Python numpy.greater() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def eliminate_overlapping_locations(f, separation):
    """ Makes sure that no position is within `separation` from each other, by
    deleting one of the that are to close to each other.
    separation = validate_tuple(separation, f.shape[1])
    assert np.greater(separation, 0).all()
    # Rescale positions, so that pairs are identified below a distance of 1.
    f = f / separation
    while True:
        duplicates = cKDTree(f, 30).query_pairs(1)
        if len(duplicates) == 0:
        to_drop = []
        for pair in duplicates:
        f = np.delete(f, to_drop, 0)
    return f * separation 

Example 2

def peaks(spectra,frequency,number=3,thresh=0.01):
        """ Return the peaks from the Fourier transform
            number:     integer. number of peaks to print.
            thresh:     float. Threshhold intensity for printing.

            Returns: Energy (eV), Intensity (depends on type of spectra)

        from scipy.signal import argrelextrema as pks
        # find all peak indices [idx], and remove those below thresh [jdx]
        idx = pks(np.abs(spectra),np.greater,order=3)
        jdx = np.where((np.abs(spectra[idx]) >= thresh))
        kdx = idx[0][jdx[0]] # indices of peaks matching criteria
        if number > len(kdx):
            number = len(kdx)
        print("First "+str(number)+" peaks (eV) found: ")
        for i in xrange(number):

Example 3

def equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 == x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '==', True) 

Example 4

def not_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 != x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.not_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '!=', True) 

Example 5

def greater_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 >= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater_equal`, this comparison is performed by
    first stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.
    This behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>=', True) 

Example 6

def less_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 <= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.less_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '<=', True) 

Example 7

def greater(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 > x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>', True) 

Example 8

def build(self, input_shape):

        self.mask = np.ones(self.W_shape)

        assert mask.shape[0] == mask.shape[1]
        filter_size = self.mask.shape[0]
        filter_center = filter_size / 2

        self.mask[math.ceil(filter_center):] = 0
        self.mask[math.floor(filter_center):, math.ceil(filter_center):] = 0

        if self.mono:
            if self.mask_type == 'A':
                self.mask[math.floor(filter_center), math.floor(filter_center)] = 0
            op = np.greater_equal if self.mask_type == 'A' else np.greater
            for i in range(self.n_channels):
                for j in range(self.n_channels):
                    if op(i, j):
                        self.mask[math.floor(filter_center), math.floor(filter_center), i::self.n_channels, j::self.n_channels] = 0

        self.mask = K.variable(self.mask) 

Example 9

def _reset(self):
        """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode),
            self.mode = 'auto'
        if (self.mode == 'min' or
           (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
   = np.Inf
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
   = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4 

Example 10

def equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 == x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '==', True) 

Example 11

def not_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 != x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.not_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '!=', True) 

Example 12

def greater_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 >= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater_equal`, this comparison is performed by
    first stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.
    This behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>=', True) 

Example 13

def less_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 <= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.less_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '<=', True) 

Example 14

def greater(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 > x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>', True) 

Example 15

def image_series_summary(tag, imgs, max_timesteps=10):
    # take only 3 items from the minibatch
    imgs = imgs[:, :3]

    # assume img.shape == (T, batch_size, n_obj, H, W, C)
    # let's log only for 1st obj
    tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.rank(imgs), 6), lambda: imgs[:, :, 0], lambda: imgs)

    shape = (max_timesteps,) + tuple(imgs.get_shape()[1:])
    nt = tf.shape(imgs)[0]

    def pad():
        paddings = tf.concat(axis=0, values=([[0, max_timesteps - nt]], tf.zeros((len(shape) - 1, 2), tf.int32)))
        return tf.pad(imgs, paddings)

    imgs = tf.cond(tf.greater(nt, max_timesteps), lambda: imgs[:max_timesteps], pad)
    imgs = tf.squeeze(imgs)
    imgs = tf.unstack(imgs)

    # concatenate along the columns
    imgs = tf.concat(axis=2, values=imgs)
    tf.summary.image(tag, imgs) 

Example 16

def get_local_maxima(x, y):

    This function ...
    :param x:
    :param y:

    m = argrelextrema(y, np.greater)[0].tolist()

    # Find the index of the absolute maximum (should also be included, is not for example when it is at the edge)
    index = np.argmax(y)
    if index not in m: m.append(index)

    x_maxima = [x[i] for i in m]
    y_maxima = [y[i] for i in m]

    return x_maxima, y_maxima

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 17

def get_local_maxima(x, y):

    This function ...
    :param x:
    :param y:

    m = argrelextrema(y, np.greater)[0].tolist()

    # Find the index of the absolute maximum (should also be included, is not for example when it is at the edge)
    index = np.argmax(y)
    if index not in m: m.append(index)

    x_maxima = [x[i] for i in m]
    y_maxima = [y[i] for i in m]

    return x_maxima, y_maxima

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 18

def detect_peaks(hist, count=2):
    hist_copy = hist    
    peaks = len(argrelextrema(hist_copy, np.greater, mode="wrap")[0])
    sigma = log1p(peaks)
    print(peaks, sigma)
    while (peaks > count):
        new_hist = gaussian_filter(hist_copy, sigma=sigma)        
        peaks = len(argrelextrema(new_hist, np.greater, mode="wrap")[0])
        if peaks < count:
            peaks = count + 1
            sigma = sigma * 0.5
        hist_copy = new_hist
        sigma = log1p(peaks)
    print(peaks, sigma)
    return argrelextrema(hist_copy, np.greater, mode="wrap")[0] 

Example 19

def _reset(self):
	    """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
	    if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
	      logging.warning('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
	                      'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode))
	      self.mode = 'auto'
	    if (self.mode == 'min' or
	        (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
	      self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon) = np.Inf
	      self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon) = -np.Inf
	    self.cooldown_counter = 0
	    self.wait = 0
	    self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4 

Example 20

def preprocess_labels(label, number_slices):
    """Preprocess the labels to adapt them to the loss computation requirements
    Label corresponding to the input image (W,H) numpy array
    Label ready to compute the loss (1,W,H,1)
    labels = [[] for i in range(np.array(label).shape[0])]

    for j in range(np.array(label).shape[0]):
        if type(label) is not np.ndarray:
            for i in range(number_slices):
                labels[j].append(np.array([0][i]), dtype=np.uint8))

    label = np.array(labels[0])
    label = label.transpose((1, 2, 0))
    max_mask = np.max(label) * 0.5
    label = np.greater(label, max_mask)
    label = np.expand_dims(label, axis=0)

    return label 

Example 21

def class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss(output, label):
    """Define the class balanced cross entropy loss to train the network
    output: Output of the network
    label: Ground truth label
    Tensor that evaluates the loss


    labels = tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0.5), tf.float32)

    output_gt_zero = tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(output, 0), tf.float32)

    loss_val = tf.multiply(output, (labels - output_gt_zero)) - tf.log(
        1 + tf.exp(output - 2 * tf.multiply(output, output_gt_zero)))

    loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(labels, loss_val))
    loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(1.0 - labels, loss_val))

    final_loss = 0.931 * loss_pos + 0.069 * loss_neg

    return final_loss 

Example 22

def dice_coef_theoretical(y_pred, y_true):
    """Define the dice coefficient
        y_pred: Prediction
        y_true: Ground truth Label
        Dice coefficient

    y_true_f = tf.cast(tf.reshape(y_true, [-1]), tf.float32)

    y_pred_f = tf.nn.sigmoid(y_pred)
    y_pred_f = tf.cast(tf.greater(y_pred_f, 0.5), tf.float32)
    y_pred_f = tf.cast(tf.reshape(y_pred_f, [-1]), tf.float32)

    intersection = tf.reduce_sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)
    union = tf.reduce_sum(y_true_f) + tf.reduce_sum(y_pred_f)
    dice = (2. * intersection) / (union + 0.00001)

    if (tf.reduce_sum(y_pred) == 0) and (tf.reduce_sum(y_true) == 0):
        dice = 1

    return dice 

Example 23

def preprocess_labels(label, number_slices):
    """Preprocess the labels to adapt them to the loss computation requirements
    Label corresponding to the input image (W,H) numpy array
    Label ready to compute the loss (1,W,H,1)
    labels = [[] for i in range(np.array(label).shape[0])]  
    for j in range(np.array(label).shape[0]):
        if type(label) is not np.ndarray:
            for i in range(number_slices):
                labels[j].append(np.array([0][i]), dtype=np.uint8))
    label = np.array(labels[0])
    label = label.transpose((1,2,0))
    max_mask = np.max(label) * 0.5
    label = np.greater(label, max_mask)
    label = np.expand_dims(label, axis=0)

    return label 

Example 24

def class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss(output, label, results_liver):
    """Define the class balanced cross entropy loss to train the network
    output: Output of the network
    label: Ground truth label
    Tensor that evaluates the loss

    labels = tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0.5), tf.float32)

    output_gt_zero = tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(output, 0), tf.float32)
    loss_val = tf.multiply(output, (labels - output_gt_zero)) - tf.log(
        1 + tf.exp(output - 2 * tf.multiply(output, output_gt_zero)))
    loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(results_liver, tf.multiply(labels, loss_val)))
    loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(results_liver, tf.multiply(1.0 - labels, loss_val)))
    final_loss = 0.1018*loss_neg + 0.8982*loss_pos
    return final_loss 

Example 25

def preprocess_labels(label):
    """Preprocess the labels to adapt them to the loss computation requirements
    Label corresponding to the input image (W,H) numpy array
    Label ready to compute the loss (1,W,H,1)
    labels = [[] for i in range(np.array(label).shape[0])]  
    for j in range(np.array(label).shape[0]):
        if type(label) is not np.ndarray:
            for i in range(3):
                aux = np.array([j][i]), dtype=np.uint8)
                crop = aux[int(float(x_bb[j])):int((float(x_bb[j])+80)), int(float(y_bb[j])): int((float(y_bb[j])+80))]
    label = np.array(labels[0])
    label = label.transpose((1,2,0))
    label = label[:, :, ::-1]
    max_mask = np.max(label) * 0.5
    label = np.greater(label, max_mask)
    label = np.expand_dims(label, axis=0)

    return label 

Example 26

def iterate_until_button_press(buttons, game_state, text_ending_place, text_starting_place):
    # while a button was not clicked this method checks if mouse is in the button and if it is
    # changes its colour
    button_clicked = 0
    while button_clicked == 0:
        user_events =
        # the first button is the title which is unclickable, thus iterating from 1 to len(buttons)
        for num in range(1, len(buttons)):
            if np.all((np.less(text_starting_place[num] - config.menu_spacing, user_events["mouse_pos"]),
                       np.greater(text_ending_place[num] + config.menu_spacing, user_events["mouse_pos"]))):
                if user_events["clicked"]:
                    button_clicked = num
                        buttons[num][1], text_starting_place[num])
                    buttons[num][0], text_starting_place[num])
        if user_events["closed"] or user_events["quit_to_main_menu"]:
            button_clicked = len(buttons)-1
    return button_clicked 

Example 27

def equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 == x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '==', True) 

Example 28

def not_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 != x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.not_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '!=', True) 

Example 29

def greater_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 >= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater_equal`, this comparison is performed by
    first stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.
    This behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>=', True) 

Example 30

def less_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 <= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.less_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '<=', True) 

Example 31

def less(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 < x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '<', True) 

Example 32

def test_NotImplemented_not_returned(self):
        # See gh-5964 and gh-2091. Some of these functions are not operator
        # related and were fixed for other reasons in the past.
        binary_funcs = [
            np.power, np.add, np.subtract, np.multiply, np.divide,
            np.true_divide, np.floor_divide, np.bitwise_and, np.bitwise_or,
            np.bitwise_xor, np.left_shift, np.right_shift, np.fmax,
            np.fmin, np.fmod, np.hypot, np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2,
            np.logical_and, np.logical_or, np.logical_xor, np.maximum,
            np.minimum, np.mod

        # These functions still return NotImplemented. Will be fixed in
        # future.
        # bad = [np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.not_equal]

        a = np.array('1')
        b = 1
        for f in binary_funcs:
            assert_raises(TypeError, f, a, b) 

Example 33

def test_identity_equality_mismatch(self):
        a = np.array([np.nan], dtype=object)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', FutureWarning)
            assert_warns(FutureWarning, np.equal, a, a)
            assert_warns(FutureWarning, np.not_equal, a, a)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('error', '', FutureWarning)
            assert_raises(FutureWarning, np.equal, a, a)
            assert_raises(FutureWarning, np.not_equal, a, a)
            # And the other do not warn:
            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                np.less(a, a)
                np.greater(a, a)
                np.less_equal(a, a)
                np.greater_equal(a, a) 

Example 34

def test_minmax_func(self):
        # Tests minimum and maximum.
        (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d
        # max doesn't work if shaped
        xr = np.ravel(x)
        xmr = ravel(xm)
        # following are true because of careful selection of data
        assert_equal(max(xr), maximum(xmr))
        assert_equal(min(xr), minimum(xmr))

        assert_equal(minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3])
        assert_equal(maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9])
        x = arange(5)
        y = arange(5) - 2
        x[3] = masked
        y[0] = masked
        assert_equal(minimum(x, y), where(less(x, y), x, y))
        assert_equal(maximum(x, y), where(greater(x, y), x, y))
        assert_(minimum(x) == 0)
        assert_(maximum(x) == 4)

        x = arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
        x[-1, -1] = masked
        assert_equal(maximum(x), 2) 

Example 35

def validate(self, mb_inputs, mb_targets, mb_probs):
    sents = []
    mb_parse_probs, mb_rel_probs = mb_probs
    for inputs, targets, parse_probs, rel_probs in zip(mb_inputs, mb_targets, mb_parse_probs, mb_rel_probs):
      tokens_to_keep = np.greater(inputs[:,0], Vocab.ROOT)
      length = np.sum(tokens_to_keep)
      parse_preds, rel_preds = self.prob_argmax(parse_probs, rel_probs, tokens_to_keep)
      sent = -np.ones( (length, 9), dtype=int)
      tokens = np.arange(1, length+1)
      sent[:,0] = tokens
      sent[:,1:4] = inputs[tokens]
      sent[:,4] = targets[tokens,0]
      sent[:,5] = parse_preds[tokens]
      sent[:,6] = rel_preds[tokens]
      sent[:,7:] = targets[tokens, 1:]
    return sents

Example 36

def validate(self, mb_inputs, mb_targets, mb_probs):
    sents = []
    mb_parse_probs, mb_rel_probs = mb_probs
    for inputs, targets, parse_probs, rel_probs in zip(mb_inputs, mb_targets, mb_parse_probs, mb_rel_probs):
      tokens_to_keep = np.greater(inputs[:,0], Vocab.ROOT)
      length = np.sum(tokens_to_keep)
      parse_preds, rel_preds = self.prob_argmax(parse_probs, rel_probs, tokens_to_keep)
      sent = -np.ones( (length, 9), dtype=int)
      tokens = np.arange(1, length+1)
      sent[:,0] = tokens
      sent[:,1:4] = inputs[tokens]
      sent[:,4] = targets[tokens,0]
      sent[:,5] = parse_preds[tokens]
      sent[:,6] = rel_preds[tokens]
      sent[:,7:] = targets[tokens, 1:]
    return sents

Example 37

def equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 == x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '==', True) 

Example 38

def greater_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 >= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater_equal`, this comparison is performed by
    first stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.
    This behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>=', True) 

Example 39

def less_equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 <= x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.less_equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '<=', True) 

Example 40

def greater(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 > x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.greater`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    equal, not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '>', True) 

Example 41

def test_NotImplemented_not_returned(self):
        # See gh-5964 and gh-2091. Some of these functions are not operator
        # related and were fixed for other reasons in the past.
        binary_funcs = [
            np.power, np.add, np.subtract, np.multiply, np.divide,
            np.true_divide, np.floor_divide, np.bitwise_and, np.bitwise_or,
            np.bitwise_xor, np.left_shift, np.right_shift, np.fmax,
            np.fmin, np.fmod, np.hypot, np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2,
            np.logical_and, np.logical_or, np.logical_xor, np.maximum,
            np.minimum, np.mod

        # These functions still return NotImplemented. Will be fixed in
        # future.
        # bad = [np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less, np.less_equal, np.not_equal]

        a = np.array('1')
        b = 1
        for f in binary_funcs:
            assert_raises(TypeError, f, a, b) 

Example 42

def test_minmax_func(self):
        # Tests minimum and maximum.
        (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d
        # max doesn't work if shaped
        xr = np.ravel(x)
        xmr = ravel(xm)
        # following are true because of careful selection of data
        assert_equal(max(xr), maximum(xmr))
        assert_equal(min(xr), minimum(xmr))

        assert_equal(minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3])
        assert_equal(maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9])
        x = arange(5)
        y = arange(5) - 2
        x[3] = masked
        y[0] = masked
        assert_equal(minimum(x, y), where(less(x, y), x, y))
        assert_equal(maximum(x, y), where(greater(x, y), x, y))
        assert_(minimum(x) == 0)
        assert_(maximum(x) == 4)

        x = arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
        x[-1, -1] = masked
        assert_equal(maximum(x), 2) 

Example 43

def preprocess_labels(label):
    """Preprocess the labels to adapt them to the loss computation requirements
    Label corresponding to the input image (W,H) numpy array
    Label ready to compute the loss (1,W,H,1)
    if type(label) is not np.ndarray:
        label = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint8)
    max_mask = np.max(label) * 0.5
    label = np.greater(label, max_mask)
    label = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(label, axis=0), axis=3)
    # label = tf.cast(np.array(label), tf.float32)
    # max_mask = tf.multiply(tf.reduce_max(label), 0.5)
    # label = tf.cast(tf.greater(label, max_mask), tf.float32)
    # label = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(label, 0), 3)
    return label 

Example 44

def class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss(output, label):
    """Define the class balanced cross entropy loss to train the network
    output: Output of the network
    label: Ground truth label
    Tensor that evaluates the loss

    labels = tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0.5), tf.float32)

    num_labels_pos = tf.reduce_sum(labels)
    num_labels_neg = tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - labels)
    num_total = num_labels_pos + num_labels_neg

    output_gt_zero = tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(output, 0), tf.float32)
    loss_val = tf.multiply(output, (labels - output_gt_zero)) - tf.log(
        1 + tf.exp(output - 2 * tf.multiply(output, output_gt_zero)))

    loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(labels, loss_val))
    loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.multiply(1.0 - labels, loss_val))

    final_loss = num_labels_neg / num_total * loss_pos + num_labels_pos / num_total * loss_neg

    return final_loss 

Example 45

def class_balanced_cross_entropy_loss_theoretical(output, label):
    """Theoretical version of the class balanced cross entropy loss to train the network (Produces unstable results)
    output: Output of the network
    label: Ground truth label
    Tensor that evaluates the loss
    output = tf.nn.sigmoid(output)

    labels_pos = tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.float32)
    labels_neg = tf.cast(tf.less(label, 1), tf.float32)

    num_labels_pos = tf.reduce_sum(labels_pos)
    num_labels_neg = tf.reduce_sum(labels_neg)
    num_total = num_labels_pos + num_labels_neg

    loss_pos = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(labels_pos, tf.log(output + 0.00001)))
    loss_neg = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(labels_neg, tf.log(1 - output + 0.00001)))

    final_loss = -num_labels_neg / num_total * loss_pos - num_labels_pos / num_total * loss_neg

    return final_loss 

Example 46

def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', patience=0, verbose=0, mode='auto'):
        super(Callback, self).__init__()

        self.monitor = monitor
        self.patience = patience
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.wait = 0
        self.best_epoch = 0

        if mode == 'min':
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == 'max':
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if 'acc' in self.monitor:
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf 

Example 47

def handle_rolling(agg, granularity, timestamps, values, is_aggregated,
                   references, window):
    if window > len(values):
        raise exceptions.UnAggregableTimeseries(
            "Rolling window '%d' is greater than serie length '%d'" %
            (window, len(values))

    timestamps = timestamps[window - 1:]
    values = values.T
    shape = values.shape[:-1] + (values.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)
    strides = values.strides + (values.strides[-1],)
    new_values = AGG_MAP[agg](as_strided(values, shape=shape, strides=strides),
    return granularity, timestamps, new_values.T, is_aggregated 

Example 48

def infill_lines(idxs, idx_max):
    if len(idxs) == 0: 
        return np.array([])
    ends = np.array([i[[0,-1]] for i in idxs])
    ends = np.roll(ends.reshape(-1), -1).reshape(-1,2)
    if np.greater(*ends[-1]):
        ends[-1][1] += idx_max

    infill  = np.diff(ends, axis=1).reshape(-1) > 0
    aranges = ends[infill]
    if len(aranges) == 0:
        return np.array([])
    result  = np.vstack([pair_space(*i) for i in aranges])
    result %= idx_max
    return result 

Example 49

def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', mode='auto', verbose=0):
        super(BestWeight, self).__init__()
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.mode = mode
        self.best_weights = None
        self.verbose = verbose
        if mode == 'min':
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == 'max':
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if 'acc' in self.monitor:
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf 

Example 50

def equal(x1, x2):
    Return (x1 == x2) element-wise.

    Unlike `numpy.equal`, this comparison is performed by first
    stripping whitespace characters from the end of the string.  This
    behavior is provided for backward-compatibility with numarray.

    x1, x2 : array_like of str or unicode
        Input arrays of the same shape.

    out : ndarray or bool
        Output array of bools, or a single bool if x1 and x2 are scalars.

    See Also
    not_equal, greater_equal, less_equal, greater, less
    return compare_chararrays(x1, x2, '==', True) 