, dtype)
        elif isinstance(data, SCALAR_TYPES):
   = numpy.ones(shape, dtype) * numpy.array(data).astype(dtype)
        elif isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
            assert data.shape == shape
            assert numpy.can_cast(data.dtype, dtype)
   = data.astype(dtype)
            raise ValueError 

Example 10

def replace(self, to_replace, value, inplace=False, filter=None,
                regex=False, mgr=None):
        to_replace_values = np.atleast_1d(to_replace)
        if not np.can_cast(to_replace_values, bool):
            return self
        return super(BoolBlock, self).replace(to_replace, value,
                                              inplace=inplace, filter=filter,
                                              regex=regex, mgr=mgr) 

Example 11

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 12

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 13

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        return masked_result 

Example 14

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 15

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 16

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 17

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= domain(da, db)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 18

def perform(self, node, inp, out_):
        x, i = inp
        out, = out_
        # Copy always implied by numpy advanced indexing semantic.
        if out[0] is not None and out[0].shape == (len(i),) + x.shape[1:]:
            o = out[0]
            o = None

        # If i.dtype is more precise than numpy.intp (int32 on 32-bit machines,
        # int64 on 64-bit machines), numpy may raise the following error:
        # TypeError: array cannot be safely cast to required type.
        # We need to check if values in i can fit in numpy.intp, because
        # if they don't, that should be an error (no array can have that
        # many elements on a 32-bit arch).
        if i.dtype != numpy.intp:
            i_ = theano._asarray(i, dtype=numpy.intp)
            if not numpy.can_cast(i.dtype, numpy.intp):
                # Check if there was actually an incorrect conversion
                if numpy.any(i != i_):
                    raise IndexError(
                        'index contains values that are bigger '
                        'than the maximum array size on this system.', i)
            i = i_

        out[0] = x.take(i, axis=0, out=o) 

Example 19

def print_cancast_table(ntypes):
    print('X', end=' ')
    for char in ntypes:
        print(char, end=' ')
    for row in ntypes:
        print(row, end=' ')
        for col in ntypes:
            print(int(np.can_cast(row, col)), end=' ')

Example 20

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 21

def require_dataset(self, name, shape, dtype, exact=False, **kwds):
        """ Open a dataset, creating it if it doesn't exist.

        If keyword "exact" is False (default), an existing dataset must have
        the same shape and a conversion-compatible dtype to be returned.  If
        True, the shape and dtype must match exactly.

        Other dataset keywords (see create_dataset) may be provided, but are
        only used if a new dataset is to be created.

        Raises TypeError if an incompatible object already exists, or if the
        shape or dtype don't match according to the above rules.

        with phil:
            if not name in self:
                return self.create_dataset(name, *(shape, dtype), **kwds)

            dset = self[name]
            if not isinstance(dset, Dataset):
                raise TypeError("Incompatible object (%s) already exists" % dset.__class__.__name__)

            if not shape == dset.shape:
                raise TypeError("Shapes do not match (existing %s vs new %s)" % (dset.shape, shape))

            if exact:
                if not dtype == dset.dtype:
                    raise TypeError("Datatypes do not exactly match (existing %s vs new %s)" % (dset.dtype, dtype))
            elif not numpy.can_cast(dtype, dset.dtype):
                raise TypeError("Datatypes cannot be safely cast (existing %s vs new %s)" % (dset.dtype, dtype))

            return dset 

Example 22

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 23

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 24

def copyto(dst, src, casting='same_kind', where=None):
    """Copies values from one array to another with broadcasting.

    This function can be called for arrays on different devices. In this case,
    casting, ``where``, and broadcasting is not supported, and an exception is
    raised if these are used.

        dst (cupy.ndarray): Target array.
        src (cupy.ndarray): Source array.
        casting (str): Casting rule. See :func:`numpy.can_cast` for detail.
        where (cupy.ndarray of bool): If specified, this array acts as a mask,
            and an element is copied only if the corresponding element of
            ``where`` is True.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.copyto`


    src_type = type(src)
    src_is_python_scalar = (src_type in six.integer_types or
                            src_type in (bool, float, complex))
    if src_is_python_scalar:
        src_dtype = numpy.dtype(type(src))
        can_cast = numpy.can_cast(src, dst.dtype, casting)
        src_dtype = src.dtype
        can_cast = numpy.can_cast(src_dtype, dst.dtype, casting)

    if not can_cast:
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast %s to %s in %s casting mode' %
                        (src_dtype, dst.dtype, casting))
    if dst.size == 0:

    if src_is_python_scalar:

    if where is None:
        if _can_memcpy(dst, src):
  , src.nbytes)
            device = dst.device
            with device:
                if src.device != device:
                    src = src.copy()
                core.elementwise_copy(src, dst)
        core.elementwise_copy_where(src, where, dst) 

Example 25

def set_dtype(self, value, check=True):
        """Change data type of the bin contents.

        Allowed conversions:
        - from integral to float types
        - between the same category of type (float/integer)
        - from float types to integer if weights are trivial

        value: np.dtype or something convertible to it.
        check: bool
            If True (default), all values are checked against the limits

        # TODO: Refactor out?
        # TODO? Deal with unsigned types
        value = np.dtype(value)

        if value == self.dtype:
            return    # No change

        if value.kind in "iu":
            type_info = np.iinfo(value)
        elif value.kind == "f":
            type_info = np.finfo(value)
            raise RuntimeError("Unsupported dtype. Only integer/floating-point types are supported.")

        if np.can_cast(self.dtype, value):
            pass    # Ok
        elif check:
            if np.issubdtype(value, np.integer):
                if self.dtype.kind == "f":
                    for array in (self._frequencies, self._errors2):
                        if np.any(array % 1.0):
                            raise RuntimeError("Data contain non-integer values.")
            for array in (self._frequencies, self._errors2):
                if np.any((array > type_info.max) | (array < type_info.min)):
                    raise RuntimeError("Data contain values outside the specified range.")

        self._dtype = value
        self._frequencies = self._frequencies.astype(value)
        self._errors2 = self._errors2.astype(value)
        self._missed = self._missed.astype(value) 

Example 26

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 27

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 28

def __init__(self, value, shape=None, dtype=None):
        Create a new lazy array.

        `value` : may be an int, long, float, bool, NumPy array, iterator,
                  generator or a function, `f(i)` or `f(i,j)`, depending on the
                  dimensions of the array.

        `f(i,j)` should return a single number when `i` and `j` are integers,
        and a 1D array when either `i` or `j` or both is a NumPy array (in the
        latter case the two arrays must have equal lengths).

        self.dtype = dtype
        self.operations = []
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
            raise TypeError("An larray cannot be created from a string")
        elif isinstance(value, larray):
            if shape is not None and value.shape is not None:
                assert shape == value.shape
            self._shape = shape or value.shape
            self.base_value = value.base_value
            self.dtype = dtype or value.dtype
            self.operations = value.operations  # should deepcopy?
        elif isinstance(value, collections.Sized):  # False for numbers, generators, functions, iterators
            if have_scipy and sparse.issparse(value):  # For sparse matrices
                self.dtype = dtype or value.dtype                           
            elif not isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):  
                value = numpy.array(value, dtype=dtype)
            elif dtype is not None:
               assert numpy.can_cast(value.dtype, dtype, casting='safe')  # or could convert value to the provided dtype
            if shape and value.shape != shape:
                raise ValueError("Array has shape %s, value has shape %s" % (shape, value.shape))
            self._shape = value.shape
            self.base_value = value
            assert numpy.isreal(value)  # also True for callables, generators, iterators
            self._shape = shape
            if dtype is None or isinstance(value, dtype):
                self.base_value = value
                    self.base_value = dtype(value)
                except TypeError:
                    self.base_value = value 

Example 29

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 30

def test_datetime_casting_rules(self):
        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind between timedelta and datetime
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8', 'M8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8', 'M8', casting='safe'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Can cast safely/same_kind from integer to timedelta
        assert_(np.can_cast('i8', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('i8', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind from float to timedelta
        assert_(not np.can_cast('f4', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('f4', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind from integer to datetime
        assert_(not np.can_cast('i8', 'M8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('i8', 'M8', casting='safe'))

        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind from bool to datetime
        assert_(not np.can_cast('b1', 'M8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('b1', 'M8', casting='safe'))
        # Can cast safely/same_kind from bool to timedelta
        assert_(np.can_cast('b1', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('b1', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Can cast datetime safely from months/years to days
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[M]', 'M8[D]', casting='safe'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[Y]', 'M8[D]', casting='safe'))
        # Cannot cast timedelta safely from months/years to days
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[M]', 'm8[D]', casting='safe'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[Y]', 'm8[D]', casting='safe'))
        # Can cast datetime same_kind from months/years to days
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[M]', 'M8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[Y]', 'M8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can't cast timedelta same_kind from months/years to days
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[M]', 'm8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[Y]', 'm8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can't cast datetime same_kind across the date/time boundary
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[D]', 'M8[h]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[h]', 'M8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can cast timedelta same_kind across the date/time boundary
        assert_(np.can_cast('m8[D]', 'm8[h]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('m8[h]', 'm8[D]', casting='same_kind'))

        # Cannot cast safely if the integer multiplier doesn't divide
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[7h]', 'M8[3h]', casting='safe'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[3h]', 'M8[6h]', casting='safe'))
        # But can cast same_kind
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[7h]', 'M8[3h]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can cast safely if the integer multiplier does divide
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[6h]', 'M8[3h]', casting='safe')) 

Example 31

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        return masked_result 

Example 32

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 33

def test_datetime_casting_rules(self):
        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind between timedelta and datetime
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8', 'M8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8', 'M8', casting='safe'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Can cast safely/same_kind from integer to timedelta
        assert_(np.can_cast('i8', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('i8', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind from float to timedelta
        assert_(not np.can_cast('f4', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('f4', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind from integer to datetime
        assert_(not np.can_cast('i8', 'M8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('i8', 'M8', casting='safe'))

        # Cannot cast safely/same_kind from bool to datetime
        assert_(not np.can_cast('b1', 'M8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('b1', 'M8', casting='safe'))
        # Can cast safely/same_kind from bool to timedelta
        assert_(np.can_cast('b1', 'm8', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('b1', 'm8', casting='safe'))

        # Can cast datetime safely from months/years to days
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[M]', 'M8[D]', casting='safe'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[Y]', 'M8[D]', casting='safe'))
        # Cannot cast timedelta safely from months/years to days
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[M]', 'm8[D]', casting='safe'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[Y]', 'm8[D]', casting='safe'))
        # Can cast datetime same_kind from months/years to days
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[M]', 'M8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[Y]', 'M8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can't cast timedelta same_kind from months/years to days
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[M]', 'm8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('m8[Y]', 'm8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can't cast datetime same_kind across the date/time boundary
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[D]', 'M8[h]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[h]', 'M8[D]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can cast timedelta same_kind across the date/time boundary
        assert_(np.can_cast('m8[D]', 'm8[h]', casting='same_kind'))
        assert_(np.can_cast('m8[h]', 'm8[D]', casting='same_kind'))

        # Cannot cast safely if the integer multiplier doesn't divide
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[7h]', 'M8[3h]', casting='safe'))
        assert_(not np.can_cast('M8[3h]', 'M8[6h]', casting='safe'))
        # But can cast same_kind
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[7h]', 'M8[3h]', casting='same_kind'))
        # Can cast safely if the integer multiplier does divide
        assert_(np.can_cast('M8[6h]', 'M8[3h]', casting='safe')) 

Example 34

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        return masked_result 

Example 35

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 36

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 

Example 37

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        # New in 1.12: This behavior changes in 1.13, test for dep warning
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        with assert_warns(FutureWarning):
            c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 38

def require_dataset(self, name, shape=None, dtype=None, exact=False,
                        data=None, fillvalue=None):
        if name not in self:
            return self.create_dataset(

        current_object = self[name]

        if not isinstance(current_object, ds.Dataset):
            raise TypeError(
                "Incompatible object already exists: {}".format(

        data, attrs, meta = ds._prepare_write(data, self.plugin_manager.dataset_plugins.write_order)

        # TODO verify proper attributes

        _assert_data_shape_dtype_match(data, shape, dtype)
        shape, dtype = _data_to_shape_and_dtype(data, shape, dtype)

        if not np.array_equal(shape, current_object.shape):
            raise TypeError(
                "Shapes do not match (existing {} vs "
                "new {})".format(current_object.shape, shape)

        if dtype != current_object.dtype:
            if exact:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Datatypes do not exactly match "
                    "existing {} vs new {})".format(current_object.dtype, dtype)

            if not np.can_cast(dtype, current_object.dtype):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Cannot safely cast from {} to {}".format(

        return current_object 

Example 39

def test_casting(self):
        # Check that casting a structured array to change its byte order
        # works
        a = np.array([(1,)], dtype=[('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, [('a', '>i4')], casting='unsafe'))
        b = a.astype([('a', '>i4')])
        assert_equal(b, a.byteswap().newbyteorder())
        assert_equal(a['a'][0], b['a'][0])

        # Check that equality comparison works on structured arrays if
        # they are 'equiv'-castable
        a = np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=[('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8')])
        b = np.array([(42, 5), (1, 10)], dtype=[('b', '>f8'), ('a', '<i4')])
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        assert_equal(a == b, [True, True])

        # Check that 'equiv' casting can reorder fields and change byte
        # order
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='equiv'))
        c = a.astype(b.dtype, casting='equiv')
        assert_equal(a == c, [True, True])

        # Check that 'safe' casting can change byte order and up-cast
        # fields
        t = [('a', '<i8'), ('b', '>f8')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='safe')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that 'same_kind' casting can change byte order and
        # change field widths within a "kind"
        t = [('a', '<i4'), ('b', '>f4')]
        assert_(np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        c = a.astype(t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_equal((c == np.array([(5, 42), (10, 1)], dtype=t)),
                     [True, True])

        # Check that casting fails if the casting rule should fail on
        # any of the fields
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<f4')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='safe'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='safe')
        t = [('a', '>i2'), ('b', '<f8')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='equiv'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='equiv')
        t = [('a', '>i8'), ('b', '<i2')]
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting='same_kind'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, t, casting='same_kind')
        assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, b.dtype, casting='no'))
        assert_raises(TypeError, a.astype, b.dtype, casting='no')

        # Check that non-'unsafe' casting can't change the set of field names
        for casting in ['no', 'safe', 'equiv', 'same_kind']:
            t = [('a', '>i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting))
            t = [('a', '>i4'), ('b', '<f8'), ('c', 'i4')]
            assert_(not np.can_cast(a.dtype, t, casting=casting)) 

Example 40

def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result 