顶点属性继承 – Graphx Scala Spark




class VertexProperty()
case class UserProperty(val name: String) extends VertexProperty
case class ProductProperty(val name: String, val price: Double) extends VertexProperty
// The graph might then have the type:
var graph: Graph[VertexProperty, String] = null

在上面的例子中给出了每个UserProperty和ProductProperty的RDD以及EdgeProperty的RDD,如何创建Graph [VertexProperty,String]类型的图形.

最佳答案 这将帮助您创建二分图,其中vertex属性将帮助您了解不同的类类别.


trait Node {   def getVertexID : Long  }

class UserNode(sID: String, sname : String, sAge) extends Node with Serializable { }

class ProductNode(sID: String, sNO : String, sdoe : String) extends Node with Serializable{ }


val users: RDD[Node]  = sc.textFile("users.txt")
                                 .map { row =>  val cols = row.split(",")
                                         ( new UserNode(cols(0), cols(1), cols(2))

val products: RDD[Node]  = sc.textFile("products.txt")
                                 .map { row =>  val cols = row.split(",")
                                        ( new ProductNode(cols(0), cols(1), cols(3)))


 val nodes : RDD[Node] = users.++(products) 