添加和删​​除行的Git log –pretty = format?


git log --pretty="format: %added %removed %cd"

据我所知,这些标志的格式不可用:< string>.

我已经阅读了the documentation并且它似乎不存在,但似乎包括我很想知道我是否遗漏了一些东西.

最佳答案 如果您需要编写脚本以显示所需内容,则显示
git log中每个文件添加/删除的行的最近的本机git命令是:

git log --pretty=tformat: --numstat



Similar to --stat, but shows number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation and pathname without abbreviation, to make it more machine friendly.
For binary files, outputs two – instead of saying 0 0.

This gistKOGI提供了这样一个脚本的一个例子(不完全是你所追求的,但你得到了一般的想法)

git log --pretty=tformat: --numstat $@ "`git merge-base HEAD develop`..HEAD" | gawk '{ adds += $1 ; subs += $2 ; net += $1 - $2 ; gross += $1 + $2 ; commits += 1 } END { print "total commits\tadded loc\tremoved loc\tgross loc\tnet loc\n"; printf "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", commits, adds, subs, gross, net }' | column -s $'\t' -t