Advent of Code problem,我发现我的默认Python比PyPy慢了约40倍.通过限制对len的调用并通过在函数中运行来限制全局查找,我能够通过
this code将其降低到大约17倍.
现在,e.py在python 3.6.3上以5.162秒运行,在我的机器上在PyPy上运行.297秒.
我的问题是:这是JIT的不可缩短的加速,还是有某种方法可以加速CPython的回答? (没有极端的意思:我可以去Cython / Numba或其他什么?)我如何说服自己,我无能为力?
如the problem statement所述,它们代表跳跃偏移. position = offsets [current],并将当前偏移量增加1.当跳转将您带到列表外时,您就完成了.
(0) 3 0 1 -3 - before we have taken any steps.
(1) 3 0 1 -3 - jump with offset 0 (that is, don't jump at all). Fortunately, the instruction is then incremented to 1.
2 (3) 0 1 -3 - step forward because of the instruction we just modified. The first instruction is incremented again, now to 2.
2 4 0 1 (-3) - jump all the way to the end; leave a 4 behind.
2 (4) 0 1 -2 - go back to where we just were; increment -3 to -2.
2 5 0 1 -2 - jump 4 steps forward, escaping the maze.
def run(cmds):
location = 0
counter = 0
while 1:
cmd = cmds[location]
if cmd >= 3:
cmds[location] -= 1
cmds[location] += 1
location += cmd
if location < 0:
counter += 1
if __name__=="__main__":
text = open("input.txt").read().strip().split("\n")
cmds = [int(cmd) for cmd in text]
编辑:最好的Cython I could write下降到1.32s,略高于4x pypy
编辑:按照@viraptor的建议,将cmd变量移动到cdef中,使Cython降低到.157秒!几乎快了整整一个数量级,而且距离常规python不远.尽管如此,我对PyPy JIT的印象非常深刻,PyPy JIT完全免费完成了这一切!
最佳答案 作为Python的基线,我用C编写了这个(然后决定使用C来实现更方便的数组I / O).它使用clang有效地编译x86-64.在Skylake x86上运行速度比问题代码CPython3.6.2快82倍,因此即使速度更快的Python版本仍然有几个因素可以跟上接近最佳的机器代码. (是的,我查看了编译器的asm输出,以检查它是否做得很好).
更新:将偏移数组转换为指针数组会将其加速另一个因子1.5倍(简单的寻址模式从关键路径循环承载的依赖链中删除一个加法,将其简化为4 cycle L1D load-use latency以实现简单的寻址模式,而不是6c = 5c 1c).但我认为我们可以对Python很慷慨而不期望它跟上算法转换以适应现代CPU:P(特别是因为我使用32位指针即使在64位模式下也能确保4585元素阵列仍然只有18kiB所以它适合32kiB L1D缓存.)
此外,更新的替代表达式获取gcc以将其编译为无分支. (注释掉了,并且在这个答案中留下了原始的perf stat输出,因为看到无分支与具有错误预测的分支的影响很有意思.)
unsigned jumps(int offset[], unsigned size) {
unsigned location = 0;
unsigned counter = 0;
do {
//location += offset[location]++; // simple version
int off = offset[location];
offset[location] += (off>=3) ? -1 : 1; // "conditional" version
// offset[location] = (off>=3) ? off-1 : off+1; // branchless with gcc and clang.
location += off;
} while (location < size);
return counter;
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); // makes cin faster
std::istream_iterator<int> begin(std::cin), dummy;
std::vector<int> values(begin, dummy);
unsigned count = jumps(values.data(), values.size());
std::cout << count << '\n';
使用clang4.0.1 -O3 -march = skylake,内部循环是无分支的;它对> = 3条件使用条件移动.我用了 ? :因为那是我希望编译器能做到的. Source + asm on the Godbolt compiler explorer
.LBB1_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov ebx, edi ; silly compiler: extra work inside the loop to save code outside
mov esi, dword ptr [rax + 4*rbx] ; off = offset[location]
cmp esi, 2
mov ecx, 1
cmovg ecx, r8d ; ecx = (off>=3) ? -1 : 1; // r8d = -1 (set outside the loop)
add ecx, esi ; off += -1 or 1
mov dword ptr [rax + 4*rbx], ecx ; store back the updated off
add edi, esi ; location += off (original value)
add edx, 1 ; counter++
cmp edi, r9d
jb .LBB1_4 ; unsigned compare against array size
这是perf stat ./a.out
21841249 # correct total, matches Python
Performance counter stats for './a.out':
36.843436 task-clock (msec) # 0.997 CPUs utilized
0 context-switches # 0.000 K/sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
119 page-faults # 0.003 M/sec
143,680,934 cycles # 3.900 GHz
245,059,492 instructions # 1.71 insn per cycle
22,654,670 branches # 614.890 M/sec
20,171 branch-misses # 0.09% of all branches
0.036953258 seconds time elapsed
从int更改为short没有性能下降(如预期; movsx
has the same latency as mov
on Skylake),但是内存消耗减半,因此如果需要,更大的数组可以适合L1D缓存.
我尝试将数组编译到程序中(作为int offsets [] = {添加了逗号的文件内容};因此不必读取和解析它.它还使大小成为编译时常量.这减少了运行时间到~36.2 / – 0.1毫秒,低于~36.8,所以从文件读取的版本仍然花费大部分时间是实际问题,而不是解析输入.
如前所述,使用简单的寻址模式(如[rdi]而不是[rdi rdx * 4])进行指针追踪具有1c的较低延迟,并避免添加(index = offset变为current = target).英特尔,因为IvyBridge在寄存器之间具有零延迟整数运动,因此不会延长关键路径.这是the source (with comments) + asm for this hacky optimization.典型的运行(文本解析为std :: vector):23.26 – 0.05 ms,90.725 M个周期(3.900 GHz),288.724 M个指令(3.18 IPC).有趣的是,它实际上是更多的总指令,但由于循环携带的依赖链的延迟较低,因此运行速度更快.
gcc使用分支,速度大约慢2倍. (根据整个程序中的perf stat,14%的分支被错误预测.它只是作为更新值的一部分进行分支,但分支未命中使管道停止,因此它们也会影响关键路径,因为数据依赖性不在此处这似乎是优化器的糟糕决定.)
将条件重写为offset [location] =(off> = 3)? off-1:off 1;说服gcc用asm看起来很好看.
gcc7.1.1 -O3 -march = skylake(用于编译分支的原始源(off< = 3)?: – 1:1).
Performance counter stats for './ec-gcc':
70.032162 task-clock (msec) # 0.998 CPUs utilized
0 context-switches # 0.000 K/sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
118 page-faults # 0.002 M/sec
273,115,485 cycles # 3.900 GHz
255,088,412 instructions # 0.93 insn per cycle
44,382,466 branches # 633.744 M/sec
6,230,137 branch-misses # 14.04% of all branches
0.070181924 seconds time elapsed
与CPython(Arch Linux上的Python3.6.2):
perf stat python ./orig-v2.e.py
Performance counter stats for 'python ./orig-v2.e.py':
3046.703831 task-clock (msec) # 1.000 CPUs utilized
10 context-switches # 0.003 K/sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
923 page-faults # 0.303 K/sec
11,880,130,860 cycles # 3.899 GHz
38,731,286,195 instructions # 3.26 insn per cycle
8,489,399,768 branches # 2786.421 M/sec
18,666,459 branch-misses # 0.22% of all branches
3.046819579 seconds time elapsed