
DF175翻译对比:瘦馬行(杜甫/Du Fu)

a. Ode to Scrawny Horse

b. The Gaunt Horse: A Ballad

a. translated by alexcwlin/edited by Adam Lam

b. translated by哈佛大学的宇文所安教授(Prof. Stephen Owen)


a. I feel sorry for a scrawny horse at countryside out east.

b. On the eastern meadows a gaunt horse caused me to feel pain,


a. Its bone frame protrudes outward like a rugged wall.

b. the frame of its bones jutted rugged like a fence or wall.


a. In restricting its movements by hobbles, it sways side to side vigorously.

b. They had hobbled it, and, wanting to move, it leaned over still more,


a. Does that mean it still has desire to resume galloping?

b. could this be because it had intention to leap once again into the fray?


a. In looking closely at its branding, there are six government markings.

b. Looking closely at the brands, it bears official markings,


a. Many say the three army units abandoned it by wayside

b. and everyone says that the Grand Army left it by the roadside.


a. Its grimed hide is parched and peeled off.

b. Its hide is dry and peeling, mixed with mud and mire,


a. Tangled with frosty snow, its manes look dull and lifeless.

b. its hair is dark and bedraggled, linked with splotches of frost and snow.


a. Last year it was busy chasing residual rebels in many places.

b. Last year in a rushing wave they chased the last rebels,


a. A good steed is not used to not leading charges.

b. if a fine steed was not well trained, they could not take it along.


a. Low-ranking soldiers ride horses from inner stables.

b. Common soldiers often rode horses from palace stables,


a. Sadly I’m afraid it is a good but sick mount.

b. and I am depressed to think this might be a sick Chenghuang.


a. At the time it stumbled and fell while galloping in full speed.

b. Back then as bounding past a clod you slipped and fell,


a. You can never guard against such a cause in abandonment.

b. being abandoned was not something you were able to prevent.


a. It looks at people with a long face as if it wants to tell its sad story.

b. Seeing me, it looks woebegone as if complaining of its sorrows,


a. Without its master, it is lost, confused, and dispirited,

b. loosing its master, gloomy, without a gleam in the eye.


a. In cold weather, it is exiled far away where wild geese keep it company.

b. When the weather is cold, it will graze afar, with wild geese as companions,


a. If it doesn’t get indoors by sunset, crows will peck at its sores.

b. at sunset it will not be brought in, crows will peck at its wounds.


a. Which family would, in the end, show mercy and look after it?

b. Who will care for it the while, be willing to keep showing it kindness?—


a. Then when spring grass grows next year we’ll take a look at it again.

b. then take a look again next year when the spring grasses grow tall.



    原文地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/33273861