所有计划节点通过将Plan结构作为第一个字段从Plan结构“派生”。这确保了在将节点转换为计划节点时,一切都能正常工作。(在执行器中以通用方式传递时,节点指针经常被转换为Plan *)
/* ----------------
* Plan node
* All plan nodes "derive" from the Plan structure by having the
* Plan structure as the first field. This ensures that everything works
* when nodes are cast to Plan's. (node pointers are frequently cast to Plan*
* when passed around generically in the executor)
* 所有计划节点通过将Plan结构作为第一个字段从Plan结构“派生”。
* 这确保了在将节点转换为计划节点时,一切都能正常工作。
* (在执行器中以通用方式传递时,节点指针经常被转换为Plan *)
* We never actually instantiate any Plan nodes; this is just the common
* abstract superclass for all Plan-type nodes.
* 从未实例化任何Plan节点;这只是所有Plan-type节点的通用抽象超类。
* ----------------
typedef struct Plan
NodeTag type;//节点类型
* 成本估算信息;estimated execution costs for plan (see costsize.c for more info)
Cost startup_cost; /* 启动成本;cost expended before fetching any tuples */
Cost total_cost; /* 总成本;total cost (assuming all tuples fetched) */
* 优化器估算信息;planner's estimate of result size of this plan step
double plan_rows; /* 行数;number of rows plan is expected to emit */
int plan_width; /* 平均行大小(Byte为单位);average row width in bytes */
* 并行执行相关的信息;information needed for parallel query
bool parallel_aware; /* 是否参与并行执行逻辑?engage parallel-aware logic? */
bool parallel_safe; /* 是否并行安全;OK to use as part of parallel plan? */
* Plan类型节点通用的信息.Common structural data for all Plan types.
int plan_node_id; /* unique across entire final plan tree */
List *targetlist; /* target list to be computed at this node */
List *qual; /* implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */
struct Plan *lefttree; /* input plan tree(s) */
struct Plan *righttree;
List *initPlan; /* Init Plan nodes (un-correlated expr
* subselects) */
* Information for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
* parameter-change-driven重扫描的管理信息.
* extParam includes the paramIDs of all external PARAM_EXEC params
* affecting this plan node or its children. setParam params from the
* node's initPlans are not included, but their extParams are.
* allParam includes all the extParam paramIDs, plus the IDs of local
* params that affect the node (i.e., the setParams of its initplans).
* These are _all_ the PARAM_EXEC params that affect this node.
Bitmapset *extParam;
Bitmapset *allParam;
} Plan;
//---------------------------------------------------------------- create_projection_plan
* create_projection_plan
* Create a plan tree to do a projection step and (recursively) plans
* for its subpaths. We may need a Result node for the projection,
* but sometimes we can just let the subplan do the work.
* 创建计划树,执行投影操作并通过递归的方式为子访问路径生成执行计划.
* 一般来说需要一个Result节点用于投影操作,但有时候可以让子计划执行此项任务.
static Plan *
create_projection_plan(PlannerInfo *root, ProjectionPath *best_path, int flags)
Plan *plan;
Plan *subplan;
List *tlist;
bool needs_result_node = false;
* Convert our subpath to a Plan and determine whether we need a Result
* node.
* 转换subpath为Plan,并确定是否需要Result节点.
* In most cases where we don't need to project, creation_projection_path
* will have set dummypp, but not always. First, some createplan.c
* routines change the tlists of their nodes. (An example is that
* create_merge_append_plan might add resjunk sort columns to a
* MergeAppend.) Second, create_projection_path has no way of knowing
* what path node will be placed on top of the projection path and
* therefore can't predict whether it will require an exact tlist. For
* both of these reasons, we have to recheck here.
* 在大多数情况下,我们不需要投影运算,creation_projection_path将设置dummypp标志,但并不总是如此。
* 首先,一些createplan.c中的函数更改其节点的tlist。
* (例如,create_merge_append_plan可能会向MergeAppend添加resjunk sort列)。
* 其次,create_projection_path无法知道将在投影路径顶部放置哪些路径节点,因此无法预测它是否需要一个确切的tlist。
* 由于这两个原因,我们不得不在这里重新检查。
if (use_physical_tlist(root, &best_path->path, flags))
* Our caller doesn't really care what tlist we return, so we don't
* actually need to project. However, we may still need to ensure
* proper sortgroupref labels, if the caller cares about those.
* 如果我们的调用者并不关心返回的结果tlist,所以实际上不需要投影运算。
* 然而,如果调用者关心sortgroupref标签,可能仍然需要确保正确的sortgroupref数据。
subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->subpath, 0);
tlist = subplan->targetlist;
if (flags & CP_LABEL_TLIST)
else if (is_projection_capable_path(best_path->subpath))
* Our caller requires that we return the exact tlist, but no separate
* result node is needed because the subpath is projection-capable.
* Tell create_plan_recurse that we're going to ignore the tlist it
* produces.
* 调用者要求返回精确的tlist,但是不需要单独的Result节点,因为子路径支持投影。
* 调用create_plan_recurse时忽略它生成的tlist。
subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->subpath,
tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);
* It looks like we need a result node, unless by good fortune the
* requested tlist is exactly the one the child wants to produce.
* 看起来需要一个Result节点,除非幸运的是,请求的tlist正是子节点想要生成的。
subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->subpath, 0);
tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);
needs_result_node = !tlist_same_exprs(tlist, subplan->targetlist);
* If we make a different decision about whether to include a Result node
* than create_projection_path did, we'll have made slightly wrong cost
* estimates; but label the plan with the cost estimates we actually used,
* not "corrected" ones. (XXX this could be cleaned up if we moved more
* of the sortcolumn setup logic into Path creation, but that would add
* expense to creating Paths we might end up not using.)
* 如果我们对是否包含一个Result节点做出与create_projection_path不同的决定,
* 我们就会做出略微错误的成本估算;
* 但是在这个计划上标上我们实际使用的成本估算,而不是“修正的”成本估算。
* (如果我们将更多的sortcolumn设置逻辑移到路径创建中,这个问题就可以解决了,
* 但是这会增加创建路径的成本,而最终可能不会使用这些路径。)
if (!needs_result_node)
/* Don't need a separate Result, just assign tlist to subplan */
plan = subplan;
plan->targetlist = tlist;
/* Label plan with the estimated costs we actually used */
plan->startup_cost = best_path->path.startup_cost;
plan->total_cost = best_path->path.total_cost;
plan->plan_rows = best_path->path.rows;
plan->plan_width = best_path->path.pathtarget->width;
plan->parallel_safe = best_path->path.parallel_safe;
/* ... but don't change subplan's parallel_aware flag */
/* We need a Result node */
plan = (Plan *) make_result(tlist, NULL, subplan);
copy_generic_path_info(plan, (Path *) best_path);
return plan;
//---------------------------------------------------------------- create_sort_plan
* create_sort_plan
* Create a Sort plan for 'best_path' and (recursively) plans
* for its subpaths.
* 创建Sort计划节点
static Sort *
create_sort_plan(PlannerInfo *root, SortPath *best_path, int flags)
Sort *plan;
Plan *subplan;
* We don't want any excess columns in the sorted tuples, so request a
* smaller tlist. Otherwise, since Sort doesn't project, tlist
* requirements pass through.
* 我们不希望在排序元组中有任何多余的列,所以希望得到一个更小的tlist。
* 否则,由于Sort不执行投影运算,tlist就会通过完整的保留传递。
subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->subpath,
flags | CP_SMALL_TLIST);
* make_sort_from_pathkeys() indirectly calls find_ec_member_for_tle(),
* which will ignore any child EC members that don't belong to the given
* relids. Thus, if this sort path is based on a child relation, we must
* pass its relids.
* make_sort_from_pathkeys()间接调用find_ec_member_for_tle(),它将忽略不属于给定relid的任何子EC成员。
* 因此,如果这个排序路径是基于子关系的,我们必须传递它的relids。
plan = make_sort_from_pathkeys(subplan, best_path->path.pathkeys,
IS_OTHER_REL(best_path->subpath->parent) ?
best_path->path.parent->relids : NULL);
copy_generic_path_info(&plan->plan, (Path *) best_path);
return plan;
//------------------------------------------------ build_path_tlist
* Build a target list (ie, a list of TargetEntry) for the Path's output.
* 构建用于输出的target链表(比如TargetEntry节点链表)
* This is almost just make_tlist_from_pathtarget(), but we also have to
* deal with replacing nestloop params.
* 该函数几乎就是make_tlist_from_pathtarget()的实现逻辑,但还必须处理替换nestloop参数。
static List *
build_path_tlist(PlannerInfo *root, Path *path)
List *tlist = NIL;
Index *sortgrouprefs = path->pathtarget->sortgrouprefs;
int resno = 1;
ListCell *v;
foreach(v, path->pathtarget->exprs)
Node *node = (Node *) lfirst(v);
TargetEntry *tle;
* If it's a parameterized path, there might be lateral references in
* the tlist, which need to be replaced with Params. There's no need
* to remake the TargetEntry nodes, so apply this to each list item
* separately.
* 如果是参数化路径,那么tlist中可能有横向引用,需要用Params替换。
* 不需要重新构建TargetEntry节点,因此可以将其单独应用于每个链表项。
if (path->param_info)
node = replace_nestloop_params(root, node);
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) node,
if (sortgrouprefs)
tle->ressortgroupref = sortgrouprefs[resno - 1];
tlist = lappend(tlist, tle);
return tlist;
testdb=# explain select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny,grjf.je
testdb-# from t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny,jf.je
testdb(# from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf
testdb(# on gr.dwbh = dw.dwbh
testdb(# and gr.grbh = jf.grbh) grjf
testdb-# order by dw.dwbh;
Sort (cost=20070.93..20320.93 rows=100000 width=47)
Sort Key: dw.dwbh
-> Hash Join (cost=3754.00..8689.61 rows=100000 width=47)
Hash Cond: ((gr.dwbh)::text = (dw.dwbh)::text)
-> Hash Join (cost=3465.00..8138.00 rows=100000 width=31)
Hash Cond: ((jf.grbh)::text = (gr.grbh)::text)
-> Seq Scan on t_jfxx jf (cost=0.00..1637.00 rows=100000 width=20)
-> Hash (cost=1726.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
-> Seq Scan on t_grxx gr (cost=0.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16)
-> Hash (cost=164.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20)
-> Seq Scan on t_dwxx dw (cost=0.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20)
(11 rows)
(gdb) b create_projection_plan
Breakpoint 2 at 0x7b95a8: file createplan.c, line 1627.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, create_projection_plan (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722d00, flags=1) at createplan.c:1627
1627 bool needs_result_node = false;
(gdb) n
1642 if (use_physical_tlist(root, &best_path->path, flags))
(gdb) n
1655 else if (is_projection_capable_path(best_path->subpath))
1673 subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->subpath, 0);
(gdb) p *best_path
$3 = {path = {type = T_ProjectionPath, pathtype = T_Result, parent = 0x2722998, pathtarget = 0x27226f8, param_info = 0x0,
parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 100000, startup_cost = 20070.931487218411,
total_cost = 20320.931487218411, pathkeys = 0x26cfe98}, subpath = 0x2722c68, dummypp = true}
(gdb) p *(SortPath *)best_path->subpath
$16 = {path = {type = T_SortPath, pathtype = T_Sort, parent = 0x2722998, pathtarget = 0x27212d8, param_info = 0x0,
parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 100000, startup_cost = 20070.931487218411,
total_cost = 20320.931487218411, pathkeys = 0x26cfe98}, subpath = 0x2721e60}
(gdb) step
create_plan_recurse (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722c68, flags=0) at createplan.c:364
364 check_stack_depth();
(gdb) n
366 switch (best_path->pathtype)
447 plan = (Plan *) create_sort_plan(root,
(gdb) step
create_sort_plan (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722c68, flags=0) at createplan.c:1759
1759 subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, best_path->subpath,
(gdb) p best_path->subpath->type
$17 = T_HashPath
(gdb) p *(HashPath *)best_path->subpath
$18 = {jpath = {path = {type = T_HashPath, pathtype = T_HashJoin, parent = 0x27210c0, pathtarget = 0x27212d8,
param_info = 0x0, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 100000,
startup_cost = 3754, total_cost = 8689.6112499999999, pathkeys = 0x0}, jointype = JOIN_INNER, inner_unique = true,
outerjoinpath = 0x2720f68, innerjoinpath = 0x26d0598, joinrestrictinfo = 0x2722068}, path_hashclauses = 0x27223c0,
num_batches = 1, inner_rows_total = 10000}
1774 return plan;
1775 }
(gdb) p *plan
$20 = {plan = {type = T_Sort, startup_cost = 20070.931487218411, total_cost = 20320.931487218411, plan_rows = 100000,
plan_width = 47, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 0, targetlist = 0x2723208, qual = 0x0,
lefttree = 0x27243d0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}, numCols = 1,
sortColIdx = 0x27222a0, sortOperators = 0x2724468, collations = 0x2724488, nullsFirst = 0x27244a8}
(gdb) n
create_plan_recurse (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722c68, flags=0) at createplan.c:450
450 break;
(gdb) n
504 return plan;
505 }
create_projection_plan (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722d00, flags=1) at createplan.c:1674
1674 tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);
1708 return plan;
1709 }
(gdb) p *plan
$22 = {type = T_Sort, startup_cost = 20070.931487218411, total_cost = 20320.931487218411, plan_rows = 100000,
plan_width = 47, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 0, targetlist = 0x2724548, qual = 0x0,
lefttree = 0x27243d0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}
(gdb) n
create_plan_recurse (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722d00, flags=1) at createplan.c:504
504 return plan;
(gdb) p *plan
$23 = {type = T_Sort, startup_cost = 20070.931487218411, total_cost = 20320.931487218411, plan_rows = 100000,
plan_width = 47, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 0, targetlist = 0x2724548, qual = 0x0,
lefttree = 0x27243d0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}
(gdb) n
505 }
create_plan (root=0x26c1258, best_path=0x2722d00) at createplan.c:329
329 if (!IsA(plan, ModifyTable))