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method 和 static 的区别

Adds an instance method to documents constructed from Models compiled from this schema.
Adds static “class” methods to Models compiled from this schema.
也就是说 method 用于实例(文档), static 用于Model。



  • Total document size with embedded data will typically not exceed 16MB of storage (the BSON limit) or otherwise ( as a guideline ) have arrays that contain 500 or more entries.
  • Data that is embedded does generally not require frequent changes. So you could live with “duplication” that comes from the de-normalization not resulting in the need to update those “duplicates” with the same information across many parent documents just to invoke a change.
  • Related data is frequently used in association with the parent. Which means that if your “read/write” cases are pretty much always needing to “read/write” to both parent and child then it makes sense to embed the data for atomic operations.


  • The related data is always going to exceed the 16MB BSON limit. You can always consider a hybrid approach of “bucketing”, but the general hard limit of the main document cannot be breached. Common cases are “post” and “comments” where “comment” activity is expected to be very large.
  • Related data needs regular updating. Or essentially the case where you “normalize” because that data is “shared” among many parents and the “related” data is changed frequently enough that it would be impractical to update embedded items in every “parent” where that “child” item occurs. The easier case is to just reference the “child” and make the change once.
  • There is a clear separation of reads and writes. In the case where maybe you are not going to always require that “related” information when reading the “parent” or otherwise to not need to always alter the “parent” when writing to the child, there could be good reason to separate the model as referenced. Additionally if there is a general desire to update many “sub-documents” at once in which where those “sub-documents” are actually references to another collection, then quite often the implementation is more efficient to do when the data is in a separate collection.

mongoDB 原子操作相关

Atomicity and Transactions




Account Locking

find().then() 和 find().exec().then() 的区别



  • [操作] «String|Function»
  • [回调函数] «Function» optional params depend on the function being called


  • «Promise»




  • [resolve] «Function»
  • [reject] «Function»


// 是不是看得很晕,但是源代码居然是?!
Query.prototype.then = function(resolve, reject) {
  return this.exec().then(resolve, reject);


mongoose 分页操作

skip + limit 固然可以,但是莓有下面这种方法效率高

condition = {limit:12, type:"next", firstId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c662d", lastId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c6615"};
condition = {limit:12, type:"next", firstId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c6645", lastId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c6675"};
var condition = {};
    var sort = { _id: 1 };
    if (req.body.type == "next") {
        condition._id = { $gt: req.body.lastId };
    } else if (req.body.type == "prev") {
        sort = { _id: -1 };
        condition._id = { $lt: req.body.firstId };

var query = Model.find(condition, {}, { sort: sort }).limit(req.body.limit);

query.exec(function(err, properties) {
        return res.json({ "result": result);
    原文地址: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000014289979