
Why do people around the world keep asking the Chinese and Japanese to abandon their logographic system for an alphabet?

本文是翻译Quora中一个外国友人的回答,等孩子下课的时候在车内随手翻译,可能存在诸多不准确的地方,请见谅。(并不代表我同意或者反对原作者观点) 标题意译,因为知乎对字数有限制

Kazuho Umie (海江一帆), Non-Japanese| Live in Japan| Major in Economics| UTokyo

Answered Nov 6, 2017

I would say it’s a kind of ignorance, maybe with a bit arrogance.


About a century ago, there were even Japanese and Chinese people thought they should abandon Kanji mainly for two reasons. First, for Japanese people that times, Kanji was a foreign elements from an old undeveloped country, it was a shame for them. For Chinese people that times, similar with Japanese, a part of Chinese intellectuals showed negative attitude toward traditional culture. They blamed Kanji for preventing ordinary people from knowledge. I conclude this reason as “historical reason”.


Then Kanji was indeed difficult to learn and write. However Kanji had made a compromise with it. Both Japan and China simplified their Kanji. I will show you some examples.




Also, with the help of modern technology, writing speed and printing issues are not problems anymore. So, nowadays there are almost no such voices in mainstream anymore in Japan and China.


On the other hand, there are always western people ask or even forced us to abandon Kanji.


After WWII, GHQ wanted to force Japan abandon Kanji. They claimed that 85% of Japanese will not be able to read newspaper which was delaying the democratization of Japan. Under the order of GHQ, reading and writing tests were held around the whole nation in 1948. The result of survey showed that the literacy rate was 98% which far higher than GHQ’s expectation. In the end, they couldn’t help giving up this plan.


Nowadays, we still can find a small part of people keep asking for abandoning Kanji. They said “Don’t write Kanji, the kids can’t read them!” or “If you abandon Kanji, there will be more people want to move to Japan. ” .etc To be honest, these words sound so ridiculous to local people and totally nonsense. I wonder if they can speak Japanese which I guess not. However, one thing for sure, their attitude will not be welcomed by Japanese people. Japanese people welcome tourists and try their best to satisfy them, but they hate foreign people interfere their own business. Not to mention average Japanese people have a negative attitude towards so called “immigrants”.


Michael J Findley, BA Bible 1979, MA Church History 1981 from Bob Jones University (1981)

Answered Nov 6, 2017

The real issue is communicating with computers. Any nonASCI language is a problem. That includes Hebrew, Dravidian, Arabic, and even cuneiform based languuages. Just remember that the computer should be the tool which adapts. It should not be be the master.

真正的问题是与计算机之间的通讯,任何非ASCII 语言有问题。这包括希伯来语、德拉威语、阿拉伯语甚至基于楔形文字的语言。请记住,计算机应该是工具去适应语言,不应该以满足它为主。

Frank Zako, Mental traveler

Answered Feb 22

No need to worry, there will a lot people learning Chinese in next 50 years.

There is another sacred layer of Chinese language regarding the science and technology of Daoism (nothing to do with religion) that will take another 30 years for the world to start to understand. Most Chinese don’t even know about this. All key elements of Chinese culture are unintentional low quality reprints of it.



Jamie Oglethorpe, I like to improve my word power

Answered Nov 8, 2017

I don’t think anybody is asking any such thing. Well, maybe software designers who have to deal with those languages. Their parochial needs can safely be ignored.


The fact is that the telegraph and computers were invented by societies with alphabetic writing. It is impossible to send telegrams if all you had was Kanji. With 30 symbols at most it is obvious. Similarly, early computers were only possible with a very limited number of symbols.


The availability of computers made Chinese and Japanese symbolic processing possible. Naturally recording the symbols as a series of brush strokes, makes such text almost as linear as Western text.


So the answer is that nobody else cares. We have catered for their needs with Unicode, so they can get on with it.


    原文地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/44671860