swift – 我怎么能尽可能地从OSX上最前面的窗口/文档中获取所有文本?




tell the frontmost application
    get contents of frontmost window as text
end tell

最佳答案 您是否尝试获取特定应用程序的所有UI元素?

set appname to "System Preferences" -------------------------- Set this to the App you want to look at

display dialog "Set the app you want to look at" default answer "System Preferences" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set appname to text returned of result

set winstuff to "defaultval"
set menustuff to "defaultval"

tell application appname
end tell

delay 0.5

tell application "System Events"
    tell process appname
        set winstuff to entire contents of front window
        set menustuff to entire contents of menu bar 1
    end tell
end tell
--return winstuff & "\r\r\r\r" & menustuff -- comment this out to get just winstuff
return winstuff -- comment this out too to get just menustuff
--return menustuff