[gist]How to Write Post Using Octopress Travis CI and Org Mode

from http://oyanglul.us

getting started

Github page 上建博客本来就是很geek的事情, 用octopress来建博客可用说是 for ruby geeks, 因为可以用欢乐的rake <task> 来完成建立文章和发布等一系 列task. 当然他依赖于 Jekyll


  • 打开wordpress
  • 点下new post
  • 在textarea中输入内容

这样好像非常简单, 这种wysiwyg的编辑器完全不需要学习曲线, 当然效率也不 会有神马曲线. 比如一个简单的 加粗 操 作, 需要选中需要加粗的字, 点一下=B=. 这对一个程序员来说是有多么痛苦啊.

好吧,如果你说 wordpress 也有快捷键, 那么bia代码和插入图片肿么办. 各种插件随之而来, 但是个人并没有发现更wsgiwyg编辑器任何高效的地方. 一个高效的码农不希望任何一只手离开键盘. 好吧, 这时候 GitHub Flavored MarkdownGitHub Pages 冲出来解放码农的鼠标手. 当然, Github Pages 的原意是让程序员为自己的repository建立一个静态网页.

于是乎, 有了octopress, 简而言之,就是用 git 和你最喜欢的编辑器写博客. 当然,就算你喜欢用wordpress, 同样可以用 prose.io + travis ci 实现auto deploy octopress with travis ci {fn:1} {fn:2}.

安装 octopress

just do the following in your shell.

$ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash # install ruby version manager
rvm install 1.9.3 # octopress need 1.9.3
rvm user 1.9.3 --default # use it as default

git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress
cd octopress    # If you use RVM, You'll be asked if you trust the .rvmrc file (say yes).
ruby --version #should be 1.9.3
rake install # install default Octopress theme  

Setup Github Pages

  • new 一个名叫 username.github.io 的 repository, 所有push 到 master

的代码即是静态网页. // 这是user page, 如果是项目page, 需要push到 gh-pages branch.

  • Done // yeah~ that’s it

Setup Octopress

rake setup_github_pages
rake generate # This will generate your blog, copy the generated files into _deploy
rake deploy # push to your github pages
echo 'your-domain.com' >> source/CNAME  

Use Octopress

Inline code

this is inline code

The Greatest Code Blocks


[url] [link text] code snippet

ruby Discover if a number is prime http://www.noulakaz.net/weblog/2007/03/18/a-regular-expression-to-check-for-prime-numbers/ Source Article
class Fixnum
  def prime?
    ('1' * self) !~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/

will render as

Discover if a number is prime http://www.noulakaz.net/weblog/2007/03/18/a-regular-expression-to-check-for-prime-numbers/ Source Article
class Fixnum
  def prime?
    ('1' * self) !~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/


gist gist_id filename


gist 996818

will be rander as

{% gist 996818 %}

3rd party plugin

default_asides: [asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html,
asides/twitter.html, asides/delicious.html, asides/pinboard.html,
asides/googleplus.html, asides/weibo.html]

Put Octopress Folder into Dropbox

当然要扔到dropbox上, 喂小米, 因为这样我们可以用手机写博客. 好吧, 前提 是你的手机要有个好用的markdown编辑器.

auto deploy octopress with travis ci [fn:1] [fn:2]

用dropbox绝对不是让你 blog on the go 的最好方式, 因为你还需要打开电脑 deploy 一下. 那么最给力的做法是使用 travis ci 自动的 rake deploy 你的 文章. 再加上 prose.io, 简直就是wordpress, 你不需要任何push, 只要在 prose.io 上编辑完成后点下 publish 即可. travis会自动给你发布hoho. 这样 就可以随时随地发了hoho.

  • get github OAtuh token
curl -u 'your_github_name' -d '{"scopes":["public_repo"], "note":"Travis access"}' https://api.github.com/authorizations
  • encypte your token
gem install travis
travis encrypt GH_TOKEN=your_token --add # do this in your octopress dir
  • setup in .travis.yml
language: ruby
  - source
- 1.9.3
- git config --global user.name "Jichao Ouyang"
- git config --global user.email "oyanglulu@gmail.com"
- export REPO_URL="https://$GH_TOKEN@github.com/$GH_REPO.git"
- rake setup_github_pages[$REPO_URL]
- rake generate
- rake deploy
  - GH_REPO="geogeo.github.com"
  - secure: ! 'UcwYke5vbuDVxFf8smJ2h8UkaVAdutc4hJ7WD06KKJlxQdGuF3rrG5rActpx




diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index a57a56f..59b758a 100755
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ ssh_port       = "22"
 document_root  = "~/website.com/"
 rsync_delete   = false
 rsync_args     = ""  # Any extra arguments to pass to rsync
-deploy_default = "rsync"
+deploy_default = "push"

 # This will be configured for you when you run config_deploy
-deploy_branch  = "gh-pages"
+deploy_branch  = "master"

 ## -- Misc Configs -- ##

@@ -255,10 +255,10 @@ multitask :push do
     system "git add ."
     system "git add -u"
     puts "\n## Commiting: Site updated at #{Time.now.utc}"
-    message = "Site updated at #{Time.now.utc}"
+    message = "Site updated at #{Time.now.utc} [ci skip]"
     system "git commit -m \"#{message}\""
     puts "\n## Pushing generated #{deploy_dir} website"
-    system "git push origin #{deploy_branch} --force"
+    system "git push origin #{deploy_branch} --force --quiet"
     puts "\n## Github Pages deploy complete"
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ task :setup_github_pages, :repo do |t, args|
     puts "(For example, 'git@github.com:your_username/your_username.github.io)"
     repo_url = get_stdin("Repository url: ")
-  user = repo_url.match(/:([^\/]+)/)[1]
+  user = repo_url.match(/[\/:]([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+$/)[1]
   branch = (repo_url.match(/\/[\w-]+\.github\.(?:io|com)/).nil?) ? 'gh-pages' : 'master'
   project = (branch == 'gh-pages') ? repo_url.match(/\/([^\.]+)/)[1] : ''
   unless (`git remote -v` =~ /origin.+?octopress(?:\.git)?/).nil?
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ task :setup_github_pages, :repo do |t, args|
       # If this is a user/organization pages repository, add the correct origin remote
       # and checkout the source branch for committing changes to the blog source.
       system "git remote add origin #{repo_url}"
-      puts "Added remote #{repo_url} as origin"
+      puts "Added remote origin"
       system "git config branch.master.remote origin"
       puts "Set origin as default remote"
       system "git branch -m master source"
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ task :setup_github_pages, :repo do |t, args|
     system "git init"
     system "echo 'My Octopress Page is coming soon &hellip;' > index.html"
     system "git add ."
-    system "git commit -m \"Octopress init\""
+    system "git commit -m \"Octopress init[ci skip]\""
     system "git branch -m gh-pages" unless branch == 'master'
     system "git remote add origin #{repo_url}"
     rakefile = IO.read(__FILE__)
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ task :setup_github_pages, :repo do |t, args|
       f.write rakefile
-  puts "\n---\n## Now you can deploy to #{url} with `rake deploy` ##"
+  puts "\n---\n## Now you can deploy to `rake deploy` ##"

config文件中如下更改, 最后一行

diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 1397f8d..91db12e
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 #      Main Configs       #
 # ----------------------- #

-url: http://yoursite.com
-title: My Octopress Blog
-subtitle: A blogging framework for hackers.
-author: Your Name
+url: http://oyanglul.us
+title: Jichao Ouyang's Journal
+subtitle: Code or Else.
+author: Jichao Ouyang
 simple_search: http://google.com/search
+description: Jichao Ouyang's Journal/Blog/Whatever

 # Default date format is "ordinal" (resulting in "July 22nd 2007")
 # You can customize the format as defined in
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ category_dir: blog/categories
 markdown: rdiscount
 pygments: false # default python pygments have been replaced by pygments.rb

-paginate: 10          # Posts per page on the blog index
+paginate: 12          # Posts per page on the blog index
 pagination_dir: blog  # Directory base for pagination URLs eg. /blog/page/2/
 recent_posts: 5       # Posts in the sidebar Recent Posts section
 excerpt_link: "Read on &rarr;"  # "Continue reading" link text at the bottom of excerpted
 @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ titlecase: true       # Converts page and post titles to titlecase
  # To add custom asides, create files in /source/_includes/custom/asides/ and add them to t
-default_asides: [asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html, asides/delicious.html, asid
+default_asides: [asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html, asides/twitter.html, asides

 # Each layout uses the default asides, but they can have their own asides instead. Simply
 # and add an array with the asides you want to use.
@@ -58,26 +58,38 @@ default_asides: [asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html, asides/d
 # ----------------------- #

Use Org-mode instead of Markdown

当然我并不是说markdown有什么不好的, 完全可以搞定博客的各种格式. 但是作 为emacs用户, 没有神马是org不能搞定的文档工作. 好吧, 不是emacs重度用户 请跳过该节.


  • 更改 rake new_post 使其建立一个org后缀的文件,而不是markdown后缀
  • 更改 rake file 和文章的header
posts_dir   = "_org_posts"
new_post_ext    = "org"  # default new post file extension when using the new_post task
new_page_ext    = "org"  # default new page file extension when using the new_page task
@@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ source_dir      = "source"    # source file directory
 blog_index_dir  = 'source'    # directory for your blog's index page (if you put your index in source/blog/
 deploy_dir      = "_deploy"   # deploy directory (for Github pages deployment)
 stash_dir       = "_stash"    # directory to stash posts for
+posts_dir   = "_org_posts"
 themes_dir      = ".themes"   # directory for blog files
-new_post_ext    = "markdown"  # default new post file extension when using the new_post task
-new_page_ext    = "markdown"  # default new page file extension when using the new_page task
+new_post_ext    = "org"  # default new post file extension when using the new_post task
+new_page_ext    = "org"  # default new page file extension when using the new_page task
 server_port     = "4000"      # port for preview server eg. localhost:4000

@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ task :new_post, :title do |t, args|
   puts "Creating new post: #{filename}"
   open(filename, 'w') do |post|
+    post.puts "#+BEGIN_HTML"
     post.puts "---"
     post.puts "layout: post"
     post.puts "title: \"#{title.gsub(/&/,'&amp;')}\""
@@ -112,6 +114,8 @@ task :new_post, :title do |t, args|
     post.puts "comments: true"
     post.puts "categories: "
     post.puts "---"
+    post.puts "#+END_HTML"
+    post.puts "#+OPTIONS: toc:nil"
  • hook publish html to octopress folder
(setq org-publish-project-alist
   '(("blog" .  (:base-directory "~/Dropbox/octopress/source/_org_posts/"
                 :base-extension "org"
                 :publishing-directory "~/Dropbox/octopress/source/_posts/"
                 :sub-superscript ""
                 :recursive t
                 :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
                 :headline-levels 4
                 :html-extension "markdown"
                 :body-only t))))

为什么要导出 html 到 markdown 的目录呢, 这样有毛好处呢, 为毛不直接转成 markdown. 因为转成markdown后jykll再转成html就会成屎了. 好吧, 直接转成 html格式不会乱.

因此, 前面所说的有些标签就得变成org-mode格式的. 例如 code block 就需要用 #+BEGIN_SRC 来包住而不是 ```, 快捷键 <s TAB


  • org-babel mode 可以让你在 org 中嵌入各种语言的代码
  • 更多快捷键
  • 比markdown更丰富
  • for emacser


[fn:1] http://www.harimenon.com/blog/2013/01/27/auto-deploying-to-my-octopress-blog/

[fn:2] http://rogerz.github.io/

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2013-06-03-how-to-use-octopress-and-write-post-using-org-mode.org hosted with ❤ by

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