Solve the DNS issue when play docker on ubuntu

Solve the DNS issue when play docker on ubuntu

Docker 在Ubuntu上面的dns问题

Issue description

Recently, I met an issue during dockerfile building. When I try to build a docker image on Ubuntu 16.04.3, it always failed. After a few checking, I found that the DNS does not work in container.

The impact is that, if my dockerfile has update actions (apt updat/apk update), it never works. In this case, I can’t install any software during docker image building.


Ubuntu 16.04.3
docker-ce 17.09.0-ce

Solve docker DNS issue on ubuntu

I checked many solution online, there is a simple way to solve this.

  1. Check you local DNS
nmcli dev show|grep "IP4.DNS"
  1. Create or modify /etc/docker/daemon.json
sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "dns": ["",""]
  1. Restart docker service
sudo service docker restart

Extend learning

How docker DNS works? see this article
