python – Pandas:合并分层数据

我正在寻找一种方法将具有复杂层次结构的数据合并到pandas DataFrame中.这种层次结构是由数据中不同的相互依赖性引起的.例如.有些参数定义了数据是如何产生的,然后是时间相关的可观察量,空间相关的可观测量,以及依赖于时间和空间的可观测量.


#  Parameters
t_max = 2
t_step = 15
sites = 4

# Purely time-dependent
t = np.linspace(0, t_max, t_step)
f_t = t**2 - t

# Purely site-dependent
position = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])  # (x, y)
site_weight = np.arange(sites)

# Time-, and site-dependent.
occupation = np.arange(t_step*sites).reshape((t_step, sites))

# Time-, and site-, site-dependent
correlation = np.arange(t_step*sites*sites).reshape((t_step, sites, sites))


现在,我想将所有这些存入pandas DataFrame.我想最终的结果看起来像这样:

| ----- parameters ----- | -------------------------------- observables --------------------------------- |
|                        |                                        | ---------- time-dependent ----------- |
|                        | ----------- site-dependent --- )       ( ------------------------ |            |
|                        |                                | - site2-dependent - |                         |
| sites | t_max | t_step | site | r_x | r_y | site weight | site2 | correlation | occupation | f_t | time |



如何构造包含所有上述数据的DataFrame,并以某种方式反映相互依赖性(例如f_t取决于时间,但不取决于站点).所有这些都是足够通用的,这样很容易添加或删除某些可观察的,可能有新的相互依赖性. (例如,一个取决于第二个时间轴的数量,如时间 – 时间相关性.)





ind_time = pd.Index(t, name='time')
ind_site = pd.Index(np.arange(sites), name='site')
ind_site_site = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ind_site, ind_site], names=['site', 'site2'])
ind_time_site = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ind_time, ind_site], names=['time', 'site'])
ind_time_site_site = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ind_time, ind_site, ind_site], names=['time', 'site', 'site2'])



df_parms = pd.DataFrame({'t_max': t_max, 't_step': t_step, 'sites': sites}, index=[0])
df_time = pd.DataFrame({'f_t': f_t}, index=ind_time)
df_position = pd.DataFrame(position, columns=['r_x', 'r_y'], index=ind_site)
df_weight = pd.DataFrame(site_weight, columns=['site weight'], index=ind_site)
df_occupation = pd.DataFrame(occupation.flatten(), index=ind_time_site, columns=['occupation'])
df_correlation = pd.DataFrame(correlation.flatten(), index=ind_time_site_site, columns=['correlation'])

df_parms中的index = [0]似乎是必要的,否则Pandas只会抱怨标量值.实际上,我可能会用这个特定模拟运行时间戳来替换它.这至少会传达一些有用的信息.



df_all_but_parms = pd.merge(




pd.concat([df_parms, df_all_but_parms], axis=1, keys=['parameters', 'observables'])


         parameters                 observables                                                                       
              sites  t_max  t_step         time       f_t  site  occupation  site2  correlation  r_x  r_y  site weight
    0             4      2      15     0.000000  0.000000     0           0      0            0    0    0            0
    1           NaN    NaN     NaN     0.000000  0.000000     0           0      1            1    0    0            0
    2           NaN    NaN     NaN     0.000000  0.000000     0           0      2            2    0    0            0
    3           NaN    NaN     NaN     0.000000  0.000000     0           0      3            3    0    0            0
    4           NaN    NaN     NaN     0.142857 -0.122449     0           4      0           16    0    0            0
    ..          ...    ...     ...          ...       ...   ...         ...    ...          ...  ...  ...          ...
    235         NaN    NaN     NaN     1.857143  1.591837     3          55      3          223    1    1            3
    236         NaN    NaN     NaN     2.000000  2.000000     3          59      0          236    1    1            3
    237         NaN    NaN     NaN     2.000000  2.000000     3          59      1          237    1    1            3
    238         NaN    NaN     NaN     2.000000  2.000000     3          59      2          238    1    1            3
    239         NaN    NaN     NaN     2.000000  2.000000     3          59      3          239    1    1            3




感谢Jeff’s answer,我能够将所有数据推送到一个通用合并的数据框架中.基本的想法是,我所有的可观测量都已经有了一些共同的列.即,参数.


all_observables = [ df_time, df_position, df_weight, df_occupation, df_correlation ]
flat = map(pd.DataFrame.reset_index, all_observables)
for df in flat:
    for c in df_parms:
        df[c] = df_parms.loc[0,c]


df_all = reduce(lambda a, b: pd.merge(a, b, how='outer'), flat)


         time       f_t  sites  t_max  t_step  site  r_x  r_y  site weight  occupation  site2  correlation
0    0.000000  0.000000      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           0      0            0
1    0.000000  0.000000      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           0      1            1
2    0.000000  0.000000      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           0      2            2
3    0.000000  0.000000      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           0      3            3
4    0.142857 -0.122449      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           4      0           16
5    0.142857 -0.122449      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           4      1           17
6    0.142857 -0.122449      4      2      15     0    0    0            0           4      2           18
..        ...       ...    ...    ...     ...   ...  ...  ...          ...         ...    ...          ...
233  1.857143  1.591837      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          55      1          221
234  1.857143  1.591837      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          55      2          222
235  1.857143  1.591837      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          55      3          223
236  2.000000  2.000000      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          59      0          236
237  2.000000  2.000000      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          59      1          237
238  2.000000  2.000000      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          59      2          238
239  2.000000  2.000000      4      2      15     3    1    1            3          59      3          239


df_all.set_index(['t_max', 't_step', 'sites', 'time', 'site', 'site2'], inplace=True)


                                             f_t  r_x  r_y  site weight  occupation  correlation
t_max t_step sites time     site site2                                                          
2     15     4     0.000000 0    0      0.000000    0    0            0           0            0
                                 1      0.000000    0    0            0           0            1
                                 2      0.000000    0    0            0           0            2
                                 3      0.000000    0    0            0           0            3
                   0.142857 0    0     -0.122449    0    0            0           4           16
                                 1     -0.122449    0    0            0           4           17
                                 2     -0.122449    0    0            0           4           18
...                                          ...  ...  ...          ...         ...          ...
                   1.857143 3    1      1.591837    1    1            3          55          221
                                 2      1.591837    1    1            3          55          222
                                 3      1.591837    1    1            3          55          223
                   2.000000 3    0      2.000000    1    1            3          59          236
                                 1      2.000000    1    1            3          59          237
                                 2      2.000000    1    1            3          59          238
                                 3      2.000000    1    1            3          59          239

最佳答案 我认为你应该做这样的事情,把df_parms作为你的索引.这样,您可以轻松地使用不同的参数连接更多帧.

In [67]: pd.set_option('max_rows',10)

In [68]: dfx = df_all_but_parms.copy()


In [69]: for c in df_parms.columns:
             dfx[c] = df_parms.loc[0,c]

In [70]: dfx
         time       f_t  site  occupation  site2  correlation  r_x  r_y  site weight  sites  t_max  t_step
0    0.000000  0.000000     0           0      0            0    0    0            0      4      2      15
1    0.000000  0.000000     0           0      1            1    0    0            0      4      2      15
2    0.000000  0.000000     0           0      2            2    0    0            0      4      2      15
3    0.000000  0.000000     0           0      3            3    0    0            0      4      2      15
4    0.142857 -0.122449     0           4      0           16    0    0            0      4      2      15
..        ...       ...   ...         ...    ...          ...  ...  ...          ...    ...    ...     ...
235  1.857143  1.591837     3          55      3          223    1    1            3      4      2      15
236  2.000000  2.000000     3          59      0          236    1    1            3      4      2      15
237  2.000000  2.000000     3          59      1          237    1    1            3      4      2      15
238  2.000000  2.000000     3          59      2          238    1    1            3      4      2      15
239  2.000000  2.000000     3          59      3          239    1    1            3      4      2      15

[240 rows x 12 columns]


In [71]: dfx.set_index(['sites','t_max','t_step'])
                        time       f_t  site  occupation  site2  correlation  r_x  r_y  site weight
sites t_max t_step                                                                                 
4     2     15      0.000000  0.000000     0           0      0            0    0    0            0
            15      0.000000  0.000000     0           0      1            1    0    0            0
            15      0.000000  0.000000     0           0      2            2    0    0            0
            15      0.000000  0.000000     0           0      3            3    0    0            0
            15      0.142857 -0.122449     0           4      0           16    0    0            0
...                      ...       ...   ...         ...    ...          ...  ...  ...          ...
            15      1.857143  1.591837     3          55      3          223    1    1            3
            15      2.000000  2.000000     3          59      0          236    1    1            3
            15      2.000000  2.000000     3          59      1          237    1    1            3
            15      2.000000  2.000000     3          59      2          238    1    1            3
            15      2.000000  2.000000     3          59      3          239    1    1            3

[240 rows x 9 columns]