Python numpy.__version__() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 2

def meta_data(self):
        import time
        import sys
        metadata = {}
        date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time()))
        metadata['date'] = date
        metadata['Version'] = self.version
        metadata['Python Version'] = sys.version
        metadata['Numpy Version'] = np.__version__
        metadata['Scipy Version '] = scipy.__version__
        metadata['psyFunction'] = self.psyfun
        metadata['thresholdGrid'] = self.threshold.tolist()
        metadata['thresholdPrior'] = self.thresholdPrior
        metadata['slopeGrid'] = self.slope.tolist()
        metadata['slopePrior'] = self.slopePrior
        metadata['gammaGrid'] = self.guessRate.tolist()
        metadata['gammaPrior'] = self.guessPrior
        metadata['lapseGrid'] = self.lapseRate.tolist()
        metadata['lapsePrior'] = self.lapsePrior
        return metadata 

Example 3

def _has_cython(self):
        extensions = self.distribution.ext_modules
        if not USE_CYTHON or not any(_.endswith('.pyx')
                                     for ext in extensions
                                     for _ in ext.sources):
            return False
            import Cython
        except ImportError:
            print('Cython is not installed, defaulting to C/C++ files.')
            return False
        if parse_version(Cython.__version__) < \
            print("The Cython version is older than that required ('{0}' < '{1"
                  "}'). Defaulting to C/C++ files."
                  .format(Cython.__version__, MIN_VERSION_CYTHON))
            return False
        return True 

Example 4

def get_numpy_status():
    Returns a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether NumPy
    is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if
    not installed).
    numpy_status = {}
        import numpy
        numpy_version = numpy.__version__
        numpy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version(
            numpy_version) >= parse_version(NUMPY_MIN_VERSION)
        numpy_status['version'] = numpy_version
    except ImportError:
        numpy_status['up_to_date'] = False
        numpy_status['version'] = ""
    return numpy_status 

Example 5

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 6

def unorm(data, ord=None, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    """Matrix or vector norm that preserves units

    This is a wrapper around np.linalg.norm that preserves units. See
    the documentation for that function for descriptions of the keyword

    The keepdims argument is ignored if the version of numpy installed is
    older than numpy 1.10.0.
    if LooseVersion(np.__version__) < LooseVersion('1.10.0'):
        norm = np.linalg.norm(data, ord=ord, axis=axis)
        norm = np.linalg.norm(data, ord=ord, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
    if norm.shape == ():
        return YTQuantity(norm, data.units)
    return YTArray(norm, data.units) 

Example 7

def check_min_versions():
    ret = True

    # pyaudio
    vers_required = "0.2.7"
    vers_current = pyaudio.__version__
    if StrictVersion(vers_current) < StrictVersion(vers_required):
        print("Error: minimum pyaudio vers: {}, current vers {}".format(vers_required, vers_current))
        ret = False

    # librosa
    vers_required = "0.4.3"
    vers_current = librosa.__version__
    if StrictVersion(vers_current) < StrictVersion(vers_required):
        print("Error: minimum librosa vers: {}, current vers {}".format(vers_required, vers_current))
        ret = False

    # numpy
    vers_required = "1.9.0"
    vers_current = np.__version__
    if StrictVersion(vers_current) < StrictVersion(vers_required):
        print("Error: minimum numpy vers: {}, current vers {}".format(vers_required, vers_current))
        ret = False

    return ret 

Example 8

def check(self):
            import dateutil
        except ImportError:
            # dateutil 2.1 has a file encoding bug that breaks installation on
            # python 3.3
            # hack around the problem by installing the (working) v2.0
            #major, minor1, _, _, _ = sys.version_info
            #if self.version is None and (major, minor1) == (3, 3):
                #self.version = '!=2.1'

            raise CheckFailed (
                    "could not be found")

        major, minor1, _, _, _ = sys.version_info
        if dateutil.__version__ == '2.1' and (major, minor1) == (3, 3):
            raise CheckFailed (
                    "dateutil v. 2.1 has a bug that breaks installation"
                    "on python 3.3.x, use another dateutil version")
        return "using dateutil version %s" % dateutil.__version__ 

Example 9

def check(self):
            import pyparsing
        except ImportError:
            raise CheckFailed(
                "could not be found")

        required = [1, 5, 6]
        if [int(x) for x in pyparsing.__version__.split('.')] < required:
            raise CheckFailed(
                "matplotlib requires pyparsing >= {0}".format(
                    '.'.join(str(x) for x in required)))

        if not self.is_ok():
            return (
                "Your pyparsing contains a bug that will be monkey-patched by "
                "matplotlib.  For best results, upgrade to pyparsing 2.0.1 or "

        return "using pyparsing version %s" % pyparsing.__version__ 

Example 10

def sanity_check_dependencies():
    import numpy
    import requests
    import six

    if distutils.version.LooseVersion(numpy.__version__) < distutils.version.LooseVersion('1.10.4'):
        logger.warn("You have 'numpy' version %s installed, but 'gym' requires at least 1.10.4. HINT: upgrade via 'pip install -U numpy'.", numpy.__version__)

    if distutils.version.LooseVersion(requests.__version__) < distutils.version.LooseVersion('2.0'):
        logger.warn("You have 'requests' version %s installed, but 'gym' requires at least 2.0. HINT: upgrade via 'pip install -U requests'.", requests.__version__)

# We automatically configure a logger with a simple stderr handler. If
# you'd rather customize logging yourself, run undo_logger_setup.
# (Note: this needs to happen before importing the rest of gym, since
# we may print a warning at load time.) 

Example 11

def check_biopython(raise_exception_on_fail=False):
    # Unpatched Bio.PDB requires md5, which was missing in PyMOL1.2/1.3
    # because its Python2.5 was not linked against OpenSSL libraries
    if not raise_exception_on_fail:
            import Bio.PDB, Bio, Bio.Phylo # Phylo was missing in PyMOL1.5
            from Bio.Align.Applications import ClustalwCommandline # This was missing in PyMOL 1.4.
            from Bio.Align.Applications import MuscleCommandline
            return Bio.__version__, Bio.__file__
            return "",""
        import Bio.PDB, Bio, Bio.Phylo
        from Bio.Align.Applications import ClustalwCommandline
        from Bio.Align.Applications import MuscleCommandline
        return Bio.__version__, Bio.__file__ 

Example 12

def test_nan_to_nat_conversions():

    df = DataFrame(dict({
        'A': np.asarray(
            lrange(10), dtype='float64'),
        'B': Timestamp('20010101')
    df.iloc[3:6, :] = np.nan
    result = df.loc[4, 'B'].value
    assert (result == iNaT)

    s = df['B'].copy()
    s._data = s._data.setitem(indexer=tuple([slice(8, 9)]), value=np.nan)
    assert (isnull(s[8]))

    # numpy < 1.7.0 is wrong
    from distutils.version import LooseVersion
    if LooseVersion(np.__version__) >= '1.7.0':
        assert (s[8].value == np.datetime64('NaT').astype(np.int64)) 

Example 13

def test_constructor_unsortable(self):

        # it works!
        arr = np.array([1, 2, 3,], dtype='O')
        factor = Categorical.from_array(arr, ordered=False)

        if compat.PY3:
                TypeError, lambda: Categorical.from_array(arr, ordered=True))
            # this however will raise as cannot be sorted (on PY3 or older
            # numpies)
            if LooseVersion(np.__version__) < "1.10":
                    lambda: Categorical.from_array(arr, ordered=True))
                Categorical.from_array(arr, ordered=True) 

Example 14

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 15

def print_versions():
    """Print the versions of software that numexpr relies on."""
    from pkg_resources import parse_version
    if parse_version(np.__version__) < parse_version(minimum_numpy_version):
        print("*Warning*: NumPy version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % \
              (np.__version__, minimum_numpy_version))
    print('-=' * 38)
    print("Numexpr version:   %s" % numexpr.__version__)
    print("NumPy version:     %s" % np.__version__)
    print('Python version:    %s' % sys.version)
    if == 'posix':
        (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname()
        print('Platform:          %s-%s' % (sys.platform, machine))
    print("AMD/Intel CPU?     %s" % numexpr.is_cpu_amd_intel)
    print("VML available?     %s" % use_vml)
    if use_vml:
        print("VML/MKL version:   %s" % numexpr.get_vml_version())
    print("Number of threads used by default: %d "
          "(out of %d detected cores)" % (numexpr.nthreads, numexpr.ncores))
    print('-=' * 38) 

Example 16

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 17

def get_scipy_status():
    Return a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether SciPy
    is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if
    not installed).
    scipy_status = {}
        import scipy
        scipy_version = scipy.__version__
        scipy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version(
            scipy_version) >= parse_version(scipy_min_version)
        scipy_status['version'] = scipy_version
    except ImportError:
        scipy_status['up_to_date'] = False
        scipy_status['version'] = ""
    return scipy_status 

Example 18

def get_numpy_status():
    Return a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether NumPy
    is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if
    not installed).
    numpy_status = {}
        import numpy
        numpy_version = numpy.__version__
        numpy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version(
            numpy_version) >= parse_version(numpy_min_version)
        numpy_status['version'] = numpy_version
    except ImportError:
        numpy_status['up_to_date'] = False
        numpy_status['version'] = ""
    return numpy_status 

Example 19

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 20

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 21

def test_choice(self):
        """Test that RandomStreams.choice generates the same results as numpy"""
        # numpy.random.choice is only available for numpy versions >= 1.7
        major, minor, _ = numpy.version.short_version.split('.')
        if (int(major), int(minor)) < (1, 7):
            raise utt.SkipTest('choice requires at NumPy version >= 1.7 '
                               '(%s)' % numpy.__version__)
        # Check over two calls to see if the random state is correctly updated.
        random = RandomStreams(utt.fetch_seed())
        fn = function([], random.choice((11, 8), 10, 1, 0))
        fn_val0 = fn()
        fn_val1 = fn()

        rng_seed = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed()).randint(2**30)
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(int(rng_seed))  # int() is for 32bit
        numpy_val0 = rng.choice(10, (11, 8), True, None)
        numpy_val1 = rng.choice(10, (11, 8), True, None)

        assert numpy.all(fn_val0 == numpy_val0)
        assert numpy.all(fn_val1 == numpy_val1) 

Example 22

def test_unique():
    """Test unique() replacement
    # skip test for np version < 1.5
    if LooseVersion(np.__version__) < LooseVersion('1.5'):
    for arr in [np.array([]), rng.rand(10), np.ones(10)]:
        # basic
        assert_array_equal(np.unique(arr), _unique(arr))
        # with return_index=True
        x1, x2 = np.unique(arr, return_index=True, return_inverse=False)
        y1, y2 = _unique(arr, return_index=True, return_inverse=False)
        assert_array_equal(x1, y1)
        assert_array_equal(x2, y2)
        # with return_inverse=True
        x1, x2 = np.unique(arr, return_index=False, return_inverse=True)
        y1, y2 = _unique(arr, return_index=False, return_inverse=True)
        assert_array_equal(x1, y1)
        assert_array_equal(x2, y2)
        # with both:
        x1, x2, x3 = np.unique(arr, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
        y1, y2, y3 = _unique(arr, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
        assert_array_equal(x1, y1)
        assert_array_equal(x2, y2)
        assert_array_equal(x3, y3) 

Example 23

def capture_frame(self, frame):
        if not isinstance(frame, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise error.InvalidFrame(
                'Wrong type {} for {} (must be np.ndarray or np.generic)'.format(type(frame), frame))
        if frame.shape != self.frame_shape:
            raise error.InvalidFrame(
                "Your frame has shape {}, but the VideoRecorder is configured for shape {}.".format(
                    frame.shape, self.frame_shape))
        if frame.dtype != np.uint8:
            raise error.InvalidFrame(
                "Your frame has data type {}, but we require uint8 (i.e. RGB values from 0-255).".format(frame.dtype))

        if distutils.version.LooseVersion(np.__version__) >= distutils.version.LooseVersion('1.9.0'):

Example 24

def get_scipy_status():
    Returns a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether SciPy
    is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if
    not installed).
    scipy_status = {}
        import scipy
        scipy_version = scipy.__version__
        scipy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version(
            scipy_version) >= parse_version(scipy_min_version)
        scipy_status['version'] = scipy_version
    except ImportError:
        scipy_status['up_to_date'] = False
        scipy_status['version'] = ""
    return scipy_status 

Example 25

def get_numpy_status():
    Returns a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether NumPy
    is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if
    not installed).
    numpy_status = {}
        import numpy
        numpy_version = numpy.__version__
        numpy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version(
            numpy_version) >= parse_version(numpy_min_version)
        numpy_status['version'] = numpy_version
    except ImportError:
        numpy_status['up_to_date'] = False
        numpy_status['version'] = ""
    return numpy_status 

Example 26

def _show_system_info(self):
        nose = import_nose()

        import numpy
        print("NumPy version %s" % numpy.__version__)
        relaxed_strides = numpy.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
        print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
        npdir = os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__)
        print("NumPy is installed in %s" % npdir)

        if 'scipy' in self.package_name:
            import scipy
            print("SciPy version %s" % scipy.__version__)
            spdir = os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)
            print("SciPy is installed in %s" % spdir)

        pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '')
        print("Python version %s" % pyversion)
        print("nose version %d.%d.%d" % nose.__versioninfo__) 

Example 27

def check_min_versions():
    ret = True

    # pyaudio
    vers_required = "0.2.7"
    vers_current = pyaudio.__version__
    if StrictVersion(vers_current) < StrictVersion(vers_required):
        print("Error: minimum pyaudio vers: {}, current vers {}".format(vers_required, vers_current))
        ret = False

    # librosa
    vers_required = "0.4.3"
    vers_current = librosa.__version__
    if StrictVersion(vers_current) < StrictVersion(vers_required):
        print("Error: minimum librosa vers: {}, current vers {}".format(vers_required, vers_current))
        ret = False

    # numpy
    vers_required = "1.9.0"
    vers_current = np.__version__
    if StrictVersion(vers_current) < StrictVersion(vers_required):
        print("Error: minimum numpy vers: {}, current vers {}".format(vers_required, vers_current))
        ret = False

    return ret 

Example 28

def test_timestamp_dictarray(self):
        if np.__version__ < "1.7": return
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b timestamp, c int)")

        dates = [datetime.strptime("2008-04-%02d 00:01:02"%i, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                 for i in range(1,11)]

        params = [ (i, dates[i-1], i) for i in range(1,11) ]
        npparams = [ (i, np.datetime64(dates[i-1]), i) for i in range(1,11) ]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b, c) values (?,?,?)", params)

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b, c from t1 order by a")
        rows = self.cursor.fetchdictarray()
        for param, row in zip(npparams, zip(rows['a'], rows['b'], rows['c'])):
            self.assertEqual(param[0], row[0])
            self.assertEqual(param[1], row[1])
            self.assertEqual(param[2], row[2]) 

Example 29

def test_timestamp_sarray(self):
        if np.__version__ < "1.7": return
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b timestamp, c int)")

        dates = [datetime.strptime("2008-04-%02d 00:01:02"%i, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                 for i in range(1,11)]

        params = [ (i, dates[i-1], i) for i in range(1,11) ]
        npparams = [ (i, np.datetime64(dates[i-1]), i) for i in range(1,11) ]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b, c) values (?,?,?)", params)

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b, c from t1 order by a")
        rows = self.cursor.fetchsarray()
        for param, row in zip(npparams, rows):
            self.assertEqual(param[0], row[0])
            self.assertEqual(param[1], row[1])
            self.assertEqual(param[2], row[2]) 

Example 30

def test_date_dictarray(self):
        if np.__version__ < "1.7": return
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b date, c int)")

        dates = [date(2008, 4, i) for i in range(1,11)]
        npdates = np.array(dates, dtype='datetime64[D]')

        params = [ (i, dates[i-1], i) for i in range(1,11) ]
        npparams = [ (i, npdates[i-1], i) for i in range(1,11) ]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b, c) values (?,?,?)", params)

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b, c from t1 order by a")
        rows = self.cursor.fetchdictarray()
        for param, row in zip(npparams, zip(rows['a'], rows['b'], rows['c'])):
            self.assertEqual(param[0], row[0])
            self.assertEqual(param[1], row[1])
            self.assertEqual(param[2], row[2]) 

Example 31

def test_date_sarray(self):
        if np.__version__ < "1.7": return
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b date, c int)")

        dates = [date(2008, 4, i) for i in range(1,11)]
        npdates = np.array(dates, dtype='datetime64[D]')

        params = [ (i, dates[i-1], i) for i in range(1,11) ]
        npparams = [ (i, npdates[i-1], i) for i in range(1,11) ]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b, c) values (?,?,?)", params)

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b, c from t1 order by a")
        rows = self.cursor.fetchsarray()
        for param, row in zip(npparams, rows):
            self.assertEqual(param[0], row[0])
            self.assertEqual(param[1], row[1])
            self.assertEqual(param[2], row[2]) 

Example 32

def test_time_sarray(self):
        if np.__version__ < "1.7": return
        self.cursor.execute("create table t1(a int, b time, c int)")
        N = 60
        times = range(N)
        nptimes = np.array(times, dtype='timedelta64[s]')

        params = [ (i, time(0, 0, times[i]), i) for i in range(N) ]
        npparams = [ (i, nptimes[i], i) for i in range(N) ]

        self.cursor.executemany("insert into t1(a, b, c) values (?,?,?)", params)

        self.cursor.execute("select a, b, c from t1 order by a")
        rows = self.cursor.fetchsarray()
        for param, row in zip(npparams, rows):
            self.assertEqual(param[0], row[0])
            self.assertEqual(param[1], row[1])
            self.assertEqual(param[2], row[2])

    # NULL values (particular values)

Example 33

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 34

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 35

def resolve_name(self, modname, parents, path, base):
        if modname is None:
            if path:
                mod_cls = path.rstrip('.')
                mod_cls = None
                # if documenting a class-level object without path,
                # there must be a current class, either from a parent
                # auto directive ...
                mod_cls = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:class')
                # ... or from a class directive
                if mod_cls is None:
                    mod_cls = self.env.temp_data.get('py:class')
                # ... if still None, there's no way to know
                if mod_cls is None:
                    return None, []
            # HACK: this is added in comparison to ClassLevelDocumenter
            # mod_cls still exists of class.accessor, so an extra
            # rpartition is needed
            modname, accessor = rpartition(mod_cls, '.')
            modname, cls = rpartition(modname, '.')
            parents = [cls, accessor]
            # if the module name is still missing, get it like above
            if not modname:
                modname = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:module')
            if not modname:
                if sphinx.__version__ > '1.3':
                    modname = self.env.ref_context.get('py:module')
                    modname = self.env.temp_data.get('py:module')
            # ... else, it stays None, which means invalid
        return modname, parents + [base] 

Example 36

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 37

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 38

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 39

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 40

def get_pandas_status():
        import pandas as pd
        return _check_version(pd.__version__, pandas_min_version)
    except ImportError:
        return default_status 

Example 41

def get_sklearn_status():
        import sklearn as sk
        return _check_version(sk.__version__, sklearn_min_version)
    except ImportError:
        return default_status 

Example 42

def get_numpy_status():
        import numpy as np
        return _check_version(np.__version__, numpy_min_version)
    except ImportError:
        return default_status 

Example 43

def get_scipy_status():
        import scipy as sc
        return _check_version(sc.__version__, scipy_min_version)
    except ImportError:
        return default_status 

Example 44

def get_h2o_status():
        import h2o
        return _check_version(h2o.__version__, h2o_min_version)
    except ImportError:
        return default_status 

Example 45

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 

Example 46

def test_valid_numpy_version():
    # Verify that the numpy version is a valid one (no .post suffix or other
    # nonsense).  See gh-6431 for an issue caused by an invalid version.
    version_pattern = r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(|a[0-9]|b[0-9]|rc[0-9])"
    dev_suffix = r"(\.dev0\+([0-9a-f]{7}|Unknown))"
    if np.version.release:
        res = re.match(version_pattern, np.__version__)
        res = re.match(version_pattern + dev_suffix, np.__version__)

    assert_(res is not None, np.__version__) 

Example 47

def _numpy_tester():
    if hasattr(np, "__version__") and ".dev0" in np.__version__:
        mode = "develop"
        mode = "release"
    return NoseTester(raise_warnings=mode, depth=1) 

Example 48

def test_rfft(self, xp, dtype):
        # the scaling of old Numpy is incorrect
        if np.__version__ < np.lib.NumpyVersion('1.13.0'):
            if self.n is not None:
                return xp.empty(0)

        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, xp, dtype)
        out = xp.fft.rfft(a, n=self.n, norm=self.norm)

        if xp == np and dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.complex64]:
            out = out.astype(np.complex64)

        return out 

Example 49

def test_rfft2(self, xp, dtype):
        # the scaling of old Numpy is incorrect
        if np.__version__ < np.lib.NumpyVersion('1.13.0'):
            if self.s is not None:
                return xp.empty(0)

        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, xp, dtype)
        out = xp.fft.rfft2(a, s=self.s, norm=self.norm)

        if xp == np and dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.complex64]:
            out = out.astype(np.complex64)
        return out 

Example 50

def msvc14_gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs):
    Patched "distutils._msvccompiler.gen_lib_options" for fix
    compatibility between "numpy.distutils" and "distutils._msvccompiler"
    (for Numpy < 1.11.2)
    if "numpy.distutils" in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        if LegacyVersion(np.__version__) < LegacyVersion('1.11.2'):
            return np.distutils.ccompiler.gen_lib_options(*args, **kwargs)
    return get_unpatched(msvc14_gen_lib_options)(*args, **kwargs) 