1. 分组, 计数和排序
1.1 分组, 计数
view plain
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- //3 apple, 2 banana, others 1
- List<string> items =
- Arrays.asList(“apple”, “apple”, “banana”,
- “apple”, “orange”, “banana”, “papaya”);
- Map<string long=“”> result =
- items.stream().collect(
- Collectors.groupingBy(
- Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()
- )
- );
- System.out.println(result);
- }
- /string></string>
view plain
- {
- papaya=1, orange=1, banana=2, apple=3
- }
1.2 分组, 计数和排序
view plain
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- //3 apple, 2 banana, others 1
- List<string> items =
- Arrays.asList(“apple”, “apple”, “banana”,
- “apple”, “orange”, “banana”, “papaya”);
- Map<string long=“”> result =
- items.stream().collect(
- Collectors.groupingBy(
- Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()
- )
- );
- Map<string long=“”> finalMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- //Sort a map and add to finalMap
- result.entrySet().stream()
- .sorted(Map.Entry.<string long=“”>comparingByValue()
- .reversed()).forEachOrdered(e -> finalMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
- System.out.println(finalMap);
- }
- </string></string></string></string>
view plain
- {
- apple=3, banana=2, papaya=1, orange=1
- }
2.用户自定义对象集合分组, 计数、排序和求和
view plain
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- //3 apple, 2 banana, others 1
- List<item> items = Arrays.asList(
- new Item(“apple”, 10, new BigDecimal(“9.99”)),
- new Item(“banana”, 20, new BigDecimal(“19.99”)),
- new Item(“orang”, 10, new BigDecimal(“29.99”)),
- new Item(“watermelon”, 10, new BigDecimal(“29.99”)),
- new Item(“papaya”, 20, new BigDecimal(“9.99”)),
- new Item(“apple”, 10, new BigDecimal(“9.99”)),
- new Item(“banana”, 10, new BigDecimal(“19.99”)),
- new Item(“apple”, 20, new BigDecimal(“9.99”))
- );
- Map<string long=“”> counting = items.stream().collect(
- Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getName, Collectors.counting()));
- System.out.println(counting);
- Map<string integer=“”> sum = items.stream().collect(
- Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getName, Collectors.summingInt(Item::getQty)));
- System.out.println(sum);
- }
- lt;/string></string></item>
view plain
- //Group by + Count
- {
- papaya=1, banana=2, apple=3, orang=1, watermelon=1
- }
- //Group by + Sum qty
- {
- papaya=20, banana=30, apple=40, orang=10, watermelon=10
- }
view plain
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- //3 apple, 2 banana, others 1
- List<item> items = Arrays.asList(
- new Item(“apple”, 10, new BigDecimal(“9.99”)),
- new Item(“banana”, 20, new BigDecimal(“19.99”)),
- new Item(“orang”, 10, new BigDecimal(“29.99”)),
- new Item(“watermelon”, 10, new BigDecimal(“29.99”)),
- new Item(“papaya”, 20, new BigDecimal(“9.99”)),
- new Item(“apple”, 10, new BigDecimal(“9.99”)),
- new Item(“banana”, 10, new BigDecimal(“19.99”)),
- new Item(“apple”, 20, new BigDecimal(“9.99”))
- );
- //group by price
- Map<BigDecimal, List<item>> groupByPriceMap =
- items.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getPrice));
- System.out.println(groupByPriceMap);
- // group by price, uses ‘mapping’ to convert List<item> to Set<string>
- Map<BigDecimal, Set<string>> result =
- items.stream().collect(
- Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getPrice,
- Collectors.mapping(Item::getName, Collectors.toSet())
- )
- );
- System.out.println(result);
- }
- </string></string></item></item></item>
view plain
- {
- 19.99=[
- Item{name=’banana’, qty=20, price=19.99},
- Item{name=’banana’, qty=10, price=19.99}
- ],
- 29.99=[
- Item{name=’orang’, qty=10, price=29.99},
- Item{name=’watermelon’, qty=10, price=29.99}
- ],
- 9.99=[
- Item{name=’apple’, qty=10, price=9.99},
- Item{name=’papaya’, qty=20, price=9.99},
- Item{name=’apple’, qty=10, price=9.99},
- Item{name=’apple’, qty=20, price=9.99}
- ]
- }
- //group by + mapping to Set
- {
- 19.99=[banana],
- 29.99=[orang, watermelon],
- 9.99=[papaya, apple]
- }