


注意这里对各个课程并没有做好与坏的评论,一般来说,入门机器学习的经典课程是Stanford: CS229,入门深度学习的经典课程是Stanford: CS231n。如果大家想对各个课程发表意见,可以移步下面两个话题:



  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial Intelligence

Deep Learning

  1. CMU: 11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning [Spring 2018] [DL]
  2. Stanford: CS230 Deep Learning [Winter 2018][DL] [Ng中文笔记-黄海广]
  3. University of Chicago: CMSC 35246 Deep Learning [Spring 2017][DL]
  4. Stanford: CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition [Spring 2017][CV] [中文翻译]
  5. Stanford: CS224n Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning [Winter 2018][NLP]
  6. Stanford: CS 20 Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research [Winter 2018][TensorFlow]
  7. Stanford: Theories of Deep Learning (STATS 385) [Fall 2017][DL]
  8. CMU: 10707 Deep Learning [Fall 2017][DL]
  9. National Taiwan University: Applied Deep Learning / Machine Learning and Having It Deep and Structured [2017 Fall][DL] [Hung-yi Lee]
  10. Theano: Deep Learning Tutorials [Theano]
  11. Mxnet: Deep Learning-The Straight Dope [2017][Mxnet] [中文]
  12. MIT: 6.S191 Introduction to Deep Learning [2018][DL]
  14. Fast.ai: Practical Deep Learning For Coders [2018][DL]
  15. CMU: CS 11-747 Neural networks fro NLP [Spring 2018][NLP]
  16. Stanford: CS224S / LINGUIST285 – Spoken Language Processing [Spring 2017][Speech Recognition]
  17. Berkeley: CS 294-131: Special Topics in Deep Learning [Fall 2017][Advanced DL]
  18. CMU: 16-385 Computer Vision [Spring 2018][CV]
  19. Columbia University: E6894 Deep Learning for Computer Vision, Speech, and Language [Spring 2017][DL]
  20. Colorado: CSCI 5922 Neural Networks and Deep Learning [Fall 2017][DL]
  21. UIUC: CS 598 LAZ Cutting-Edge Trends in Deep Learning and Recognition [2017][DL]
  22. UPC: Deep Learning for Speech and Language [2017 Winter][Speech Recognition]
  23. toronto: CSC 321 Intro to Neural Networks and Machine Learning [CSC 321 Winter 2018][DL]
  24. MIT: 6.883 Science of Deep Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice [Spring 2018][DL]
  25. UW:CSE 599G1: Deep Learning System Design [2017] [DL]

Computer Vision

  1. toronto: CSC420: Intro to Image Understanding [Fall 2017][CV]

Machine Learning

  1. Stanford: CS229 Machine Learning [Autumn 2017][ML]
  2. University of Notre Dame: Statistical Computing for Scientists and Engineers [Fall 2017][SL]
  3. CMU: Statistical Machine Learning [Spring 2017][ML]
  4. Carnegie Mellon University:10-701/15-781 Machine Learning [Spring 2011][ML]
  5. toronto: CSC411 introduction to Machine Learning [Fall 2017][ML]
  6. Google: 机器学习速成课程 使用 TensorFlow API [2018] [ML TensorFlow]

Reinforcement Learning

  1. Berkeley: CS 294 Deep Reinforcement Learning [Fall 2017][RL]
  2. CMU: 10703 Deep RL and Control [Fall 2018][RL]
  3. Stanford: CS234: Reinforcement Learning [Winter 2018][RL]

Artificial Intelligence

  1. MIT: 6.S099 Artificial General Intelligence [2018]
  2. MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars [2018]


  1. 深度学习名校课程大全
  2. Awesome Deep Learning
    原文地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/33580103