creed cred = believe . trust
fore fort strong
clear clar Clair clear bright
err wander mistake
Sol sun
crus cruc crux cross (十字形,交叉)
lav luv lut wash
fall fail fault err deceive
pend pens pond weight expend
acid acri acrid acu sour sharp
sid sit
hibit hold
opt opto sight
nomin name
vac van void empty
sati satis satur enough full of food
vibr swing
coct cook
am amor amat love
cur care
migr remove
turb stir
culp fault
viv vit vig life
hor horr shudder dread
null none
sect seg cut divide
sens sent feel
ped foot
terr eartth
gam marriage
fin end boundary
sper hope
tact tag tig ting touch
pel puls drive push
pen pun punish
fract break
doc doct to teach
fid trust faith
per try
ras rad scrape
spect spic look see
rid ris laugh
astro aster star