android – 旋转谷歌地图而不是MapView





最佳答案 确保您没有违反Google地图服务条款;


10.2 Restrictions on the Types of Applications that You are Permitted to Build with the Maps API(s). Except as explicitly
permitted in Section 8 (Licenses from Google to You) or the Maps APIs
Documentation, you must not (nor may you permit anyone else to) do any
of the following:

(a) No “Wrapping.” You must not create or offer a “wrapper” for the
Service, unless you obtain Google’s written consent to do so. For
example, you are not permitted to: (i) use or provide any part of the
Service or Content (such as map imagery, geocoding, directions,
places, or terrain data) in an API that you offer to others; or (ii)
create a Maps API Implementation that reimplements or duplicates
Google Maps. For clarity, you are not “wrapping” the Service if your
Maps API Implementation provides substantial additional features or
content beyond Google Maps/Google Earth, and those additional features
or content constitute the primary defining characteristic of your Maps
API Implementation.

(b) No Business, Residential, or Telephone Listings Services. You must
not display business listings Content in any Maps API Implementation
that has the primary purpose of making available business, residential
address, or telephone directory listings.

(c) No Navigation, Autonomous Vehicle Control, or Enterprise
Applications. You must not use the Service or Content with any
products, systems, or applications for or in connection with any of
the following:

(i) real time navigation or route guidance, including but not limited
to turn-by-turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of
a user’s sensor-enabled device.

(ii) any systems or functions for automatic or autonomous control of
vehicle behavior; or

(iii) enterprise dispatch, fleet management, business asset tracking
or similar applications. If you want to engage in enterprise dispatch,
fleet management, business asset tracking, or similar applications,
please contact the Google Maps API Premier sales team to obtain a
Google enterprise license. (If you are offering a non-enterprise
implementation, you may use the Google Maps API(s) to track assets
such as cars, buses or other vehicles, as long as your tracking
application is made available to the public without charge. For
example, you may offer a free, public Maps API Implementation that
displays real-time public transit or other transportation status
