

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
        #main {height: 1%; overflow: auto;}
        #main, #header, #footer {width: 768px; margin: auto;}
        #bodycopy { float: right; width: 598px; }
        #sidebar {margin-right: 608px; }
        #footer {clear: both; }
    <div id="header" style='background-color: #AAAAAA'>This is the header.</div>
    <div id="main" style='background-color: #EEEEEE'>
        <div id="bodycopy" style='background-color: #BBBBBB'>
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
            This is the principal content.<br />
        <div id="sidebar" style='background-color: #CCCCCC'>
            This is the sidebar.
    <div id="footer" style='background-color: #DDDDDD'>This is the footer.</div>


最佳答案 这与IE6 / 7中出现的
hasLayout错误有关.高度:1%是常见修复之一.其他的是缩放:1; (不在CSS中验证)和overflow:auto;.

因此,如果你删除两个高度:1%;和溢出:auto;然后IE6 / 7可能会受到hasLayout错误的影响.您是否会看到差异取决于模板的未来发展.
