在Laravel外使用Eloquent(二)- 分页问题

在上一篇《在Laravel外使用Eloquent(一)》 中我们演示了如何引入Eloquent以及基本使用,但是如果细心的朋友肯定会发现,当你在使用paginate(15)来分页的时候是会报错的。因为我们没有依赖laravel的pagination模块。但是引入那个模块同时它内部依赖了symfony的http-foundation模块,意味着为了一个分页功能我们要装好多东西。于是我就实现了一个比较简单的分页类:



namespace Rester;

 * Paginator.php
 * (c) 2014 overtrue <anzhengchao@gmail.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @author overtrue <anzhengchao@gmail.com>
 * @github https://github.com/overtrue
 * @url    http://overtrue.me
 * @date   2014-10-23T20:05:33

use Closure;
use Countable;
use ArrayAccess;
use Serializable;
use ArrayIterator;
use JsonSerializable;
use IteratorAggregate;

class Paginator implements
    protected $pager;
    protected $pageSize;
    protected $total;
    protected $items;

     * Constructor
     * @param string             $pager
    public function __construct($pager = 'page')
        $this->pager = $pager;

     * Make a pagination
     * @param array   $items
     * @param integer $total
     * @param integer $pageSize
     * @return array
    public function make($items, $total, $pageSize = 10)
        $this->total    = abs($total);
        $this->pageSize = $pageSize;
        $this->items = $items;

        return $this;

     * Return current page
     * @return integer
    public function getCurrentPage($total = null)
        $page = abs(app()->request->get('page', 1));

        if ($total) {
            $this->total = $total;

        $page >= 1 || $page = 1;

        if ($this->items) {
            $totalPage = $this->getTotalPage();
            $page <= $totalPage || $page = $totalPage;

        return $page;

     * Return total pages
     * @return integer
    public function getTotalPage()
        $this->pageSize > 0 || $this->pageSize = 10;

        $totalPage = ceil($this->total / $this->pageSize);

        $totalPage >= 1 || $totalPage = 1;

        return $totalPage;

    public function links()
        $html = '<ul class="pagination">';

        $totalPage   = $this->getTotalPage();
        $currentPage = $this->getCurrentPage();

        if ($totalPage < 10) {
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalPage; $i++) {
                $active = $i == $currentPage ? 'class="active"':'';
                $html .= "<li $active><a href=".$this->getLink($i).">$i</a></li>";
        } else {

            if ($currentPage > 3) {
                $html .= "<li><a href=".$this->getLink(1).">&laquo;</a></li>";
                $start = $currentPage - 2;
            } else {
                $start = 1;

            for ($i = $start; $i <= $currentPage; $i++) {
                $active = $i == $currentPage ? 'class="active"':'';
                $html .= "<li $active><a href=".$this->getLink($i).">$i</a></li>";

            for ($i = $currentPage + 1; $i <= $currentPage + 3; $i++) {
                $active = $i == $currentPage ? 'class="active"':'';
                $html .= "<li $active><a href=".$this->getLink($i).">$i</a></li>";

            if ($totalPage - $currentPage >= 5) {
                $html .= "<li><a href='javascript:void(0)'>...</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li><a href=".$this->getLink($totalPage).">$totalPage</a></li>";

        return $html .= '</ul>';

     * getLink
     * @param integer $page
     * @return string
    public function getLink($page)
        static $query;

        if (is_null($query)) {
            $query = app()->request->get();

        $query['page'] = $page;

        return "?" . http_build_query($query);

     /** {@inhertDoc} */
    public function jsonSerialize()
        return $this->items;

    /** {@inhertDoc} */
    public function serialize()
        return serialize($this->items);
    /** {@inhertDoc} */
    public function unserialize($data)
        return $this->items = unserialize($data);
    /** {@inhertDoc} **/
    public function getIterator()
        return new ArrayIterator($this->items);
    /** {@inhertDoc} */
    public function count($mode = COUNT_NORMAL)
        return count($this->items, $mode);
     * Get a data by key
     * @param string $key
     * @return mixed
    public function __get($key) {
        return $this[$key];
     * Assigns a value to the specified data
     * @param string $key
     * @param mixed  $value
     * @return void
    public function __set($key, $value)
        $this->items[$key] = $value;
     * Whether or not an data exists by key
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
    public function __isset($key)
        return isset($this->items[$key]);
     * Unsets an data by key
     * @param string $key
    public function __unset($key)
     * Assigns a value to the specified offset
     * @param string $offset
     * @param mixed  $value
     * @return void
    public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
        $this->items[$offset] = $value;

     * Whether or not an offset exists
     * @param string $offset
     * @access public
     * @return bool
    public function offsetExists($offset)
        return isset($this->items[$offset]);
     * Unsets an offset
     * @param string $offset
     * @return array
    public function offsetUnset($offset)
        if ($this->offsetExists($offset)) {
     * Returns the value at specified offset
     * @param string $offset
     * @return mixed
    public function offsetGet($offset)
        return $this->offsetExists($offset) ? array_get($this->items, $offset) : null;




use Rester\Paginator;

// 注册分页类
Capsule::setPaginator(function() use ($app, $config) {
    return new Paginator($app->request, $config->get('pager', 'page'));



完整的eloquent初始化步骤请参考: https://github.com/overtrue/rester/blob/master/start/eloquent.php



$users = User::paginate(15);
$users = User::where('status', 1)->paginate(15);


因为上面的分页类实现了常用的[预定义接口](http://php.net/manual/zh/reserved.interfaces.php), 所以你可以很方便的使用分页结果:


// 遍历
foreach ($users as $user) {
    // do sth.

// json encode
$json = json_encode($users);

// count 
$count = count($users);



另外还考虑到了大家不一定全用它写接口用,所以分页类同样实现了Laravel里的生成分页链接的方法:`$users->links()`, 它会生成bootstrap格式的分页列表:

<ul class="pagination">
    <li><a href="#">&laquo;</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">3</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">4</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">5</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">&raquo;</a></li>


<div class="container">
    <?php foreach ($users as $user): ?>
        <?php echo $user->name; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

<?php echo $users->links(); ?>


原文: http://overtrue.me/2014/11/25/using-eloquent-outsite-laravel-2.html


    原文地址: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000002468231