c – 调用函数并传递存储在元组中的参数?


> Pass tuple’s content as variadic function arguments
> How do I expand a tuple into variadic template function’s arguments?


#include <functional>

template < int N, typename... ARGS >
struct apply_func {
   static void applyTuple( std::function<void(ARGS...)>& f,
                          const std::tuple<ARGS...>& t,
                          ARGS... args ) {
    apply_func<N-1>::applyTuple( f, t, std::get<N-1>( t ), args... );

template <typename... ARGS>
struct apply_func<0,ARGS...>
  static void applyTuple( std::function<void(ARGS...)>& f,
                          const std::tuple<ARGS...>& /* t */,
                          ARGS... args ) {
    f( args... );

template < typename... ARGS >
void applyTuple( std::function<void(ARGS...)>& f,
                 std::tuple<ARGS...> const& t ) {
   apply_func<sizeof...(ARGS), ARGS...>::applyTuple( f, t );

template<typename... ARGS>
class Foo
    std::function<void(ARGS...)> m_f;
    std::tuple<ARGS...> *argument_pack;

    Foo(std::function<void(ARGS...)> f):m_f(f){}
    void operator()(ARGS... args);
    void run();


template<typename... ARGS>
void Foo<ARGS...>::operator()(ARGS... args)
    m_f(args...); // this works

template<typename... ARGS>
void Foo<ARGS...>::run()
    applyTuple<ARGS...>(m_f, *argument_pack); // this doesn't compile

void bar(int i, double d){}

int main(void)
    Foo<int,double> foo(bar);
    foo(1,1.0); // this works
    foo.run(); // this doesn't compile

如果使用’g -std = c 0x’进行编译,则最后一行的下一行将显示以下错误:

    test.cc: In function ‘void applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with ARGS = {int, double}]’:
test.cc:52:9:   instantiated from ‘void Foo<ARGS>::run() [with ARGS = {int, double}]’
test.cc:61:17:   instantiated from here
test.cc:27:8: error: no matching function for call to ‘apply_func<2, int, double>::applyTuple(std::function<void(int, double)>&, const std::tuple<int, double>&)’
test.cc:27:8: note: candidate is:
test.cc:6:19: note: static void apply_func<N, ARGS>::applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&, ARGS ...) [with int N = 2, ARGS = {int, double}]
test.cc:6:19: note:   candidate expects 4 arguments, 2 provided
test.cc: In static member function ‘static void apply_func<N, ARGS>::applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&, ARGS ...) [with int N = 2, ARGS = {int, double}]’:
test.cc:27:8:   instantiated from ‘void applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with ARGS = {int, double}]’
test.cc:52:9:   instantiated from ‘void Foo<ARGS>::run() [with ARGS = {int, double}]’
test.cc:61:17:   instantiated from here
test.cc:9:9: error: no matching function for call to ‘apply_func<1>::applyTuple(std::function<void(int, double)>&, const std::tuple<int, double>&, const double&, int&, double&)’
test.cc:9:9: note: candidate is:
test.cc:6:19: note: static void apply_func<N, ARGS>::applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&, ARGS ...) [with int N = 1, ARGS = {}]
test.cc:6:19: note:   candidate expects 2 arguments, 5 provided
test.cc: In static member function ‘static void apply_func<N, ARGS>::applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&, ARGS ...) [with int N = 1, ARGS = {}]’:
test.cc:9:9:   instantiated from ‘static void apply_func<N, ARGS>::applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&, ARGS ...) [with int N = 2, ARGS = {int, double}]’
test.cc:27:8:   instantiated from ‘void applyTuple(std::function<void(ARGS ...)>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with ARGS = {int, double}]’
test.cc:52:9:   instantiated from ‘void Foo<ARGS>::run() [with ARGS = {int, double}]’
test.cc:61:17:   instantiated from here
test.cc:9:9: error: no matching function for call to ‘get(const std::tuple<>&)’
test.cc:9:9: note: candidates are:
/usr/include/c++/4.6/utility:133:5: note: template<long unsigned int _Int, class _Tp1, class _Tp2> typename std::tuple_element<_Int, std::pair<_Tp1, _Tp2> >::type& std::get(std::pair<_Tp1, _Tp2>&)
/usr/include/c++/4.6/utility:138:5: note: template<long unsigned int _Int, class _Tp1, class _Tp2> const typename std::tuple_element<_Int, std::pair<_Tp1, _Tp2> >::type& std::get(const std::pair<_Tp1, _Tp2>&)
/usr/include/c++/4.6/tuple:531:5: note: template<long unsigned int __i, class ... _Elements> typename std::__add_ref<typename std::tuple_element<__i, std::tuple<_Elements ...> >::type>::type std::get(std::tuple<_Elements ...>&)
/usr/include/c++/4.6/tuple:538:5: note: template<long unsigned int __i, class ... _Elements> typename std::__add_c_ref<typename std::tuple_element<__i, std::tuple<_Elements ...> >::type>::type std::get(const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&)


最佳答案 我认为问题是applyTuple将对元组的引用作为其第二个参数:

template < typename... ARGS >
void applyTuple( std::function<void(ARGS...)>& f,
                 std::tuple<ARGS...> const& t ) {
   apply_func<sizeof...(ARGS), ARGS...>::applyTuple( f, t );


std::tuple<ARGS...> *argument_pack;


applyTuple<ARGS...>(m_f, *argument_pack);


