template <typename T>
CVector3<T> UConeSample(T u1, T u2, T costhetamax,
const CVector3<T>& x, const CVector3<T>& y, const CVector3<T>& z) {
T costheta = Math::Lerp(u1, costhetamax, T(1));
T sintheta = sqrtf(T(1) - costheta*costheta);
T phi = u2 * T(2) * T(M_PI);
return cosf(phi) * sintheta * x +
sinf(phi) * sintheta * y +
costheta * z;
我正在从van Der Corput序列生成随机浮点u1,u2值.
CPoint3<float> CSphere::Sample(const CLightSample& ls, const CPoint3<float>& p, CVector3<float> *n) const {
// translate object to world space
CPoint3<float> pCentre = o2w(CPoint3<float>(0.0f));
CVector3<float> wc = Vector::Normalize(pCentre - p);
CVector3<float> wcx, wcy;
//create local coordinate system from wc for uniform sample cone
Vector::CoordinateSystem(wc, &wcx, &wcy);
//check if inside, epsilon val. this is true?
if (Point::DistSquare(p, pCentre) - radius*radius < 1e-4f)
return Sample(ls, n);
// Else outside evaluate cosinus theta value
float sinthetamax2 = radius * radius / Point::DistSquare(p, pCentre);
float costhetamax = sqrtf(Math::Max(0.0f, 1.0f - sinthetamax2));
// Surface properties
CSurfaceProps dg_sphere;
float thit, ray_epsilon;
CPoint3<float> ps;
//create ray direction from sampled point then send ray to sphere
CRay ray(p, Vector::UConeSample(ls.u1, ls.u2, costhetamax, wcx, wcy, wc), 1e-3f);
// Check intersection against sphere, fill surface properties and calculate hit point
if (!Intersect(ray, &thit, &ray_epsilon, &dg_sphere))
thit = Vector::Dot(pCentre - p, Vector::Normalize(ray.d));
// Evaluate surface normal
ps = ray(thit);
*n = CVector3<float>(Vector::Normalize(ps - pCentre));
//return sample point
return ps;
最佳答案 我解决了这个问题.
>问题是由轻样本类中的RNG “Random Number Generator”算法引起的(需要分布均匀的u1,u2:low discrepancy sampling).
光线跟踪需要更复杂的RNG(其中一个“The Mersenne Twister”伪随机数发生器)和良好的混洗算法.