int lou_translateString (
const char * tableList,
const widechar * inbuf,
int *inlen,
widechar *outbuf,
int *outlen,
char *typeform,
char *spacing,
int mode);
[DllImport("liblouis-2.dll", EntryPoint = "lou_translateString", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
public static extern int translate([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
String tableList,
String inbuf,
int inlen,
String outbuf,
int outlen,
String typeform,
String spacing,
int mode);
(Int32 / UInt32必须与I4或U4配对)
This function takes a string of 16-bit Unicode characters in inbuf and
translates it into a string of 16-bit characters in outbuf.The tableList parameter points to a list of translation tables
separated by commas.Note that both the *inlen and *outlen parameters are pointers to
integers. When the function is called, these integers contain the
maximum input and output lengths, respectively. When it returns, they
are set to the actual lengths used.The typeform parameter is used to indicate italic type, boldface type,
computer braille, etc. It is a string of characters with the same
length as the input buffer pointed to by *inbuf. However, it is used
to pass back character-by-character results, so enough space must be
provided to match the *outlen parameter. Each character indicates the
typeform of the corresponding character in the input buffer. The
values are as follows: 0 plain-text; 1 italic; 2 bold; 4 underline; 8
computer braille. These values can be added for multiple emphasis. If
this parameter is NULL, no checking for type forms is done. In
addition, if this parameter is not NULL, it is set on return to have
an 8 at every position corresponding to a character in outbuf which
was defined to have a dot representation containing dot 7, dot 8 or
both, and to 0 otherwise.The spacing parameter is used to indicate differences in spacing
between the input string and the translated output string. It is also
of the same length as the string pointed to by *inbuf. If this
parameter is NULL, no spacing information is computed.The mode parameter specifies how the translation should be done.
The function returns 1 if no errors were encountered and 0 if a
complete translation could not be done.
StringBuilder outbuf = new StringBuilder("Test", 30);
int inlength = 100;
int louint = 0;
int outlength = 100;
String inbuf = "test";
louint = lou_translateString("de-de-g1.ctb", inbuf, inlen: ref inlength, outbuf: outbuf, outlen: ref outlength, typeform: null, spacing: null, mode: 8);
最佳答案 返回值MarshalAs错了.返回值是int而不是字符串.这解释了错误,但还有更多.你的pinvoke声明的其余部分有错误.我会这样做:
[DllImport("liblouis-2.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern int lou_translateString(
string tableList,
string inbuf,
ref int inlen,
StringBuilder outbuf,
ref int outlen,
StringBuilder typeform,
StringBuilder spacing,
int mode
必须将从函数编组的文本缓冲区声明为StringBuilder.你还有其他一些错误.将int *转换为ref int.