1. 题目
Given a string s1, we may represent it as a binary tree by partitioning it to two non-empty substrings recursively.
Below is one possible representation of s1 = “great”:
/ \
gr eat
/ / \
g r e at
/ \
a t
To scramble the string, we may choose any non-leaf node and swap its two children.
For example, if we choose the node “gr” and swap its two children, it produces a scrambled string “rgeat”.
/ \
rg eat
/ / \
r g e at
/ \
a t
We say that “rgeat” is a scrambled string of “great”.
Similarly, if we continue to swap the children of nodes “eat” and “at”, it produces a scrambled string “rgtae”.
/ \
rg tae
/ / \
r g ta e
/ \
t a
We say that “rgtae” is a scrambled string of “great”.
Given two strings s1 and s2 of the same length, determine if s2 is a scrambled string of s1.
2. 思路
3. 代码
class Solution {
bool isScramble(string s1, string s2) {
const int len = s1.length();
if (len != s2.length()) { return false; }
// 非字符集合相等的提前剪枝
string sort_s1 = s1; sort(sort_s1.begin(), sort_s1.end());
string sort_s2 = s2; sort(sort_s2.begin(), sort_s2.end());
if (sort_s1 != sort_s2) { return false; }
// dp[n][i][j]表示s1[i..i+n-1]和s2[j..j+n-1]两个子串是否是scramble的
// 迭代起点,对长度为1的直接比较计算出结果; 其他的初始化为false
bool*** dp = new bool**[len+1];
for (int i = 0; i < len+1; i++) {
dp[i] = new bool*[len];
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
dp[i][j] = new bool[len];
for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {
if (i == 0 || i == 1 && s1[j] == s2[k]) {
dp[i][j][k] = true;
} else {
dp[i][j][k] = false;
// 依次计算长度更大的, 对于长度为n的情况,直接看所有的子串划分情况是否有一个满足的
// 由于n是递增的,因此子串的都是已经计算过的
for (int n = 2; n < len+1; n++) {
for (int i = 0; i <= len - n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= len - n; j++) {
// 计算长度为n的, s1[i, i+n-1]和s2[j, j+n-1]是否是scramble的
// 通过遍历所有子串划分是否存在有一个满足即可
for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) { // k是s1部分的左子串的长度
if (dp[k][i][j] && dp[n-k][i+k][j+k]
|| dp[k][i][j+n-k] && dp[n-k][i+k][j]) {
dp[n][i][j] = true;
return dp[len][0][0];