ubuntu 装tensorflow出现 conda install ERROR missing write permission错误

通过搜索tensorflow然后运行,例如:$ conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/jjh_cio_testing tensorflow-gpu==1.3.0


CondaIOError: Missing write permissions in: /usr/local/anaconda3
# You don’t appear to have the necessary permissions to install packages
# into the install area ‘/usr/local/anaconda3’.
# However you can clone this environment into your home directory and
# then make changes to it.
# This may be done using the command:
# $ conda create -n my_root –clone=”/usr/local/anaconda3″

问题在于 anaconda所在文件夹只有root 才有权限,而 sudo 对于conda没用,解决方案是修改文件夹权限给当前用户

sudo chown -R usr foldername

比如我的用户名是 adrianna, anaconda 的安装目录是/usr/local/anaconda3:

adrianna@adrianna-ubuntu:~$ sudo chown -R adrianna /usr/local/anaconda3


    原文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/happystudyeveryday/p/10810417.html