css – 标题只能定义一次


h4 {
    color: red;

.archive h4 {
    color: green;

请记住,我已经在设计的其他地方使用了h1 – h6样式.


h4 {
    color: red;

.archive-header {
    color: green;


最佳答案 >为了解决它,确定…你的解决方案应该工作得很好.

> CSS Lint警告它,因为你不应该以不同的方式设置相同的标题.这是
article talking more about the subject的一点摘录:

When styling headings (or really anything) we want three big goals to be met:

  1. DRY – Do not repeat yourself. We want to set headings once and never (ok, rarely!) repeat those font styles or selectors. This will make our site easier to maintain.
  2. Predictable – The heading should look the same no matter where on the page it is placed. This will make creating new pages and content easier.
  3. Keep specificity low and selectors as simple as possible. This will help with performance and keep the site from growing more and more tangled over time.

  >没有性能打击.如果有的话,使用类名而不是标签甚至可能是better.您提出的解决方案几乎是how to make your website faster by Google的教科书推荐.
