Python numpy.c_() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def array2PIL(arr, size):
    mode = 'RGBA'
    arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape[0]*arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2])
    if len(arr[0]) == 3:
        arr = numpy.c_[arr, 255*numpy.ones((len(arr),1), numpy.uint8)]
    return Image.frombuffer(mode, size, arr.tostring(), 'raw', mode, 0, 1) 

Example 2

def best_fit_plane(self):
        """Fits a plane to the point cloud using least squares.

        :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float
            A normal vector to and point in the fitted plane.
        X = np.c_[self.x_coords, self.y_coords, np.ones(self.num_points)]
        y = self.z_coords
        A =
        b =
        w = np.linalg.inv(A).dot(b)
        n = np.array([w[0], w[1], -1])
        n = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
        n = Direction(n, self._frame)
        x0 = self.mean()
        return n, x0 

Example 3

def predict_bbox_regressor(model, feat, ex_boxes):
  if ex_boxes.size == 0:
    return np.array([]).reshape(-1, 4)

  # predict regression targets
  Y =, model.Beta[:-1]) + model.Beta[-1]

  # invert transformation
  Y = dot(Y, model.T_inv)

  # read out prediction
  dst_size = Y[:, 2:]
  dst_ctr = Y[:, 2:]

  src_size = ex_boxes[:, 2:]
  src_ctr = ex_boxes[:, :2] + 0.5 * src_size

  pred_size = np.exp(dst_size) * src_size
  pred_ctr = dst_ctr * src_ctr + src_ctr

  pred = np.c_[pred_ctr - 0.5 * pred_size, pred_size]

  return pred 

Example 4

def get_examples(bbox, gt):
  # compute overlap ratio
  O = overlap_ratio(bbox, gt)
  # compute answer
  src_size = bbox[:, 2:]
  src_ctr = bbox[:, :2] + 0.5 * src_size

  gt_size = gt[2:]
  gt_ctr = gt[:2] + 0.5 * gt_size

  dst_size = np.log(gt_size / src_size)
  dst_ctr = (gt_ctr - src_ctr) * 1.0 / src_ctr

  Y = np.c_[dst_ctr, dst_size]

  return Y, O 

Example 5

def computeRotMatrix(self,Phi=False):
        # Default set such that phi1,phi2 = 0 is UXO pointed towards North
        if Phi is False:
            phi1 = np.radians(self.phi[0])
            phi2 = np.radians(self.phi[1])
            phi3 = np.radians(self.phi[2])
            phi1 = np.radians(Phi[0])           # Roll (CCW)
            phi2 = np.radians(Phi[1])           # Inclination (+ve is nose pointing down)
            phi3 = np.radians(Phi[2])           # Declination (degrees CW from North)
        # A1 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi1),-np.sin(phi1),0.],np.c_[np.sin(phi1),np.cos(phi1),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CCW Rotation about z-axis
        # A2 = np.r_[np.c_[1.,0.,0.],np.c_[0.,np.cos(phi2),np.sin(phi2)],np.c_[0.,-np.sin(phi2),np.cos(phi2)]] # CW Rotation about x-axis (rotates towards North)
        # A3 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi3),-np.sin(phi3),0.],np.c_[np.sin(phi3),np.cos(phi3),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CCW Rotation about z-axis (direction of head of object)

        A1 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi1),np.sin(phi1),0.],np.c_[-np.sin(phi1),np.cos(phi1),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CW Rotation about z-axis
        A2 = np.r_[np.c_[1.,0.,0.],np.c_[0.,np.cos(phi2),np.sin(phi2)],np.c_[0.,-np.sin(phi2),np.cos(phi2)]] # CW Rotation about x-axis (rotates towards North)
        A3 = np.r_[np.c_[np.cos(phi3),np.sin(phi3),0.],np.c_[-np.sin(phi3),np.cos(phi3),0.],np.c_[0.,0.,1.]] # CW Rotation about z-axis (direction of head of object)

Example 6

def defineSensorLoc(self,XYZ):
        # XYZ: N X 3 array containing transmitter center locations
        # **NOTE** for this sensor, we know where the receivers are relative to transmitters
        self.TxLoc = XYZ

        dx,dy = np.meshgrid([-0.8,-0.4,0.,0.4,0.8],[-0.8,-0.4,0.,0.4,0.8])
        dx = mkvc(dx)
        dy = mkvc(dy)

        N = np.shape(XYZ)[0]

        X = np.kron(XYZ[:,0],np.ones((25))) + np.kron(np.ones((N)),dx)
        Y = np.kron(XYZ[:,1],np.ones((25))) + np.kron(np.ones((N)),dy)
        Z = np.kron(XYZ[:,2],np.ones((25)))

        self.RxLoc = np.c_[X,Y,Z]

        self.TxID = np.kron(np.arange(1,np.shape(XYZ)[0]+1),np.ones((25)))
        self.RxComp = np.kron(3*np.ones(np.shape(XYZ)[0]),np.ones((25))) 

Example 7

def updatePolarizations(self,r0,UB):

        # Set operator and solution array
        Hp = self.computeHp(r0=r0)
        Brx = self.computeBrx(r0=r0)
        P = self.computeP(Hp,Brx)
        dunc = self.dunc
        dobs = self.dobs

        K = np.shape(dobs)[1]
        q = np.zeros((6,K))

        lb = np.zeros(6)
        ub = UB*np.ones(6)

        for kk in range(0,K):
            LHS = P/np.c_[dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk]]
            RHS = dobs[:,kk]/dunc[:,kk]
            Sol = op.lsq_linear(LHS,RHS,bounds=(lb,ub),tol=1e-5)
            q[:,kk] = Sol.x

        self.q = q 

Example 8

def updatePolarizations(self,r0,UB):

        # Set operator and solution array
        Hp = self.computeHp(r0=r0)
        Brx = self.computeBrx(r0=r0)
        P = self.computeP(Hp,Brx)
        dunc = self.dunc
        dobs = self.dobs

        K = np.shape(dobs)[1]
        q = np.zeros((6,K))

        lb = np.zeros(6)
        ub = UB*np.ones(6)

        for kk in range(0,K):
            LHS = P/np.c_[dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk],dunc[:,kk]]
            RHS = dobs[:,kk]/dunc[:,kk]
            Sol = op.lsq_linear(LHS,RHS,bounds=(lb,ub),tol=1e-7)
            q[:,kk] = Sol.x

        self.q = q 

Example 9

def analytic_infinite_wire(obsloc,wireloc,orientation,I=1.):
    Compute the response of an infinite wire with orientation 'orientation'
    and current I at the obsvervation locations obsloc

    B: magnetic field [Bx,By,Bz]

    n,d = obsloc.shape
    t,d = wireloc.shape
    d = np.sqrt(**2.,np.ones([d,t]))[n,d]),(wireloc.T)**2.)
    - 2.*,wireloc.T))
    distr = np.amin(d, axis=1, keepdims = True)
    idxmind = d.argmin(axis=1)
    r = obsloc - wireloc[idxmind]

    orient = np.c_[[orientation for i in range(obsloc.shape[0])]]
    B = (mu_0*I)/(2*np.pi*(distr**2.))*np.cross(orientation,r)

    return B 

Example 10

def predict_with_glm(X, y, model):
    """ Predict number of mutation with GLM.

        X (np.array): feature matrix.
        y (pd.df): response.
        model (dict): model meta-data.

        np.array: array of predictions.

    # Add const. to X
    X = np.c_[X, np.ones(X.shape[0])]
    if model['model_name'] == 'Binomial':
        pred = np.array(model['model'].predict(X) * y.length * y.N)
    elif model['model_name'] == 'NegativeBinomial':
        pred = np.array(model['model'].predict(X, exposure=(y.length * y.N).values + 1))
        sys.stderr.write('Wrong model name in model info: {}. Need Binomial or NegativeBinomial.'.format(model['model_name']))
    return pred 

Example 11

def plotImage(
        self, I, ax=None, showIt=False, grid=False, clim=None
        if self.dim == 3:
            raise NotImplementedError('This is not yet done!')

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import matplotlib
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        import matplotlib.colors as colors
        import as cmx

        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.subplot(111)

        jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet')
        cNorm  = colors.Normalize(
            vmin=I.min() if clim is None else clim[0],
            vmax=I.max() if clim is None else clim[1])

        scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet)
        # ax.set_xlim((self.x0[0], self.h[0].sum()))
        # ax.set_ylim((self.x0[1], self.h[1].sum()))

        Nx = self.r(self.gridN[:, 0], 'N', 'N', 'M')
        Ny = self.r(self.gridN[:, 1], 'N', 'N', 'M')
        cell = self.r(I, 'CC', 'CC', 'M')

        for ii in range(self.nCx):
            for jj in range(self.nCy):
                I = [ii, ii+1, ii+1, ii]
                J = [jj, jj, jj+1, jj+1]
                ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.c_[Nx[I, J], Ny[I, J]], facecolor=scalarMap.to_rgba(cell[ii, jj]), edgecolor='k' if grid else 'none'))

        scalarMap._A = []  #
        if showIt:
        return [scalarMap] 

Example 12

def normals(self):
        """Face Normals

        :rtype: numpy.array
        :return: normals, (sum(nF), dim)
        if self.dim == 2:
            nX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nFx), np.zeros(self.nFx)
            nY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nFy), np.ones(self.nFy)
            return np.r_[nX, nY]
        elif self.dim == 3:
            nX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nFx), np.zeros(self.nFx), np.zeros(self.nFx)
            nY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nFy), np.ones(self.nFy), np.zeros(self.nFy)
            nZ = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nFz), np.zeros(self.nFz), np.ones(self.nFz)
            return np.r_[nX, nY, nZ] 

Example 13

def tangents(self):
        """Edge Tangents

        :rtype: numpy.array
        :return: normals, (sum(nE), dim)
        if self.dim == 2:
            tX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nEx), np.zeros(self.nEx)
            tY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nEy), np.ones(self.nEy)
            return np.r_[tX, tY]
        elif self.dim == 3:
            tX = np.c_[
                np.ones(self.nEx), np.zeros(self.nEx), np.zeros(self.nEx)
            tY = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nEy), np.ones(self.nEy), np.zeros(self.nEy)
            tZ = np.c_[
                np.zeros(self.nEz), np.zeros(self.nEz), np.ones(self.nEz)
            return np.r_[tX, tY, tZ] 

Example 14

def test_invPropertyTensor2D(self):
        M = discretize.TensorMesh([6, 6])
        a1 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a2 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a3 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        prop1 = a1
        prop2 = np.c_[a1, a2]
        prop3 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3]

        for prop in [4, prop1, prop2, prop3]:
            b = invPropertyTensor(M, prop)
            A = makePropertyTensor(M, prop)
            B1 = makePropertyTensor(M, b)
            B2 = invPropertyTensor(M, prop, returnMatrix=True)

            Z = B1*A - sp.identity(M.nC*2)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
            Z = B2*A - sp.identity(M.nC*2)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL) 

Example 15

def test_TensorType3D(self):
        M = discretize.TensorMesh([6, 6, 7])
        a1 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a2 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a3 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a4 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a5 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a6 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        prop1 = a1
        prop2 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3]
        prop3 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6]

        for ii, prop in enumerate([4, prop1, prop2, prop3]):
            self.assertTrue(TensorType(M, prop) == ii)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, TensorType, M, np.c_[a1, a2, a3, a3])
        self.assertTrue(TensorType(M, None) == -1) 

Example 16

def test_invPropertyTensor3D(self):
        M = discretize.TensorMesh([6, 6, 6])
        a1 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a2 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a3 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a4 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a5 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        a6 = np.random.rand(M.nC)
        prop1 = a1
        prop2 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3]
        prop3 = np.c_[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6]

        for prop in [4, prop1, prop2, prop3]:
            b = invPropertyTensor(M, prop)
            A = makePropertyTensor(M, prop)
            B1 = makePropertyTensor(M, b)
            B2 = invPropertyTensor(M, prop, returnMatrix=True)

            Z = B1*A - sp.identity(M.nC*3)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL)
            Z = B2*A - sp.identity(M.nC*3)
            self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(Z.todense().ravel(), 2) < TOL) 

Example 17

def getError(self):

        funR = lambda r, z: np.sin(2.*np.pi*r)
        funZ = lambda r, z: np.sin(2.*np.pi*z)

        sol = lambda r, t, z: (2*np.pi*r*np.cos(2*np.pi*r) + np.sin(2*np.pi*r))/r + 2*np.pi*np.cos(2*np.pi*z)

        Fc = cylF2(self.M, funR, funZ)
        Fc = np.c_[Fc[:, 0], np.zeros(self.M.nF), Fc[:, 1]]
        F = self.M.projectFaceVector(Fc)

        divF =
        divF_ana = call3(sol, self.M.gridCC)

        err = np.linalg.norm((divF-divF_ana), np.inf)
        return err 

Example 18

def getError(self):

        funR = lambda r, z: np.sin(2.*np.pi*z) * np.cos(np.pi*r)
        funZ = lambda r, z: np.sin(3.*np.pi*z) * np.cos(2.*np.pi*r)

        Fc = cylF2(self.M, funR, funZ)
        Fc = np.c_[Fc[:, 0], np.zeros(self.M.nF), Fc[:, 1]]
        F = self.M.projectFaceVector(Fc)

        aveF = self.M.aveF2CCV * F

        aveF_anaR = funR(self.M.gridCC[:, 0], self.M.gridCC[:, 2])
        aveF_anaZ = funZ(self.M.gridCC[:, 0], self.M.gridCC[:, 2])

        aveF_ana = np.hstack([aveF_anaR, aveF_anaZ])

        err = np.linalg.norm((aveF-aveF_ana), np.inf)
        return err 

Example 19

def surface_points(self, grid_basis=True):
        """Returns the points on the surface.

        grid_basis : bool
            If False, the surface points are transformed to the world frame.
            If True (default), the surface points are left in grid coordinates.

        :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of int, :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float
            The points on the surface and the signed distances at those points.
        surface_points = np.where(np.abs(self.data_) < self.surface_thresh_)
        x = surface_points[0]
        y = surface_points[1]
        z = surface_points[2]
        surface_points = np.c_[x, np.c_[y, z]]
        surface_vals = self.data_[surface_points[:,0], surface_points[:,1], surface_points[:,2]]
        if not grid_basis:
            surface_points = self.transform_pt_grid_to_obj(surface_points.T)
            surface_points = surface_points.T

        return surface_points, surface_vals 

Example 20

def _check_freq(f):
    """Check the frequency definition."""
    f = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(f))
    if len(f.reshape(-1)) == 1:
        raise ValueError("The length of f should at least be 2.")
    elif 2 in f.shape:  # f of shape (N, 2) or (2, N)
        if f.shape[1] is not 2:
            f = f.T
    elif np.squeeze(f).shape == (4,):  # (fstart, fend, fwidth, fstep)
        f = _pair_vectors(*tuple(np.squeeze(f)))
    else:  # Sequential
        f = f.reshape(-1)
        f = np.c_[f[0:-1], f[1::]]
    return f 

Example 21

def convert_mask_to_locations(mask):
    """ Return the converted Cartesian mask as sampling locations.

    mask: np.ndarray, {0,1}
        2D matrix, not necessarly a square matrix.

    samples_locations: np.ndarray
        list of the samples between [-0.5, 0.5[.
    row, col = np.where(mask == 1)
    row = row.astype("float") / mask.shape[0] - 0.5
    col = col.astype("float") / mask.shape[1] - 0.5
    return np.c_[row, col] 

Example 22

def _test_double_optimization():
    """Test double optimization on a simple example."""
    # A simple sparse-sum function
    X = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
    y = [sum(x) for x in X]
    T = [[7, 8], [9, 10], [2, 1]]
    # noisy variables
    X = np.c_[X, np.random.random((3, 100))]
    T = np.c_[T, np.random.random((3, 100))]    
    # Select the first 2 variables and calculate a linear model on them
    dstep = DoubleStepEstimator(Lasso(tau=1.0), RidgeRegression(mu=0.0)).train(X, y)
    # Coefficients
    lasso = dstep.selector
    ridge = dstep.estimator
    assert_array_almost_equal([0.90635646, 0.90635646], lasso.beta[:2])
    assert_array_almost_equal([1.0, 1.0], ridge.beta)
    assert_array_almost_equal([1.0, 1.0], dstep.beta[:2])
    # Prediction
    y_ = dstep.predict(T)
    assert_array_almost_equal([15., 19., 3.], y_) 

Example 23

def generate_hills(width, height, nhills):
    @param width float, terrain width
    @param height float, terrain height
    @param nhills int, #hills to gen. #hills actually generted is sqrt(nhills)^2
    # setup coordinate grid
    xmin, xmax = -width/2.0, width/2.0
    ymin, ymax = -height/2.0, height/2.0
    x, y = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:STEP, ymin:ymax:STEP]
    pos = np.empty(x.shape + (2,))
    pos[:, :, 0] = x; pos[:, :, 1] = y
    # generate hilltops
    xm, ym = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:width/np.sqrt(nhills), ymin:ymax:height/np.sqrt(nhills)]
    mu = np.c_[xm.flat, ym.flat]
    sigma = float(width*height)/(nhills*8)
    for i in range(mu.shape[0]):
        mu[i] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mu[i], cov=sigma)
    # generate hills
    sigma = sigma + sigma*np.random.rand(mu.shape[0])
    rvs = [ multivariate_normal(mu[i,:], cov=sigma[i]) for i in range(mu.shape[0]) ]
    hfield = np.max([ rv.pdf(pos) for rv in rvs ], axis=0)
    return x, y, hfield 

Example 24

def generate_data(sample_size=200, pd=[[0.4, 0.4], [0.1, 0.1]]):
    pd = np.array(pd)
    pd /= pd.sum()
    offset = 50
    bins = np.r_[np.zeros((1,)), np.cumsum(pd)]
    bin_counts = np.histogram(np.random.rand(sample_size), bins)[0]
    data = np.empty((0, 2))
    targets = []
    for ((i, j), p), count in zip(np.ndenumerate(pd), bin_counts):
        xs = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=50.0, size=count) + j * offset
        ys = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=50.0, size=count) + -i * offset
        data = np.vstack((data, np.c_[xs, ys]))
        if i == j:
            targets.extend([1] * count)
            targets.extend([-1] * count)
    return np.c_[data, targets] 

Example 25

def show_classification_areas(X, Y, lr):
    x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - .5, X[:, 0].max() + .5
    y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - .5, X[:, 1].max() + .5
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.02), np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.02))
    Z = lr.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])

    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    plt.figure(1, figsize=(30, 25))
    plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z,

    # Plot also the training points
    plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=np.abs(Y - 1), edgecolors='k',

    plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
    plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max())

Example 26

def plot_decision_boundary(X, Y, model):
    # X - some data in 2dimensional np.array
    x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1
    y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.01),
                         np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.01))

    # here "model" is your model's prediction (classification) function
    Z = model(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])

    # Put the result into a color plot
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z,

    for i in x:
        print i

    # Plot also the training points
    plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y,


Example 27

def get_double_integrator(m=1000, b=50, d=1):
    N = 2
    sys = LTISystem(
        np.c_[[0, 1], [1, -b/m]],  # A
        np.r_[0, d/m],  # B
        # np.r_[0, 1],  # C

    def ref_func(*args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            x = np.zeros(N)
            x = args[1]
        return np.r_[d/m, 0]-x
    ref = SystemFromCallable(ref_func, N, N)

    return sys, ref 

Example 28

def get_electromechanical(b=1, R=1, L=1, K=np.pi/5, M=1):
    # TODO: determine good reference and/or initial_condition
    # TODO: determine good default values for b, R, L, M
    N = 3
    sys = LTISystem(
        np.c_[  # A
            [0, 0, 0],
            [1, -b/M, -K/L],
            [0, K/M, -R/L]
        np.r_[0, 0, 1/L],  # B
        # np.r_[1, 0, 0],  # C
    sys.initial_condition = np.ones(N)

    def ref_func(*args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            x = np.zeros(N)
            x = args[1]
        return np.r_[0, 0, 0]-x
    ref = SystemFromCallable(ref_func, N, N)

    return sys, ref 

Example 29

def get_cart_pendulum(m=1, M=3, L=0.5, g=9.81, pedant=False):
    N = 4
    sys = LTISystem(
        np.c_[  # A
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, m*g/M, 0, (-1)**(pedant)*(m+M)*g/(M*L)],
            [0, 0, 1, 0]
        np.r_[0, 1/M, 0, 1/(M*L)],  # B
        # np.r_[1, 0, 1, 0]  # C
    sys.initial_condition = np.r_[0, 0, np.pi/3, 0]

    def ref_func(*args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            x = np.zeros(N)
            x = args[1]
        return np.zeros(N)-x
    ref = SystemFromCallable(ref_func, N, N)

    return sys, ref 

Example 30

def update_equation_function(self, *args):
        event_var = self.event_variable_equation_function(*args)
        if self.condition_idx is None:
            self.condition_idx = np.where(np.all(np.r_[
                    np.c_[[[True]], event_var >= self.event_bounds],
                    np.c_[event_var <= self.event_bounds, [[True]]]
                    ], axis=0))[0][0]
            sq_dist = (event_var - self.event_bounds)**2
            crossed_root_idx = np.where(sq_dist == np.min(sq_dist))[1][0]
            if crossed_root_idx == self.condition_idx:
                self.condition_idx += 1
            elif crossed_root_idx == self.condition_idx-1:
                self.condition_idx -= 1
                warnings.warn("SwitchedSystem did not cross a neighboring " +
                              "boundary. This may indicate an integration " +
                              "error. Continuing without updating " +
                              "condition_idx", UserWarning)
        return self.state_update_equation_function(*args) 

Example 31

def plane2xyz(center, ij, plane):
        converts image pixel indices to xyz on the PLANE.

        center : 2-tuple
        ij : nx2 int array
        plane : 4-tuple

        return nx3 array.
        ij = np.atleast_2d(ij)
        n = ij.shape[0]
        ij = ij.astype('float')
        xy_ray = (ij-center[None,:]) / DepthCamera.f
        z = -plane[2]/([:2])+plane[3])
        xyz = np.c_[xy_ray, np.ones(n)] * z[:,None]
        return xyz 

Example 32

def viz_textbb(fignum,text_im, bb_list,alpha=1.0):
    text_im : image containing text
    bb_list : list of 2x4xn_i boundinb-box matrices
    H,W = text_im.shape[:2]
    for i in xrange(len(bb_list)):
        bbs = bb_list[i]
        ni = bbs.shape[-1]
        for j in xrange(ni):
            bb = bbs[:,:,j]
            bb = np.c_[bb,bb[:,0]]
            plt.plot(bb[0,:], bb[1,:], 'r', linewidth=2, alpha=alpha)

Example 33

def bbox(self, image_coords=True):
        Return a 3 by 2 matrix, corresponding to the bounding box of the 
        annotation within the scan. If `scan_slice` is a numpy array 
        containing aslice of the scan, each slice of the annotation is 
        contained within the box:

            bbox[0,0]:bbox[0,1]+1, bbox[1,0]:bbox[1,1]+1

        If `image_coords` is `False` then each annotation slice is 
        instead contained within:
            bbox[1,0]:bbox[1,1]+1, bbox[0,0]:bbox[0,1]+1

        The last row of `bbox` give the inclusive lower and upper 
        bounds of the `image_z_position`.
        matrix = self.contours_to_matrix()
        bbox   = np.c_[matrix.min(axis=0), matrix.max(axis=0)]
        return bbox if not image_coords else bbox[[1,0,2]] 

Example 34

def plot_and_save(x, func, xvv_inst, plot=False, fname=False):
    mat = x.T
    for m in range(xvv_inst.nsites):
        for n in range(m+1):
            if fname:
                mat = np.c_[mat, func[:,m,n].T]
            if plot:
                plt.plot(x, func[:,m,n], 
    if fname:
        np.savetxt(fname, mat)
    if plot:
        plt.savefig('graph.png', dpi=300) 

Example 35

def read_csv(filename, skip_lines=0):
    csvfile = file(filename, 'rb')
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
    data = np.empty(0, dtype=object)
    last_count = np.NAN
    for line in reader:
        if skip_lines > 0:
            skip_lines = skip_lines - 1
        if data.size > 0:
            if len(line) != last_count:
                raise Exception('unequal columes found')
            data = np.c_[data, line]
            last_count = len(line)
            data = np.array(line, dtype=object)
            data = data.reshape(len(data), 1)
            last_count = len(line)
    return data.T 

Example 36

def print_evaluation_result(clf, bags_test, args):
  pred_score = np.array([clf( for B in bags_test])
  pred_label = np.array([1 if score >= 0 else -1 for score in pred_score])
  true_label = np.array([B.y for B in bags_test])
  a = accuracy (pred_label, true_label)  # accuracy
  p = precision(pred_label, true_label)  # precision
  r = recall   (pred_label, true_label)  # recall
  f = f_score  (pred_label, true_label)  # F-score
  auc = metrics.roc_auc_score((true_label+1)/2, pred_score)

  if not args.aucplot:
    sys.stdout.write("""# accuracy,precision,recall,f-score,ROC-AUC
{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f}\n""".format(a, p, r, f, auc))

    sys.stdout.write("""# accuracy,precision,recall,f-score,ROC-AUC
# {:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f}\n""".format(a, p, r, f, auc))
    np.savetxt(sys.stdout.buffer, np.c_[pred_score, true_label]) 

Example 37

def trotx(theta, unit="rad", xyz=[0, 0, 0]):
    TROTX Rotation about X axis

    :param theta: rotation in radians or degrees
    :param unit: "rad" or "deg" to indicate unit being used
    :param xyz: the xyz translation, if blank defaults to [0,0,0]
    :return: homogeneous transform matrix

    trotx(THETA) is a homogeneous transformation (4x4) representing a rotation
    of THETA radians about the x-axis.
    trotx(THETA, 'deg') as above but THETA is in degrees
    trotx(THETA, 'rad', [x,y,z]) as above with translation of [x,y,z]
    tm = rotx(theta, unit)
    tm = np.r_[tm, np.zeros((1, 3))]
    mat = np.c_[tm, np.array([[xyz[0]], [xyz[1]], [xyz[2]], [1]])]
    mat = np.asmatrix(mat.round(15))
    return mat

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# 

Example 38

def troty(theta, unit="rad", xyz=[0, 0, 0]):
    TROTY Rotation about Y axis

    :param theta: rotation in radians or degrees
    :param unit: "rad" or "deg" to indicate unit being used
    :param xyz: the xyz translation, if blank defaults to [0,0,0]
    :return: homogeneous transform matrix

    troty(THETA) is a homogeneous transformation (4x4) representing a rotation
    of THETA radians about the y-axis.
    troty(THETA, 'deg') as above but THETA is in degrees
    troty(THETA, 'rad', [x,y,z]) as above with translation of [x,y,z]
    tm = roty(theta, unit)
    tm = np.r_[tm, np.zeros((1, 3))]
    mat = np.c_[tm, np.array([[xyz[0]], [xyz[1]], [xyz[2]], [1]])]
    mat = np.asmatrix(mat.round(15))
    return mat

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# 

Example 39

def trotz(theta, unit="rad", xyz=[0, 0, 0]):
    TROTZ Rotation about Z axis

    :param theta: rotation in radians or degrees
    :param unit: "rad" or "deg" to indicate unit being used
    :param xyz: the xyz translation, if blank defaults to [0,0,0]
    :return: homogeneous transform matrix

    trotz(THETA) is a homogeneous transformation (4x4) representing a rotation
    of THETA radians about the z-axis.
    trotz(THETA, 'deg') as above but THETA is in degrees
    trotz(THETA, 'rad', [x,y,z]) as above with translation of [x,y,z]
    tm = rotz(theta, unit)
    tm = np.r_[tm, np.zeros((1, 3))]
    mat = np.c_[tm, np.array([[xyz[0]], [xyz[1]], [xyz[2]], [1]])]
    mat = np.asmatrix(mat.round(15))
    return mat

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# 

Example 40

def trot2(theta, unit='rad'):
    TROT2 SE2 rotation matrix

    :param theta: rotation in radians or degrees
    :param unit: "rad" or "deg" to indicate unit being used
    :return: homogeneous transform matrix (3x3)

    TROT2(THETA) is a homogeneous transformation (3x3) representing a rotation of
    THETA radians.
    TROT2(THETA, 'deg') as above but THETA is in degrees.
    - Translational component is zero.
    tm = rot2(theta, unit)
    tm = np.r_[tm, np.zeros((1, 2))]
    mat = np.c_[tm, np.array([[0], [0], [1]])]
    return mat

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# 

Example 41

def _scipy_bivariate_kde(x, y, bw, gridsize, cut, clip):
    """Compute a bivariate kde using scipy."""
    data = np.c_[x, y]
    kde = stats.gaussian_kde(data.T)
    data_std = data.std(axis=0, ddof=1)
    if isinstance(bw, string_types):
        bw = "scotts" if bw == "scott" else bw
        bw_x = getattr(kde, "%s_factor" % bw)() * data_std[0]
        bw_y = getattr(kde, "%s_factor" % bw)() * data_std[1]
    elif np.isscalar(bw):
        bw_x, bw_y = bw, bw
        msg = ("Cannot specify a different bandwidth for each dimension "
               "with the scipy backend. You should install statsmodels.")
        raise ValueError(msg)
    x_support = _kde_support(data[:, 0], bw_x, gridsize, cut, clip[0])
    y_support = _kde_support(data[:, 1], bw_y, gridsize, cut, clip[1])
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_support, y_support)
    z = kde([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).reshape(xx.shape)
    return xx, yy, z 

Example 42

def spiral(num_cls, dim, point_per_cls, rnd_state=1024):
    points_per_cls = 100  # number of points per class
    dim = 2  # dimensionality
    num_cls = 3  # number of classes
    X_data = np.zeros((points_per_cls * num_cls, dim))
    y_data = np.zeros(points_per_cls * num_cls, dtype='uint8')
    for j in range(num_cls):
        ix = range(points_per_cls * j, points_per_cls * (j + 1))
        r = np.linspace(0.0, 1, points_per_cls)
        t = np.linspace(j * 4, (j + 1) * 4, points_per_cls) + np.random.randn(points_per_cls) * 0.2  # theta
        X_data[ix] = np.c_[r * np.sin(t), r * np.cos(t)]
        y_data[ix] = j

    y_data_encoded = np.zeros((points_per_cls * num_cls, num_cls))
    y_data_encoded[range(points_per_cls * num_cls), y_data] = 1
    return X_data, y_data, y_data_encoded 

Example 43

def gradient(x0, X, y, alpha):
    # gradient of the logistic loss

    w, c = x0[1:137], x0[0]

    #print("c is " + str(c))
    z = + c
    z = phi(y * z)
    z0 = (z - 1) * y
    grad_w = np.matmul(z0,X) / X.shape[0] + alpha * w
    grad_c = z0.sum() / X.shape[0]

    grad_c = np.array(grad_c)
    return np.c_[([grad_c], grad_w)]

##### Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimiser ###### 

Example 44

def average_ndcg(labels, query_ids, predicted_labels):
    ndcg_list = np.zeros(len(set(query_ids)))
    k = 0
    for i in set(query_ids):
        idx = [query_ids == i]
        orders = np.c_[labels[idx],predicted_labels[idx]]

        sorted_orders = orders[orders[:,1].argsort()[::-1]][:,0]
        ndcg_list[k] = ndcg(sorted_orders)

        k +=1
        if k%2000 == 0:
            print(str(k) + " queries calculated")
            print("mean ndcg so far: " + str(np.mean(ndcg_list[0:k])))
    return np.mean(ndcg_list)

# average ndcg is 0.26333 

Example 45

def average_ndcg(labels, query_ids, predicted_labels):
    ndcg_list = np.zeros(len(set(query_ids)))
    k = 0
    for i in set(query_ids):
        idx = [query_ids == i]
        orders = np.c_[labels[idx],predicted_labels[idx]]

        sorted_orders = orders[orders[:,1].argsort()[::-1]][:,0]
        ndcg_list[k] = ndcg(sorted_orders)

        k +=1
        if k%2000 == 0:
            print(str(k) + " queries calculated")
            print("mean ndcg so far: " + str(np.mean(ndcg_list[0:k])))
    return np.mean(ndcg_list)

# average ndcg is 0.26333 

Example 46

def computeGaussianWidthCandidates(self, referenceSamples=None, testSamples=None) :
        Compute a candidate list of Gaussian kernel widths. The best width will be
        selected via cross-validation
        allSamples     = numpy.c_[referenceSamples, testSamples]
        medianDistance = self.getMedianDistanceBetweenSamples(allSamples.T)

        return medianDistance * numpy.array([0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4]) 

Example 47

def _fit(self,X,y=None):
        if isinstance(X, pyisc.DataObject) and y is None:
            assert y is None # Contained in the data object
            self.class_column = X.class_column
            if self.class_column >= 0:
                self.classes_ = X.classes_

                -1 if X.class_column is None else X.class_column,
                1 if self.is_clustering else 0
            return self
        if isinstance(X, ndarray):
            class_column = -1
            data_object = None
            assert X.ndim <= 2
            if X.ndim == 2:
                max_class_column = X.shape[1]
                max_class_column = 1
            if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, ndarray):
                assert len(X) == len(y)
                class_column = max_class_column
                data_object = pyisc.DataObject(numpy.c_[X, y], class_column=class_column)
            elif y is None or int(y) == y and y > -1 and y <= max_class_column:
                self.class_column = y
                data_object = pyisc.DataObject(X,class_column=y)

            if data_object is not None:
                return self._fit(data_object)

        raise ValueError("Unknown type of data to fit X, y:", type(X), type(y)) 

Example 48

def _convert_to_data_object_in_scoring(self, X, y):
        data_object = None
        if isinstance(y, list) or isinstance(y, ndarray):
            assert X.ndim == 2 and self.class_column == X.shape[1] or X.ndim == 1 and self.class_column == 1
            data_object = pyisc.DataObject(numpy.c_[X, y], class_column=self.class_column,classes=self.classes_)
            assert self.class_column == y
            data_object = pyisc.DataObject(X, class_column=self.class_column,classes=self.classes_ if y is not None else None)
        return data_object 

Example 49

def loglikelihood(self,X,y=None):
        assert isinstance(X, ndarray) and (self.class_column is None and y is None or len(y) == len(X))

        if y is not None:
            return self._anomaly_detector._LogProbabilityOfData(pyisc.DataObject(c_[X,y], class_column=len(X[0])), len(X)).sum()
            return self._anomaly_detector._LogProbabilityOfData(pyisc.DataObject(X), len(X)).sum() 

Example 50

def test_dataobject_set_column_values(self):
        X = array([norm(1.0).rvs(10) for _ in range(1000)])
        y = [None] * 1000

        DO = DataObject(c_[X,y], class_column=len(X[0]))
        assert_equal(len(X[0]), DO.class_column)
        assert_equal(unique(y), DO.classes_)

        classes=[None] + ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
        DO = DataObject(c_[X,y], class_column=len(X[0]), classes=classes)
        assert_equal(len(X[0]), DO.class_column)
        assert_equal(classes, DO.classes_)

        X2 = DO.as_2d_array()
        assert_allclose(X2.T[:-1].T.astype(float), X)

        new_y = ["%i"%(divmod(i,5)[1]+1) for i in range(len(X))]
        DO.set_column_values(len(X[0]), new_y)

        assert_equal(len(X[0]), DO.class_column)
        assert_equal([None]+list(unique(new_y)), DO.classes_)

        X2 = DO.as_2d_array()
        assert_allclose(X2.T[:-1].T.astype(float), X)
        assert_equal(X2.T[-1], new_y) 