

Slicers make it easy to select from a list of items, but they take up valuable space on your worksheet. To get the benefits of a Slicer, without the real estate cost, AlexJ made this Excel Pop Up Selector – it’s hidden until you click the small button on the sheet, and disappears again, after you use it.

使用切片器可以轻松地从项目列表中进行选择,但是它们会占用工作表上的宝贵空间。 为了获得切片机的好处,而无需支付房地产费用,AlexJ制作了此Excel弹出选择器-它一直处于隐藏状态,直到您单击工作表上的小按钮为止,然后在使用后再次消失。

Excel弹出选择器工具演示 (Excel Pop Up Selector Tool Demo)

This animated screen shot shows how the pop up selector works. Click the button to make the selector appear, select items from the list, then click to show a message or image. This is a simple example – you could make the code do something fancier.

此动画屏幕快照显示了弹出选择器的工作方式。 单击按钮使选择器出现,从列表中选择项目,然后单击以显示消息或图像。 这是一个简单的示例–您可以使代码做得更好。

弹出切片器视频 (Pop Up Slicer Video)

To see a longer version of how the Pop Up Slicer works, watch this video. There are more details below, and the sample file is on the Excel Popup Slicer Selector page on my Contextures website.

要查看弹出切片器的工作原理的较长版本,请观看此视频。 下面有更多详细信息,示例文件位于Contextures网站的Excel Popup Slicer Selector页面上。


弹出选择器设置 (Pop Up Selector Setup)

The pop up selector is an Excel Slicer that is grouped with other shapes. The Slicer is sized to leave empty space at the bottom, and that’s where the other shapes are added, formatted to look like buttons.

弹出选择器是与其他形状组合在一起的Excel Slicer。 切片器的大小设置为在底部留有空白,这是添加其他形状的地方,其格式设置为类似于按钮。

Those buttons have macros assigned, and there’s a bit of worksheet code too.


弹出切片器设置 (Pop Up Slicer Setup)

In the workbook, AlexJ has an Excel Table, with a list of items required for the pop up selector.


There’s also a Pivot Table, based on that Excel table, and the Slicer shows the items in the pivot table’s Selector field.


The pivot table’s data body range is named when the pivot table updates, and that range is used to get the list of items.


工作表事件 (Worksheet Events)

The Demo sheet also has worksheet events that run when you:


  • Select a cell (Worksheet_SelectionChange) — hides the special image, and calls the macro named “ShowDialog”, which shows the grouped Slicer shape

    选择一个单元格 (Worksheet_SelectionChange)-隐藏特殊图像,并调用名为“ ShowDialog”的宏,该宏显示分组的Slicer形状

  • Use the Slicer (Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate) — creates a named range, based on the pivot table’s data body range

    使用切片器 (Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate)-根据数据透视表的数据主体范围创建命名范围

弹出选择器的其他用途 (Other Uses for Pop Up Selector)

AlexJ created this pop up selector technique for his Excel files at work, so that people could make print selections.


To show us the basics of how it works, he created this simple example – instead of printing the selected items, it shows the selected items in a message box.


You can put your own twist on AlexJ’s technique, and adapt it for your Excel workbooks. What would you do with the Pop Up Selector?

您可以对AlexJ的技术进行自己的调整,并使其适用于Excel工作簿。 您将如何使用弹出选择器?

  • Print all the selected sheets


  • Show or hide selected sheets


  • Send emails to selected names


  • Open selected Excel files?


  • What else?


获取弹出选择器示例文件 (Get the Pop Up Selector Sample File)

To get AlexJ’s Excel Pop Up Selector Tool, and to see all the details and tips on how to build it, go to the Excel Popup Slicer Selector page on my Contextures website.

若要获取AlexJ的Excel弹出选择器工具,并查看有关如何构建它的所有详细信息和提示,请转到Contextures网站上的“ Excel弹出切片器选择器”页面

You can get the sample file there too. The zipped file is in xlsm format, and contains macros. The Slicers will work in Excel 2007 and later versions.

您也可以在那里获得示例文件。 压缩文件为xlsm格式,并包含宏。 切片器将在Excel 2007和更高版本中工作。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2017/07/20/excel-pop-up-selector-tool/


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culiao2169/article/details/107986720