

import Foundation

//大数加法Long Number Plus Method


//To avoid the original String connection,I use ++ as the plus operator.

infix operator ++{

associativity left precedence 140


func ++(left:String,right:String) -> String{

    var resultstr = String()


    var leftstr = [String]()

    var rightstr = [String]()


    //Separated the number into decimal part and integer part

    if left.containsString(“.”){

        leftstr = left.componentsSeparatedByString(“.”)


        leftstr = [left]


    if right.containsString(“.”){

        rightstr = right.componentsSeparatedByString(“.”)


        rightstr = [right]


    //处理小数部分    Deal the decimal number.



     *  0:Either left number and right number both have the decimal part

     *  1:Only left number has the decimal part

     *  2:Only right number has the decimal part

     *  3:Both sides do not have the decimal part.


    let decimalStatu = leftstr.count == 2 && rightstr.count == 2 ? 0 : (leftstr.count == 1 && rightstr.count == 1 ? 3 : leftstr.count == 2 && rightstr.count != 2 ? 1 : 2)

    var decimalCanPlus1 = false//The value show the decimal part will full to integer part.一个显示小数位相加后是否可以使整数加1的状态值

    switch decimalStatu {

    case 0:


        let leftIsLonger = leftstr[1] > rightstr[1]

        var pstrlong = [Int]()

        var pstrshort = [Int]()

        for char in (leftIsLonger ? leftstr[1] : rightstr[1]).characters{

            pstrlong.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)


        for char in (!leftIsLonger ? leftstr[1] : rightstr[1]).characters{

            pstrshort.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)


        for index in pstrshort.count..<pstrlong.count{

            resultstr.insert(Character(String(pstrlong[index])), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex.advancedBy(1))


        for index in 0..<pstrshort.count{


            //If decimal part can full to integer part,integer last number plus 1,only plus once.

            var curResult = pstrlong[index] + pstrshort[index] + (decimalCanPlus1 ? 1 : 0)

            if curResult >= 10{

                curResult -= 10

                decimalCanPlus1 = true


                decimalCanPlus1 = false


            resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex.advancedBy(1))



    case 1:


        for curNum in leftstr[1].characters{



    case 2:


        for curNum in rightstr[1].characters{



    case 3:



        fatalError(“decimalStatu can not detect two numbers statu”)


    //处理整数部分    Deal with the integer part

    var leftarray = [Int]()

    for char in leftstr[0].characters{

        leftarray.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)


    var rightarray = [Int]()

    for char in rightstr[0].characters{

        rightarray.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)



    //The shorter number’s count

    let minCount = leftarray.count>rightarray.count ? rightarray.count : leftarray.count


    //After plusing , if the result greater than 10,this value turns true.

    var isGreaterThanTen = false

    for index in 0..<minCount{

        var curResult = leftarray[index] + rightarray[index] + (isGreaterThanTen ? 1 : 0) + (decimalCanPlus1 ? 1 : 0)

        isGreaterThanTen = curResult >= 10

        decimalCanPlus1 = false

        if isGreaterThanTen{curResult -= 10}

        resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex)



    //Continue calculate the value after finished the shortnumber dealing.

    let longArray = leftarray.count>rightarray.count ? leftarray : rightarray

    for index in minCount..<(longArray.count){

        var curResult = longArray[index]

        if isGreaterThanTen{

            curResult += 1

            isGreaterThanTen = curResult >= 10

            if isGreaterThanTen{

                curResult -= 10



        resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex)



    //if finished all the calculates,the result still can carrybit,then add 1 to the first position.

    if isGreaterThanTen{

        resultstr.insert(“1”, atIndex: resultstr.startIndex)


    return resultstr


func -(left:String,right:String) -> String{

    var resultstr = String()


    var leftstr = [String]()

    var rightstr = [String]()


    //Separated the number into decimal part and integer part

    if left.containsString(“.”){

        leftstr = left.componentsSeparatedByString(“.”)


        leftstr = [left]


    if right.containsString(“.”){

        rightstr = right.componentsSeparatedByString(“.”)


        rightstr = [right]



    var leftArray = [Int]()

    for char in leftstr[0].characters{

        leftArray.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)


    var rightArray = [Int]()

    for char in rightstr[0].characters{

        rightArray.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)



    var leftDecArray = [Int]()

    var rightDecArray = [Int]()


    var shortCount = 0



     *  0:Either left number and right number both have the decimal part

     *  1:Only left number has the decimal part

     *  2:Only right number has the decimal part

     *  3:Both sides do not have the decimal part.


    let decimalStatu = leftstr.count == 2 && rightstr.count == 2 ? 0 : (leftstr.count == 1 && rightstr.count == 1 ? 3 : leftstr.count == 2 && rightstr.count != 2 ? 1 : 2)

    switch decimalStatu {

    case 0:

        shortCount = leftstr[1].characters.count > rightstr[1].characters.count ? rightstr[1].characters.count : leftstr[1].characters.count

        for char in leftstr[1].characters{



        for char in rightstr[1].characters{



    case 1:

        for char in leftstr[1].characters{



    case 2:

        for char in rightstr[1].characters{







    var resultIsPositive: Bool? = nil


    if leftstr[0].characters.count > rightstr[0].characters.count{

        resultIsPositive = true

    }else if leftstr[0].characters.count == rightstr[0].characters.count{


        for index in 0..<leftArray.count{

            if leftArray[index] == rightArray[index]{



            if leftArray[index] > rightArray[index]{

                resultIsPositive = true



            if leftArray[index] < rightArray[index]{

                resultIsPositive = false





        resultIsPositive = false




    if resultIsPositive == nil{

        switch decimalStatu {

        case 0:

            for index in 0..<shortCount{

                if leftDecArray[index] == rightDecArray[index]{



                if leftDecArray[index] > rightDecArray[index]{

                    resultIsPositive = true



                if leftDecArray[index] < rightDecArray[index]{

                    resultIsPositive = false



            if resultIsPositive == nil{


                if leftstr[1].characters.count == rightstr[1].characters.count{

                    return “0”


                if shortCount == leftstr[1].characters.count{

                    resultIsPositive = false


                    resultIsPositive = true



        case 1:

            resultIsPositive = true

        case 2:

            resultIsPositive = false

        case 3:


            return “0”






    func reduce(statu: Bool){

        var frontNumWillSub1 = false


        if decimalStatu == 0{



            if shortCount == leftDecArray.count{

                var i = 1

                for _ in shortCount..<rightDecArray.count{

                    var curResult = 0 – rightDecArray[rightDecArray.count – i] – (frontNumWillSub1 ? 1 : 0)

                    if curResult < 0{

                        curResult += 10

                        frontNumWillSub1 = true


                        frontNumWillSub1 = false


                    resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex.advancedBy(1))

                    i += 1





                for index in shortCount..<leftDecArray.count{


                    resultstr.insert(Character(String(leftDecArray[index])), atIndex: resultstr.endIndex)



            for index in 0..<shortCount{

                var curResult = leftDecArray[shortCount – 1 – index] – rightDecArray[shortCount – 1 – index] – (frontNumWillSub1 ? 1 : 0)

                if curResult < 0{

                    curResult += 10

                    frontNumWillSub1 = true


                    frontNumWillSub1 = false


                resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex.advancedBy(1))


        }else if decimalStatu == (statu ? 1 : 2){


            for curNum in leftDecArray{



        }else if decimalStatu == (statu ? 2 : 1){


            var i = 1

            for _ in 0..<rightDecArray.count{

                var curResult = 0 – rightDecArray[rightDecArray.count – i] – (frontNumWillSub1 ? 1 : 0)

                if curResult < 0{

                    curResult += 10

                    frontNumWillSub1 = true


                    frontNumWillSub1 = false


                resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex.advancedBy(1))

                i += 1


            frontNumWillSub1 = true



        for index in 0..<rightArray.count{

            var curResult = leftArray[index] – rightArray[index] – (frontNumWillSub1 ? 1 : 0)

            if curResult < 0{

                curResult += 10

                frontNumWillSub1 = true


                frontNumWillSub1 = false


            resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex)


        if leftArray.count != rightArray.count{

            for index in rightArray.count..<leftArray.count{

                var curResult = leftArray[index] – (frontNumWillSub1 ? 1 : 0)

                if curResult < 0{

                    curResult += 10

                    frontNumWillSub1 = true


                    frontNumWillSub1 = false


                resultstr.insert(Character(String(curResult)), atIndex: resultstr.startIndex)



        var index = 0

        for _ in 0..<resultstr.characters.count{

            if resultstr.hasPrefix(“0”) && !resultstr.hasPrefix(“0.”){


                index = 0






    func exchange(inout first:[Int],inout second:[Int]){

        let temp = first

        first = second

        second = temp



    if resultIsPositive!{






        exchange(&leftArray, second: &rightArray)

        exchange(&leftDecArray, second: &rightDecArray)



        resultstr.insert(“-“, atIndex: resultstr.startIndex)




    return resultstr


func *(left:String, right:String) -> String{

    var resultstr = String()


    //get how many number of the decimal part.

    var leftCount = 0

    var rightCount = 0

    if let leftIndex = left.characters.indexOf(“.”){

        leftCount = leftIndex.distanceTo(left.endIndex) – 1


    if let rightIndex = right.characters.indexOf(“.”){

        rightCount = rightIndex.distanceTo(right.endIndex) – 1


    let pCount = leftCount + rightCount


    //remove the point(.) and add the number to array

    let leftStr = left.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(“.”, withString: “”)

    let rightStr = right.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(“.”, withString: “”)

    var longArray = [Int]()

    var shortArray = [Int]()

    let resultArray = NSMutableArray()

    for char in (leftStr.characters.count >= right.characters.count ? leftStr.characters : rightStr.characters){

        longArray.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)


    for char in (leftStr.characters.count < right.characters.count ? leftStr.characters : rightStr.characters){

        shortArray.insert(Int(String(char))!, atIndex: 0)



    //multiply number one by one.Like 1,234 * 12 = 1,234 * 1 * 10 + 1,234 * 2

    for shortIndex in 0..<shortArray.count{

        var tempCarry = 0

        var tempArray = [Int]()

        var tempStr = “”


        //Add 0 to last position when calculating.Like 1,234 * 1 * 10 = 12,340 * 1

        for _ in 0..<shortIndex{


            tempStr.insert(Character(“0”), atIndex: tempStr.startIndex)


        for longIndex in 0..<longArray.count{

            var curResult = shortArray[shortIndex] * longArray[longIndex] + tempCarry

            tempCarry = curResult/10

            curResult = curResult%10


            tempStr.insert(Character(\(curResult)”), atIndex: tempStr.startIndex)


        if tempCarry != 0{


            tempStr.insert(Character(\(tempCarry)”), atIndex: tempStr.startIndex)





    //Add all the multiply result

    resultstr = resultArray[0] as! String

    for index in 1..<resultArray.count{

        resultstr = resultstr ++ (resultArray[index] as! String)


    if pCount != 0{

        resultstr.insert(“.”, atIndex: resultstr.endIndex.advancedBy(-pCount))




    return resultstr

