Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:
"((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()"
在LeetCode中有关括号的题共有三道,除了这一道的另外两道是 Valid Parentheses 验证括号和 Longest Valid Parentheses 最长有效括号,这道题给定一个数字n,让生成共有n个括号的所有正确的形式,对于这种列出所有结果的题首先还是考虑用递归Recursion来解,由于字符串只有左括号和右括号两种字符,而且最终结果必定是左括号3个,右括号3个,所以我们定义两个变量left和right分别表示剩余左右括号的个数,如果在某次递归时,左括号的个数大于右括号的个数,说明此时生成的字符串中右括号的个数大于左括号的个数,即会出现’)(‘这样的非法串,所以这种情况直接返回,不继续处理。如果left和right都为0,则说明此时生成的字符串已有3个左括号和3个右括号,且字符串合法,则存入结果中后返回。如果以上两种情况都不满足,若此时left大于0,则调用递归函数,注意参数的更新,若right大于0,则调用递归函数,同样要更新参数。代码如下:
C++ 解法一:
class Solution { public: vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) { vector<string> res; generateParenthesisDFS(n, n, "", res); return res; } void generateParenthesisDFS(int left, int right, string out, vector<string> &res) { if (left > right) return; if (left == 0 && right == 0) res.push_back(out); else { if (left > 0) generateParenthesisDFS(left - 1, right, out + '(', res); if (right > 0) generateParenthesisDFS(left, right - 1, out + ')', res); } } };
Java 解法一:
public class Solution { public List<String> generateParenthesis(int n) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); helper(n, n, "", res); return res; } void helper(int left, int right, String out, List<String> res) { if (left < 0 || right < 0 || left > right) return; if (left == 0 && right == 0) { res.add(out); return; } helper(left - 1, right, out + "(", res); helper(left, right - 1, out + ")", res); } }
n=1: ()
n=2: (()) ()()
n=3: (()()) ((())) ()(()) (())() ()()()
C++ 解法二:
class Solution { public: vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) { set<string> t; if (n == 0) t.insert(""); else { vector<string> pre = generateParenthesis(n - 1); for (auto a : pre) { for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) { if (a[i] == '(') { a.insert(a.begin() + i + 1, '('); a.insert(a.begin() + i + 2, ')'); t.insert(a); a.erase(a.begin() + i + 1, a.begin() + i + 3); } } t.insert("()" + a); } } return vector<string>(t.begin(), t.end()); } };
Java 解法二:
public class Solution { public List<String> generateParenthesis(int n) { Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>(); if (n == 0) { res.add(""); } else { List<String> pre = generateParenthesis(n - 1); for (String str : pre) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { if (str.charAt(i) == '(') { str = str.substring(0, i + 1) + "()" + str.substring(i + 1, str.length()); res.add(str); str = str.substring(0, i + 1) + str.substring(i + 3, str.length()); } } res.add("()" + str); } } return new ArrayList(res); } }
Different Ways to Add Parentheses