
1.对象的锁 所有对象都自动含有单一的锁。 JVM负责跟踪对象被加锁的次数。如果一个对象被解锁,其计数变为0。在任务(线程)第一次给对象加锁的时候,计数变为1。每当这个相同的任务(线程)在此对象上获得锁时,计数会递增。 只有首先获得锁的任务(线程)才能继续获取该对象上的多个锁。 每当任务离开一个synchronized方法,计数递减,当计数为0的时候,锁被完全释放,此时别的任务就可以使用此资源。
2.synchronized同步块 2.1同步到单一对象锁 当使用同步块时,如果方法下的同步块都同步到一个对象上的锁,则所有的任务(线程)只能互斥的进入这些同步块。 Resource1.java演示了三个线程(包括main线程)试图进入某个类的三个不同的方法的同步块中,虽然这些同步块处在不同的方法中,但由于是同步到同一个对象(当前对象

package  com.zj.lock; import  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;   public   class  Resource1 {      public   void  f() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in f()” );         synchronized  ( this ) {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in f()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        }     }        public   void  g() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in g()” );         synchronized  ( this ) {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in g()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        }     }        public   void  h() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in h()” );         synchronized  ( this ) {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in h()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        }     }        public   static   void  main(String[] args) {         final  Resource1 rs =  new  Resource1();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.f();            }        }.start();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.g();            }        }.start();          rs.h();     } }

Thread-0:not synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:not synchronized in h()
Thread-1:not synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h() 2.2 同步到多个对象锁 Resource1.java演示了三个线程(包括main线程)试图进入某个类的三个不同的方法的同步块中,这些同步块处在不同的方法中,并且是同步到三个不同的对象(



package  com.zj.lock; import  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;   public   class  Resource2 {      private  Object  syncObject1  =  new  Object();      private  Object  syncObject2  =  new  Object();        public   void  f() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in f()” );         synchronized  ( this ) {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in f()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        }     }        public   void  g() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in g()” );         synchronized  ( syncObject1 ) {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in g()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        }     }        public   void  h() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in h()” );         synchronized  ( syncObject2 ) {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in h()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        }     }        public   static   void  main(String[] args) {         final  Resource2 rs =  new  Resource2();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.f();            }        }.start();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.g();            }        }.start();          rs.h();     } }

Thread-0:not synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:not synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:not synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
3.Lock对象锁 除了使用synchronized外,还可以使用Lock对象来创建临界区。Resource3.java的演示效果同;Resource4.java的演示效果同。

package  com.zj.lock; import  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import  java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import  java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;   public   class  Resource3 {      private  Lock  lock  =  new  ReentrantLock();        public   void  f() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in f()” );         lock .lock();         try  {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in f()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        finally  {             lock .unlock();        }     }        public   void  g() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in g()” );         lock .lock();         try  {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in g()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        finally  {             lock .unlock();        }     }        public   void  h() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in h()” );         lock .lock();         try  {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in h()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        finally  {             lock .unlock();        }     }        public   static   void  main(String[] args) {         final  Resource3 rs =  new  Resource3();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.f();            }        }.start();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.g();            }        }.start();          rs.h();     } }

Thread-0:not synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:not synchronized in h()
Thread-1:not synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()

package  com.zj.lock; import  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import  java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import  java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;   public   class  Resource4 {      private  Lock  lock1  =  new  ReentrantLock();      private  Lock  lock2  =  new  ReentrantLock();      private  Lock  lock3  =  new  ReentrantLock();        public   void  f() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in f()” );         lock1 .lock();         try  {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in f()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        finally  {             lock1 .unlock();        }     }        public   void  g() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in g()” );         lock2 .lock();         try  {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in g()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        finally  {             lock2 .unlock();        }     }        public   void  h() {         // other operations should not be locked…        System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()               “:not synchronized in h()” );         lock3 .lock();         try  {             for  ( int  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {               System. out .println(Thread.currentThread().getName()                      “:synchronized in h()” );                try  {                   TimeUnit. SECONDS .sleep(3);               catch  (InterruptedException e) {                   e.printStackTrace();               }            }        finally  {             lock3 .unlock();        }     }        public   static   void  main(String[] args) {         final  Resource4 rs =  new  Resource4();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.f();            }        }.start();           new  Thread() {             public   void  run() {               rs.g();            }        }.start();          rs.h();     } }

Thread-0:not synchronized in f()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:not synchronized in h()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:not synchronized in g()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()
Thread-0:synchronized in f()
main:synchronized in h()
Thread-1:synchronized in g()


Lock 的锁定是通过代码实现的,而 synchronized 是在 JVM 层面上实现的
synchronized 在锁定时如果方法块抛出异常,JVM 会自动将锁释放掉,不会因为出了异常没有释放锁造成线程死锁。但是 Lock 的话就享受不到 JVM 带来自动的功能,出现异常时必须在 finally 将锁释放掉,否则将会引起死锁。



