Python numpy.PINF() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def classify(fn, M, E):
    Classify SAM or SID on a HSI cube
    Can't be use with NormXCorr
    import pysptools.util as util
    width, height, bands = M.shape
    M = util.convert2d(M)
    cmap = np.zeros(M.shape[0])
    for i in range(M.shape[0]):
        T = M[i]
        floor = np.PINF
        k = 0
        for j in range(E.shape[0]):
            R = E[j]
            result = fn(T, R)
            if result < floor:
                floor = result
                k = j
        cmap[i] = k
    return util.convert3d(cmap, width, height) 

Example 2

def test_adding_bin():
    col = 'mean radius'
    data = cancer_df[col].values
    cib = ConditionalInferenceBinner('test_dim_{}'.format(col), alpha=0.95), cancer_target)

    cib.add_bin(-1.0, [0.1, 0.9])

    np.testing.assert_equal(cib.splits, [-1.0, 11.75, 13.079999923706055, 15.039999961853027, 16.84000015258789, np.PINF, np.NaN])
                            [[0.1, 0.9],
                             [0.02, 0.97999999999999998],
                             [0.086956521739130432, 0.91304347826086951],
                             [0.2878787878787879, 0.71212121212121215],
                             [0.81481481481481477, 0.18518518518518517],
                             [0.99152542372881358, 0.0084745762711864406],
                             [0.37258347978910367, 0.62741652021089633]]) 

Example 3

def test_recursion_with_nan():
    col = 'mean area'
    data = cancer_df[col].values
    rand_idx = np.linspace(1, 500, 23).astype(int)
    data[rand_idx] = np.NaN

    cib = ConditionalInferenceBinner('test_dim_{}'.format(col), alpha=0.95), cancer_target)

    np.testing.assert_equal(cib.splits, [471.29998779296875, 555.0999755859375, 693.7000122070312, 880.2000122070312, np.PINF, np.NaN])
                            [[0.030769230769230771, 0.96923076923076923],
                             [0.13414634146341464, 0.86585365853658536],
                             [0.31730769230769229, 0.68269230769230771],
                             [0.83333333333333337, 0.16666666666666666],
                             [0.99145299145299148, 0.0085470085470085479],
                             [0.2608695652173913, 0.73913043478260865]]) 

Example 4

def test_recursion_with_nan_and_special_value():
    col = 'mean area'
    data = cancer_df[col].values
    rand_idx = np.linspace(1, 500, 23).astype(int)
    data[rand_idx] = np.NaN

    rand_idx_2 = np.linspace(1, 550, 29).astype(int)
    data[rand_idx_2] = -1.0

    cib = ConditionalInferenceBinner('test_dim_{}'.format(col), alpha=0.95, special_values=[-1.0, np.NaN]), cancer_target)

    np.testing.assert_equal(cib.splits, [-1.0, 471.29998779296875, 572.2999877929688, 693.7000122070312, 819.7999877929688, np.PINF, np.NaN])
                            [[0.4827586206896552, 0.5172413793103449],
                             [0.032432432432432434, 0.9675675675675676],
                             [0.14432989690721648, 0.8556701030927835],
                             [0.3132530120481928, 0.6867469879518072],
                             [0.8205128205128205, 0.1794871794871795],
                             [1.0, 0.0],
                             [0.23809523809523808, 0.7619047619047619]]) 

Example 5

def _init_shapes_and_data(self, data, labels):

        self.n_features = data.shape[1]

        if isinstance(data, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame):
            self.feature_names = data.columns.tolist()
            data = data.as_matrix()

        if self.feature_names is None:
            self.feature_names = ['feature_{}'.format(dim) for dim in range(self.n_features)]

        if isinstance(labels, pandas.core.series.Series):
            labels = labels.values

        cntr = Counter(labels)
        assert set(cntr.keys()) == {-1, 1}, "Labels must be encoded with -1, 1. Cannot contain more classes."
        assert self.n_features is not None, "Number of attributes is None"

        self.shapes = {name: ShapeFunction([np.PINF],
                       for name in self.feature_names}
        self.initialized = True

        return data, labels 

Example 6

def _recurse_tree(tree, lst, mdlp, node_id=0, depth=0, min_val=np.NINF, max_val=np.PINF):
    left_child = tree.children_left[node_id]
    right_child = tree.children_right[node_id]

    if left_child == sklearn.tree._tree.TREE_LEAF:
        lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        if mdlp and _check_mdlp_stop(tree, node_id):
            lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        _recurse_tree(tree, lst, mdlp, left_child, depth=depth + 1, min_val=min_val, max_val=tree.threshold[node_id])

    if right_child == sklearn.tree._tree.TREE_LEAF:
        lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        if mdlp and _check_mdlp_stop(tree, node_id):
            lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        _recurse_tree(tree, lst, mdlp, right_child, depth=depth + 1, min_val=tree.threshold[node_id], max_val=max_val) 

Example 7

def _clipper(self):
        projects the weights to the feasible set
        return tf.assign(self.W, tf.clip_by_value(self.W, 0, np.PINF), name="projector") 

Example 8

def _create_partition(lst_of_splits):
    return np.append(lst_of_splits, np.PINF) 

Example 9

def test_func_add_2():
    func1 = ShapeFunction([np.PINF], [0], 'test_1')
    func2 = ShapeFunction([0, 1, 2], [-1, 1, -2], 'test_1')

    assert func1 != func2

    func3 = ShapeFunction([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, np.PINF],
                          [-1.0, 1.0, -2.0, 0.0], 'test_1')

    assert func1.add(func2).equals(func3) 

Example 10

def test_recursion():
    binner = tfb.DecisionTreeBinner('test', max_leaf_nodes=4)[:, 0], target)

    np.testing.assert_equal(binner.splits, [13.094999313354492, 15.045000076293945, 16.924999237060547, np.PINF, np.NaN])
    np.testing.assert_equal(binner.values, [[0.04905660377358491, 0.9509433962264151],
                                            [0.2878787878787879, 0.7121212121212122],
                                            [0.8148148148148148, 0.18518518518518517],
                                            [0.9915254237288136, 0.00847457627118644],
                                            [0.37258347978910367, 0.62741652021089633]]) 

Example 11

def test_recursion_with_mdlp():
    binner = tfb.DecisionTreeBinner('test', mdlp=True)[:, 0], target)

    np.testing.assert_equal(binner.splits, [13.094999313354492, 15.045000076293945, 17.880001068115234, np.PINF, np.NaN])
    np.testing.assert_equal(binner.values, [[0.04905660377358491, 0.9509433962264151],
                                            [0.2878787878787879, 0.7121212121212122],
                                            [0.8533333333333334, 0.14666666666666667],
                                            [1.0, 0.0],
                                            [0.37258347978910367, 0.62741652021089633]]) 

Example 12

def test_recursion():
    col = 'mean radius'
    data = cancer_df[col].values
    cib = ConditionalInferenceBinner('test_dim_{}'.format(col), alpha=0.95), cancer_target)

    np.testing.assert_equal(cib.splits, [11.75, 13.079999923706055, 15.039999961853027, 16.84000015258789, np.PINF, np.NaN])
                            [[0.02, 0.97999999999999998],
                             [0.086956521739130432, 0.91304347826086951],
                             [0.2878787878787879, 0.71212121212121215],
                             [0.81481481481481477, 0.18518518518518517],
                             [0.99152542372881358, 0.0084745762711864406],
                             [0.37258347978910367, 0.62741652021089633]]) 

Example 13

def test_adding_bin_with_non_numeric_splits_only():
    cib = ConditionalInferenceBinner('test', alpha=0.05)
    cib.splits = [np.PINF, np.NaN]
    cib.values = [[0.1, 0.9], [0.8, 0.2]]
    cib.is_fit = True

    cib.add_bin(-1.0, [0.3, 0.7])
    np.testing.assert_equal(cib.splits, [-1.0, np.PINF, np.NaN])
    np.testing.assert_equal(cib.values, [[0.3, 0.7], [0.1, 0.9], [0.8, 0.2]]) 

Example 14

def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): = name

        self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', 0.95)
        self.min_samples_split = kwargs.get('min_samples_split', 2)
        self.min_samples_leaf = kwargs.get('min_samples_leaf', 2)
        self.special_values = kwargs.get('special_values', [np.NaN])

        self.num_classes = None

        self._splits = [np.PINF]
        self._values = list()
        self.nodes = list()

        self._is_fit = False 

Example 15

def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): = name
        self._is_fit = False

        criterion = kwargs.get('criterion', 'gini')
        splitter = kwargs.get('splitter', 'best')
        max_depth = kwargs.get('max_depth', None)
        min_samples_split = kwargs.get('min_samples_split', 2)
        min_samples_leaf = kwargs.get('min_samples_leaf', 1)
        min_weight_fraction_leaf = kwargs.get('min_weight_fraction_leaf', 0.0)
        max_features = kwargs.get('max_features', None)
        random_state = kwargs.get('random_state', None)
        max_leaf_nodes = kwargs.get('max_leaf_nodes', None)
        class_weight = kwargs.get('class_weight', None)
        presort = kwargs.get('presort', False)

        self.mdlp = kwargs.get('mdlp', False)

        if self.mdlp:
            criterion = 'entropy'
            max_leaf_nodes = None
            max_depth = None

        self.dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=criterion,

        self._splits = [np.PINF]
        self._values = list() 

Example 16

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #

Example 17

def describe_1d(data, **kwargs):
    leng = len(data)  # number of observations in the Series
    count = data.count()  # number of non-NaN observations in the Series

    # Replace infinite values with NaNs to avoid issues with
    # histograms later.
    data.replace(to_replace=[np.inf, np.NINF, np.PINF], value=np.nan, inplace=True)

    n_infinite = count - data.count()  # number of infinte observations in the Series

    distinct_count = data.nunique(dropna=False)  # number of unique elements in the Series
    if count > distinct_count > 1:
        mode = data.mode().iloc[0]
        mode = data[0]

    results_data = {'count': count,
                    'distinct_count': distinct_count,
                    'p_missing': 1 - count / leng,
                    'n_missing': leng - count,
                    'p_infinite': n_infinite / leng,
                    'n_infinite': n_infinite,
                    'is_unique': distinct_count == leng,
                    'mode': mode,
                    'p_unique': distinct_count / leng}
        # pandas 0.17 onwards
        results_data['memorysize'] = data.memory_usage()
        results_data['memorysize'] = 0

    result = pd.Series(results_data,

    vartype = get_vartype(data)
    if vartype == 'CONST':
        result = result.append(describe_constant_1d(data))
    elif vartype == 'BOOL':
        result = result.append(describe_boolean_1d(data, **kwargs))
    elif vartype == 'NUM':
        result = result.append(describe_numeric_1d(data, **kwargs))
    elif vartype == 'DATE':
        result = result.append(describe_date_1d(data, **kwargs))
    elif vartype == 'UNIQUE':
        result = result.append(describe_unique_1d(data, **kwargs))
        result = result.append(describe_categorical_1d(data))
    return result 

Example 18

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #

Example 19

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #

Example 20

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #

Example 21

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #

Example 22

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #

Example 23

def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #