Python numpy.dstack() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def showAnns(self, anns):
        Display the specified annotations.
        :param anns (array of object): annotations to display
        :return: None
        if len(anns) == 0:
            return 0
        if self.dataset['type'] == 'instances':
            ax = plt.gca()
            polygons = []
            color = []
            for ann in anns:
                c = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0]
                if type(ann['segmentation']) == list:
                    # polygon
                    for seg in ann['segmentation']:
                        poly = np.array(seg).reshape((len(seg)/2, 2))
                        polygons.append(Polygon(poly, True,alpha=0.4))
                    # mask
                    mask = COCO.decodeMask(ann['segmentation'])
                    img = np.ones( (mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1], 3) )
                    if ann['iscrowd'] == 1:
                        color_mask = np.array([2.0,166.0,101.0])/255
                    if ann['iscrowd'] == 0:
                        color_mask = np.random.random((1, 3)).tolist()[0]
                    for i in range(3):
                        img[:,:,i] = color_mask[i]
                    ax.imshow(np.dstack( (img, mask*0.5) ))
            p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolors=color, edgecolors=(0,0,0,1), linewidths=3, alpha=0.4)
        if self.dataset['type'] == 'captions':
            for ann in anns:
                print ann['caption'] 

Example 2

def compute_eng_color(img, rgb_weights):
    Computes the energy of an image using its color properties

        img4 (n,m,4 numpy matrix): RGB image with additional mask layer.
        rgb_weights (n,m numpy matrix): img-specific weights for RBG values

        n,m numpy matrix: Color energy map of the provided image
    eng = np.dstack((
        img[:, :, 0] * rgb_weights[0],
        img[:, :, 1] * rgb_weights[1],
        img[:, :, 2] * rgb_weights[2]
    eng = np.sum(eng, axis=2)
    return eng 

Example 3

def read_naip(file_path, bands_to_use):
    Read in a NAIP, based on

    Bands_to_use is an array like [0,0,0,1], designating whether to use each band (R, G, B, IR).
    raster_dataset = gdal.Open(file_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    bands_data = []
    index = 0
    for b in range(1, raster_dataset.RasterCount + 1):
        band = raster_dataset.GetRasterBand(b)
        if bands_to_use[index] == 1:
        index += 1
    bands_data = numpy.dstack(bands_data)

    return raster_dataset, bands_data 

Example 4

def renderRelighting(renderer, albedo, spec, roughness, normal):
    renderer.SetPointLight(0, 0.27, -0.25, 1, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6)

    normal = normal * 2.0 - 1.0
    normal[0] = normal[0] * 2.5
    len = np.linalg.norm(normal, axis = 2)
    normal = normal / np.dstack((len, len, len))
    normal = 0.5*(normal + 1.0)

    renderer.SetNormalMap(normal*2.0 - 1.0)
    img = renderer.Render()

    renderer.SetEnvLightByID(43, 30, -10.0)
    renderer.SetNormalMap(normal*2.0 - 1.0)
    img_1 = renderer.Render()

    return 1.2 * img + 0.8 * img_1 

Example 5

def new_image(self, image, diag=False):
        if isinstance(image, str):
            self.image_file = image
            self.image = np.array(
            self.image_file = None
            self.image = image
        # Get the image into the right format.
        if self.image.dtype != np.uint8:
            raise TypeError('Image %s dtype is not unsigned 8 bit integer, image.dtype is %s.'%(
                    '"%s"'%self.image_file if self.image_file is not None else 'argument',
        self.image = np.squeeze(self.image)
        if len(self.image.shape) == 2:
            self.image = np.dstack([self.image] * 3)


        if diag:
            plt.imshow(self.image, interpolation='nearest')

Example 6

def _fix_alpha_channel(self):
        # This is a fix for a bug where the Alpha channel was dropped.
        colors3to4 = [(c[:3], c[3]) for c in self.names.keys()]
        colors3to4 = dict(colors3to4)
        assert(len(colors3to4) == len(self.names)) # Dropped alpha channel causes colors to collide :(
        for lbl in self.labels:
            if lbl is None:
                continue    # No label file created yet.
            img  =
            size = img.size
            img  = np.array(img)
            if img.shape[2] == 4:
                continue    # Image has alpha channel, good.
            elif img.shape[2] == 3:
                # Lookup each (partial) color and find what its alpha should be.
                alpha   = np.apply_along_axis(lambda c: colors3to4[tuple(c)], 2, img)
                data    = np.dstack([img, np.array(alpha, dtype=np.uint8)])
                new_img = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", size, data, "raw", "RGBA", 0, 1)
                print("FIXED", lbl) 

Example 7

def plot_img_with_mask(img,mask,mask2=None, line_size=2):
    kernel = np.ones((line_size,line_size),dtype=np.uint8)
    if np.max(img)<=1.0:
        img = np.array(img*255,dtype=np.uint8);
    mask = np.array(mask*255, dtype=np.uint8);
    color_img = np.dstack((img,img,img));
    edges = binary_dilation(canny(mask,sigma=1.0),kernel);
    color_img[edges,0] = 255;
    color_img[edges,1] = 0;
    color_img[edges,2] = 0;
    if mask2 is not None:
        mask2 = np.array(mask2*255,dtype=np.uint8);
        edges2 = binary_dilation(canny(mask2,sigma=1.0),kernel);
        color_img[edges2,2] = 255;
        color_img[edges2,0:2] = 0;

Example 8

def plot_cost_to_go_mountain_car(env, estimator, num_tiles=20):
    x = np.linspace(env.observation_space.low[0], env.observation_space.high[0], num=num_tiles)
    y = np.linspace(env.observation_space.low[1], env.observation_space.high[1], num=num_tiles)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    Z = np.apply_along_axis(lambda _: -np.max(estimator.predict(_)), 2, np.dstack([X, Y]))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1,
                 , vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
    ax.set_title("Mountain \"Cost To Go\" Function")

Example 9

def test_encode_data_roundtrip():
    minrand, maxrand = np.sort(np.random.randint(-427, 8848, 2))

    testdata = np.round((np.sum(
            np.indices((512, 512),
        axis=2) / (511. + 511.)) * maxrand, 2) + minrand

    baseval = -1000
    interval = 0.1

    rtripped = _decode(data_to_rgb(testdata.copy(), baseval, interval), baseval, interval)

    assert testdata.min() == rtripped.min()
    assert testdata.max() == rtripped.max() 

Example 10

def process_one(image_dir, page_dir, output_dir, basename, colormap, color_labels):
    image_filename = os.path.join(image_dir, "{}.jpg".format(basename))
    page_filename = os.path.join(page_dir, "{}.xml".format(basename))

    page = PAGE.parse_file(page_filename)
    text_lines = [tl for tr in page.text_regions for tl in tr.text_lines]
    graphic_regions = page.graphic_regions
    img = imread(image_filename, mode='RGB')

    gt = np.zeros_like(img[:, :, 0])
    mask1 = cv2.fillPoly(gt.copy(), [PAGE.Point.list_to_cv2poly(tl.coords)
                                     for tl in text_lines if 'comment' in], 1)
    mask2 = cv2.fillPoly(gt.copy(), [PAGE.Point.list_to_cv2poly(tl.coords)
                                     for tl in text_lines if not 'comment' in], 1)
    mask3 = cv2.fillPoly(gt.copy(), [PAGE.Point.list_to_cv2poly(tl.coords)
                                     for tl in graphic_regions], 1)
    arr = np.dstack([mask1, mask2, mask3])

    gt_img = convert_array_masks(arr, colormap, color_labels)
    save_and_resize(img, os.path.join(output_dir, 'images', '{}.jpg'.format(basename)))
    save_and_resize(gt_img, os.path.join(output_dir, 'labels', '{}.png'.format(basename)), nearest=True) 

Example 11

def __init__(self, m):
        k = 4*m + 3 = k
        theta = 2*numpy.pi * numpy.arange(1, k+2) / (k+1)
        p, w = numpy.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(m+1)
        # scale points to [r0, r1] (where r0 = 0, r1 = 1 for now)
        p = numpy.sqrt(0.5*(p + 1.0))
        p_theta = numpy.dstack(numpy.meshgrid(p, theta)).reshape(-1, 2).T
        self.points = numpy.column_stack([
            p_theta[0] * numpy.cos(p_theta[1]),
            p_theta[0] * numpy.sin(p_theta[1]),

        # When integrating between 0 and 1, the weights are exactly the
        # Gauss-Legendre weights, scaled according to the disk area.
        self.weights = numpy.tile(0.5 * numpy.pi / (k+1) * w, k+1)

Example 12

def _process(self, img, key=None):
            return self._fast_process(img, key)
        proj = self.p.projection
        if proj ==
            return img
        x0, x1 = img.range(0)
        y0, y1 = img.range(1)
        xn, yn = img.interface.shape(img, gridded=True)[:2]
        px0, py0, px1, py1 = project_extents((x0, y0, x1, y1),
                                   , proj)
        src_ext, trgt_ext = (x0, x1, y0, y1), (px0, px1, py0, py1)
        arrays = []
        for vd in img.vdims:
            arr = img.dimension_values(vd, flat=False)
            projected, extents = warp_array(arr, proj,, (xn, yn),
                                            src_ext, trgt_ext)
        projected = np.dstack(arrays) if len(arrays) > 1 else arrays[0]
        data = np.flipud(projected)
        bounds = (extents[0], extents[2], extents[1], extents[3])
        return img.clone(data, bounds=bounds, kdims=img.kdims,
                         vdims=img.vdims, crs=proj) 

Example 13

def geo_mesh(element):
    Get mesh data from a 2D Element ensuring that if the data is
    on a cylindrical coordinate system and wraps globally that data
    actually wraps around.
    if len(element.vdims) > 1:
        xs, ys = (element.dimension_values(i, False, False)
                  for i in range(2))
        zs = np.dstack([element.dimension_values(i, False, False)
                        for i in range(2, 2+len(element.vdims))])
        xs, ys, zs = (element.dimension_values(i, False, False)
                      for i in range(3))
    lon0, lon1 = element.range(0)
    if isinstance(, ccrs._CylindricalProjection) and (lon1 - lon0) == 360:
        xs = np.append(xs, xs[0:1] + 360, axis=0)
        zs =[zs, zs[:, 0:1]], axis=1)
    return xs, ys, zs 

Example 14

def test_concat(make_data):
    """Test concatenation layer."""
    x, _, X = make_data

    # This replicates the input layer behaviour
    f = ab.InputLayer('X', n_samples=3)
    g = ab.InputLayer('Y', n_samples=3)

    catlayer = ab.Concat(f, g)

    F, KL = catlayer(X=x, Y=x)

    tc = tf.test.TestCase()
    with tc.test_session():
        forked = F.eval()
        orig = X.eval()
        assert forked.shape == orig.shape[0:2] + (2 * orig.shape[2],)
        assert np.all(forked == np.dstack((orig, orig)))
        assert KL.eval() == 0.0 

Example 15

def test_100_inputs(self):
        """Test that 100 input rings work"""
        def dstack_handler(*args):
            """Stack all input arrays"""
            return np.dstack(tuple(args))
        number_inputs = 100
        connections = {'in_1': 0, 'out_1': 1}
        for index in range(number_inputs):
                {'in_1': 0, 'out_1': index + 2}])
            connections['in_' + str(index + 2)] = index + 2
            NumpyBlock(function=dstack_handler, inputs=len(connections) - 1),
        self.expected_result = np.dstack((self.test_array,) * (len(connections) - 1)).ravel() 

Example 16

def find_intersections(A,B):
  arrayMinimum = lambda x1, x2: np.where(x1<x2, x1, x2)
  arrayMaximum = lambda x1, x2: np.where(x1>x2, x1, x2)
  arrayAll = lambda abools: np.dstack(abools).all(axis=2)
  slope = lambda line: (lambda d: d[:,1]/d[:,0])(np.diff(line, axis=0))

  x11, x21 = np.meshgrid(A[:-1, 0], B[:-1, 0])
  x12, x22 = np.meshgrid(A[1:, 0], B[1:, 0])
  y11, y21 = np.meshgrid(A[:-1, 1], B[:-1, 1])
  y12, y22 = np.meshgrid(A[1:, 1], B[1:, 1])

  m1, m2 = np.meshgrid(slope(A), slope(B))
  # Here we use masked arrays to properly treat the rare case where a line segment is perfectly vertical
  _m1 =,m1==-np.inf)
  _m2 =,m2==-np.inf)
  yi = (_m1*(x21-x11-y21/_m2)+y11)/(1-_m1/_m2)
  xi = (yi-y21)/_m2+x21

  xconds = (arrayMinimum(x11, x12) < xi, xi <= arrayMaximum(x11, x12),
            arrayMinimum(x21, x22) < xi, xi <= arrayMaximum(x21, x22) )
  yconds = (arrayMinimum(y11, y12) < yi, yi <= arrayMaximum(y11, y12),
            arrayMinimum(y21, y22) < yi, yi <= arrayMaximum(y21, y22) )

  return xi[arrayAll(xconds)], yi[arrayAll(yconds)] 

Example 17

def find_intersections(A,B):
  arrayMinimum = lambda x1, x2: np.where(x1<x2, x1, x2)
  arrayMaximum = lambda x1, x2: np.where(x1>x2, x1, x2)
  arrayAll = lambda abools: np.dstack(abools).all(axis=2)
  slope = lambda line: (lambda d: d[:,1]/d[:,0])(np.diff(line, axis=0))

  x11, x21 = np.meshgrid(A[:-1, 0], B[:-1, 0])
  x12, x22 = np.meshgrid(A[1:, 0], B[1:, 0])
  y11, y21 = np.meshgrid(A[:-1, 1], B[:-1, 1])
  y12, y22 = np.meshgrid(A[1:, 1], B[1:, 1])

  m1, m2 = np.meshgrid(slope(A), slope(B))
  # Here we use masked arrays to properly treat the rare case where a line segment is perfectly vertical
  _m1 =,m1==-np.inf)
  _m2 =,m2==-np.inf)
  yi = (_m1*(x21-x11-y21/_m2)+y11)/(1-_m1/_m2)
  xi = (yi-y21)/_m2+x21

  xconds = (arrayMinimum(x11, x12) < xi, xi <= arrayMaximum(x11, x12),
            arrayMinimum(x21, x22) < xi, xi <= arrayMaximum(x21, x22) )
  yconds = (arrayMinimum(y11, y12) < yi, yi <= arrayMaximum(y11, y12),
            arrayMinimum(y21, y22) < yi, yi <= arrayMaximum(y21, y22) )

  return xi[arrayAll(xconds)], yi[arrayAll(yconds)] 

Example 18

def test_iou():
    # 3 x 5 x 2
    grid = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(10 * np.arange(5), 10 * np.arange(3)))
    boxes = np.tile(
        np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.array([10, 10]), 0), 0),
        [3, 5, 1]
    proposals = np.reshape(np.concatenate([grid, boxes], axis=2), (-1, 4))

    proposals = tf.constant(proposals, tf.float32)
    ground_truth = tf.constant(np.array([
        [4, 4, 10, 10],
        [10, 10, 10, 10]
    ]), tf.float32)
    iou_metric =, 2, proposals, 15))
    assert equal(iou_metric[0, 0], 0.2195)
    assert equal(iou_metric[1, 0], 0.1363)
    assert equal(iou_metric[5, 0], 0.1363)
    assert equal(iou_metric[6, 0], 0.0869)

    assert equal(iou_metric[6, 1], 1.0)

    for (boxes, count) in [(proposals, 15), (ground_truth, 2)]:
        iou_metric =, count, boxes, count))
        assert np.all(np.diag(iou_metric) == 1) 

Example 19

def _init_random_maze(self):
        # init goal position
        goal = np.zeros_like(self._level)
        while True:
            row_idx = np.random.randint(0, self._level.shape[0])
            col_idx = np.random.randint(0, self._level.shape[1])
            if self._level[row_idx, col_idx] == 0:
                goal[row_idx, col_idx] = 1
                self._goal_pos = np.array([row_idx, col_idx])

        # init player position
        player = np.zeros_like(self._level)
        while True:
            row_idx = np.random.randint(0, self._level.shape[0])
            col_idx = np.random.randint(0, self._level.shape[1])
            if self._level[row_idx, col_idx] == 0 and goal[row_idx, col_idx] == 0:
                player[row_idx, col_idx] = 1
                self._player_pos = np.array([row_idx, col_idx])

        # stack all together in depth (along third axis)
        self._maze = np.dstack((self._level, goal, player)) 

Example 20

def draw_lines(img, lines, color=[255, 0, 0], thickness=2):
    lines points achieved.
    if len(img.shape) == 2:  # grayscale image -> make a "color" image out of it
        img = np.dstack((img, img, img))

    for line in lines:
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:
            if x1 >= 0 and x1 < img.shape[1] and \
                            y1 >= 0 and y1 < img.shape[0] and \
                            x2 >= 0 and x2 < img.shape[1] and \
                            y2 >= 0 and y2 < img.shape[0]:
                cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, thickness)
                print('BAD LINE (%d, %d, %d, %d)' % (x1, y1, x2, y2)) 

Example 21

def sort_eigensystem(parameters_dict):
        eigenvectors = np.stack(tensor_spherical_to_cartesian(np.squeeze(parameters_dict['theta']),
                                                              np.squeeze(parameters_dict['psi'])), axis=0)

        eigenvalues = np.atleast_2d(np.squeeze(np.dstack([parameters_dict['d'],

        ranking = np.atleast_2d(np.squeeze(np.argsort(eigenvalues, axis=1, kind='mergesort')[:, ::-1]))
        voxels_range = np.arange(ranking.shape[0])
        sorted_eigenvalues = np.concatenate([eigenvalues[voxels_range, ranking[:, ind], None]
                                             for ind in range(ranking.shape[1])], axis=1)
        sorted_eigenvectors = np.stack([eigenvectors[ranking[:, ind], voxels_range, :]
                                        for ind in range(ranking.shape[1])])

        return sorted_eigenvalues, sorted_eigenvectors, ranking 

Example 22

def draw_matches(self, im1, pos1, im2, pos2, matches, filename="matches.jpg"):
        self._log("drawing matches into '%s'..." % filename)
        row1, col1 = im1.shape
        row2, col2 = im2.shape

        im_out = np.zeros((max(row1, row2), col1+col2, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        im_out[:row1, :col1] = np.dstack([im1]*3)
        im_out[:row2, col1:] = np.dstack([im2]*3)

        l = len(matches)

        for ind, (i, j, d) in list(enumerate(matches))[::-1]:
            d /= para.descr_match_threshold  # map to [0, 1]
            _pos1, _pos2 = pos1[i], pos2[j]
            color = hsv_to_rgb(int(d * 120 - 120), 1, 1 - d / 3)
            color = [int(c * 255) for c in color]
            cv2.line(im_out, (_pos1[1], _pos1[0]), (_pos2[1]+col1, _pos2[0]), color, 1)

        cv2.imwrite(filename, im_out)

    # Utility

Example 23

def get_cells_for_tile(self, tile_h, tile_v):
        Returns the list of cells covered by the given modis tile. The tile
        is identified by its MODIS grid coordinates
        range_x = np.arange(tile_h * self.n_cells_per_tile_x,
                            (tile_h + 1) * self.n_cells_per_tile_x)
        range_y = np.arange(tile_v * self.n_cells_per_tile_y,
                            (tile_v + 1) * self.n_cells_per_tile_y)
        cells_ij = np.dstack(
            np.meshgrid(range_y, range_x, indexing='ij')).reshape(-1, 2)
        cells = np.ravel_multi_index(
            (cells_ij[:, 0], cells_ij[:, 1]),
            (self.n_cells_y, self.n_cells_x)
        # sanity check
        assert len(cells) == self.n_cells_per_tile_x * self.n_cells_per_tile_y
        return cells 

Example 24

def test_nonrectangular_add(self):
        rgba1 = np.ones((64, 1, 4))
        z1 = np.expand_dims(np.arange(64.), 1)

        rgba2 = np.zeros((64, 1, 4))
        z2 = np.expand_dims(np.arange(63., -1., -1.), 1)

        exact_rgba = np.concatenate((np.ones(32), np.zeros(32)))
        exact_rgba = np.expand_dims(exact_rgba, 1)
        exact_rgba = np.dstack((exact_rgba, exact_rgba, exact_rgba, exact_rgba))
        exact_z = np.concatenate((np.arange(32.), np.arange(31.,-1.,-1.)))
        exact_z = np.expand_dims(exact_z, 1)
        buff1 = ZBuffer(rgba1, z1)
        buff2 = ZBuffer(rgba2, z2)
        buff = buff1 + buff2
        assert_almost_equal(buff.rgba, exact_rgba)
        assert_almost_equal(buff.z, exact_z) 

Example 25

def log_mat(x, n, g_coeff, c_1, const):
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        K = g_coeff.shape[0] - 1
        thres = 2 * c_1 * math.log(n) / n
        [T, X] = np.meshgrid(thres, x)
        ratio = np.clip(2*X/T - 1, 0, 1)
        # force MATLAB-esque behavior with NaN, inf
        ratio[T == 0] = 1.0
        ratio[X == 0] = 0.0
        q = np.reshape(np.arange(K), [1, 1, K])
        g = np.tile(np.reshape(g_coeff, [1, 1, K + 1]), [c_1.shape[1], 1])
        g[:, :, 0] = g[:, :, 0] + np.log(thres)
        MLE = np.log(X) + (1-X) / (2*X*n)
        MLE[X == 0] = -np.log(n) - const
        tmp = (n*X[:,:,np.newaxis] - q)/(T[:,:,np.newaxis]*(n - q))
        polyApp = np.sum(np.cumprod(np.dstack([np.ones(T.shape + (1,)), tmp]),
                                    axis=2) * g, axis=2)
        polyFail = np.logical_or(np.isnan(polyApp), np.isinf(polyApp))
        polyApp[polyFail] = MLE[polyFail]
        return ratio*MLE + (1-ratio)*polyApp 

Example 26

def getNeighborsSorted(self, id, objType):

        if id not in self.objectDict: return None

        distColumn, idColumn = self.kdTrees[objType][1].query(self.get(id).pos, k=self.maxSearch[objType])

        indexToID = self.kdTrees[objType][0]

        for i in range(0, idColumn.size):
            if distColumn[i] == float('inf'):
                idColumn = idColumn[:i]
                distColumn = distColumn[:i]
            idColumn[i] = indexToID[idColumn[i]]

        return np.dstack([idColumn, distColumn])[0] 

Example 27

def MakePaddedSequenceTensorFromListArray( in_arr, pad_value=0., doWhitening=False, maxlen=None, padding = 'pre'):
    seq_list = numpy.array([])

    arr = in_arr
    if len(in_arr.shape)==1:
        arr = numpy.array([ in_arr ])

    for i in range( arr.shape[1] ):
        current = convertSequencesFromListArray( arr[:,i], dopad=True, doWhitening=doWhitening, maxlen=maxlen, padding = padding )
        if len(seq_list)==0:
            seq_list = current 
            seq_list = numpy.dstack((seq_list, current) )

    return seq_list 

Example 28

def MakePaddedSequenceTensor( filename_list, doWhitening=False, maxlen=None):
    seq_list = numpy.array([])
    for fn in filename_list:
        current =  convertSequences( fn, dopad=True, doWhitening= doWhitening, maxlen=maxlen) 
        if len(seq_list)==0:
            seq_list = current 
            seq_list = numpy.dstack((seq_list, current) )

    return seq_list

# maniplation functions

Example 29

def ensurebuf(self, invalidate=True):
        if self.dbuf is None:
            if self.dpil is not None:
                self.dbuf = self.dpil.tostring("raw", "RGBX", 0, 1)
            elif self.darr is not None:
                data = self.scaledpixelarray(0,255.999)
                self.dbuf = np.dstack(( np.flipud(np.rollaxis(data,1)).astype(np.uint8),
                                        np.zeros(self.shape[::-1],np.uint8) )).tostring()
                raise ValueError("No source data for conversion to buffer")
        if invalidate:
            self.dpil = None
            self.darr = None
            self.rangearr = None

    ## This private function ensures that there is a valid numpy array representation, converting from
    #  one of the other representations if necessary, and invalidating the other representations if requested. 

Example 30

def asarray(self, axis=3):

        This function ...

        # Get a list that contains the frames
        frame_list = self.frames.as_list()

        # Stack the frames into a 3D numpy array
        if axis == 3: return np.dstack(frame_list)
        elif axis == 2: return np.hstack(frame_list)
        elif axis == 1: return np.vstack(frame_list)
        elif axis == 0: return np.stack(frame_list)
        else: raise ValueError("'axis' parameter should be integer 0-3")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 31

def ensurebuf(self, invalidate=True):
        if self.dbuf is None:
            if self.dpil is not None:
                self.dbuf = self.dpil.tostring("raw", "RGBX", 0, 1)
            elif self.darr is not None:
                data = self.scaledpixelarray(0,255.999)
                self.dbuf = np.dstack(( np.flipud(np.rollaxis(data,1)).astype(np.uint8),
                                        np.zeros(self.shape[::-1],np.uint8) )).tostring()
                raise ValueError("No source data for conversion to buffer")
        if invalidate:
            self.dpil = None
            self.darr = None
            self.rangearr = None

    ## This private function ensures that there is a valid numpy array representation, converting from
    #  one of the other representations if necessary, and invalidating the other representations if requested. 

Example 32

def asarray(self, axis=3):

        This function ...

        # Get a list that contains the frames
        frame_list = self.frames.as_list()

        # Stack the frames into a 3D numpy array
        if axis == 3: return np.dstack(frame_list)
        elif axis == 2: return np.hstack(frame_list)
        elif axis == 1: return np.vstack(frame_list)
        elif axis == 0: return np.stack(frame_list)
        else: raise ValueError("'axis' parameter should be integer 0-3")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 33

def flowList(xFileNames, yFileNames):
    (x/y)fileNames: List of the fileNames in order to get the flows from

    frameList = []

    if (len(xFileNames) != len(yFileNames)):
        print 'XFILE!=YFILE ERROR: In', xFileNames[0]

    for i in range(0, min(len(xFileNames), len(yFileNames))):
        imgX = io.imread(xFileNames[i])
        imgY = io.imread(yFileNames[i])
        frameList.append(np.dstack((imgX, imgY)))

    frameList = np.array(frameList)
    return frameList 

Example 34

def vstack(tup):
    """Stacks arrays vertically.

    If an input array has one dimension, then the array is treated as a
    horizontal vector and stacked along the additional axis at the head.
    Otherwise, the array is stacked along the first axis.

        tup (sequence of arrays): Arrays to be stacked. Each array is converted
            by :func:`cupy.atleast_2d` before stacking.

        cupy.ndarray: Stacked array.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.dstack`

    return concatenate(cupy.atleast_2d(*tup), 0) 

Example 35

def disp_to_flowfile(disp, filename):
    Read KITTI disparity file in png format
    :param disp: disparity matrix
    :param filename: the flow file name to save
    :return: None
    f = open(filename, 'wb')
    magic = np.array([202021.25], dtype=np.float32)
    (height, width) = disp.shape[0:2]
    w = np.array([width], dtype=np.int32)
    h = np.array([height], dtype=np.int32)
    empty_map = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
    data = np.dstack((disp, empty_map))

Example 36

def plot_cost_to_go_mountain_car(env, estimator, num_tiles=20):
    x = np.linspace(env.observation_space.low[0], env.observation_space.high[0], num=num_tiles)
    y = np.linspace(env.observation_space.low[1], env.observation_space.high[1], num=num_tiles)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    Z = np.apply_along_axis(lambda _: -np.max(estimator.predict(_)), 2, np.dstack([X, Y]))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1,
                 , vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
    ax.set_title("Mountain \"Cost To Go\" Function")

Example 37

def _gen_centroids():
    a = np.arange(SSIZE/18, SSIZE, SSIZE/9)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(a, a)
    return np.dstack((y, x)).reshape((81, 2)) 

Example 38

def build_data_auto_encoder(data, step, win_size):
    count = data.shape[1] / float(step)
    docX = np.zeros((count, 3, win_size))

    for i in range(0, data.shape[1] - win_size, step):
        c = i / step
        docX[c][0] = np.abs(data[0, i:i + win_size] - data[1, i:i + win_size])
        docX[c][1] = np.power(data[0, i:i + win_size] - data[1, i:i + win_size], 2)
        docX[c][2] = np.pad(
            (data[0, i:i + win_size - 1] - data[0, i + 1:i + win_size]) * (data[1, i:i + win_size - 1] - data[1, i + 1:i + win_size]),
            (0, 1), 'constant', constant_values=0)
    data = np.dstack((docX[:, 0], docX[:, 1], docX[:, 2])).reshape(docX.shape[0], docX.shape[1]*docX.shape[2])

    return data 

Example 39

def test_weighted_average(self):
        """ Test results of weighted average against numpy.average """
        stream = [np.random.random(size = (16,16)) for _ in range(5)]

        with self.subTest('float weights'):
            weights = [random() for _ in stream]
            from_iaverage = last(iaverage(stream, weights = weights))
            from_numpy = np.average(np.dstack(stream), axis = 2, weights = np.array(weights))
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_iaverage, from_numpy))
        with self.subTest('array weights'):
            weights = [np.random.random(size = stream[0].shape) for _ in stream]
            from_iaverage = last(iaverage(stream, weights = weights))
            from_numpy = np.average(np.dstack(stream), axis = 2, weights = np.dstack(weights))
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_iaverage, from_numpy)) 

Example 40

def test_ignore_nan(self):
        """ Test that NaNs are handled correctly """
        stream = [np.random.random(size = (16,12)) for _ in range(5)]
        for s in stream:
            s[randint(0, 15), randint(0,11)] = np.nan
        with catch_warnings():
            from_iaverage = last(iaverage(stream, ignore_nan = True))  
        from_numpy = np.nanmean(np.dstack(stream), axis = 2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_iaverage, from_numpy)) 

Example 41

def test_avg_no_weights(self):
        stream = [np.random.random(size = (16,16)) for _ in range(5)]
        from_caverage = caverage(stream)
        from_numpy = np.average(np.dstack(stream), axis = 2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_caverage, from_numpy)) 

Example 42

def test_weighted_average(self):
        """ Test results of weighted average against numpy.average """
        stream = [np.random.random(size = (16,16)) for _ in range(5)]
        weights = [np.random.random(size = stream[0].shape) for _ in stream]
        from_caverage = caverage(stream, weights = weights)
        from_numpy = np.average(np.dstack(stream), axis = 2, weights = np.dstack(weights))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_caverage, from_numpy)) 

Example 43

def test_mean_random(self):
        """ Test cmean against numpy.mean on random data """
        stream = [np.random.random(size = (16,16)) for _ in range(5)]
        from_cmean = cmean(stream)
        from_numpy = np.mean(np.dstack(stream), axis = 2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_cmean, from_numpy)) 

Example 44

def test_against_numpy(self):
        """ Test that iprod() returns the same as for various axis inputs """

        stream = [np.random.random((16,16)) for _ in range(10)]
        stack = np.dstack(stream)

        for axis in (0, 1, 2, None):
            with self.subTest('axis = {}'.format(axis)):
                from_numpy =, axis = axis)
                from_stream = last(iprod(stream, axis = axis))
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(from_stream, from_numpy)) 

Example 45

def iterate_cifar(shapeInput, batch_size, shuffle=False, train=True):
    # iterator over patches of the cifar10 data set.
    files = []
    if train:
        for j in range(1, 6):
        for j in range(1, 6):
    data_idxs = np.random.permutation(len(files))
    data = []
    labels = []
    for j in range(len(files)):
        data_idx = j
        if shuffle:
            data_idx = data_idxs[j]
        file = files[data_idx]
        dict = unpickle('C:\\Paul\\cifar-10-batches-py\\'+file)
        ls = dict['labels']
        idxs = np.random.permutation(len(dict['data']))
        for i in range(len(dict['data'])):
            if shuffle:
                idx = idxs[i]
                idx = i
            stackedArray = np.dstack((dict['data'][idx][0:1024].reshape(32, 32),
                                      dict['data'][idx][1024:1024 * 2].reshape(32,32),
                                      dict['data'][idx][1024 * 2:1024 * 3].reshape(32, 32)))
            patches = image.extract_patches_2d(stackedArray, (shapeInput[0], shapeInput[1]), max_patches=1)
            #max = patches.max()+1.e-6
            patches = patches.astype(np.float32) / 256.0
            if len(data)>=batch_size:
                array = np.asarray(data).reshape(-1, shapeInput[0]*shapeInput[1]*3)
                data = []
                labels = []
                yield array 

Example 46

def test_lab_full_gamut(self):
        a, b = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-100, 100), np.arange(-100, 100))
        L = np.ones(a.shape)
        lab = np.dstack((L, a, b))
        for value in [0, 10, 20]:
            lab[:, :, 0] = value
            with expected_warnings(['Color data out of range']):

Example 47

def test_sun_rgbd(): 
    from import to_color
    from import imshow_cv
    from pybot.utils.io_utils import write_video
    from import colormap

    directory = '/media/HD1/data/SUNRGBD/'
    dataset = SUNRGBDDataset(directory)

    colors = cv2.imread('data/sun3d/sun.png').astype(np.uint8)
    for (rgb, depth, label) in dataset.segmentationdb(None): 
        cout = np.dstack([label, label, label])
        colored = cv2.LUT(cout, colors)
        cdepth = colormap(depth / 64000.0)
        for j in range(5): 
            write_video('xtion.avi', np.hstack([rgb, cdepth, colored]))

    # for f in dataset.iteritems(every_k_frames=5): 
    #     # vis = rgbd_data_uw.annotate(f)
    #     imshow_cv('frame', f.img, text='Image')
    #     imshow_cv('depth', (f.depth / 16).astype(np.uint8), text='Depth')
    #     imshow_cv('instance', (f.instance).astype(np.uint8), text='Instance')
    #     imshow_cv('label', (f.label).astype(np.uint8), text='Label')
    #     cv2.waitKey(100)

    return dataset 

Example 48

def valid_pixels(im, valid): 
    Determine valid pixel (x,y) coords for the image
    if valid.dtype != np.bool: 
        raise ValueError('valid_pixels requires boolean image')
    assert(im.shape == valid.shape)

    H,W = valid.shape[:2]
    xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))
    return np.dstack([xs[valid], ys[valid], im[valid]]).reshape(-1,3) 

Example 49

def reconstruct(self, depth): 
        s = self.skip
        depth_sampled = depth[::s,::s]
        assert(depth_sampled.shape == self.xs.shape)
        return np.dstack([self.xs * depth_sampled, self.ys * depth_sampled, depth_sampled]) 

Example 50

def dense_optical_flow(im1, im2, pyr_scale=0.5, levels=3, winsize=5, 
                       iterations=3, poly_n=5, poly_sigma=1.2, fb_threshold=-1, 
                       mask1=None, mask2=None, 
                       flow1=None, flow2=None): 

    if flow1 is None: 
        fflow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(to_gray(im1), to_gray(im2), pyr_scale, levels, winsize, 
                                             iterations, poly_n, poly_sigma, 0)
        fflow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(to_gray(im1), to_gray(im2), pyr_scale, levels, winsize, 
                                             iterations, poly_n, poly_sigma, 0, flow1.copy())

    if mask1 is not None: 
        fflow[~mask1.astype(np.bool)] = np.nan

    if fb_threshold > 0: 
        H, W = im1.shape[:2]
        xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))
        xys1 = np.dstack([xs, ys])
        xys2 = xys1 + fflow
        rflow = dense_optical_flow(im2, im1, pyr_scale=pyr_scale, levels=levels, 
                                   winsize=winsize, iterations=iterations, poly_n=poly_n, 
                                   poly_sigma=poly_sigma, fb_threshold=-1)
        if mask2 is not None: 
            rflow[~mask2.astype(np.bool)] = np.nan

        xys1r = xys2 + rflow
        fb_bad = (np.fabs(xys1r - xys1) > fb_threshold).all(axis=2)
        fflow[fb_bad] = np.nan

    return fflow 