The thief has found himself a new place for his thievery again. There is only one entrance to this area, called the “root.” Besides the root, each house has one and only one parent house. After a tour, the smart thief realized that “all houses in this place forms a binary tree”. It will automatically contact the police if two directly-linked houses were broken into on the same night.
Determine the maximum amount of money the thief can rob tonight without alerting the police.
Example 1:
3 / \ 2 3 \ \ 3 1
Maximum amount of money the thief can rob = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7.
Example 2:
3 / \ 4 5 / \ \ 1 3 1
Maximum amount of money the thief can rob = 4 + 5 = 9.
这是一道动态规划题目,对于每个节点,用2个变量去表示,分别为result[0],result[1],result[0]表示不选择当前节点子树的和,result[1]表示选择当前节点子树的和,用leftvlaue表示当前节点左子树的节点变量,用rightvalue表示当前节点右子树的节点变量,则result[0]=max(leftvalue[0], leftvalue[1]) + max(rightvalue[0], rightvalue[1]), result[1]= root->val + leftvalue[1], + rightvalue[1],这个过程通过dfs深度递归完成
class Solution {
vector<int> dfs(TreeNode* subroot) {
vector<int> result(2, 0);
if (subroot == nullptr) return result;
vector<int> leftvalue = dfs(subroot->left);
vector<int> rightvalue = dfs(subroot->right);
result[0] = max(leftvalue[0], leftvalue[1]) + max(rightvalue[0], rightvalue[1]);
result[1] = subroot->val + leftvalue[0] + rightvalue[0];
return result;
int rob(TreeNode* root) {
vector<int> res = dfs(root);
return max(res[0], res[1]);