#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
struct tree
int data;
tree * left, * right, * parent;
void tree_insert(tree *& , int );
// 二叉查找树的初始化构建
void tree_init(tree *& T)
cout << " please input numbers of tree until the input is invalid " << endl;
int data = 0 ;
while (cin >> data)
tree_insert(T, data);
// 插入
void tree_insert(tree * & T, int value)
if (T == NULL)
T = new tree();
T -> data = value;
T -> left = T -> right = T -> parent = NULL;
if (T -> data > value)
tree_insert(T -> left, value);
if (T -> left)
T -> left -> parent = T;
tree_insert(T -> right, value);
if (T -> right)
T -> right -> parent = T;
// preorder to print the data of the whole tree
void tree_print1(tree * T)
if (T != NULL)
tree_print1(T -> left);
cout << T -> data << " " ;
tree_print1(T -> right);
// 中序遍历
void tree_print2(tree * T)
if (T != NULL)
tree_print2(T -> right);
cout << T -> data << " " ;
tree_print2(T -> left);
// 后序遍历
void tree_print3(tree * T)
if (T != NULL)
cout << T -> data << " " ;
tree_print3(T -> left);
tree_print3(T -> right);
// find a value in the tree with the method of recursion
bool tree_search(tree * T, int value)
tree * t = T;
while (t != NULL)
if (t -> data == value)
return true ;
if (t -> data < value)
t = t -> right;
t = t -> left;
return false ;
// 求最小值
tree * tree_mininum(tree * T)
while (T && T -> left)
T = T -> left;
return T;
// 求后继结点
tree * tree_successor(tree * T)
if ( ! T -> right)
return tree_mininum(T -> right);
tree * y = T -> parent;
while (y && T == y -> right)
T = y;
y = y -> parent;
return y;
// 删除节点,不考虑性质
void del1(tree *& t)
if (t == t -> parent -> left)
if ( ! t -> left && ! t -> right)
t -> parent -> left = NULL;
if (t -> left != NULL)
t -> parent -> left = t -> left;
if (t -> right != NULL)
t -> parent -> left = t -> right;
if ( ! t -> left && ! t -> right)
t -> parent -> right = NULL;
if (t -> left != NULL)
t -> parent -> right = t -> left;
if (t -> right != NULL)
t -> parent -> right = t -> right;
// 删除任意节点,并保持二叉查找树的性质
void tree_del(tree * T)
tree * y = NULL;
if (T -> left == NULL || T -> right == NULL)
y = T;
y = tree_successor(T);
T -> data = y -> data;
int main()
tree * T = NULL;
cout << " The number in the tree is : " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
int find_value = 0 ;
// cout << endl << "please input the number you want to find" <<endl;
// cin >> find_value;
// cout << tree_search(T,find_value) << endl;
int del_data = 0 ;
cin >> del_data;