SQL语言 (Oracle实验)






Oracle 10gwindows 2003



select tno,tname,tsalary from teacher where dno='d001'; 
--2.查询工资在3000到5000之间的教师姓名、年龄(提示:可使用当前年份减去教师的出生年份,教师的出生年份可以使用函数extract(year from tbirthday)获取);
select tname,2018-extract(year from tbirthday)as tage from teacher where tsalary>=3000 and tsalary<=5000;
select distinct tno from myproject;
select tname,tbirthday from teacher where tname like '%小%';
select tname,tbirthday from teacher where tname like '_小%';
select tname,tsex from teacher where tname not like '李%' and tname like '___';
select dno,dname from department where tno is not null;
select * from teacher where tsalary>4000 or tsex='女' order by tsex desc;
select count(distinct tno) from tm;
select count(*) from tm where tno in
(select tno from teacher where tname='张三');
select avg(tsalary),sum(tsalary),max(tsalary),min(tsalary) from teacher;
create view departmentSalary as 
select avg(tsalary)平均工资,sum(tsalary)工资总和,max(tsalary)最高工资,min(tsalary)最低工资 from teacher group by dno;
select * from departmentSalary;
select department.dno,dname,avg(tsalary) 平均工资 
from department,teacher
where department.dno=teacher.dno
group by department.dno,dname
having avg(tsalary)>4500;
select teacher.tno,tname,pname from teacher left outer join myproject on (teacher.tno=myproject.tno);
select second.* from teacher first,teacher second 
where first.tsalary=second.tsalary and first.tname='李小龙' and second.tname!='李小龙';
select * from teacher where tsalary in
(select tsalary from teacher where tname='李小龙') and tname!='李小龙';
select * from teacher where tsalary>4000 and tno in(select tno from tm  where pno in
(select pno from myproject where pname='云计算研究'));
select tno,tname,2018-extract(year from tbirthday) from teacher x where tsalary<=
(select avg(tsalary) from teacher y where x.dno=y.dno);
select * from teacher where tsalary>all(select tsalary from teacher where dno in
(select dno from department where dname='计算机科学系')) 
and dno in (select dno from department where dname!='网络工程系');
select tno,tname from teacher where tno !=all(select tno from tm where pno='p0001');
select tname from teacher where not exists
(select * from myproject where not exists
(select * from tm where tno=teacher.tno and pno=myproject.pno));
select * from teacher where tsalary>3500 union select * from teacher where dno in
(select dno from department where dno=teacher.dno and dname='计算机科学系');
select * from teacher where tsalary>3500 minus 
(select * from teacher where dno in
(select dno from department where dname='计算机科学系'));


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41156591/article/details/81084595