Speak in tones that I can't hear

Irreparably in love with you, make myself humble

Can not see you, but can not control think of you

Why is our love road so hard

Maybe what we’ve been through will turn out to be nothing

A lot of thoughts can only say to myself

I just don’t want to live so humbly anymore

I told myself that I should stop going to nostalgia

Speak in tones that I can’t hear

No matter whether you have the courage to face it or not, you can only face it bravely

For better or worse, the way can only be understood by own heart

I couldn’t fight anymore , because I lost you in a sea of people

Perhaps fate is over, but I never understand what is fate

Struggled for many years, still can’t really forget you

But I just want to change my lifestyle

If it is said that life played a joke on me, I also want to smile to complete my own road

Maybe I have been weak, but that’s just once

    原文地址: https://www.jianshu.com/p/829515c3f3f5