排序二叉树的描述也是一个递归的描述, 所以排序二叉树的构造自然也用递归的:
package test.sort; public class BinaryNode { /** * author: sunxing007, * 转载请注明来自http://blog.csdn.net/sunxing007 **/ private int value;//current value private BinaryNode lChild;//left child private BinaryNode rChild;//right child public BinaryNode(int value, BinaryNode l, BinaryNode r){ this.value = value; this.lChild = l; this.rChild = r; } public BinaryNode getLChild() { return lChild; } public void setLChild(BinaryNode child) { lChild = child; } public BinaryNode getRChild() { return rChild; } public void setRChild(BinaryNode child) { rChild = child; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } //iterate all node. public static void iterate(BinaryNode root){ if(root.lChild!=null){ iterate(root.getLChild()); } System.out.print(root.getValue() + ” “); if(root.rChild!=null){ iterate(root.getRChild()); } } /** * add child to the current node to construct a tree. * Time: O( nlog(n) ) * **/ public void addChild(int n){ if(n<value){ if(lChild!=null){ lChild.addChild(n); } else{ lChild = new BinaryNode(n, null, null); } } else{ if(rChild!=null){ rChild.addChild(n); } else{ rChild = new BinaryNode(n, null, null); } } } //test case. public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(); int[] arr = new int[]{23,54,1,65,9,3,100}; BinaryNode root = new BinaryNode(arr[0], null, null); for(int i=1; i<arr.length; i++){ root.addChild(arr[i]); } BinaryNode.iterate(root); } }