c – OpenGL Bindless纹理函数glMakeTextureHandleNonResident实际上做了什么?


该程序运行,但是gpu的VRAM表现得好像它有一个GC步骤,它以随机的时间间隔清除VRAM.当它这样做时,我的渲染完全冻结,但随后跳到正确的帧,最终回到60 FPS.我很好奇glMakeTextureHandleNonResident实际上并没有在“调用”时将纹理拉出VRAM.有没有人知道GPU正在通过该调用做什么?

GPU:Nvidia 750GT M.

最佳答案 无边纹理基本上在硬件上显示转换表,以便您可以在着色器中使用任意整数(句柄)而不是GL的传统绑定到图像单元机制来引用纹理;它们不允许您直接控制GPU内存驻留.

Sparse textures实际上听起来更像你想要的.请注意,这两件事可以一起使用.



void glMakeImageHandleResidentARB(GLuint64句柄,GLenum访问):

“When an image handle is resident, the texture it references is not necessarily considered resident for the purposes of the AreTexturesResident command.”


(18)   Texture and image handles may be made resident or non-resident. How
does handle residency interact with texture residency queries from
OpenGL 1.1 (glAreTexturesResident or GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT)?


The residency state for texture and image handles in this
extension is completely independent from OpenGL 1.1’s GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT
query. Residency for texture handles is a function of whether the
glMakeTextureHandleResidentARB has been called for the handle. OpenGL 1.1
residency is typically a function of whether the texture data are
resident in GPU-accessible memory.

When a texture handle is not made resident, the texture that it refers
to may or may not be stored in GPU-accessible memory. The
GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT query may return GL_TRUE in this case. However, it does
not guarantee that the texture handle may be used safely.

When a texture handle is made resident, the texture that it refers to is
also considered resident for the purposes of the old GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT
query. When an image handle is resident, the texture that it refers to
may or may not be considered resident for the query — the resident
image handle may refer only to a single layer of a single mipmap level
of the full texture.
